Foreign Job Tips and Guides

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International NGOs and Work can be looked up at below


Best Countries to work

1) Bahrain
2) Combodia
3) Paraguay
4) Denmark
5) Ecuador
6) Czech Republic
7) Bulgaria
8) Iran
9) is a good website to luk for

details about the country
above is the link to apply for international jobs
Websites for foreign Job fair

How can Indians apply for foreign jobs?

hello sir these are fields job in outside of India..

English teacher- There are many countries where people do not speak English and
English has become a necessary language nowadays. If you can speak English, then you
can easily get a job outside. Only children studying in countries like China earn good
money by teaching English.
Jobs in the area of Lansing - In countries like Saudi Arabia, a lot of people are being
hired for the field of planning. In this, those people are hired higher, who can do
research and plan. Projects are prepared based on their planning. At the same time,
many countries hire Indians to increase their business in India and take information
about the Indian market.
Advertising and Designing - People are also needed in this field in Saudi. If you are
interested in advertising or creative designing, then you can start your career inside a
professional here. You can also be offered better money for your idea. For this, you
should be aware of your work rather than degree.
Tourism - If you are fond of traveling, then you can earn good money in this field too.
For this, you have to join a company abroad and after that you can get them true from
different countries. There is more demand for those people who can visit foreigners in
India, so start Indians more than looking for jobs abroad (Begin with searching a job
The first and possibly the most challenging task of applying for a job abroad is finding a
job profile for which you can apply. It depends on your skill, experience, desire and
financial condition. Also, this work is difficult because there is not a single website that
can show you foreign jobs according to your needs. But there is no shortage of jobs, you
should only know where to search. You can search for work abroad in these ways:
Networking: You start your foreign job search first by talking to people you know. If any
of your relatives or friends work in another country, then you should contact them and
tell them that you too are looking for work abroad and can they help in any way.
Networking is very effective and the more people you contact, the greater your chances
of getting a job quickly.

Job Fair: Many companies organize Job fairs from time to time. Do attend these job
fairs. From here, you will not only know which companies work abroad but also you can
apply by giving interviews only.
You can search 'Abroad job fair' or 'Foreign job fair' on Google to find a job fair.

Job Search Engine: There are many websites which can help in finding work abroad.
However, this task becomes difficult because in the country in which you are looking for
a job, you have to go and search on the job search engine of that country. .
Agency or recruiter: There are many agencies that work to get you a job abroad. They
are also called Overseas Recruitment Agency and you can find such agency near you. But
take special care of one thing. Before giving money or documents to any agency working
abroad, check and know if it is fake. There are many companies who fraudulently take
money in the name of being taken abroad and later disappear, so it is very important to
check your check.
Also, the agencies that you sign with the agreement may ask for a part of your salary as
fees (Fees). In such a situation it becomes very important to read your agreement well. If
possible, seek advice by showing an agreement to a lawyer.

Looking For A Job Abroad? Here

Are Some Tips From Experts
The idea of moving to a foreign country and working there is an
attractive one but it also requires proper planning.

If you are interested in living abroad, it is necessary to find a job in the

country of your choice so as to sustain yourself and in some cases to clear
legal requirements to stay in that country. The idea of moving to a foreign
country and working there is an attractive one but it also requires proper
planning and preparation. If you are interested in living abroad, you must
commit fully to the idea and do your research, followed by polishing your
CV. Once you have an up-to-date CV and an online profile, you can follow
these actionable seven steps suggested by Ambitionbox, a platform which
assists jobseekers, to land your dream job abroad.

Tip 1: Attend job fairs and walk-ins

AmbitionBox suggests that you visit job fairs. In these events, you will
directly get connected with employers and recruiters. Also, stay tuned to
your Facebook and LinkedIn feed for abroad job webinars, career fairs and
walk-ins in your city. Don't miss out on foreign job fairs and career expos
held in Pragati Maidan, New Delhi every year, AmbitionBox adds. 

