Sustainable Development Class 10

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Class 10th
Social Science

By Rainbow Life

Rainbow Life
I would like to express my special
thanks of gratitude to my teacher
who gave me this golden
opportunity to do this wonderful
project of social science on
"Sustainable Development”, I come
to know about so many new things.
Secondly; I would also like to thank
my parents and friends who helped
me a lot in finalizing this project
within the limit time frame.
+ Introduction
+ History
+ Needs and Importance
+ Examples
+ Pillars of Sustainable Development
+ Desired Outcomes
+ Sustainability Principles
+ Principles of sustainable society
+ Sustainable Development Goals
+ Conclusion
Sustainable development means development
should take place without damaging the
environment, and development in the present
should not compromise with the needs of the
future generations.

Sustainability of development is comparatively
a new area of knowledge in which scientists,
economics, philosophers and other
socialscientists are working together.

Sustainable development represents an

opportunity to construct a new approach, and
the success of these effors has powerful
implications for issues of peace and security.

Rainbow Life
Sustainable development has its root in idea about
sustainable forest mangement whichwere

History developed in Europe during the 17th and 18th

In response to a growing awareness of the
depletion of timber Resources in England, John
Evelyn argued that " sowing and planting trees had
to be regarded as a national duty of every
landowner, in order to stop the destructive over-
exploitation of natural resources“.
In 1980, the International Union for the
Conservation strategy, that included one of the first
references to sustainable development as a global
priority and introdced the term. “Sustainable
In 1987, the United Nations World Commission and
development released the report our common
future, commonly called the Brundtnal Report.
The report Included what is now one of the most
Rainbow Life widely recognised definitions of sustainable
+ The needs and importance of sustainable
development are to balance our economic
environmental and social needs, allowing well-
being for now and upcoming generations.
+ Sustainable development encourages us to
conserve and enhance our resource base by
gradually changing the methods in which we
Needs develop and use technologies.
+ Sustainable development increased the use of

& natural resources and decrease that of the non

renewable ones. It makes careful management of
the renewable natural resources.

Importance + Sustainable development brings harmony

between human beings and nature. Needs of
people are better fulfilled and it makes human
consumers realize the value of nature.
+ Sustainable development ensures the meaningful
Investment of capital and other means because
development is smooth and durable and the
environment is protected.
Solar Energy : The greatest advantage of
solar energy are that it's completely free
and is available in limitless supply. Both of
these factors provide a huge benefit to
consumers and help to reduce pollution.
Wind Energy : Wind energy is another
readily available source. Hornessing the
Examples power of wind energy necessitates the use
of windmill; however due to construction
cost and finding a suitable location, this
kind of energy is meant to service more
than just the individual.
Crop Rotation : Crop rotation is defined as
the successive planting of different crop on
the same land to improve soil fertility and
help control insects and diseases. Crop
rotation has been proven to maximize the
potential of land, while also preventing
Rainbow Life disease and insects In soil.
Pillars comprises 3 elements: Environment, society and
Economy. All three are balanced so that one doesn't
destroy another.
Economic Sustainability. It is the ability of an economy to
support defined level of economic production indifinetly
since the Great Recession of 2008 this is the world's
biggest apparent problem which endagers progress due
to environmental sustainability problem.
Environmental Sustainability: It is the ability of the
Pillars environment to support a defined level of environmental
quality and natural resource extraction rates indefinitely.
This is the world's biggest actual problem, though since
the consequences of not solving the problem now are
delayed, the problem receives too low a priority to be
Social Sustainability : Social sustainability of a social
system, such as a country, family or organization, to
function at a defined level of social well-being and
harmony indefinitely. Problems like war, endemic, poverty,
widespread injustice, and low education rated are
symptoms of a system that is Socially unsustainable.
Rainbow Life
Clean water and Air.

Fertile soil and good food.

Outcomes An optimum population size.

of Safety from poverty and disease.

Sustainable Work, rest and celebration.

Development Opportunities to lean a livelihood and a

healthy economy.
Social contact and a sense of community.

Halting global warming.

Rainbow Life
+Reduce dependence upon fossil
fuel, underground metals and
+Reduce dependence upon
synthetic chemicals and other
Sustainability unnatural substances.
principles +Reduce encroachment upon
+Enhance quality of life.
+Meet human needs fairly and
Rainbow Life
+Respect and care for the community of life.
+Improve the quality of human life.
+Conserve the Earth's vitality and diversity.
+Minimize the depletion of non-renewable
Principles resources.
of +keep within the Earth's carrying capacity.
Sustainable +Enable communities to care for their own
+Change attitudes and practices.
+Provide a nation framework for integrating
development and communication.
Rainbow Life +Create a global alliance.
Sustainable Development Goals

Good Health Quality Gender Clean water

No poverty Zero Hunger
and well being Education Equality and Sanitation

Decent Work Industry Sustainable Responsible

Affordable and Reduced
and Economic Innovation and cities and consumption
clean Energy Inequality
Growth Infrastructure communities and production

Partnership to
Life below Peace and strong
Climatic Action Life on Land achieve the
water Justice Institutions

Rainbow Life
Sustainable development and issues related to global
environmental concerns has not been well addressed in
action. Although some planning initiatives have been
taken at national regional and local levels but when it
comes to implementation, not much progress has been
There seems to be lack of commitment and awareness
Conclusion among local agencies and Communities regarding to
implementation of sustainable development initiatives.

Mechanism for implementation of sustainable

development initiative need to be seriously examined
including capacity building, leadership training,
coordination of efforts, information transmitting, support
and commitment from authorities.

To transform the lifestyle of the people is something not

easily done. It has to begin with awareness and
continuous campaign from the government and active
participation from stakeholders.
Rainbow Life
Rainbow Life
Rainbow life

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