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Australia Bush-fires

An important fact is that many states of Australia experiences such fires every
year while this year it has exceeded the record. This year, the eastern and
southern coast has been blazed, an area where the density of population is one
of the highest.
basically, this fire takes place for different reasons including lightning strike,
accidentally by a spark or by means of some deliberate measures. Indian Ocean
Dipole, a common phenomenon of whether, contributes to this fire also.
Another fact is the impacts of climate change, a fact that has been making
Australia dry and hot in recent years at a higher rate.
This year, the conflagration has caused the death of over 30 people, over 100
million animals and has destroyed 10.3 million hector land, a territory which
is the same as South Korea.
Govt took measures to prevent it but failed ; experts have predicted it may
continue for 3 / 4 months and before march, a required amount of rainfall is
Given the geographical location of Australia, if climate change takes place at
the current rate, more severe and brutal impacts are imminent. Moreover, the
submersion of lower land will also threaten the species that are already facing
the possibility of extinction.
The world conscience should wake up before it's too late if we want to keep
our world livable for our progeny.
Green Banking

After the industrial revolution, the major impact was found on environment.
Degradation has taken place very quick and response by the environment was
really devastating, resulting in a rise of global temperature, water level which
is threatening the coastal countries as experts have already predicted that
these countries will be submerged very soon.
So, the actions taken by global leaders included a set of various activities
ranging from lowering carbon emission to increasing pubic consciousness One
of the major actions was green banking system. With the development of
banking system, facilitating the way of conducting business, banking system
has been very complex and keeping accounts of different transaction requires
vast amount of paper, a factor indicating the destruction of forest areas.
In 2011, Bangladesh bank updated the principles of green banking, after which
many banking organizations have come forward with their own ideas and
policies. At present, 569 branches of different banks are being operated by
utilizing solar power and over 95 ATM booths are using the same source of
power for operation.
Basically, green banking has been a part of globalized policy to ensure a
sustaining future for our imminent generation. Accordingly, we also should
adopt this polices to ensure sustainability of our environment and to restrict
the excessive emission of carbon and other harmful particles in air.
Under this policy, at present, 35% of our banking activities are conducted on
online basis and it is expected that very soon this percentage will exceed 50%.
Finally, green banking has become a burning issue that can restructure our
banking system while contributing to our environment by making it more
sustaining which is also a part of attaining SDGs. So more adoptive polices and
engagement in this field is expected.
The culture of Bangladesh

Since the ancient period of Bengali civilization, our culture has moved forward
keeping the tradition unscathed many poets and artists have found the true
meaning of their works by means of our culture. So enrich is our culture that
even it has charmed many foreign authors also. Its exotic representation with
which many philosophers have been enamored has always been an
indispensable part of peace and nourishment.
Our culture primarily relies on two factors including six seasons and natural
beauty, a picturesque one that varies from one to another season. Sometimes
the scorching heat of summer makes us thirsty while rain drenches us in rainy
season. Spring blooms the new leaf that was sleeping the foggy winter. Taking
new crops at house in autumn is one indispensable part of our tradition of
thousand years.
Geographically our country is riverine and it has seen a significant impact of
river on its culture. Many songs – part of our culture – including vatiali songs
are basically dependent on river. While rowing a boat, boatman sings these
songs, a scene that one can perhaps never imagine unless he comes in
Love has never been more romantic than found in literary works on Bengali
culture found in the work of Jasim Uddin, Jibonanodo Das etc. They actually
showed the culture of Bangladesh while publishing their literary works.
Finally, it is difficult to express the culture of Bangladesh blossomed with
boishaki mela, nouka baich, pitha utsob etc that have always been a part of
our life. I am blessed as born in this land and want to die here.
New agreement between US and China : another step to make a win-win

