Bendix Bxfgs70-In-C 30627

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FlightSafety international

P.O. Box 12323 Airport Road Wichita. Ks. 07277 (310) 943·3214


the best safety device in any aircraft is a wen trained pilot


The Bendix FGS-70/CB70 Flight Guidance System (FGS) consists of an automatic pilot,
a flight director and a compass system. The system provides automatic flight control
through the automatic pilot to take over the exacting task of precise piloting in any wea-
ther, night or day. It can correct for minutely smaller attitude and course changes than
can be perceived by the human pilot. The flight director enables the pilot to manually
fly the plane with the computed precision of art automatic pilot. With the flight director
the pilot is relieved of the exacting task of correlating and interpreting a multiplicity of
instruments, leaving him free to apply his skills to maneuvering the aircraft. The com-
pass provides directional references for navigation between latitudes of 65 degrees North
and South.

The FGS-70 is configured to meet the operational requirements of business and executive
transports operating in the ATC environments and capabilities for making precision
VOR approaches to OFF-AIRLINE Airports. The system, both automatic pilot and flight
director, has been engineered and certified to the requirements for FAA CAT ll weather
minimums of 100 ft. ceiling and 1,200 ft. RVR landings at approved airports with quali-
fled pilots. The principal controls and indicators, and their functions, aredescribed in
relation to the system operation. Detailed explanations concerning the operation of the
system during some of the more common flight procedures are presented.

The procedures herein described should not be considered as limiting the possible uses of
the system, but rather are given to i!!ustrate the ease of management and versatility of
the FGS-70 in navigating and performing instrument approaches.

The automatic pilot function of the FGS-70 consists of a three axis stabilization system.
The basic modes of automatic operation are yaw damping, compass heading hold, and

pitch attitude hold. Pilot manual control is provided by the turn and pitch controllers on
the Autopilot Control Panel.

Guidance control functions in both automatic pilot and flight director are selected on the
Mode Control PaneL Modes of operation are; heading (HDG), enroute and approach navi-
gation (VOR), localizer (LOC), altitude hold (ALT), and glide slope (GS). Additional con-
figuration switches are provided for back course (BACK COURSE) and turbulence (TURB).

The pilot retains complete control of the FGS-70 at all times and can select any desired
mode of operation with the system switching providing automatic disconnect of incom-
patible functions. Flexibility of operation is provided, and through the Mode Control
Panel the autopilot and flight director can be used separately or combined for various
modes of operation.

The FGS-70/CB-70 Flight Guidance System is a combined autopilot-flight director and

compass system with common mode selection and computation. It is comprised of the
following component units:

o Attitude Director Indicator

e Horizontal Situation Indicator
e Autopilot Control Panel
e Mode Control Panel
e Gyro Slave Switches (2)
e Synchronization Indicators (4)
e AP/FD Command Computer
e AP Control Computer
e Compass Coupler
o Vertical Gyro
e Directional Gyro
e Rate Gyro
e Altitude Control Unit
e Dynamic Compensators (2)
e Motor Speed Control
e Surface Servos (3)
e Surface Servo Mounts (3)
e Rate of Turn Sensor
e Flux Gate Transmitter
e Magnetic Compensator

The controls and indicators located in the cockpit are of primary concern to the pilot. The
following shows these units and their functions.
Attitude Director

GyroWarning Flag
Mode Lights

Roll Attitude
Inde× FD Command
Speed Bars
Command Bar 0

Speed Reference
Command 15 1 Airplane Symbol
Warning Fla9 0 10

Attitude Sphere-
Radar Altitude
Blanking Mask
Rate Of S
5 5 -Radar
Turn Flag 00 ,

0 10 Altitude Bar
Rate Of --Flight Director
Turn Indicator-- -- Computer Flag
Slip Indicator

The Attitude Director Indicator (AD1) is the main flight instrument, it provides aircraft
attitude by a two color sphere read against a yellow fixed aircraft reference symbol and by
the roll attitude inde× at the top of the mask. Pitch graduations are marked on the sphere
and roll graduations (10° increments) are on the mask. Aircraft rate of turn (2 minute
turn), slip, radio altitude, and speed command are displayed around the perifery of the
unit. The flight director command bar is orange and is read in reference to the fixed
reference symbol Flight director and autopilot modal engage status is annunciated by
mode lights in the upper portion of the mask area.

