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Unit V, Lesson 25

25. Telephone Techniques

the first
ish Course. lesson
s of
the fifth unit in the
Englis This unit
this lesson you will
will help you focus onCommunication Techniques ll, Part B
learn the basics
your speaking andind listening skills. In
banking. tele le-conferencing
of business is conducted with
and telephone etiquette.
tele-commuting are
te. Terms such as tele
the becoming
ng more common. A lot
S important part of Business help of the telephone. Acquiring iring skills in this areea
25.0 Objectives
By the end of this unit you will:
Understand the basics of telephone
Identify the various stages of a etiquette
Learn some sample conversation
phrases and words that may be
purposes during the course of a used for specific
Learn some tips on telephonic conversation
how to:
o conduct a telephone conversation
o answer the phone
make calls
o end conversations
o deal with difficult phone calls

25.1 Introduction
Often, the first contact people have with you is the
probably form a lasting impression of you
over phone. They will
on the basis of that
You make an impression
every time you make or receive a telephone call.
With the kind of interaction you have with the caller or the
person you have
called, that person is able to tell much about you and the company
represent. The way you present yourself over the phone is determined by
your voice and telephone manners. Consequentily, the impression that you
make may be favourable or unfavourable

Usually, making a good first impression on the phone will not be a problem,
especially when you get pleasant callers requesting information from your
office. When callers get the information they request, they are appreciative.
However, there are other times when callers may not be quite so well-
mannered. The callers may be quite rude and unpieasant. Fortunately, with a
litte tact and attention to what you say and now you say it, you can use the
phone as an effective tool in getting, and Keeping, cooperation and goodwil.

COS 202B Unit V, Lesson 25

This lesson will help you learn the basics of Telephone Etiquette and how you
may handle different types of calls
To make the most of this reading material it is recommended that you pay
to the theory part of this lesson. Understand every point and
try to attention
close practice saying the suggested words and phrases over and over to

yourself. The more you practice, the easier you will find it to speak on the
phone in a pleasant way that does not exhaust you.

25.2 Telephone Etiquette

25.2.1 Good Telephone Habits for Everyone
Telephone Conversations are a part of effective communication in the office.
Whether you are answering the phone or making phone calls, proper etiquette
is a.must in order to maintain a certain level of professionalism. Proper
etiquette leaves callers with a favorable impression of you. You will also find
that others treat you with more respect and are willing to go out of their wayto
assist you if you do so.

Etiquette is the proper way to behave in a particular setting. Since a person's

first impression of you may be from a conversation you have over the
telephone, it is important to follow the rules of proper telephone etiquette. For
example, smile when you talk. Now, you may ask the question.. Why smle?
Can you hear a smile? Absolutely! A cheerful disposition is always transmitted
over the telephone. Additionally, a positive outlook at your end of the
telephoneline is the best way to deal with all kinds of calls, including the ones
with complaints!
25.2.2 Stages of Conversation

Most phone calls follow a particular pattern of stages. Although conversation

flows easily and quickly from one stage to the other, the specific stages can
be easily identified. The stages usually occur with the caller taking the lead.
They are as follows

1. The Opening Stage consists of the greeting.

2. The Warming-up Stage is the stage when you (the caller) state whom you
would like to speak with. This is also the stage when you could state who you
3. The third stage is where you actually state why you are calling. This is called
the Giving the Message Stage.
4. The next stage occurs as you begin to end the conversation. It is kFown as
the Rounding-off Stage.
5. The final stage is called The Closing Stage. It is the stage where you bring the
conversation to a close.

cOs 2028 Unit V, Lesson 25

Stages ofa Conversation:

Warming Giving the
up message

The table given below gives examples of phrases and the possible responses
to the phrases that
may be used during the different stages of conversation.
Opening Good Morning / Evening / Afternoon Good Morning/Evening
Hello Afternoon/ Hello
This is May I knovw who's calling.
Warming up May I please speak with...? Please hold on for a minute.
P'Il transfer your call.

I'm fine thank you. And

Howare you? you?
Giving the message I'm calling about.. P'm sorry she's / he's not
available/ in the office
today / just stepped out for
a moment.

Would you like to leave a

May I leave a message for... ? No problem. l'l give him/
her the message.
Rounding off Thank you so much. You are welcome.

That's great Thank you for calling.

| Alright/ Fine/OK. OK/ Right / Fine

Ilook forward to seeing / meeting Me too.

Closing Goodbye. Goodbye.
See you later. Yes, Bye.

COs 202B3
Unit V, Lesson 25

25.2.3 Answering Your Phone

procedures that need to be' followed when
certain a answering
e s s phone call. Try to follow them to present a courteous and an I care
Answer your calls within three
rings (if possible).
.AWays identify yourself (or your office/ organisation) when you answer the
phone. For example, "This is
3. Speak in a
pleasant tone.
4. Learn to listen
actively without
5. When you are Out of the officeinterrupting.
or away from your desk for more than a few
minutes, forward your phone calls to voicemail.
6. Use the hold button when leaving a line so that the caller does not

accidentally overhear conversations being held nearby.

