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1. The term “communis” derived from ___word. a.Greek. b.Latin. c.Chinese. d.English.

2. Communication means ___information, feeling and thoughts, with others. a.To receive. b.Exchange
of. c.Conveying. d.All the above.

3. Grapevine communication is associated with _____communication. a.Formal b.Informal c.Horizontal


4. Lateral communication is between a.Superior and subordinate. b.Same cadre of personal.

c.Subordinate and superior. d.Among all.

5. Audio Visual communication combines a.Auditory only. b.Visual only. c.Both auditory & visual.

6. Communication problems otherwise known as a.Enquire. b.Barriers. c.Encoding. d.Decoding.

7. Posters fall under _______communication. a.Oral. b.Visual. c.Written. d.Spoken.

8. Informal communication is otherwise known as ______ communication. a.Grapevine. b.Lateral.

c.Visual. d.Horizontal.

9. Horizontal communication flows through _______ a.Face-to-face discussion. b.Telephonic talk.

c.Periodical meeting. d.All the above.

10. Gestural communication is a ______ a.Non-Verbal Message. b.Direct conversation. c.oral

communication d.Written.

11. Physical Barriers to communication are ______ a.Time and distance. b.Interpretation of words.
c.Denotations. d.Connotations.

12. Communication is derived from a Latin word “Communis” which means a. Community b. Share c.
Common d. Marxist

13. Communication starts with: a. Encoding b. Sender c. Channel d. Feedback .

14. The number of key elements in the communication process is : MCQs-Business Communication a.
Five b. Six c. Seven d. Four

15. The two broad areas of communication are: a. Oral and written communication b. Verbal and
written communication c. Verbal and non-verbal communication d. Oral and non-verbal communication

16. Which of the following combination is /are example/s of oral communication? a. Meetings, memos
and presentations b. Meetings, memos and performance reviews c. Meetings, presentations and
performance reviews d. All the above

17. Which of the following combination is /are example/s of written communication? a. Letters and
voicemail b. Reports and email c. Circulars and voicemail d. All the above.
18. Orders and directives are the example of: a. Downward communication b. Upward communication c.
Diagonal communication d. Horizontal communication

19. Communication between HR manager and salesman is an example of: a. Horizontal communication
b. Lateral communication c. Diagonal communication d. Vertical communication

20. Diagonal communication is also known as: a. Cross ward communication b. Horizontal
communication c. Vertical communication d. Any of the above

21. Communication between HR manager and Finance manager is an example of: a. Downward
communication b. Upward communication c. Diagonal communication d. Horizontal communication

22. Down ward communication and Upward communication are : a. Vertical communication b.
Horizontal communication c. Diagonal communication d. None of these

23. Placement of purchase order to supplier of material is ---------- communication. a. Vertical

communication b. Horizontal communication c. Internal communication d. External communication

24. Receiving a sales order is an example of: a. Vertical communication b. Horizontal communication c.
Internal communication d. External communication

25. --------- Communication can be inward or outward: a. Vertical communication b. Horizontal

communication c. Internal communication d. External communication

26. Functional coordination is one important reason for communicating with: a. Superiors b. Peers c.
Subordinates d. Employees’ unions

27. Communication with superiors involves: a. Directions MCQs-Business Communication b. Orders c.

Complaints d. Instructions

28. Listening has been identified as one of the “seven habits of highly effective people” by : a. Lundsteen
b. Stephen Covey c. Lee Iacocca d. Tom Peters

29. The most basic type of listening is known as : a. Discriminative listening b. Comprehension listening
c. Appreciative listening d. Evaluative listening

30. Dialogic listening is also known as: a. Empathetic listening b. Therapeutic listening c. Relational
listening d. Active listening

31. Readability is determined mainly by : a. Punctuation b. Length of words c. Active and passive voice d.

32. FOGINDEX is used to measure: a. Clarity of message b. Courtesy of message c. Readability of

message d. All the above.

33. A message may be understood by an average educated person, if FOGINDEX is: a. More than 15 b.
Less than 15 c. Negative MCQs-Business Communication d. Zero
34. Communication is a ___________ way process b.Two way process c.Three way process. d.four
way process

35. The main objective of communication is: a.Information and persuasion. b.Skill and personality
development. c.Control and management. d.Need.

36. The downward communication flow from a.A subordinate to a superior. b.A subordinate to a
subordinate. c.A superior to a superior. d.A superior to a subordinate.

37. Gossip and rumour are part of ---------communication. a.Formal. b.Informal. c.Horizontal. d.Vertical.

38. Examples of oral communication---------- a.Letter. b.E-mail. c.Telephone. d.Fax.

39. Which one is an effective audio-visual communication. a.Cinema. b.Television. c.Drama d.All the

40. Advantage of written communication a.Save time. b.Save money. c.Permanent record. d.Neat.

41. Written communication doesn’t includes a.Reports b.Forms. c.Notice. d.None of these.

42. Communication saves time in: a.Internal communication. b.Interview. c.Oral communication.

43. . ............... refers to mental disturbances a. Coherence b. Notion c. Distraction d. Psychological noise

44. Mental turbulence refers to: a. Inability to understand b. Confusion in the mind of receiver c.
Confusion in the mind of sender d. Inability to speak

45. The clarity in communication could be achieved by which of the following techniques? a. Choose
words that are short, familiar and conversational. b. Construct effective sentences and paragraphs. c.
Achieve appropriate readability. d. All the above

46. In empathetic communication, we can: a. Probe b. Respond to the feelings c. Interpret d. advice

47. Conciseness of message refers to: a. Crispness b. Comprehensiveness c. Specificity d. Brevity

48. Errors in language, grammar or visual representation of facts take away: a. Clarity b. Correctness c.
Crispness d. Conciseness

49. __________ is the process of exchanging messages between a seller and a customer. a.
Organisational communication b. Business Communication c. Managerial communication d. Professional

50. Listening, reading, speaking and writing are all types of : a. Communication skills. b. Emotional
barriers. c. Evaluation techniques. d. Nonverbal communication.
51. Communication barriers are; a. A receiver's response to a message. b. Avenues through which
messages are delivered. c. Obstacles that interfere with the understanding of a message. d. The
circumstances under which communication takes place.

52. All of the following are examples of verbal communication EXCEPT: a. Email b. symbols c. Telephone
calls d. Text messaging MCQs-Business Communication

53. -----------is the wordless form of communication which takes the form of postures, body language
,facial expressions, eye contacts, tension, breathing and tones etc. a. Verbal communication b. Garbage
communication c. Informal communication d. Non-Verbal communication

54. According to Richard Fitch, in communication process 90% belongs to ---------- a. Formal
communication b. Non-verbal communication c. Informal communication d. Oral communication

55. ----------- means the position in which you hold your body when standing or sitting. a. Gestures b.
Postures c. Paralanguage d. Proxemics

56. According to Proxemics (space language), zones are classified into------- categories a. 3 b. 4 c. 5 d. 6

57. The keys to write a successful resume are: a. Too long, verbose descriptions and over confident tone
b. “You” attitude, focus on your audience and think about prospective employers need c. None of the
above d. All of the above

58. While giving an interview, be --- in your salary expectations. a. Modest b. Unrealistic c. Realistic d.
None of the above

59. An informal report is usually in the form of a _____communication. a.Person to person b.Prescribed
form. c.Regular intervals. d.Authoritative.

60. List of items to be discussed and decided in a meeting is called as ____ a.Resolution. b.Minutes.
c.Invoice. d.Agenda

61. An Agenda prepared in connection with ____ a.Meeting. b.Business tours. c.Exhibition. d.Personal

62. . _____is a communication which contains the decision of the meeting. a.Amendment. b.Resolution.
c.Debate. d.Minutes.

63. A report prepared in a prescribed form and presented according to an established procedure is
____report a.Formal. b.Informal. c.Statutory. d.General.

64. ____is done by drawing a list of the items of business to be transacted at the meeting. a.Minutes.
b.Resolution. c.Invitation. d.Agenda.

65. The minute books are the ____book of the company. a.Subsidiary. MCQs-Business Communication
b.Statutory. c.Obligatory. d.Secondary.
66. ____and testimonials are important because they express the opinion of others the applicant’s
suitability for a position. a.References. b.Qualification. c.Service certificate. d.Letters.