At glide slope arm the patented Bendix Bullseye display is cycled into view displaying
localizer and glide slope raw data. The localizer and glide slope displacement are indi-
cated by a left-right and/or up-down movement of the bullseye respectively from the tail
display of the fixed aircraft reference. The outer ring for lateral movement is equivalent
to 25 microamps of localizer deviation and vertically to 75 microamps of glide slope de-
viation. Ring lights in the Bullseye annunciate outer marker (inner ring-blue), middle
marker (middle ring-amber) and decision height (outer ring-red).

Warning flags are displayed in the event of system malfunction. The instrument is inter-
nally lighted with the light level controlled from the cockpit instrument lighting controL
The mode lights and Buriseye ring lights intensity is controlled by the Mode Control
Panel PRS-TEST switch.
Attitude Director
Indicator (ADI)

he Attitude Director Indicator displays

arreraft attitude, computed roll and
pitch steering commands, and ILS
information through a Bendix exclu-
sive-the Bullseye Display.

The Bullseye, a significant develop-

ment in the technology for all weather
landing, concentrates in the center of
the indicator a display of expanded
-s localizer and glide slope information as
o-o raw data. The Bullseye automatically
e-o comes into view in less than one sec-
. . . . ond when the glide slope is engaged;
automaticany rotates out of view when
in go-around and cruise modes.

The Buffseye Display consists of a

three-dimensional cross pointer that
simulates the localizer and the glide
slope beams. The cross pointer mounts
in a recessed cone consisting of three
colored rings. The rings illuminate as
Outer the aircraft progresses down the ghd
Marker path and indicate aircraft positions at
Localizer the outer marker (blue), middle marker
Middle Reference (yellow), and Decision Height (red)
Glide Slope During the approach, when the fixed
Decision yellow dot in the centerof the instru-
Heigh Reference ment is in the vicinity of the Buliseye
cross pointer, the aircraft is positioned
correctly on the approach path. At
100 feet above runway altitude, when
the yellow dot is within the outer (red)
ring of the Buliseye it indicates the air-
craft is within FAA Category li ap-
proach limits and, therefore, may
continue to land.


Requirements call for the aircraft to be

within the confines of a window at
100 feet above runway altitude. This
Category]Iwindow is defined as ±75
microamps or 22 feet from glide slope
beam center and ±25 microamps in

Movement from the center position of

the Bullseye of one radius is ±75
microamps in glide slope and ±25
Sb .

microamps in localizer. Most important

is that, at 100 feet, movement of less
than one radius from the dot on the
fixed referenced tail is the indication LL ,
that Category ll window is achieved.
The outer circular red light at this mo"
ment, clearly indicates the relative
positions of the outer ring and the
fixed reference.

Three-Dimensional Sphere-The Flight Director Command Bars-

Attitude-Horizon Sphere moves Positioned by signals from the com-
against aircraft fixed reference to dis- puter to display integrated pitch and
play aircraft pitch and roll attitude, roll steering commands in the partic-
ular mode selected. Automatically
Aircraft Fixed Reference-Provides recessed out of view when flight direc-
a wings and tail symbol to display tor system is not in operation.
movement of the sphere in pitch and
roll attitudes. Aircraft Fixed Reference-When,
the command bar moves, pilot posi-
RollAttitudelndexes-Display tions the aircraft to align with the
actual roll attitude through movable fixed reference wings and taiL
index and fixed reference marks.
Shown above as 10 degrees right roll. Flight Director Warning Flag (FD)
-Displayed when command bar
Gyro Warning Flag-Displays that information is unreliable.
attitude information is reliable. This is
accomplished by servo loop monitor-

Inclinometer-Ball indicates slip or

skid condition of aircraft.
5c .


Speed Command-For the approach, Rate of Turn-Indication for rate of

an easily interpreted scale to display turn is situated on lower part of ADI.
speed command is located on the left Displacing one square represents 90
side of the indicator. The bar index degrees of tum per minute,
moves up and down against a fixed
scale and alignment with the center Rateof Turn Warning Flag (RT)-
indicates aircraft is at commanded air. Displayed when system power is off
speed. The bar is recessed out of view or inoperative due to system failure.
endno n un tokncoh ithe nAnn oc or Thse apprdipria e an-
operative for any reason'
particular mode of operation selected,
The above rilustration denotes the air
. Since the FGS-70 has automatic
switching in several modes of opera-
craft is faster than the command- tion, the annunciation updates the
pilot when this occurs. All lights illu-
Radar Altimeter-index moves ver- minated for illustration purposes only,
tically against a fixed scale to indicate
height during final phase of approach. GS ARM-System armed for auto-
At 220 feet the green cross hatched matic Glide Slope engage,
bug moves into view; shown above at
110 feet. When inoperative or during GS ENG-System has automatically
cruise over 1000 feet, the display is engaged Glide Slope,
masked out of view. VERT-Altitude Hold modo is
NAV-VOR or Localizer mode is
HDG-Heading mode is engaged.
GA-Go-Around mode is engaged.
BC-Back Course configuration has
been selected.
Situation Indicator

