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• Thermodynamics: science of the relationship between heat, work,
temperature and energy. It deals with the transfer of energy from one place
to another and from one form to another.

• Thermochemistry: the study of the energy changes that accompany

chemical reactions

• 1st Law of Thermodynamics:

The Law of Conservation of Energy
▫ Energy cannot be created or destroyed, but transformed from one form to another

• The Kinetic Molecular Theory

▫ Molecules are constantly moving (kinetic energy)
▫ When heat is added, the molecules move faster and their kinetic energy increases
● Units:
Joule (J) (unit: kg*m2/s2)
1 calorie = 4.184 J

● Heat energy (q): energy transferred between

substances during a physical or chemical change

● Calorimetry: the technological process

of measuring energy changes in a
chemical system.
Chemists use a calorimeter in order
to record these changes
• System: Where a physical or chemical change

• Surroundings: the rest of the universe outside the


• Open System: Both matter and energy can freely

flow into the surroundings

• Closed System: Energy can flow to surroundings

but matter cannot

• Isolated System: Neither energy nor matter can

flow to the surroundings
Types of Reactions
• Absorbs/requires heat
• Feels cold on outside of container

• Releases heat
• Feels hot on outside of container
Factors Affecting Heat
1. Mass (m) – the greater the number of
molecules, the more heat required

2. Temperature change (∆T) - the greater the

temperature increase, the more heat required

3. Type of substance – each substance differs in

ability to absorb heat = specific heat capacity (c)
Calculating Quantities of Heat
q = quantity of heat transferred (J or kJ)
• If q is negative (-), the reaction is exothermic
• If q is positive (+), the reaction is endothermic

m = mass of substance (g)

c = specific heat capacity (J/(g•°C))

**this will be given to you**

∆t =t2- t1 (oC)
When 600g of water in an electric kettle is
heated from 20oC to 85oC to make a cup of tea,
how much heat is transferred into the water?
When 600g of water in an electric kettle is heated from 20oC to 85oC to
make a cup of tea, how much heat flows into the water?

m = 600g
c = 4.18 J/(g•°C)
t1 = 20°C
t2 = 85°C


q=600g(4.18 J/(g•°C))(85°C-20°C)
Note: 1000J = 1kJ
=1.63x105J or 163kJ

Therefore, the amount of heat that flowed into the water was 163kJ.

Since q > 0, the reaction is endothermic.

Enthalpy Change:
the energy absorbed from or released to the
surroundings when a system changes from
reactants to products.

An enthalpy change is given the symbol ∆H,

pronounced “delta H,” and can be determined
from the energy changes of the surroundings.
Representing Enthalpy Changes
• There are different ways that scientists communicate enthalpy.

• Four important methods are as follows:

(I) Thermochemical Equations with Energy Terms

• Including the energy value as a term in the thermochemical

eg. #1: H2O(l) + 285.8kJ → H2(g) + ½ O2 (g) (Endothermic)

eg. #2: Mg(s)+ ½O2 (g) → MgO(s) + 601.6 kJ (Exothermic)

(II) Thermochemical Equations with △H values
• Writing a balanced chemical equation and stating its enthalpy
change beside it. Make sure that △H has the correct symbol.
Notice that these are written in kJ not kJ/mol.

eg. #1: H2O(l) → H2(g) + ½ O2 (g) △H = + 285.8 kJ

eg. #2: Mg(s)+ ½O2 (g) → MgO(s) △H = - 601.6 kJ

(III) Molar Enthalpy of Reaction
• One will include the specific molar enthalpy of reaction as a
convenient means to express a variety of physical and chemical
changes. Notice that these are written as kJ/mol.

eg. #1: H2O(l) → H2(g) + ½ O2 (g) △H = + 285.8 kJ/mol H2O

eg. #2: Mg(s)+ ½O2 (g) → MgO(s) △H = - 601.6 kJ/mol Mg

(IV) Potential Energy Diagram
• The potential energy diagram is a graphical representation of
the energy transferred during a physical or chemical change.

- ΔH →
← + ΔH
(products - reactants)
(products - reactants)

• p. 302 #8 -13

• p. 319 #1 - 3

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