67. ---------- refers to the amount of space that individuals naturally maintain between each other. a.
Chronemics b. Gestures c. Proxemics d. None of these.

68. A circular is a form of -------- a.Oral communication. b.Face-to-face communication. c.Group

communication. d.Visual communication.

69. Dunning letters are also called ----------- a.Collection letters. b.Letter of credit. c.Compliant letters.
d.Suggestion letters.

70. In................. speakers’ choice of words unintentionally communicates something more than what
the actual words state. a. Formal Communication b. Informal communication c. Meta communication d.
None of these

71. Type of listening in which we learn to discern the difference in sounds. a.Discriminative listening
b.Biased listening c. Evaluative listening d. Appreciative listening

72. In ............. , the receiver holds preconceived notions, which shape the way a receiver decodes the
sender's message. a. Discriminative listening b. Biased listening c. Evaluative listening d. Appreciative

73. also referred to as critical/judgmental listening a. Discriminative listening b. Biased listening c.
Evaluative listening d. Appreciative listening

74. --------------- takes place when you listen to only those things that you want to hear or to those that
you interested a. Discriminative listening b. Biased listening c. Selective Listening d. Appreciative

75. In .................. form of communication, a subordinate is permitted to communicate with the boss of
his boss. a. Chain b. Circular c. Inverted V d. Wheel

76. ............... Involves how we arrange personal space and what we arrange in it a. Kinesics b. Proxemics
c. Time language d. Paralanguage

77. . ..................... is the study of body physical movements. MCQs-Business Communication a. Kinesics
b. Proxemics c. Time language d. Paralanguage

78. It involves how we say something in different pitch, tone and voice modulation such as slow or fast.
a. Kinesics b. Proxemics c. Time language d. Paralanguage

79. .................. are our body parts especially arms, legs, hands and head convey meaning. a. Gestures b.
Proxemics c. Time language d. Paralanguage

80. Small cards that contain the important points of presentation is known as: a. Hand-outs b. Cue-cards
c. Attention grabbers d. None of these
81. Different components of the presentation that attract the attention of audience are: a. Hand-outs b.
Cue-cards c. Attention grabbers d. None of these

82. Materials distributed to the audience to supplement the contents of the presentation is: a. Hand-
outs b. Cue-cards c. Attention grabbers d. None of these

83. Which of the following is / are 7 Cs of presentation? a. Clarity b. Conciseness c. Candidness d. All the

84. Which of the following is /are not 7Cs of presentation? a. Clarity b. Consideration c. Concreteness d.

85. Our purpose in a ------------ presentation is to convince your listeners to accept your proposal a.
Informative b. Persuasive c. Image building d. Multipurpose .

86. Our purpose in a ---------- presentation is to move your audience to take your suggested action. a.
Informative b. Persuasive c. Image building d. Decision making

87. --------- in communication increases credibility of the sender of message a. Clarity b. Correctness c.
Concreteness d. Consideration

88. ---------- presentations include talks, seminars, proposals, workshops, conferences, and meetings the
presenter or presenters share their expertise, and information is exchanged. a. Informative MCQs-
Business Communication b. Persuasive c. Image building d. Decision making

89. Evaluation Parameters of Group discussion includes: a. Personality b. Communication c. Leadership

d. All the above

90. -------------- is a systematic oral exchange of information, views and opinions about a topic, issue,
problem or situation among members of a group who share certain common objectives. a. Presentation
b. Group discussion c. Group interview d. All of these

91. A................ focuses on your skills and experience, rather than on your chronological work history a.
Functional resume b. Mini resume c. Combination resume d. Chronological resume

92. A --------- Starts by listing your work history, with the most recent position listed first. a. Functional
resume b. Mini resume c. Combination resume d. Chronological resume

93. Curriculum vitae is known as- a. Personal profile b. Personal data sheet c. Qualification sheet d. All
the above

94. -------- are used by an organisation as a means of having written records of established practices such
as instructions on how to undertake specific tasks and work policies. a. Manuals b. Memos c. Letters d.
All the above
95. . ............. are usually the least formal method of written communication within the workplace and
will usually include various notices or information relating to welfare and safety issues; a. Manuals b.
Memos c. Letters d. Circulars

96. --------------- is also known as Non-directed interview. a. Structured b. Unstructured c. Depth d. Exit

97. Formal Interview is also known as............. a. Planned interview b. Unstructured interview c. Group
interview d. None of these

98. A ----------- letter should be organized like sales letter a. Resume b. Curriculum vitae c. Application
letter d. All the above

99. A ----------- is also known as a ’cover letter’ a. Resume b. Curriculum vitae c. Application letter d.
Sales letter

100. ------------ is a document sent with your resume to provide additional information on your skills and
experience. a. Hand-outs b. Curriculum vitae c. Application letter d. Sales letter

101. A synopsis of the most relevant professional experiences you have for the particular job for which
you are applying. a. Resume b. Curriculum vitae c. Application letter d. Hand-outs

102. A summary of your educational and academic backgrounds as well as teaching and research
experience, publications, presentations, awards, honours and affiliations. a. Resume b. Curriculum vitae
c. Application letter d. Hand-outs

103. . ------------ is an assigned communication for a purpose and for specific receiver or reader. a. Report
b. Memos c. Letters d. Circulars

104. Business Letters that please the receiver are called a. Good news letter b. Praising letter c. Routine
letter d. All the above. MCQs-Business Communication

105. The business letter that neither please nor displease the receiver, but are received with interest are
known as a. Good news letter b. Praising letter c. Routine letter d. All the above.

106. The word “memo” is a short form for : a. Memory b. Memorizing c. Memorandum d. Members

107. Memo is derived from a Latin word which means : a. A thing which must be remembered b. A thing
which must be memorized c. A thing which must be written d. A thing which must be communicated

108. One characteristic of a memo is : a. Formal b. Tool for external communication c. Concise d.

109. All the following are principles of business letter writing, except: a. Consideration b. Correctness c.
Conciseness d. Concurrency
110. Which of the following is not a compulsory part of a business letter? a. Salutation b. Close c.
Attention line d. Body

111. The quality of a report is determined mainly by: a. The language of the report b. The visual aspects
c. The length of the report d. The accuracy of the data

112. A resume summarizes the following: a. Strengths and weaknesses b. Personality c. Education and
experience d. Hobbies

113. Which of the following is characteristic of a chronological resume? a. Appropriate for experienced
candidates b. Mentions most recent job or qualification first c. Appropriate when education and
experience are unrelated to the job applied for d. Both a & b

114. The main purpose of a group discussion is to measure: a. Knowledge b. Personality c. Group
communication skills d. Leadership skills

115. The primary role of a moderator is to: a. Facilitate the smooth functioning of the GD b. Keep track
of time c. Announce the GD topic d. Interfere during the GD

116. Arriving ahead of time for a meeting is an example of : a. Feedback b. body language c. Non-verbal
communication d. Verbal communication

117. The message sent is not always the same as the meaning attached to the message. This is because
of the: a. Wrong sender b. Wrong medium MCQs-Business Communication c. Faulty message d.
Inaccurate decoding

118. Wrong decoding means: a. Badly worded message b. Message sent to wrong receiver c. Interpreted
meaning is different from intended message d. Message sent by wrong sender

119. Consideration in a business letter means: a. Stressing the “me” attitude b. Using first person
pronouns c. Stressing the “you” attitude d. Appealing to the sender’s interest

120. The resume should be written before the job application letter because: a. The resume is seen first
b. The resume helps to decide what to highlight in the letter c. The resume is more important than the
letter d. Most employers do not read application letters

121. A GD is highly structured because: a. It is coordinated by a moderator b. It measures group

communication skills c. Members have to listen to the views of others d. The topic, time and number of
participants are all decided in advance

122. Which of the following indicates the correct sequence of the elements of communication in the
communication process? a. Sender, Receiver, Channel, Message, Feedback b. Receiver, Feedback,
Sender, Message, Channel c. Sender, Channel, Message, feedback, Receiver d. Sender, Message,
Channel, Receiver, Feedback
123. Which of the following is/are barriers of listening? a. Sluggishness b. Premature evaluation c.
External distractions d. All of these.

