Help For Ethics Questions

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Help for Ethics Questions

Stakeholder Analysis Framework

1. What is the ethical issue?

Look for the problem that will cause a disagreement with others or if you take this action people will lose $$$
or will be hurt (in some way) by your actions.

Keep answer short, should be only 3 or 4 sentences. Don’t waste lots of time.

2. a) What parties (stakeholders) may be harmed?

List the people that could suffer a loss from your actions. Don’t just think of the parties outlined in the
question but also other stakeholders such as Professional bodies, Government Departments etc

Just list don’t explain – worth about ½ mark each

b) Whose rights or claims may be violated?

This is where you explain why parties listed about are hurt by the actions.

More detail required here.

c) Which specific interests are in conflict?

There are two types of conflicts to think about
a) conflict between parties
b) Internal conflicts such as you do not know which action to take.

High marks awarded to students that list both types of conflicts. You just need to state the

c) What are my responsibilities and obligations?

If you are a professional such as Accountant, director etc you will have professional
responsibilities and obligations so list these. Think about professional codes of conduct, duty of
care to others etc
3. What are the options and consequences?

This is where most of marks are….

Most questions have three options
1. Do it
2. Don’t do it
3. Compromise

High mark answers normally set out….

Option 1 XXXXX
What the option is…

Bullet points here of different consequences

Option 2 XXXX


Option 3


4. What shall l do?

One or two sentences only needed. Which option you recommend and why.

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