Tip 2: Approach a professional job consultant.

You can take the help of professional job consultants to land a job abroad.
These consultants provide expert support and guidance, however their
services will come at a price. AmbitionBox suggests recruitment agencies
like Y Axis, Jerry Varghese Global, Delta Recruitment, Goodfellow, Acreaty,
Indian Manpower etc. However, one must be careful of fake overseas
recruitment firms, it adds. Do not entertain calls frantically made to you for
a paid service. AmbitionBox suggests running a check on the consultancy's
reviews online, asking friends and reading up about it on social media,
consumer forums and Quora before shelling  out "any money blindly".

Tip 3: Network with friends and family settled abroad for genuine job

There is no better shortcut to getting a job abroad, other than a genuine

internal referral by a friend or family member, says AmbitionBox.

Tip 4: Search for relevant openings in your country of choice on popular job
search portals.
Keep your CV and online profile up to date.

If you are interested in living abroad, it is necessary to find a job in the

country of your choice so as to sustain yourself and in some cases to clear
legal requirements to stay in that country. The idea of moving to a foreign
country and working there is an attractive one but it also requires proper
planning and preparation. If you are interested in living abroad, you must
commit fully to the idea and do your research, followed by polishing your
CV. Once you have an up-to-date CV and an online profile, you can follow
these actionable seven steps suggested by Ambitionbox, a platform which
assists jobseekers, to land your dream job abroad.

Tip 1: Attend job fairs and walk-ins

AmbitionBox suggests that you visit job fairs. In these events, you will
directly get connected with employers and recruiters. Also, stay tuned to
your Facebook and LinkedIn feed for abroad job webinars, career fairs and
walk-ins in your city. Don't miss out on foreign job fairs and career expos
held in Pragati Maidan, New Delhi every year, AmbitionBox adds. 

Tip 2: Approach a professional job consultant.

You can take the help of professional job consultants to land a job abroad.
These consultants provide expert support and guidance, however their
services will come at a price. AmbitionBox suggests recruitment agencies
like Y Axis, Jerry Varghese Global, Delta Recruitment, Goodfellow, Acreaty,
Indian Manpower etc. However, one must be careful of fake overseas
recruitment firms, it adds. Do not entertain calls frantically made to you for
a paid service. AmbitionBox suggests running a check on the consultancy's
reviews online, asking friends and reading up about it on social media,
consumer forums and Quora before shelling  out "any money blindly".

Tip 3: Network with friends and family settled abroad for genuine job

There is no better shortcut to getting a job abroad, other than a genuine

internal referral by a friend or family member, says AmbitionBox.

Tip 4: Search for relevant openings in your country of choice on popular job
search portals.


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Choose only openings matching relevant skill sets. If you are fluent in a
particular foreign language, mention it clearly in your
resume. Naukri, Monster and Indeed, among other job portals, have pages
which enlist all abroad jobs country wise, according to AmbitionBox. Apart
from job portals, you must also look for jobs abroad on company career

Tip 5: Apply for a Masters degree in countries with high job prospects for
Indian students.

An easy route to get into a foreign country of your choice, and join their
workforce, is a Master's degree. While the degree makes you more
employable, you can start hunting for a job side by side. 

Tip 6: Join a company in India that offers H-1B visa or sponsors

international travel.

You can also can join MNCs, SMEs and start-ups in India which sponsor
official international trips, advises AmbitionBox. You can also network with
people or start a new discussion on popular forums
like Sheroes, Reddit, Quora, MeetUp etc. to seek advice about your abroad
career goals from experts.

Tip 7: A plausible way to get a job abroad is by visiting the consulate of

your dream country.

Consulates, better known as foreign embassies or high commissions, are

located in Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, and Kolkata. These offices always have
a few openings and once you land a job here, your chances of moving
abroad increase significantly, AmbitionBox said.

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