Lubber Line Heading Waming Flag


o ter DG

Cursor couas -Heading

TO Flag Cursor

Glide Nav Flag

Stope Bat Course
G de Slope-
Flag Fixed

se e

Reciprical Course

The Horizontal Situation Indicator (HSI) is the primary heading indication. Aircraft head-
ing is displayed on a large compass card reading against the lubber line. VOR/LOC de-
viation is displayed by the course deviation bar in the center of the unit and glide slope
deviation is displayed by a bar on the left. Each dot is equivalent to 75 microamps of

VOR/LOC course selection is provided by the COURSE set knob on the bottom left corner
of the unit. The course setting can be read with the green course cursor against the com-
pass card or by the digital course readout in the upper left corner.

Headingselection is provided by the HDG set knob in lower right corner, with the readout
made by the triangular orange heading cursor against the compass card.

DME distance readout, to the single mile, is displayed digitally in the upper right corner.
Associated flags confirm the validity status of the various systems. Internal lighting is
provided with control as for the ADI.
Horizontal Situation
Indicator (HSI)

Egg T 070 T 000 070

The Horizontal Situation Indicator pre- Compass Card Rotates with air- Course Cursor Inverted T cursor
seats aircraft displacement relative to craft from 0 to 360 degrees. Azimuth positioned on compass card by course
VOR radials, localizer, glide slope ring is graduated in 5-degree in- crank to select and display VOR or
beams, and conventionally presents crements. localizer beams. Rotates in set position
heading references. Preselect heading with compass card.
and preselect course knobs permit Lubber Line Markings-Fixed at e-
prass fore and aft positions.
o e oun e s u
rany oian tph
ired n o rd, knob for digital reference.
A DME counter displays distance to a Azimuth Markings-Fixed at 45,
station. 90, 270, and 315 degree bearings. Course Knob-Positions course
cursor and course counter. Simulta-
Aircraft Fixed References-These neously sets internal system reference
are fixed positions corresponding to for flight director commands in VOR
longitudinal axis of aircraft and lubber or localizer modes of operation.
edisor shDpe a onaf abredRo teDsn
placement needles
plays both angular and lateral dis-
placement for VOR localizer beam.
Heading Cursor-Triangular cursor
positioned on the compass card by Course Deviation Dots-Serve as
heading knob, to select and display displacement reference points for
preselect compass heading. Rotates in course deviation needle.
set position with compass card' To-From Flag-Two flags 180°
apaart. One a waye VOr om
Heading Knob-Positions heading
cursor. Simultaneously sets internal
system reference for flight director NAV Warning Flag-Displayed
commands in heading mode of opera- when NAV receiver is inoperable.
tion Glide Slope Bar-Displays displace-

Heading Flag-Displayed when

at from gi dee lo eMbLam It is in
compass system is off or headmg
indication is inoperative. Glide Slope Deviation Dots-
Serve as displacement reference points
for glide slope bar.
Control Panel

Indicated Air Speed Hold (IAS) ^ toPilot
Tum Control Knob Off Light Engage
The indicated airspeed existing et the (UP)
moment of engagement will be main-
tained. This mode is useful for most
efficient rate of climb through lower
alt de
old Mode (MACH)

Efficient climbs and precise descent

speeds can be maintained at higher
altitude with MACH hold mode. Data
from an air data source to the flight
computer provides the MACH number
reference existing at MACH hold

Yaw D mp
Pilot Control Whool Switch Engage

Pitch Wheel Engage Switch

It provides convenient finger-operated This is a three-position, center off,
pitch attitude rate control without over solenoid-held switch with mechanical
control. Aircraft rate is proportional to advantage to permit pilot override
wheel displacement and guards pre- when desired. Yaw Damping (DAMP)
vent accidental operation. When the alone or the complete autopilot (AP)
wheel is tumed and moved out of may be engaged separately.
detent, it disconnects the engaged
vertical mode.

