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The Valve Amplifier:

Biasing a Push-Pull Output Stage


February 15, 2021

Output Valve Plate Dissipation
Note: Valve amplifiers use extremely high voltages. This is not to be used as an
instruction or how-to manual, simply for reading interest or education purposes.
Fretronics Engineering does not accept any responsibility for any injuries caused herein.
If you have not been formally trained in working with high voltage, do not attempt this
yourself and consult a qualified technician.
Output valves in a valve amplifier must be biased in order to operate correctly. This docu-
ment will detail various methods of calculating the bias of a valve and setting it accordingly.
The bias voltage - the difference in voltage of the cathode and control grid - has two different
methods of biasing: fixed bias or cathode biased. In fixed bias, the grid voltage is adjusted
where as in cathode biased amps, the cathode resistor value is altered to change the cathode
The bias is made by setting the plate dissipation of a vacuum valve to a safe level. For a
push-pull (Class A/B) fixed bias, the maximum safe level is at 70% of the valve’s specified
maximum plate dissipation. For single ended (Class A) this can be pushed further to 85%.
The plate dissipation can be dropped to down to 60% of the maximum (or even lower) to extend
valve life - but this is does alter the sound. Below in Table 1 are the plate dissipation of common
output valves:

Valve Type Maximum Plate Dissipation 70% Plate Dissipation 50% Plate Dissipation
6L6 GT / 5881 19W 13.3W 11.4W
6L6 GC 30W 21W 18W
6V6 12W 8.4W 7.2W
EL34 25W 17.5W 15W
EL84 12W 8.4W 7.2W

Table 1: Output Valve Plate Dissipation

These are the values that are to be obtained to ensure the valves are biased correctly. The
formula for plate dissipation is given below, where plate dissipation is Wp (W), plate voltage is
Vp (V) and plate current is I p (A):
Wp = Vp × I p (1)

Methods of determining the bias

Cathode Resistor Method
For an amplifier is cathode biased or has 1Ω bias setting resistors, the bias can be found by
measuring the voltage drop across the cathode resistor, VC . The cathode current, IC , can then be
given as:
IC = (2)
The plate current, I p , can be calculated as approximately IC less about 5% screen current. Mea-
suring the plate voltage less the voltage drop across the cathode, Vpc = Vp − Vc , the plate dis-
sipation, Wp , can then be calculated from equation 1, substituting Vp for Vpc . Note: if there are
multiple valves sharing a cathode resistor, the plate current is divided by the number of valves
to give the plate current per valve. Measure the resistor’s value with the amplifier off.

Figure 1: Cathode bias

Transformer Resistance Method

This method uses the voltage drop across the transformer’s windings to calculate the power
dissipation in the valve.
The first step is to calculate the voltage drop across each half of the winding, Vd1 & Vd2 . Firstly,
turn the amp on and allow everything to warm up. The measurement can be done by either
measuring directly across the winding, from the plate of each valve +Vp to the centre tap +Vct ,
or by measuring +Vct to ground and then +Vp to ground and subtracting.
Next, turn the amp off and discharge the capacitors. Then measure the resistance of each wind,
from the centre tap to each plate (R1 & R2 ). Using Ohm’s law the current for each half of the
winding can then be calculated as:
Ip = (3)
Again, using equation 1, the plate dissipation can be found.

Figure 2: Measuring the transformer

Transformer Shunt Method
The final method of measuring the bias is using the transformer shunt method. Two multimeters
are required for this, one measuring DC current in mA and one measuring the DC voltage.
Measure the plate voltage of the valve as before. At the same time, also measure the current
between the plate I plate and the centre tap of the transformer Ict to give I p . This can then be used
to calculate the plate dissipation by equation 1:

Wp = Vp × I p

Do this for either side of the winding of the transformer.

Figure 3: Transformer Shunt Method

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