Donald Trump – when became the president of the USA – began claiming issues
including illegal transfer of intellectual property, accelerating trade deficit,
with a view to establish a set of trade barrier between the USA and China.
Consequently, the world saw an trade war, causing an extra tariff of 320 billion
Last Wednesday, a good news popped that both countries have agreed to reduce
the extra duty and signed finally provided that – in most of the cases – existing
tariff will be present. But experts are observing this agreement as a new step
in establishing stable economic trade condition between two countries. But
unfortunately, this agreement still include some clauses including the way of
placing more barrier on China if any deviation takes place.
Under this agreement, China will purchase 200 billion USD worth products
from US and shall take initiative to robust its intellectual property law while
US will keep 25% tariff on 320 billion provided that china will have the
opportunity to keep current tariff on 100 billion USD products. Experts have
construed it to be a fact proving the bilateral reliance of both economies.
Finally, it is recommended that being the supreme leaders of two giant
economies, they will initiate a way that shall not only stabilize the trade
between two countries, but also lessen the accelerating tension among the

Global politics in 2020: expectation VS reality

After the assassination of general solaimani, supreme leader of Kurds force,
the US president actually did not stabilize his position for next tenure rather
turned a new chapter for proxy way, already taking place in Syria.
Expected was Trump’s wise decision after experiencing a trade war with China
but deployment of extra troops has deteriorated the situation. Already Russia
and China have presented their position in his regard and expressed desire to
help Iran if required. Already Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan have seen infrastructural
destruction and economic crumble due to the US aggression in this region in
the name of annihilating terrorism and extremist groups.
Amid the fear, the meeting between the leader of the USA and North Korea
was an event that lessened the possibility of any nuclear war in Japan, South
Korea region.
The ballistic missile projects of foes have always been a pivotal issue of
Washington’s diplomacy. And, experts research said that these missile can
reach the territory of the USA and nations having good bilateral relation with
the US.
On the other hand, BRExit has been a critical issue in European region, a
destroying factor resulting in a frequent change in British politics. One of the
major obstacles is the land boundary of Ireland while other issues including
visa policy, the processing of BRExit, preparation of new contracts are also
accelerating the tension.
The Indo-Pak region saw some air strike in previous year on Kashmir issue
and the recent decision of NRC has India vulnerable to communal issues in
eastern part of its region.
We are far from the world we expect though there are some many issues that
still raise a hope for days when we shall receive equal right, political stability,
corruption-free system etc. For this, expected is harmony among world leaders.
Moral degradation (in the view of recent perspective)
The recent gruesome and harrowing incidents seen usually on newspapers
has raised an asking that whether we are actually structuring a society with
moral value and ethics or not. Quite difficult to believe is over 33 rape cases
at the beginning of 2020, raising the number of deaths to 7.
Basically, delay in jurisdiction process is one of the primary factors
exacerbating the condition. Deeper analysis depicts a situation in which some
constituting factors including poverty, lack of education, propensity to commit
crime etc. are found. if we analyze the cases of acid throwing, torture for
dowry, rape, we find – in most of the cases - victims are either middle aged
or young women, the most vulnerable part of our population so far.
To prevent the accelerating number of cases, authorities concerned should take
more pragmatic measures one of which is 24 – hour help line. Any person can
call to some specific numbers to get immediate response. But only regulatory
authority is not enough to retard such incidents. Change in education is
expected to ensure proper growth of adolescence. Moreover, family members
can play a crucial role regarding moral education and ethical values. Mass
consciousness and demonstration shall also play a pivotal role in forcing govt
to take immediate action and present zero tolerance, for example, the recent
incidence of one Dhaka University student.
Finally, in 21th century, expected are equal rights, independence, scope for
education, major factors of SDGs. So, it is recommended our govt become much
more vigilant in this regard and leave no stone unturned to stop these
Importance Of Social Safety Net Program for poverty Alleviation
With a given number of 6.94 children per woman in 1972, Bangladesh, which
had 82% people living below extreme poverty line in 1972, was once believed
to be a bottomless basket that shall primarily rely on foreign assistance and
soft loan program. Situation has changed after the emergence of Asian tiger,
growing with at 8.13% while only an estimated 9% (2018) people living below
extreme poverty line.
To begin with, mention worthy is that the number of elderly people has grown
significantly and so is physically disabled persons. Due to having physical and
psychosocial difficulties, these groups of people cant maintain their livelihood
that actually necessitates Social Safety Net Program for poverty Alleviation.
Once the program was initiated, world bank started helping Bangladesh since
2010 in this program. Govt currently provides 700 TK to every physically
disabled person every month. This amount is 500 TK for a elderly man over
65 years and a woman over 62 years. Under this program, so far over 4 million
people have been receiving the benefit of this social program. Also receives
500 TK the widow, destitute and deserted women.
Additionally, under this program, they are offered different types of temporary
job opportunities to lessen the vulnerability of these groups of people. And, a
set of diversified planning is expected so that Social Safety Net Program for
poverty Alleviation – in the long run – become a true tool assisting the
vulnerable people and can give them some relief.