Turn Knob

This knob allows full aircraft bank

maneuvers by rotating a quarter of a
turn in either direction. Pilot may rotate
knob full tum, and the aircraft will
limit bank to 7 degrees per second. The
knob straight up is in detent position,
and movement from this position will
disconnect any engaged lateral modes.
Dependent upon lateral mode config-
uration, when the knob is in detent,
compass heading is engaged.
Mode Control

Mode Light Switch

Flight Director Lateral Modes This is a three-position rotary switch

Engage Button that provides L (low), M (medium),
and H (high) intensity for the mode
status lights in the ADI and the lower
section of the mode select button lens.
Additionally, pressing the knob will
illuminate all mode lights for a bulb
FD HDG TURB UCKSE integrity test.
Altitude Hold (ALT HOLD)

e a Engagement of the altitude hold mode

GS permits the aircraft to maintain the
pressure altitude existing at the mo-
m mr
ON ment of selection. This mode can be
used with the lateral command modes.
In approach mode, altitude hold will
automatically disengage at glide slope

Light Dimmer
Growth Modes
engagement. In this mode the VERT
(vertical) light on the Attitude Director
Indicator wÍll annunciate.

Glide Slope (GS)

Flight Director Svvitch courses selected on the Horizontal Glide slope arm, capture, and gain
(FD-AR M/ENG) Situation Indicator (HSI). Flying programming are combined with loco,
through the VOR cone, the FGS-70
izer capture during the approach
Depressing this button will ARM the suppresses the unstable signal and Switchmg from glide slope ARM to
Flight Director if no lateraf modes have ENG is automatid at the appropriate
automatically captures course and
been selected. Selecting a lateral track outbound on desired radial. P.omt relative to the beam. Easy-on
mode, such as HDG and VOR/LOC cucuits allow smooth capture with
will immediately engage the system, mmimum overshooting. Desensttrza-
and the command bar will be displayed Turbulence (TURB) tion provfdes correct gain scheduling
on the Attitude Director indicator for the entire approach.
This switch provides the pilot with a
meea onfa retaable in Go-Around
Heading (HDG) un om r

The heading mode commands the air- movements of the aircraft during tur Pilots Pitch Command reference for
craft to capture and maintain the head bulence. Selection of TURB drops out Flight Director only.
ing set on the Horizontal Situation all other modes except heading (HDG)
Indicator (HSI). New headings may be and disconnectsall air data compensa This is a command bar attitude syn-
selected at any time and will result tion. chronization that is used in the Flight
in the aircraft turning to the new Director ADI. Pressing the synch
heading. Back Course (BC) button on the pilot's control yoke will
synchronize the command bar to the
VHF Omni Range (VOR/LOC) The back course configuration allows aircraft attitude at that moment, thus
utilization of back course approach establishing the pitch reference. Pitch
Selection of this mode furnishes procedures. Engaging the button synchronization is normally used with
automatic, engage, intercept and reverses the course error and localizer lateral modes except during glide
tracking of VOR radials or localizer signals for proper sensing. slope capture.

AP Trim Indicators e o' 'O O' 'O o'


Rudder Aileron Elevator

Three (3) AP Trim Indicators are provided, one for each surface actuator. These show the
system synchronization status prior to AP engage and servo force present during AP

Gyro Slave Selector LH GYRO SLAVE

Switches A O LH

The two (2) Gyro Slave Selector Switches are located on the left hand section of the
Pilot's instrument panel.

This is a two position manually actuated switch to select the Auto or Man Mode of
compass operation.

LH-RH Switch
This is a three position manually actuated switch with spring return to the center
position. Activation provides rapid course setting of the directional gyro.

Slaving Indicator 'o o'

p o
A slaving indicator is provided to verify synchronization of the No. 1 compass system.

Other Components
The other components of the system with the exception of the three surface servos
and the fluxgate transmitter with its magnetic compensator are mounted in the air-
craft's nose section. If more detail information is desired on these units, refer to the
Cessna aircraft manuals or the Bendix Maintenance Manuals.

General System Capabilities

e The AP can function independently of the FD.

e The FD can function independently of the AP.

e The AP and FD may be operated simultaneously, with the exception of the FD go-
around (GA) mode and the AP which are mutually exclusive.

e The deliberate disengagement of the FD or AP will have no effect on the remaining AP

or FD modes of operation existing at the instant of disengagement.

e The yaw damper of the FGS-70 is completely independent of the FD, and may be used
in conjunction with any mode of FD operation.