124. ----------listening occurs when you go beyond what is being said and try to fathom what is not being
said. a. Deep b. Passive c. Full d. Discriminative

125. Four essential elements of good listening process are: a. Attention, Hear, Understand, Respond b.
Attention, Hear, Understand, Remember c. Accept, Hear, Update, Remember d. Adopt, Hear,
Understand, Respond

126. An important function of -------- listening is to build a rapport with another person a. Deep listening
b. False listening c. Relationship listening d. None of these.

127. "The concept the individual has of himself as a physical, social and spiritual or moral being" is: a.
Self esteem b. Self perception c. Self concept d. Stereo typing

128. ----------- is a person's belief about his' or her chances of successfully accomplishing a specific task.
a. Self esteem b. Self perception c. Self concept d. Self Efficacy

129. Which of the following is not a component of attitude? a. Affective b. Cognitive c. Openness d.

130. Communication meant for changing the attitude of others is known as----------- - communication. a.
Directive b. Mass c. Persuasive d. All the above.

131. Chronemics is also known as------- language. a. Space b. Time c. Body d. Eye

132. ---------- is the interpretation of sensory data so as to gather meaningful ideas. a. Sensation b.
Retention c. Perception d. Cognition

133. Transactional analysis (TA) was developed by: a. Elton Mayo b. Weber c. Maslow d. Eric Berne

134. ------------ Means how our voice stress, pause, sigh etc.communicates. a. Paralanguage b. Body
language c. Gestures d. Proxemics

135. ------------ tells how our body communicates. a. Paralanguage b. Kinesics c. Chronemics d. Proxemics

136. --------- is talking to oneself in one’s own mind such as soliloquies, asides in dramatic work etc.
MCQs-Business Communication a. Dialogue b. Interpersonal communication c. Intrapersonal
communication d. Unilateral communication.

137. --- -----is exchange of messages between two persons such as conversation, dialogue, interview etc.
a. Soliloquies b. Interpersonal communication c. Intrapersonal communication d. Mass communication.

138. Class room teaching and directors meeting are the examples of : a. Mass communication b.
Intrapersonal communication c. Group communication d. All of these.
139. Communication through news papers and television are known as: a. Group communication b.
Interpersonal communication c. Mass communication d. None of these.

140. In ----------speakers’ choice of words unintentionally communicates something more than what the
actual words state. a. Unintended communication b. Meta communication c. Active communication d.
Fathom communication

141. ---------- communication refers to the communication between a superior and a subordinate
through scalar chain. a. Wheel communication b. Chain communication c. Circular communication d.
Free flow communication.

142. In ------------ form of communication, all the subordinates of a superior talk to one another through
his medium and the superior works as a hub. a. Wheel communication MCQs-Business Communication
b. Chain communication c. Circular communication d. Free flow communication.

143. This communication takes place among the members of a group where every member of a group
can communicate with the nearest two members. a. Wheel communication b. Chain communication c.
Circular communication d. Free flow communication.

144. In ---------- form of communication, a subordinate is permitted to communicate with the boss of his
boss. a. Wheel b. Chain c. Circular d. Inverted “V”

145. Any letter designed and directed to the exchange of information connected with trade and trade
related activities is known as: a. Business Report b. Business enquiry c. Business letter d. Business

146. Which of the following is not a type of business letter? a. Business enquiry b. Sales letter c.
Quotations d. Reference letter.

147. Which of the following is/are business letters? a. Refusal letter b. Customer relation letter c. Order
status letter d. All of these.

148. Comparing to resume,------------ is more academic oriented. a. Cover letter MCQs-Business

Communication b. Interview c. Curriculum Vitae d. Bio-data

149. ----------is a kind of written announcement that is distributed to a large number of people to convey
any commercial or non-commercial message at minimum time, costs and efforts. a. Memo b. Notice c.
Circular d. Publicity

150. In ------------- layout of letter, every line begins at left margin and thus makes each paragraph look
like a distinct block of message. a. Full block b. Semi-block c. Simplified d. All the above.

151. The purpose of a -------------- is to help the management identify the reasons underlying a situation
that management already know. a. Report b. Memos c. Letters d. Circulars
152. Which of the following is /are element of body of a business report? a. Glossary b. Cover letter c.
Recommendation d. Executive summery

153. Which of the following is not an element of front matters of business report? a. Introduction b.
Cover letter c. Acknowledgement d. Table of contents

154. Which of the following is not an element of back matters of business report? MCQs-Business
Communication a. Appendix b. List of references c. Bibliography d. Conclusion

155. . Which of the following is not a basic part of report? a. Introduction b. Discussion c. Executive
summery d. Glossary

156. . Which of the following is a basic part of report? a. Cover b. Recommendation c. Title page d.

157. ------------ indicates the hierarchy of topics and their sequences. a. Appendix b. List of references c.
Bibliography d. Table of contents

158. A------------ includes rules for forming compound words, abbreviating technical terms, and writing
unusual or difficult words a. Appendix b. List of references c. Bibliography d. Glossary

159. Which is NOT one of the three purposes for giving oral presentations? a. To persuade b. To debate
c. To build goodwill d. To inform

160. Denotations and Connotations are ------------ barriers in communication process. a. Physical barriers
MCQs-Business Communication b. Semantic barriers c. Encoding barriers d. Technical barriers Answers.

Q.No answer Q.No answer Q.No answer Q.No answer 1 b 41 d 81 c 121 d 2 b 42 d 82 a 122 d 3 b 43 c 83
d 123 d 4 b 44 b 84 d 124 a 5 c 45 d 85 c 125 b 6 b 46 b 86 b 126 c 7 b 47 d 87 c 127 c 8 a 48 b 88 a 128 d
9 d 49 b 89 d 129 c 10 a 50 a 90 b 130 c 11 a 51 c 91 a 131 b 12 b 52 b 92 d 132 c 13 b 53 d 93 d 133 d 14
a 54 b 94 a 134 a 15 c 55 b 95 a 135 b 16 c 56 b 96 b 136 c 17 b 57 b 97 a 137 b 18 a 58 a 98 c 138 c 19 c
59 a 99 c 139 c 20 a 60 d 100 b 140 b 21 d 61 a 101 a 141 b 22 a 62 d 102 b 142 a 23 d 63 a 103 a 143 c
24 d 64 d 104 b 144 d 25 d 65 b 105 c 145 c 26 b 66 a 106 c 146 d 27 c 67 c 107 a 147 d 28 b 68 c 108 a
148 c 29 a 69 a 109 d 149 c MCQs-Business Communication 30 d 70 c 110 b 150 a 31 b 71 a 111 d 151 a
32 c 72 b 112 c 152 c 33 b 73 c 113 d 153 a 34 b 74 d 114 c 154 d 35 a 75 c 115 a 155 d 36 a 76 b 116 c
156 b 37 b 77 a 117 d 157 d 38 c 78 d 118 c 158 d 39 d 79 a 119 c 159
MCQ Questions for BC