Bangla Bond

For the first time in the history of Bangladesh, “Bangla Bond” has been
introduced in London Stock Exchange on 15th Nov, 2019, collection of which
be transferred to Pran Group of Industries to ensure more investment in
infrastructure - development and business expansion.
Primarily, the fund will be collected by International Finance Corporation
through three different phases and total 1 crore 90 lakh USD will be collected
which will have an estimated exchange rate of 86 tk/USD. At first, no individual
investors are offered the opportunity as only institutional investors have been
offered to invest. The return - percentage of interest offered to the investors
is 6.3% while it is 9.7% for Pran Group of industries. Besides, this interest will
be paid in money and no bonus will be applicable in this regard.
Such opportunity of funding has always been believed to be an indicator of
robust growth of any given economy provided that that of Bangladesh –
growing at 8.13%, according to Economic Review 2019 - has been successful in
seeking attention of foreign investors.
Finally, This is just a beginning of a success. It is rather expected that
Bangladesh will move further in future while exploring the goals of SDGs.

COP 25

With the aim of developing a sustaining environment COP(conference of

parties)-25 took place and witnessed many pivotal things in this regard. Prior
to that, previously held COPs emerged as the outcome of many different
agreements including parish agreement which is believed to be the first in
world bringing the earth to a consensus.
COP 25 saw the indifference of world leaders in offering fund to establish a
sustaining program so that the most vulnerable countries get financial
assistance to protect themselves from the brutal impacts of climate change. In
2019, we have experienced the Amazon-wildfires and saw that how the lungs
of the earth – according to experts, it provides over 16% of oxygen – was
burning. Still we saw no global initiative, apart from mudslinging among global
COP 25 started with 5 goals including developing a road map to ensure
sustaining program, held countries responsible of excessive carbon emission,
gender equality in these activities and collecting fund under previous
agreement etc. Unfortunately, global leaders agreed on none of above
mentioned except the gender equity issues.
On the eve of 2020, world has seen one more wildfire in Australia and it has
made the demands more pressing and is presenting the necessity of global
Finally, the impacts of climate change will largely destroy the countries located
in coastal areas and the low land countries. Unless we initiate immediate
measures the dream of Greta Thunberg will remain untouched.

Mujib Borsho: a cherished event

The countdown began immediately after the inauguration by Prime minister
Sheikh Hasina while addressing at national parade square, on the eve of
unveiling the logo of this ceremony. According to an official source this
program will be celebrated by 193 countries across the globe.
Aiming at fostered growth of Bangladesh, PM announced the significance of
this celebration while defining it as the celebration of our progress. In 1971,
Bangladesh - immediately after the independence – was believed to be a
bottomless basket with over 70 million people of whom over 45% people lived
below the poverty line provided that at present only 10.48% people experience
the same. Our father of nation once declared “we shall have friendship to all,
and malice to none.” Following his dream, currently Bangladesh has acquired
a significant position in sending troops to peace mission.
After attaining the most of MDGs, Bangladesh is heading toward attaining SDGs,
most of which are the reflection of the dream of nation’s father. While
progressing a lot, socio-economic condition of Bangladesh is also enmeshed
with impediments including rape case, corruption etc which father of our
nation wanted to uproot and with this aim, authorities concerned have been
working a lot.
The flow of remittance, foreign direct investment, development of economic
zones, rise in living standard and human resource index were the part of
dream seen by him to make the nation self-reliant.
Finally, Mujib Borsho is not a part of celebration at all, rather a achievement
that shall be measured on the basis of our domestic and international success,
most of which are acquired while others are still located far from our
performance and needed to be attained soon so that the dream of our nation’s
father come true.
Single_digit_interest_rate: curse or bliss
One of the burning issues is the single digit interest rate among the banking
sector experts as recently prime minister even put a significance on it.
Implementing the recommendation will be a gigantic task that will have a
pivotal impact on activities primarily rely on credit.
To begin with, maintaining 6% and 9% for deposit and credit respectively is a
challenge for banking as it primarily depends on many assumptions. To be
specific, if authorities concerned suggest a move without considering the
other impacts, the suggestion will remain completely fallacious. Once the
interest rate for deposit is lowered, consumer will take attempt to find
others ways that might offer higher return while lowering interest rate for
credit will diminish the profitability of banking sector. Consequently, it has
still been a riddle due to many impediments. Once the obstacles are
eradicated, this practice will definitely bring forth a bliss. Mention worthy is
higher amount of non-performing loan whose presence in balance sheet
forces the authority to demand higher rate in lending capital through
multifarious schemes. This practice emerges to be double edge sword,
resulting in a quick burden on borrowers while generating higher
profitability. From this perspective, an adoptive policy is required so that
higher amount of non-performing loan shows negative trend so that lenders
can generate profit easily, resulting in a lower capital necessity required to
attain higher profit. Trainings are required so that proper ethics grow among
the credit users.
On the other hand, the mushrooming number of banking organizations is a
factor that drive them fighting in a relatively smaller market. In this regard,
authorities should consider the number of banks required for a developing
economy growing at 8.23% (economic review 2019).
Finally, single digit interest is performed by many countries provided that
these countries have successfully implemented the required policy. So,
without developing such ambiance, the recommendation will remain