General Operational Capabilities


System Engagement -

Roll attitude ±30°

Pitch attitude ±20°

Control Limits-
Roll attitude 130° manual or command
Roll rate 17°/second or 4°/second depending on particular aircraft installation
Pitch attitude ±20° manual

Automatic Synchronization Accomplished
within three minutes of power on, when
the AUTO-MAN switch is in the AUTO position,
Fast Slaving Rate and Left-Right Course Set Rate ---
85°/MIN. minimum
Slow Slaving Rate -
1.5 to 3.5°/MIN.
Random Directional Gyro wander in MAN mode --

Accuracy -
i 1°

Modes of Operation

© Pitch attitude hold - maintains the aircraft to the pitch attitude existing at moment of
AP engagement, or maintains the pitch attitude existing at the moment the pitch con-
troller returns to detent, or disengagement of vertical mode.
O Compass heading hold maintains the aircraft on heading existingat AP engagement,

or return of turn controller to detent if bank angle is less than six degrees if this bank
angle is more than six degrees the aircraft will maintain heading existing when it
rolls down through six degrees, or disengagement of lateral mode.

O Roll Attitude rolls the aircraft to wings

level at engagement in conjunction with
compass heading hold.
O Turn Controller -
command aircraft turn rate proportional to controller rotation.

O Pitch Controller -
commands aircraft pitch rate proportional to controller movement.

Flight Director
O HDG (pre-requisite for FD ENG) -
commands to fly aircraft to and maintain heading
set on HSI heading cursor.

O Pitch attitude hold commands to fly aircraft at pitch attitude existing at engagement;

pitch attitude reference may be changed by flying aircraft to desired attitude and
pressing SYNC button on control wheel which will zero command bar to the existing
pitch attitude.

O GA (Go-Around) commands -
to roll aircraft to wings level and to climb to 7.5 degrees
nose up pitch attitude.

Autopilot/Flight Director

e HDG (Heading) turns the aircraft to and maintains the heading selected on the HSI.

New headings may be selected as rapidly as desired with smooth response.

O VOR captures and tracks the radial selected on the HSI.Automaticallyengages

at 1 dot deviation and corrects for crosswinds. Provides additional smoothing to
soften response during station passage. Provides automatic radial recapture when
course knob is rotated faster than 5°/sec. during station passage. Provides fast
radial recapture with flaps extended for VOR approach.

O LOC (Localizer) captures and tracks the Jocalizer beam selected on the NAV radio.

Automatically engages at 2 dots deviation and corrects for crosswinds. Compensates

for beam convergence by reducing system gain. Certified for FAA CAT ll performance.

O ALT (Altitude) maintains

altitude existing at moment of engagement. Engagement
can be made in climb or dive (up to 2,000 ft./min., overshoot approximately 10%
of rate of climb) and aircraft will be commanded to return to reference altitude.
Automatically compensates for CG, airspeed, etc., changes.

GS (Glide Slope) -
captures and fracks the glide slope beam in conjunction with LOC

mode. Compensates for beam convergence. Certified for FAA CAT ll performance.

e TURB (Turbulence) Reduces gain of AP and FD. Disables all modes except HDG and

GA, removes all air data compensation, and disconnects AP auto trim. Must be man-
ually disengaged by pressing switch.

e Back course -
configures system to make back course approach. Disables GS mode.

e NAV (Navigation Transfer) -

selects NAV 1 or 2 system inputs for AP/FD as desired.

e AUTO (Automatic slave) -
slaves the directional gyro to the Flux Gate Transmitter
for accurate heading reference on a long term basis when magnetic information
is reliable.

O MAN (Manual fast slave) disconnects

the directional gyro slaving from the mag-
netic reference and provides manual fast slaving thru the LH-RH switch. Gives ac-
curate short term heading reference when magnetic information is unreliable.

This procedure will familiarize the pilot with the operation of the CB-70 system.

1 No. 1 Compass AUTO

Select the AUTO position via the LH GYRO SLAVE AUTO-MAN switch.

With the application of ships ac power to the No. 1 Compass system via the follow-
ing right hand panel circuit breakers:
115 VAC CB-70 Compass 1A
26 VAC RMI-2 1A
the compass cards in the pilot s HSI and the copilot's RMI shall oscillate about the
magnetic compass heading, indicating the fast slaving of the directional gyro to
the magnetic compass heading.

The HDG flag on the HSI shall retract from view within sixty seconds and the slav-
ing indicator on the pilot's panel shall center within three minutes.