1. Communication is a ______________
Answer: two-way process
2. Communication saves time in
Answer: oral communication
3. Realizing the potential of the self is part of the
Answer: Personality development
4. The term communis derived from ______________ word.
Answer: Latin
5. Posters fall under ______________ communication.
Answer: Visual
6. On the ______________ it is possible to get immediate feedback.
Answer: Telephone
7. A group discussion of a real-life situation with in a training environment is ______________
Answer: Discussion
8. The information the receiver gets is called ______________
Answer: Message
9. Communication is the ______________ of business.
Answer: Backbone
10. ______________ are welcome, for it is not obligatory to accept them.
Answer: Suggestion
11. ______________ refers to the special language of a trade.
Answer: Jargon
12. Audio-Visual communication is most suitable for mass ______________ and mass ______________
Answer: Publicity & Education
13. Interpretation of data is followed by ______________
Answer: Suggestion
14. Gray colour refers ______________
Answer: Confidence & Vigour
15. Communication in an organization should ideally flow ______________
Answer: From top to bottom
16. Press reports refers to ______________
Answer: Reports through letters
17. A collection letter is associate with ______________
Answer: debtors
18. Statutory Report is ______________
Answer: An informal report
19. Motivation can be achieved through ______________ incentives.
Answer: Monetary
20. The exit communication takes place when an employee ______________the organization.
Answer: Enter into
21. ______________ is a very conscious process of communication
Answer: Education
22. ______________ means the right use of putting in points or stops in writing.
Answer: Full Stop
23. ______________ is the main part of the report.
Answer: Description
24. The most important part of the letter is
Answer: Body of the letter
25. ______________ system provides expert advice for operational chores.
Answer: Expert Systems
26. ______________ computers operate by measuring.
Answer: Analog
27. An ______________ report can be denied at any time
Answer: Oral
28. The American style of writing the date in business letter starts with ______________
Answer: Month
29. An effort to influence the attitude and feeling of others is ______________
Answer: Persuasion
30. The main objective of communication is
Answer: Information & Persuasion
31. The communication cycle, the process of re translation of signals into ideas is called
Answer: Decoding
32. A memo is an example for
Answer: Internal Communication
33. Informal communication is otherwise known as ______________ communication.
Answer: Grapevine
34. The inside address is typed ______________
Answer: Right hand side
35. Good punctuation will not involve ______________
Answer: rereading & ambiguity
36. Information about its products is ______________ information.
Answer: Internal
37. Warning can be ______________
Answer: General or specific
38. ______________ may be less important for small business
Answer: Letter Writing
39. ______________ is the process of arriving at agreement through consultation
Answer: Consensus
40. The letter of acknowledgement ______________
Answer: Provides record, shows courtesy, avoids misunderstanding
41. Communication network in any organization is ______________
Answer: Internal & External
42. Informal communication is otherwise known as ______________
Answer: Internal Communication
43. Minutes of resolutions is only resolutions ______________
Answer: Recorded
44. Minutes of a meeting are usually prepared by ______________
Answer: Laymen
45. The value mail e-mail, video conferencing etc some of the ______________ based media of communication.
Answer: Science
46. A circular is a form of ______________
Answer: Oral Communication
47. ______________ means giving a particular bias to the reality
Answer: Slanting
48. Business letter must possess the quality of ______________
Answer: Coherence
49. ______________ report can be denied at any time.
Answer: Oral Report
50. ______________ reports are related to a single occasion or situation.
Answer: Special Report
51. EDP stands for ______________
Answer: Electronic Data Processing
52. ______________ is something written after the letter is closed.
Answer: Post Script
53. The minimum number of members necessary for a meeting is called as ______________
Answer: Quorum
54. Effective communication can only be achieved when ______________
Answer: the audience is understood
55. A motivated worker does not need much ______________
Answer: supervision
56. The downward communication flow from
Answer: Superior to Sub-ordinate
57. Telephonic conversation is a
Answer: Non-verbal communication
58. Salutation
Answer: Begins at the left-hand margin of the letter
59. Physical Barriers to communication are ______________
Answer: Time & Distance
60. Appropriate salutation for an application is ______________
Answer: Sir
61. Subscription of a letter ______________
Answer: contains the name & address of the receiver
62. The usual forms of greetings used for unmarried women ______________
Answer: Ms. & Madam
63. ______________ is a more powerful agent of persuasion and control.
Answer: Speaker
64. Effective advice ______________
Answer: is both man oriented & work oriented, is given in workers interest, promotes understanding
65. The reimbursement of expenses is generally made by the ______________
Answer: Subordinate
66. The official record of the proceeding of a meeting is known as ______________
Answer: Agenda
67. A concise and accurate record of the proceedings at a meeting is called as ______________
Answer: Resolution
68. Organization Theory is written by ______________
Answer: William Scott
69. Circular letter is meant for ______________
Answer: Communication
70. CWO stands for ______________
Answer: Cash with Order
71. ______________ reports are prepared and presented at regular and prescribed intervals
Answer: Periodic Reports
72. ______________ should come as a logical conclusion to investigation and analysis
Answer: Inferences
73. ______________ system monitors and control physical processes.
Answer: Process
74. ______________ is an important element in all business letters
Answer: Salutation
75. Language used in essay writing is ______________
Answer: Simple
76. Words that have more than one meaning are called as ______________
Answer: Equivocal Terms
77. ______________ channel of communication called the grapevine.
Answer: Informal
78. Reports from the subordinates to the superiors take the form of
Answer: Upward Communication
79. Communication means ______________ information, feeling and thoughts, with others.
Answer: Exchange of
80. Audio-Visual communication is most suitable for mass ______________ and mass ______________
Answer: Publicity & Education
81. When Respected Sir is the salutation, the appropriate complimentary clause is ______________
Answer: Yours Sincerely
82. Post script appears in a letter ______________
Answer: Never appears
83. Sources of information ______________
Answer: old files, observation, meeting
84. The aim of______________ should be the organization's betterment.
Answer: order
85. ______________ is quite often a physical barrier to communication
Answer: Noise
86. All the media available can be broadly classified into ______________ groups.
Answer: Four
87. Colours also have a ______________ effect.
Answer: Psychological
88. Facial expressions and gestures are known as ______________
Answer: Oral Communication
89. List of items of business to be considered at a meeting is called as ______________
Answer: Prospectus
90. ______________ is done by drawing a list of the items of business to be transacted at the meeting.
Answer: Agenda
91. The official record of the proceeding of a meeting is called ______________
Answer: Minutes
92. Marine insurance is affected FPA. FPA denotes ______________
Answer: Free of Partial Average
93. The effort to influence the attitudes, feeling or beliefs is ______________
Answer: Persuasion
94. ______________ a basic management tool used in decision-making.
Answer: Report
95. ______________ is a device by which losses suffered by a few are shared by many.
Answer: Insurance
96. ______________ is usually indicated if anything is to be attached to a letter.
Answer: Enclosures
97. When superiors provide directions to their subordinates regarding what to do, which is known as ______________
Answer: Downward
98. Informal communication network within the organization is known as ______________
Answer: Grapevine
99. ______________ is an authoritative communication
Answer: Order
100. Examples of oral communication ______________
Answer: Letter
101. Normal salutation in chairman's speech will be
Answer: Ladies & Gentlemen
102. Gestures is an example for
Answer: Body Language
103. Lateral communication is between
Answer: same cadre of personal
104. Conciseness means ______________
Answer: Courtesy
105. The possibility of misunderstanding at any step ______________
Answer: Brain Drain
106. ______________ implies respect for the readers point of view.
Answer: None of courtesy, order, consideration
107. Audio-Visual communication is ______________
Answer: Sound & Sight
108. ________________ is the information or ideas the sender wants to give the receiver
Answer: Input
109. Blue colour refers ______________
Answer: Sincerity
110. A report is a basic management tool used in ______________
Answer: Personality Development
111. ______________ reports are related to a single occasion or situation.
Answer: Special
112. The minute books are the ______________ book of the company.
Answer: statutory
113. Letter of credit is issued ______________
Answer: by Public
114. Clearance sales refer to ______________
Answer: Sale of Detergent
115. The effective business letter must be ______________
Answer: Reader Oriented
116. ______________ is the list of words used in the reports.
Answer: Glossary
117. ______________ is in finished form.
Answer: Information
118. ______________ is the set of instructions given to the computers.
Answer: Software
119. ______________ is the process of arriving at agreement through consultation
Answer: Consensus
120. Which one is not a component of a business letter?
Answer: Envelope
121. What kind of information should be included in a resume?
Answer: Education
122. How to make audio-visual communication effective?
Answer: The pictures are colourful
123. The inside address should be written
Answer: above the salutation
124. Messieurs
Answer: A French term meaning gentlemen
125. Face-to-face communication is a ______________
Answer: Direct Conversation
126. ______________ communication is the most popular means of transmitting message.
Answer: Oral
127. Margin to a letter is like ______________
Answer: Frame of a picture
128. Bad Listeners will make ______________ communication
Answer: Bad
129. ______________ is the essential aspect of communication
Answer: Feedback
130. ______________ is impersonal and professional
Answer: Counselling
131. ______________ Communication is unsuitable for lengthy message.
Answer: Oral
132. Contents of offers and quotation are ______________
Answer: Details of Product
133. The letter should be based on ______________
Answer: You Attitude
134. Bold colour in a report implies ______________
Answer: Power
135. The participants of a board meeting are ______________
Answer: Power
136. A report given by a secretary to the Marketing Director may be called as ______________
Answer: Formal
137. A report prepared and presented according to the form and procedure laid down law is called a
Answer: A Law report
138. Dunning letters are also called ______________
Answer: Collection letters
139. ______________ stands for mental health
Answer: Morale
140. An informal report is usually in the form of a ______________ communication.
Answer: Person to Person
141. ______________ the sources of information are a kind of spadework.
Answer: Investigating
142. ______________ is an integrated user-machine system.
Answer: Management Information System
143. ______________ is the physical part of the computer
Answer: Hardware
144. ______________ is used at the end of a sentence which expresses a strong feeling.
Answer: Exclamation Mark
145. Bio-data is enclosed with the following letter ______________
Answer: Application Letter
146. Written communication includes
Answer: Reports & Forms
147. Pictures, slides, films fall under
Answer: Audio-Visual communication
148. Grapevine communication is associated with ______________ communication.
Answer: Informal
149. Empathy leads to ______________
Answer: greater focus
150. One of the following directly relates to provision of credit ______________
Answer: Recurring Deposit
151. _________ and testimonials are important because they express the opinion of others the applicant's
suitability for a position.
Answer: References
152. _________ are our body parts especially arms, legs, hands and head convey meaning.
Answer: Gestures
153. _________ are used by an organisation as a means of having written records of established practices such as