Amid an expected fear and uncertainty, Indian govt has published national
register of citizens (NRC) believed to be a tool to be used to ostracize the
Muslim citizen from the eastern part of India. Experts and other parties have
been presenting severe opposition in this regard, considering that it might
cause the violation of human rights.
To begin with, the first NRC was proposed in 1951, aiming at finding the citizen
of Assam and illegal migrant from Bangladesh and it has been updated first
time, defining the that people came in Assam by 24th march 1971 will regarded
as the citizen of Assam. It has caused a chaos among the people who are in
need of legal documents required to prove the validity provided that they have
been given an opportunity of 120 days to submit the necessary documents.

The killing of Qassem Suleimani: an event that can result in a significant change
in middle east politics.
On 3 january, 2020, the drone attach on Qussem Suleimanian, Iranian Major
General in the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, executed by US led military
force, took place to bring about a pivotal change in the battle field of middle
east. The assassination-operation was conducted by a lurking reaper drone
while Qassem Suleimani was leaving Baghdad airport.
As retaliation, in response to this event, Tehran has applied over one dozen
ballistic missiles, chiefly aiming at air bases housing US forces in Iraq, resulting
in a death of over 80 military persons. After this, the supreme leader of Iran,
Ali Khamenei, declared that if any attack takes place on Iran, stern action will
be undertaken. Experts are amazed at the response by Iran even though the
economy of Iran is completely crumbled due to the sanctions by the USA.
Moreover, Tehran has been successful in receiving the support from Russia
and other allies. On the other hand, Iraq has already denied the necessity of
the presence of US military force on its land.
Expected, in spite of having a regular presence of US forces, they have become
vulnerable in this region while the proxy power of Iran appears to be a bit
much higher at this moment. But the possibility of third world war is escalating
although Iran presented no interest other than retaliation provided that some
of US allies have decided to withdraw their troops.
In sum, the attach on Qassem Suleimani due to allegedly plotting an imminent
and sinister attacks on American diplomats and military personnel has an event
like hitting a beehive. Any precipitated action will have devastating impacts
on the doer.
On the other hand, India has initiated a project like detention camp to limit
the periphery of illegal migrant which is believed to be a kind of prison for
them. Moreover, it has put a question on the attitude of BJP govt toward the
Muslim people of this region. Over 1.9 million people are experiencing the
brutal impact of such an extreme decision which , as experts are predicting,
might instigate extremist activities, a fact that can demolish the socio-economic
condition of this region.
Finally, NRC can result in a tumultuous picture not only in Assam but also in
neighboring parts as adjacent parts also have some socio-economic condition.
It is expected, to reap greater benefit, leaders will take pragmatic initiatives to
ensure a stable situation not only in this region but also in other regions to
offer a communal harmony in India.

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