NOTE: If the synchronization indicator does not center within 3 minutes, fast
slaving may be recycled by moving the AUTO-MAN switch to MAN and back
to AUTO.

With the AUTO-MAN switch in the AUTO position, the course set function of the LH-
RH spring loaded center off switch is inhibited.

At the initiation and during fast slaving the FGS-70 AP/FD is automatically dis-
engaged and annunciated by the AP OFF light and the ADI FD flag.

2 No 1 Compass MAN
Positioning of the AUTO-MAN switch to MAN utilizes the directional gyro as
the heading reference and provides a means via the LH-RH switch to rapidly course
set the compass cards on the HSI and copilot's RMI right or left respectively to the
desired heading.

As during fast slave, the course setting of the directional gyro disengages the AP/FD
wíth its same annunciation.


This procedure will familiarize the pilot with the operation of the FGS-70 system.

1 Initial Conditions
o Ensure that operating power is being supplied to all systems, that the vertical gyro
is enacted, the compass system is slaved, and that all appropriate warning flags are
out of view.

O Ensure that the NAV switch is in the NAV #1 position. (For NAV #2 checks, the co-
pilot course indicator provides the HOG and COURSE inputs).

2 Lighting

e Depress the PRS.TEST button on the Mode Control Panel to illuminate all Mode
Control Panel and ADI annunciator lights. Simultaneously, the ADI Bullseye
will cycle into view with its three ring fights illuminated.

Do not hold for longer than five (5} seconds.

e Depress the FD button to arm FD and depress the HDG button to engage HDG. The
FD "ENG" will annunciate, HOG "ON" will annunciate, and the HDG mode light
will annunciate on the ADI.

e Rotate the Mode Control Panel light dimmer knob to change the intensity of the
light. Light intensity increases in three steps in a clockwise direction from L
(low) to M (medium) to H (high).

3 Autopilot Engage
Check to see that all control surfaces are free and clear.

With the TURN CONTROLLER on the AP control panel out of detent, move the engage
switch to AP to ensure that AP engagement cannot be made; then return the controller to
detent. With the rudder bar on the trim indicator centered, move the engage switch to
YAW DAMPER and check for servo resistance on the rudder pedals. Disengage the
damper by depressing the AP/TRIM disconnect switch on the pilot's control wheel. The
engage switch will return to the center, OFF, position. With all three trim indicator bars
centered, move the engage switch tothe AUTO PILOT position, check for servo resistance
in all three axis, and then depress the AP disconnect switch on the co-pilot's control
wheeL The engage switch will return to the center, OFF, position and aircraft controls
will be free.

4 AP Disengagement

The various means of autopilot disengagement and the associated AP OFF warning
annunciators may be tested as follows:



Pilot's will sound On for 1 Off
Disconnect Switch for Second
1 sec.

Co-Pilot's AP will sound On for 1 Off

Disconnect Switch for Second
1 sec.

Pilot's Electrical will sound On for 1 On

Trim Switch for Second
1 sec.

Throttle Go-Around will sound On for 1 On

Switch (If FD Armed/ for Second
Engaged) 1 sec.

Control Panel will sound On Steady On

Engage Switch for
1 sec.

Inverter Switch will sound On Steady On

1 sec.

AP/FD Command & will sound On Steady On

Control Circuit for
Breakers 1 sec.

Depressing the autopilot disconnect switch on either control wheel will extinguish either
or both of the AP OFF warning lights.

5 Autopilot Overpower Tests

With the AP engaged, apply manual force to overpower the AP servos in each a×is.
Note the movement of the trim indicator bars, which should be opposite to the di-
rection of the overpower force. IJpon releasing the applied force the displaced control
shall return to neutral. To check automatic trim, move the aircraft control column to
the rear (overpowering the servo). The aircraft elevator trim wheel will rotate for-
ward (nose down). Reverse the column force and the elevator trim wheel will ro-
tate aft (nose up). If the force is held for approximately 30 seconds, the AP will

6 Autopilot Manual Control (Autopilot Engaged)

Rotate the AP control panel Turn Controller clockwise. The aircraft control wheels
will turn clockwise. Return the Turn Controller to detent. (if the Turn Controller
remains displaced the control wheel will rotate to its stop and will not be centered
with the return of the Turn Controller to detent). Repeat the procedure in a counter-
clockwise direction. Rotate the AP control panel Pitch Controller in the down direc-
tion. The aircraft control columns wit\ move forward (if the Pitch Controller is held
in the forward position the control column will slowly move to the forward limit).
Release the Pitch Controller which will return to detent. Repeat the procedure for
up direction.