. l f the caller is making a long-distance call, there may be a sense of urgency
on his/her part. You will need to respect the urgency and be extra careful to
get the message properly. If necessary and warranted, you can either promise
to call him/her later or ask him/her to call after 'some time, by when you will
have the particulars ready.
8. If the caller has reached a wrong number, be courteous and helpful. It may be
possible that the caller has been transferred to you by accident. Additionally
the caller may have already been transferred to several people before you get
the cal. He/she nay be frustrated by this sequence of events. If possible, take
the time to find out where they should be calling/to whom they should be
speaking. The caller will definitely appreciate it.
9. Some organisations have printed formats containing all essential headings for
easy jotting down of messages pertaining to calls received. Use them.

25.2.4 Making Calls

There are certain procedures that need to be followed when making business
phone calls. By following them, you increase your chance of prompt and
courteous service and response to your requests.

Prior to making a business call, it would be a good idea to jot down what you
want to say (relating to the 'message' or purpose' stage). This will ensure
clarity, sequence and avoid rambling and repetition.
1. Try to follow the stages of conversation.
2. Be brief and to the point.
3. First identify yourself. For example, "This is
4. If need be, you may ask whom you are speaking with after you identify
yourself, "Thisis With whom am I speaking?"
5. Always state the purpose of the communication.
6. If you have reached a wrong number, say: "Im sorry; I must have the
number. Please excuse the interruption." You should then end the call
cos 202B
Unit V, Lesson 26

7. If you told a
person you would call at a certain time, call them
promised. If you need to as you
delay the conversation, call to postpone t,
Dut oo
make the other person wait for
your cal.
8. Make sure you leave a number or a message for someone to call you back
that is what you want them to do.
9. Hold the telephone properly. Keep vour lips about % to 1 inch from tne
mouthpiece. Pronounce letters, numbers, and names clearly. Spell out nanes
they could be misunderstood.

25.2.5 How to End Conversations Gracefully

Sometimes conversation
a may extend longer than you wish. are
several ways that you can end a long phone call without having to make up a
story or sounding rude:

1. Leave the conversation open.

2. Promise to finish your discussion at another time.
3. End on an "up" note. (The person you have been talking with must put
the phone on a positive note.)
with him/her.
4. Let the person know how much you have enjoyed speaking
have enjoyed the
However, this should be done only if you feel you really
conversation. Remember that people can sense sincere as well as "put-on

feelings. the other person, you should

are honest and polite with
5. As long as you
the phone.
have any problems getting off the
and replace the receiver gently. It is usually
6. Say "good-bye" cheerfullywho should end the conversation.
the call
person who made

Difficult Phone Calls

25.3 Dealing with
This is whenn
deal with difficult phone calls.
Sometimes you may
need to people
about. Often, irritated or angry
to complain resort to
s o m e o n e has something at hand. They may
focused on the topic Responding to
have difficulty keeping not polite or pleasant.
language that is This section
swearing and using m a n n e r is
neither wise nor beneficial.
a similar
such callers in such calls.
how can handle
deals with you

25.3.1 The Complaint to do is
the most important thing
an angry person,
get a call from below:
When you Follow the steps
remain calm
yourself. chance
the caller that there is a
will r e a s s u r e relieved that
there is
the caller. This feel
with you. They
1. Empathise
may be resolved by
that their
talk with.
someone they can 285
COS 202B

Acknowledge the
Unit V,
Lesson 25
necessarilymean that
you understand that you are
accept that there is a
to help the caller agreeing with the caller. problem. This does not
resolve it. feels there is a It merely
Accept problem and that you are that
the responsibility
At this
if you
think you or willing
have accepted the point, it is your department have contributed to
as far as
possible. responsibility.important
Then make sureReassure
for the
caller to understand that
caller that you will try to you
promisel you follow
through and do as help you
25.3.2 Rude Callers

Sometimes you may

foullanguage. experience a group of irritated callers who
This is not a
OCcur. It is
always a
common occurrence.
idea to However suchresort to using
situations do
can pass off
smoothly. Here are twoprepare for such a time, so that the
things that you can do: incident
1. First, draw attention
to the callers' foul
happyto work with
you on the problem.
language by saying, "Sir/madam, I am
swearing. I respectfuly
ask that you However, I cannot handle the
together." In most cases,stop.
the problem That way, we will be able to solve
saying wll make them stop and think about making callers aware of what they are
2. However, if it does what they are doing.
not stop repeat
more assertive words in a the request a second time. This time use
firm tone. For example,
work with you on this "Sir/Madam, I would like to
the person to stop
problem. I have asked you to
stop swearing." If you ask
not hesitate to
swearing a third time and the
caller still does not stop, do
hang up after saying,
"Im sorry, but I really cannot help you.
At this point it is important that
you write down the name of the caller, the
problem he/she was
complaining about, and the time of the call. Keeping a
record of such calls will help explain
your difficulty with the caller in case
he/she decides to complain about you to a
supervisor. Additionally, you may
want to apprise your supervisor of the incident before he/she
hears about it
from somewhere else.

25.4 Some Tips when Using the Phone

Here is a list of tips that you need to remember while using the telephone
1. Always put a smile on your face and in your voice when answering the
2. Give your full attention to the person on the other end.
3. Do not put the person on hold for a long period of time.
4. Do not cough or sneeze into the telephone.
5. Do not eat while on the telephone.


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