instructions on how to undertake specific tasks and work policies.
Answer: Manuals
154. _________ are usually the least formal method of written communication within the workplace and will
usually include various notices or information relating to welfare and safety issues;
Answer: Manuals
155. _________ Communication can be inward or outward:
Answer: External
156. _________ communication refers to the communication between a superior and a subordinate through scalar
Answer: Chain Communication
157. _________ in communication increases credibility of the sender of message
Answer: Concreteness
158. _________ indicates the hierarchy of topics and their sequences.
Answer: Table of Contents
159. _________ Involves how we arrange personal space and what we arrange in it
Answer: Proxemics
160. _________ is a communication which contains the decision of the meeting.
Answer: Minutes
161. _________ is a document sent with your resume to provide additional information on your skills and
Answer: Curriculum Vitae
162. _________ is a kind of written announcement that is distributed to a large number of people to convey any
commercial or non-commercial message at minimum time, costs and efforts.
Answer: Circular
163. _________ is a person's belief about his' or her chances of successfully accomplishing a specific task.
Answer: Self Efficacy
164. _________ is a systematic oral exchange of information, views and opinions about a topic, issue, problem or
situation among members of a group who share certain common objectives.
Answer: Group discussion
165. _________ is also known as non-directed interview.
Answer: Unstructured
166. _________ is also referred to as critical/judgmental listening
Answer: Evaluate Listening
167. _________ is an assigned communication for a purpose and for specific receiver or reader.
Answer: Report
168. _________ is done by drawing a list of the items of business to be transacted at the meeting.
Answer: Agenda
169. _________ is exchange of messages between two persons such as conversation, dialogue, interview etc.
Answer: Interpersonal Communication
170. _________ is talking to oneself in one's own mind such as soliloquies, asides in dramatic work etc.
Answer: Intrapersonal Communication
171. _________ is the interpretation of sensory data so as to gather meaningful ideas.
Answer: Perception
172. _________ is the process of exchanging messages between a seller and a customer.
Answer: Business Communication
173. _________ is the study of body physical movements.
Answer: Kinesics
174. _________ is the wordless form of communication which takes the form of postures, body language ,facial
expressions, eye contacts, tension, breathing and tones etc.
Answer: Non-Verbal Communication
175. _________ listening occurs when you go beyond what is being said and try to fathom what is not being said.
Answer: Deep
176. _________ Means how our voice stress, pause, sigh etc. communicates.
Answer: Paralanguage
177. _________ means the position in which you hold your body when standing or sitting.
Answer: Postures
178. _________ presentations include talks, seminars, proposals, workshops, conferences, and meetings the
presenter or presenters share their expertise, and information is exchanged.
Answer: Informative
179. _________ refers to mental disturbances
Answer: Distraction
180. _________ refers to the amount of space that individuals naturally maintain between each other.
Answer: Proxemics
181. _________ takes place when you listen to only those things that you want to hear or to those that you
Answer: Appreciative Listening
182. _________ tells how our body communicates.
Answer: Kinesics
183. A _________ focuses on your skills and experience, rather than on your chronological Work history
Answer: Functional Resume
184. A _________ includes rules for forming compound words, abbreviating technical terms, and writing unusual
or difficult words
Answer: Glossary
185. A _________ is also known as a 'cover letter'
Answer: Application Letter
186. A _________ letter should be organized like sales letter
Answer: Application Letter
187. A _________ Starts by listing your work history, with the most recent position listed first.
Answer: Chronological Resume
188. A circular is a form of _________
Answer: Group Communication
189. A GD is highly structured because:
Answer: The topic, time and number of participants are all decided in advance
190. A message may be understood by an average educated person, if FOGINDEX is:
Answer: Less than 15
191. A report prepared in a prescribed form and presented according to an established procedure is _________
Answer: Formal
192. A resume summarizes the following:
Answer: Education & Experience
193. A summary of your educational and academic backgrounds as well as teaching and research experience,
publications, presentations, awards, honours and affiliations.
Answer: Curriculum Vitae
194. A synopsis of the most relevant professional experiences you have for the particular job for which you are
Answer: Resume
195. According to Proxemics (space language), zones are classified into _________ categories
Answer: 4
196. According to Richard Fitch, in communication process 90% belongs to _________
Answer: Non-Verbal Communication
197. Advantage of written communication
Answer: Permanent Record
198. All of the following are examples of verbal communication EXCEPT:
Answer: Symbols
199. All the following are principles of business letter writing, except:
Answer: Concurrency
200. An Agenda prepared in connection with _________
Answer: Meeting
201. Communication between HR manager and salesman is an example of:
Answer: Diagonal Communication
202. Communication is a _________
Answer: two-way process
203. Communication is derived from a Latin word "Communis" which means
Answer: Share
204. Communication means _________ information, feeling and thoughts, with others.
Answer: Exchange of
205. Communication meant for changing the attitude of others is known as _________ communication.
Answer: Persuasive
206. Communication problems otherwise known as
Answer: Barriers
207. Communication saves time in:
Answer: Schedule
208. Communication starts with:
Answer: Sender
209. Communication through newspapers and television are known as:
Answer: Mass Communication
210. Communication with superiors involves:
Answers: Complaints
211. Comparing to resume, _________ is more academic oriented.
Answers: Curriculum Vitae
212. Conciseness of message refers to:
Answer: Brevity
213. Consideration in a business letter means:
Answer: Stressing the ‘you’ attitude
214. Curriculum vitae is known as a
Answer: Personal profile, personal data sheet, qualification sheet
215. Denotations and Connotations are _________ barriers in communication process.
Answer: Semantic Barriers
216. Diagonal communication is also known as:
Answer: Cross Ward Communication
217. Dialogic listening is also known as:
Answer: Active Listening
218. Different components of the presentation that attract the attention of audience are:
Answer: Attention Grabbers
219. Down ward communication and Upward communication are:
Answer: Vertical Communication
220. Dunning letters are also called _________
Answer: Collection Letters
221. Errors in language, grammar or visual representation of facts take away:
Answer: Correctness
222. Evaluation Parameters of Group discussion includes:
Answer: Personality, Communication, Leadership
223. Examples of oral communication ________
Answer: Telephone
224. FOGINDEX is used to measure:
Answer: Readability of message
225. Formal Interview is also known as _________
Answer: Planned Interview
226. Four essential elements of good listening process are:
Answer: Attention, Hear, Understand, Respond
227. Functional coordination is one important reason for communicating with:
Answer: Peers
228. Gestural communication is a _________
Answer: Non-Verbal Message
229. Gossip and rumour are part of _________ communication.
Answer: Informal
230. Grapevine communication is associated with _________ communication.
Answer: Informal
231. Horizontal communication flows through _________
Answer: Face-to-face discussion, telephonic talk, periodical meetings
232. In _________ form of communication, a subordinate is permitted to communicate with the boss of his boss.
Answer: Inverted V
233. In _________ form of communication, all the subordinates of a superior talk to one another through his
medium and the superior works as a hub.
Answer: Wheel Communication
234. In _________ layout of letter, every line begins at left margin and thus makes each paragraph look like a
distinct block of message.
Answer: Full Block
235. In _________ speakers' choice of words unintentionally communicates something more than what the actual
words state.
Answer: Meta Communication
236. In _________, the receiver holds preconceived notions, which shape the way a receiver decodes the sender's
Answer: Biased Communication
237. In empathetic communication, we can:
Answer: Respond to Feelings
238. Informal communication is otherwise known as _________ communication.
Answer: Grapevine
239. It involves how we say something in different pitch, tone and voice modulation such as slow or fast.
Answer: Paralanguage
240. Lateral communication is between
Answer: Same Cadre of Personal
241. List of items to be discussed and decided in a meeting is called as _________
Answer: Agenda
242. Listening has been identified as one of the "seven habits of highly effective people" by:
Answer: Stephen Covey
243. Listening, reading, speaking and writing are all types of:
Answer: Communication Skills
244. Materials distributed to the audience to supplement the contents of the presentation is:
Answer: Hand-outs
245. Memo is derived from a Latin word which means:
Answer: A thing which must be remembered
246. Mental turbulence refers to:
Answer: Confusion in the mind of the receiver
247. One characteristic of a memo is:
Answer: Formal
248. Orders and directives are the example of:
Answer: Downward Communication
249. Our purpose in a _________ presentation is to convince your listeners to accept your proposal
Answer: Image Building
250. Our purpose in a _________ presentation is to move your audience to take your suggested action.
Answer: Persuasive
251. Physical Barriers to communication are _________
Answer: Time & Distance
252. Placement of purchase order to supplier of material is _________ communication.
Answer: External Communication
253. Posters fall under _________ communication.
Answer: Visual
254. Readability is determined mainly by:
Answer: Length of Words
255. Receiving a sales order is an example of:
Answer: External Communication
256. Small cards that contain the important points of presentation is known as:
Answer: Handouts
257. The business letter that neither please nor displease the receiver, but are received with interest are known as
Answer: Routine Letter
258. The clarity in communication could be achieved by which of the following techniques?
Answer: choose words that short, familiar & conversational, construct effective sentences & paragraphs, achieve
appropriate readability
259. The concept the individual has of himself as a physical, social and spiritual or moral being is:
Answer: Self Concept
260. The downward communication flow from
Answer: Subordinate to Superior
261. The keys to write a successful resume are:
Answer: ‘You’ attitude, focus on your audience and think about prospective employers need
262. The main objective of communication is:
Answer: Information & Persuasion
263. The main purpose of a group discussion is to measure:
Answer: Group Communication Skills
264. The message sent is not always the same as the meaning attached to the message. This is because of the:
Answer: Inaccurate Decoding
265. The minute books are the _________ book of the company.
Answer: Statutory
266. The most basic type of listening is known as:
Answer: Discriminative Listening
267. The number of key elements in the communication process is:
Answer: Five
268. The primary role of a moderator is to:
Answer: Facilitate the smooth functioning of the GD
269. The purpose of a _________ is to help the management identify the reasons underlying a situation that
management already know.
Answer: Report
270. The quality of a report is determined mainly by:
Answer: The accuracy of the data
271. The resume should be written before the job application letter because:
Answer: The resume is more important than the letter
272. The term "communis" derived from _________ word.
Answer: Latin
273. The two broad areas of communication are:
Answer: Verbal & Non-Verbal Communication
274. The word "memo" is a short form for:
Answer: Memorandum
275. This communication takes place among the members of a group where every member of a group can
communicate with the nearest two members.
Answer: Circular Communication
276. Transactional analysis (TA) was developed by:
Answer: Eric Berne
277. Type of listening in which we learn to discern the difference in sounds.
Answer: Discriminative Listening
278. Which is NOT one of the three purposes for giving oral presentations?
Answer: To Debate