7 Altitude Interlock (Autopilot Engaged)

Depress the ALT button on the Mode control panel to engage the altitude mode. The
mode button will annunciate "ON" and the "VERT" annunciator on the ADI will
light. Rotate the AP control panel pitch controller from detent. The ALT button will
disengage and control authority will be returned to the control panel pitch controller.
Check by rotating the pitch controller for forward control column movement and for
aft control column movement.

8 Heading (Autopilot Engaged)

A. Flight Director OFF
Rotate the heading cursor on the HSI five (5) degrees clockwise or counter-
clockwise of aircraft heading. Engage the heading mode by depressing the HDG
button on the Mode Control Panel. The switch will annunciate ON, the HDG an-
nunciator on the ADI will light and the aircraft control wheels will turn in the
same direction as the heading displacement. Disconnect the AP, recenter the con-
trol wheel, and reset the heading cursor to the aircraft heading.
B. Flight Director ARM
Arm the FD by depressing the FD button on the Mode Control Panel. Repeat para-
graph A above. With the engaging of the HDG mode the command bar will ap-

pearon the ADI displaying a roll command in the direction of the heading cursor.
The FD button annunciator will go from ARM to ENG. The AP response will be the
same as ín paragraph A above.

9 VOR (Autopilot Engaged -

HDG Engaged)
A. Flight Director OFF
Select a local VOR frequency on the navigational receiver. Rotate the course
cursor on the HSI to aircraft heading and note the displacement of the course de-
viation bar. If the bar displacement is greater than a one dot deviation (75µa),
pressing the VOR/LOC button will arm the VOR mode and light the ARM portion
of the VOR/LOC button. The NAV annunciator on the ADI will light. The heading
switch and its ADI HDG annunciation will remain illuminated and engaged and no
control wheel rotation will occur. If the bar displacement is less than a one dot
deviation (<75µa), pressing the VOR/LOC button will engage the VOR mode and
light the ENG portion of the VOR/LOC button. The HDG button will disengage,
the ADI HDG annunciator will go out and the aircraft control wheel will rotate in
response to the course deviation bar displacement. Rotation of the AP Control
Panel Turn Controller will disengage all lateral modes and their associated ADI
annunciation. The aircraft control wheel will rotate in the direction commanded
by the turn controller. Return the turn controller to detent.

B. Flight Director ENG

Repeat paragraph A above with FD ENG. If the VOR/LOC button indicates ARM
when pressed no movement of the ADI command bar will occur, if the VOR/LOC
button indicates ENG when pressed, the ADI command bar will respond to the
HSI course deviation bar displacement by commanding a roll in the direction of
the HSi bar displacement. AP response will be the same as in paragraph A.

10. LOC (Autopilot Engaged -

HDG Engaged)
A. Flight Director OFF
With the HSI course cursor still at aircraft heading, select a local localizer fre-
quency and note the displacement of the course deviation bar.

If the localizer displacement is greater than two dots deviation (>145µa),

pressing the VOR/LOC button will arm LOC mode and light the ARM portion of
the VOR/LOC button. The NAV annunciator on the ADI will light. The HDG but-
ton plus it's ADI annunciator will remain engaged and illuminated and no con-
trol wheel rotation will occur.

If the localizer displacement is less than two dots deviation (<145µa), pressing
the VOR/LOC button will engage LOC mode and light the ENG portion of the
VOR/LOC button. The HDG button will disengage, the ADI HDG annunciator
will go out, and the aircraft control wheel will rotate in response to the HSI course
deviation bar displacement.*

B. Flight Director ENG

Repeat paragraph A above with FD ENG. If the VOR/LOC button indicates ARM
when pressed no movement of the ADI command bar will occur. If the VOR/LOC
button indicates ENG when pressed, the ADI command bar will respond to the
deviation bar displacement by commanding a roll in the direction of the bar

AP response will be the same as in paragraph A.

*{This is a functional
check and the roll command may not always be coincident
with the course deviation bar displacement as this is dependent upon the air-
craft's location and heading on the airport relative to localizer course).

11 Glide Slope Autopilot & Hdg Engaged, Loc Armed/Engaged)

The GS mode may be armed anytime after the LOC mode is armed. As a function of
GS ARM, the Bullseye display will rotate into view on the ADI. The Bullseye moves
as a function of raw data laterally to show localizer displacement and vertically to
show glide slope displacement.

A. Flight Director OFF

Engage ALT mode. Note the displacement, if any, of the glide slope bar on the
HSI. Press the GS button on the Mode Control Panel. If the GS displacement is
greater than Ve dot (>10µa), the GS button and ADI annunciator will annunci-
ate ARM. If less than Ve dot (<10µa), they will annunciate ENG. The ALT mode
wiH disengage with the aircraft control column responding to the glide slope
With ALT ON and GS ARMED, rotating the pitch controller from detent will dis-
connect ALT mode (GS remains ARMED). When GS is engaged, rotating pitch
controller will disengage GS mode, in either case LOC remains engaged.
Rotating the control panel turn controller will disengage both the localizer and
the glide slope modes. The aircraft control wheels will respond to the turn con-
troller command,

B. Flight Director ENG (Autopilot & HDG Engaged, Loc

Armed/Engaged and Alt. Engaged)

If the GS button indicates ARM when pressed no movement of the ADI command
bar will occur. If the GS button indicates ENG when pressed, the ADI command
bar will respond to the glide slope bar displacement via a pitch command in the
direction of the bar displacement and the ALT mode will disengage. Rotating the
pitch controller from detent, with the GS ARM annunciated, will disengage the
ALT mode only, GS remains ARMED. With GS ENG annunciated rotating the pitch

controller will disengage the GS mode thereby removing the GS command from
the flight director command bars. The command bars are then commanding pitch
attitude and LOC computed command. Rotation of the control panel turn con-
troller will cause the command bar to be positioned out of sight.

AP response will be the same as in paragraph A.

12 Go-Around (Autopilot Engaged)

A. Flight Director OFF
Activation of the go-around switch on the left throttle will not disengage the

B. Flight Director ARM/ENG

Activation of the go-around button will disengage the autopilot, position the com-
mand bars to wings level and go-around nose up pitch attitude. The GA mode is
also annunciated on the ADI.

13 Back Course Configuration (Autopilot Engaged)

A. Flight Director OFF
Rotate the heading cursor on the HSI to the aircraft heading. Engage the HDG
mode by pressing the HDG button on the Mode Control Panet The HDG button
shall annunciate ON and the ADI HDG annunciator shall light. With the HSI
course cursor set at aircraft heading, select a localizer frequency and note the
displacement of the HSI course deviation bar. Engage the back course configura-
tion by pressing the BACK COURSE button on the Mode Control Panel. The switch
shall hold in, annunciate ON, and the ADI BC annunciator shall light.

If the angular localizer displacement noted above is greater than two dots de-
viation (>145µa), depressing the VOR/LOC button will arm and light the
ARM portion of the VOR/LOC button. The NAV annunciator on the ADI will light.
The HDG button and the ADI HDG annunciator will remain illuminated and en-
gaged and no movement of the control wheel will occur.

If the angular localizer displacement is less than two dots deviation (<l454a),
depressing the VOR/LOC button will engage and light the ENG portion of the
VOR/LOC button. the HDG button will disengage, the ADI HDG annunciator will
go out and the control wheel will respond to the HSI course deviation bar

Engage the ALT mode, it shall hold, indicate ON and be annunciated by the VERT
light on the ADI. Attempt to ARM/ENG glide slope by depressing the GS button
on the Mode Control Panel, it should not hold in or be illuminated.

After back course is used for localizer guidance, the mode is automatically dis-
engaged by the selection of any of the following: the HDG mode, the TURB mode,
rotation of the turn controller or the retuning of the NAV receiver.

B. Flight Director ARM/ENG

Repeat paragraph A for FD ARM/ENG. If the VOR/LOC button indicates ARM
when pressed no movement of the command bars will occur. If the VOR/LOC
button indicates ENG when pressed, the command bars will respond to the HSI
course deviation bar displacement,*

AP response will be the same as in paragraph A.

*This is a functional
check and the roll command may not always be coinci-
dent with the course deviation bar displacement as this is dependent upon the air-
craft's location and heading on the airport relative to the localizer course).

14 Turbulence
With the AP engaged, depress the TURB button on the Mode Control Panel. Rotate the
turn controller clockwise. Note the clockwise rotation of the aircraft's control wheel
and press the TURB button to off. The wheel will rotate further clockwise as a
result of TURS off. Return the turn controller to detent and disengage AP,

After completing check, reset aircraft's elevator trim tab.

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