279. Which of the following combination is /are example/s of oral communication?

Answer: Meetings, Presentations and Performance Reviews
280. Which of the following combination is /are example/s of written communication?
Answer: Reports & Emails
281. Which of the following indicates the correct sequence of the elements of communication in the
communication process?
Answer: Sender, Message, Channel, Receiver, Feedback
282. Which of the following is / are 7 Cs of presentation?
Answer: Clarity, Conciseness, Candidness
283. Which of the following is /are element of body of a business report?
Answer: Recommendation
284. Which of the following is /are not 7Cs of presentation?
Answer: Collectiveness
285. Which of the following is a basic part of report?
Answer: Recommendation
286. Which of the following is characteristic of a chronological resume?
Answer: Appropriate for experienced candidates & mentions most recent job or qualification first
287. Which of the following is not a basic part of report?
Answer: Glossary
288. Which of the following is not a component of attitude?
Answer: Openness
289. Which of the following is not a compulsory part of a business letter?
Answer: Close
290. Which of the following is not a type of business letter?
Answer: Reference Letter
291. Which of the following is not an element of back matters of business report?
Answer: Conclusion
292. Which of the following is not an element of front matters of business report?
Answer: Introduction
293. Which of the following is/are barriers of listening?
Answer: Sluggishness, Premature Evaluation, External Distraction
294. Which of the following is/are business letters?
Answer: Refusal letter, custom relation letter, order status letter
295. Which one is an effective audio-visual communication?
Answer: cinema, television, drama
296. While giving an interview, be --- in your salary expectations.
Answer: Modest
297. Written communication doesn't include
Answer: none of report, form, notice
298. Wrong decoding means:
Answer: Interpreted meaning is different from intended message
299. "Internal communication" refers to
Answer: Exchange of information and ideas within an organisation
300. A formal work plan usually includes the following elements except
Answer: Primary & Secondary sources
301. A successful resume conveys seven qualities that employers seek; which of the following is not one of them?
Answer: Being paid a salary commensurate with your abilities and responsibilities

302. A successful resume conveys seven qualities that employers seek; which of the following is not one of them?
Answer: Having personal standards of excellence, showing signs of career progress, being flexible and willing to
try new things
303. A well-written summary has the following characteristics except
Answer: It supports a recommendation
304. All of the following are features of the direct approach for routine messages except
Answer: open with a "hook" to capture the reader's interest.
305. All of the following are good advice about tone except
Answers: avoid long sentences
306. All of the following are good ways to give constructive feedback except
Answer: offering feedback on things that are not controllable by the recipient
307. All of the following are important to conducting productive meetings except
Answer: providing refreshments
308. All of the following are logical fallacies except
Answer: Ethical dilemmas
309. All of the following are questions to consider during the first pass through a draft except
Answer: What score does fog index give?
310. All of the following are questions to consider during the first pass through a draft except
Answer: is it concise?
311. All of the following are strategies to use if your message will displease your audience except
Answer: open with main point
312. All of the following are suggestions for writing condolence messages except
Answer: quote poetic passages and other formal phrases suitable for the occasion.
313. All of the following messages are likely to please your audience except
Answer: providing routine information as part of your regular business.
314. All of the following will help you send an effective on-the-job e-mail message except
Answer: copying a wide distribution list on your e-mail note.
315. All of these are measures to resolve conflict except
Answer: determination--making sure your viewpoint prevails.
316. All of these are measures to resolve conflict except
Answer: decisiveness--making sure a decision is made.
317. All these are guidelines to effective communication except
Answer: improve your speed at writing messages.
318. An interview proceeds through three stages; which is not one of them?
Answer: The Decision
319. Business writers use what type of design elements to provide visual clues to the importance of various ideas
and their relationships?
Answer: White Space and headings
320. Cultural diversity is
Answer: the degree to which a population is made up of people from various national, ethnic, racial, and religious
321. Do all of the following when you are writing sales letters except
Answer: gain the readers attention, support your claims with evidence, emphasize central selling points and
322. During what stage does the interviewer control the interview by asking a series of questions in a set order?
Answer: a structured interview
323. Effective persuasion involves the following strategies except
Answer: repeating the main idea

324. E-mail can be used for external communications in which of the following situations?
Answer: When your audience accepts email as appropriate and in response to email messages that you receive
325. Generally, the best way to deliver a speech is by
Answer: Speaking from notes
326. If you wish to acknowledge help given by others, place it in the
Answer: Letter of Transmittal
327. In a recent Ipso-Reid survey of office workers across Canada, on average, what was the reported number of
hours per week spent in meetings?
Answer: 5.2 hours
328. In a stress interview you might encounter the following except
Answer: none of hostile reactions from interviewer, pointed questions designated to unsettle you, criticisms of
your appearance
329. In asking for a recommendation from someone with whom you have not had contact for some time, include
the following information except
Answer: Any special event that might bring a clear, favourable picture to mind, the nature of relationship, the
dates of association
330. In longer messages, the first few paragraphs should establish the following except
Answer: Recommendations
331. It is best to use a written channel in the following situations except when
Answer: You need a permanent written record
332. It is best to use an oral channel in the following situations except when
Answer: your message is complex and required further explanation
333. Most grammar checkers can perform the following tasks except
Answer: Constructing correct sentences
334. Open Hint for Question 1 in a new window.
Answer: email
335. Sales and fundraising messages are alike in the following ways except
Answer: both are sent by non-profit organizations persuading others to donate money or time to help others.
336. Speeches and presentations can be classified according to their purpose: to inform, to motivate, to persuade,
or to entertain. Which is the least common in the business world?
Answer: Entertaining
337. Taking the direct approach in a bad-news message provides the following advantages except
Answer: it avoids turning the issue over to an attorney
338. The AIDA plan consists of four phases; the action phase includes
Answer: Specific steps that the audience may take
339. The communication dilemma faced by Sue Lee at Suncor Energy Inc. includes each of the following except
Answer: Reprimanding employees who break rules
340. The first step in planning a report is to
Answer: Define the problem
341. The following are advantages gained by preparing the visuals before writing the text except
Answer: By starting with the visual aids, you develop a graphic story line that can be used for your written report,
much of the fact finding and analytical work is already in tabular or graphic form, so sorting through your visuals
will help you decide what you're going to say, because your text will explain and refer to any tables, charts, and
graphs you include, you save time by having them ready before you start to write.
342. The following are advantages of the indirect approach except
Answer: defers conclusion and recommendations
343. The following are categories of components of a formal report except
Answer: Text of the reports

344. The following are common mistakes in fundraising letters except

Answer: Writing about the reader
345. The following are common mistakes in resumes except
Answer: too much white space and such devices as indentations and boldface.
346. The following are common mistakes to avoid in making persuasive arguments except
Answer: Resisting Compromise
347. The following are common structural approaches for analytical reports except
Answer: Focusing on Categories
348. The following are disadvantages of e-mail except
Answer: Increased Access to other employees
349. The following are disadvantages of e-mail except
Answer: obtaining new business of funding, those for solving problems, those for justifying a project or course of
350. The following are examples of bad-news messages except
Answer: granting an adjustment to a client's account, where the client was at fault.
351. The following are examples of transitions that connect ideas except
Answer: Now I’d like to hear from the audience
352. The following are features of a good outline except
Answer: Includes complete sentences
353. The following are goals of a bad-news message except
Answer: To increase sales
354. The following are goals of paraphrasing except
Answer: Quote the original source accurately
355. The following are guidelines for making a database search except
Answer: Use wildcards
356. The following are guidelines for writing a successful news release except
Answer: Use colourful adjectives and adverbs
357. The following are key ingredients of a good persuasive claim except
Answer: relating your complaint to similar products by the company.
358. The following are primary sources of information except
Answer: Making observations
359. The following are qualities of a sound conclusion except
Answer: must be based on primary, not secondary sources.
360. The following are questions to ask yourself in order to make ethical choices except
Answer: Is the message positive or negative?
361. The following are structural approaches for a logical argument except
Answer: The direct approach
362. The following are techniques for stating bad news except
Answer: state what the company cannot do.
363. The following are things to do when writing a buffer except
Answer: apologize for the inconvenience.
364. The following are tips for the application letter except
Answer: Write to a specific person using his/her name, title, and department, be as clear as possible about the
kind of opportunity and industry you're looking for, meticulously check your spelling, writing, and grammar.
365. The following are tools for giving readers a sense of the overall structure of your document except
Answer: the openings, preview & review, headings & lists
366. The following are topics for arranging material in an informational report except
Answer: indirect order
367. The following are transitional words indicating a causal relationship except
Answer: On the other hand
368. The following are true of routine replies except
Answer: introduce yourself in the opening.
369. The following are types of informational reports except
Answer: supporting a recommendation.
370. The following are typical of low-context cultures except
Answer: executive offices are shared and open to all.
371. The following are uses of bar graphs except
Answer: show how parts of a whole are distributed.
372. The following are ways to establish credibility except
Answer: Declare your trustworthiness
373. The following are ways to use the Web to search for jobs except
Answer: Using a central and unified market place
374. The following can cause communication barriers except
Answer: ethical communication
375. The following guidelines apply to the middle section of routine requests except
Answer: Request a specific action
376. The following guidelines will help you write survey questions that yield reliable, valid results except
Answer: use leading questions
377. The following is good advice about the preliminary screening interview except
Answer: Call attention to one key aspect of your background that is relevant to the job in question, talking to much
can be a mistake, keep responses short and to the point.
378. The following might be appropriate in a request for adjustment except
Answer: tell your reader exactly what will return the company to your good graces, ask the reader to resolve the
problem, supply your contact information and the best time to call you.
379. The following should be accomplished by the presentation's opening except
Answer: arousing your audience’s interest in your topic, establishing your credibility, preparing your audience for
what will follow.
380. The following sources are found in libraries except
Answer: none of electronic database, business books, librarians.
381. The following statements about an oral communication channel are true except
Answer: The more you interact with your audience, the more control you will have.
382. The following statements about describing your work are true except
Answer: List your jobs in chronological order, with the current one listed first.
383. The following statements about formal reports are true except
Answer: A formal report is directed primarily to readers outside an organization.
384. A formal report is directed primarily to readers outside an organization.
Answer: The main idea will come first.
385. The following statements about previews are true except
Answer: Previews help readers absorb details while keeping track of the big picture.
386. The following statements about the ending of a report are true except
Answer: End with the executive summary.
387. The following statements about the synopsis of a proposal are true except
Answer: a synopsis is necessary even in short proposals
388. The following statements about visual aids are true except
Answer: Audiences remember 20 percent of the speaker's message when the information is supported with visual
389. The following statements are true about discussing salary except
Answer: Most organizations are fairly flexible about salary practices, especially at the entry level.
390. The following statements are true of all cultures except
Answer: cultures resist outside influences.
391. The following statements are true of application letters except
Answer: Both solicited and unsolicited application letters need attention-getting openers.
392. The following statements are true of application letters except
Answer: The middle section presents details about your strongest selling points, the opening paragraph should
state the position you are applying for, the final paragraph asks the reader for a specific action.
393. The following statements are true of high-context cultures except
Answer: A speaker is likely to spell out his or her expectations through explicit statements.
394. The following statements are true of the open-ended interview except
Answer: In an open-ended interview a candidate should reveal a great deal about personal or family problems.
395. The following statements are true of the structured interview except
Answer: A structured interview is generally used after the screening stage.
396. The following tips will help you make oral presentations to intercultural audiences except
Answer: Speak slowly & distinctly, support your oral message with visual aids, repeat key words & phrases
397. The following tips will help you prepare for a job interview except
Answer: Memorize your responses to anticipated questions.
398. The following tips will help you prepare for a video interview except
Answer: during the interview speak more slowly than normally.
399. The four phases of the AIDA plan are
Answer: attention, interest, desire, and action.
400. The informal network that is known as the "grapevine"
Answer: is used by savvy managers to spread and receive informal messages
401. The opening of a formal report accomplishes the following except
Answer: List the recommendations
402. The tone of a bad-news message helps readers in the following ways except
Answer: encourage further correspondence.
403. These are good strategies for overcoming resistance except
Answer: Ignoring it until it goes away
404. To discover what will bring you satisfaction on the job, ask yourself the following questions except
Answer: What are the sources of employment information?
405. To evaluate the credibility of sources, ask the following questions except
Answer: Can it be found by several different search engines?
406. To help decide whether or not to send your business message at this time, you should ask yourself four
questions. Which of the following is not one of those questions?
Answer: Is your message likely to please the audience?
407. To hold the attention of your audience during a speech or presentation, you must do all of the following except
Answer: define your purpose.
408. To limit the scope of a study, ask the following questions except
Answer: What medium and channel should be used?
409. To preview your speech, do the following except
Answer: Establish Credibility
410. Use the direct approach when the audience is
Answer: Eager & Interested
411. Use the indirect approach when the audience is
Answer: Displeased
412. What is the ratio of receiving to sending information?
Answer: 61% receiving/39% sending
413. What percentage of communication time do businesspeople spend listening?
Answer: 45%
414. What percentage of each workweek is wasted because of poor communication?
Answer: 15%
415. What step in the communication process allows you to evaluate your message's effectiveness?
Answer: Feedback sent by the receiver to the sender.
416. When a crisis hits, an organization should do the following except
Answer: use the crisis to promote products and services.
417. When choosing an appropriate style for a speech, which of the following is not a factor to consider?
Answer: Overcoming Anxiety
418. When closing a speech or presentation, you should do all of the following except
Answer: Emphasize Structure
419. When critiquing a document, you should concentrate on these elements except
Answer: Is it long enough?
420. When deciding whether to use the direct or indirect approach, consider the following questions except
Answer: How serious is the situation?
421. When employers consider a candidate for a job, they consider the following except
Answer: none of how well candidate’s skills match the job requirement, how a candidate will fit with the
organisation, pre-employment testing to determine whether a candidate has the necessary psychological
422. When giving a negative performance review follow these guidelines except
Answer: use the indirect approach to avoid an emotional response.
423. When giving reasons for saying no, use the following techniques except
Answer: cite company policy to cushion the bad news.
424. When granting a claim for adjustment when a third party is at fault, which of the following is not a good option
to consider?
Answer: Refer the claimant to the third party.
425. When organizing direct requests, you should not
Answer: begin your request with a personal introduction.
426. When planning bad-news messages, you should consider the following questions except
Answer: all of, do your readers prefer to receive the negative news up front, without delay? Should it be sent in
writing? Would they accept the news more readily if you explained your reasons first?
427. When speaking English to people who speak English as a second language, follow all of the following guidelines
Answer: Repeat your sentence in a louder voice than necessary
428. When writing a note of congratulations, do all of the following except
Answer: take the opportunity to mention how your products and services could benefit the reader.
429. When writing for an international audience, which of the following will not promote clarity?
Answer: Relying on abstractions and generalities to explain your points
430. When writing your first letter to a company to ask for a claim or adjustment, you should do all of the following
Answer: open with a personal introduction because the company does not know you.
431. When you are dissatisfied with a company's product or service, which of the following is the best option?
Answer: Write claim letter
432. Which is not a good reason for using the passive voice?
Answer: To emphasize the importance of a statement
433. Which is not one of the steps in the three-step oral presentation process?
Answer: Overcome anxiety
434. Which of the following are examples of external communication?
Answer: with competitors, customers, journalists
435. Which of the following are typical of high-context cultures?
Answer: information shared with everyone, business and social relationship overlap, workers do not want or
expect detailed information
436. Which of the following categories of messages should not be written in the direct approach?
Answer: Refusing to claim for adjustment
437. Which of the following definitions is not true?
Answer: The median is the sum of all the items in the group divided by the number of items in the group
438. Which of the following documentation styles should not be used in a formal report?
Answer: A simple, consistent style adapted by the author of the report.
439. Which of the following elements does not belong in the close of a routine request?
Answer: An explanation of the importance of the request
440. Which of the following is a communication barrier that often exists between people?
Answer: Differences in Perception
441. Which of the following is a complex sentence?
Answer: Although the company lost money last year, prospects for next year look promising.
442. Which of the following is a fact about resumes?
Answer: Your resume probably has less than 45 seconds to make an impression.
443. Which of the following is a recommended activity in your search for employment?
Answer: all of network with people in your field, stay abreast of business and financial news, research specific
444. Which of the following is an example of an effective statement on a resume?
Answer: "Won a trip to Europe for opening the newest customer accounts in my department"
445. Which of the following is an example of something that you could do to make your business writing more
Answer: Replace the phrase "prior to the start of" with the word "before".
446. Which of the following is correct?
Answer: Sincerely
447. Which of the following is not a characteristic of a business document that has used design elements
Answer: Tone
448. Which of the following is not a characteristic of psychographics?
Answer: Occupation
449. Which of the following is not a common problem that can cause poor organization of a message?
Answer: Using Brainstorming Techniques
450. Which of the following is not a disadvantage of working in teams?
Answer: Some team members may be uninterested in the outcome.
451. Which of the following is not a feature of effective workplace writing?
Answer: Dramatic
452. Which of the following is not a feature of media richness?
Answer: Ability to Use written text
453. Which of the following is not a key component of a resume?
Answer: Name of previous supervisors
454. Which of the following is not a main purpose of employee performance reviews?
Answer: Determine whether or not an employee is entitled to Christmas bonus
455. Which of the following is not a result of increased globalization and workforce diversity?
Answer: Enhanced Professional Image
456. Which of the following is not a situation requiring bad news messages about company operations?
Answer: all of a change in company policy that will have a negative effect on the reader, controversial or unpopular
company operations, problems with company performance.
457. Which of the following is not a strategy for defining the main idea?
Answer: Outline
458. Which of the following is not a technique for revising for clarity?
Answer: Impose parallelism, divide overly long sentences, rewrite hedging sentences
459. Which of the following is not a technique for revising for clarity?
Answer: Use the ‘you’ attitude
460. Which of the following is not a technique for revising for conciseness?
Answer: Use the ‘you’ attitude
461. Which of the following is not a tool that is actively used in the technological workplace?
Answer: Streamlined Forms
462. Which of the following is not an abstract word?
Answer: Green
463. Which of the following is not an advantage of working in teams?
Answer: Increased savings for the organisation
464. Which of the following is not one of the five phases of decision making?
Answer: Repetition
465. Which of the following is not one of the headings of an FCR worksheet?
Answer: Facts
466. Which of the following is not one of the steps in the three-step writing process?
Answer: Brainstorming
467. Which of the following is not true of cultural differences?
Answer: Use the "golden rule" when communicating across cultures; that is, treat others the way you would like
to be treated.
468. Which of the following is not true?
Answer: Good organization helps your audience respond to your message.
469. Which of the following is passive?
Answer: The office has already been rented
470. Which of the following is unethical?
Answer: Hiding negative information
471. Which of the following might be considered subcultures in Canada?
Answer: Quebecois, Metis, Hockey Fans
472. Which of the following pairs do not illustrate a euphemism?
Answer: Elderly/Old People
473. Which of the following phrases should not be used in the close of a bad-news message?
Answer: Avoid all of, “We hope you will continue to do business with us.”, “If you have further questions, please
write.”, “I trust our decision is satisfactory.”
474. Which of the following questions should you not ask the interviewer during a job interview?
Answer: Why has the company been under so much media scrutiny lately?
475. Which of the following sentences should not be used in a bad-news message?
Answer: We're sorry for your inconvenience.
476. Which of the following statements about a formal report style is not true?
Answer: When you write in a formal style, you use "I" and "you."
477. Which of the following statements about follow-up messages is not true?
Answer: A letter of acceptance should be sent within one day of receiving an offer.
478. Which of the following statements about handling questions is not true?
Answer: All of, “you can maintain control by suggesting a time limit for questions before the question-and-answer
period begins.”, “one way to defuse hostility in a questioner is to paraphrase the question and ask to ensure that
you've understood it correctly.”, “focus your attention on the individual asking the question.”
479. Which of the following statements about persuasive messages is not true?
Answer: An external persuasive message is one of the most difficult tasks you can undertake.
480. Which of the following statements about proposals is not true?
Answer: None of, “formal proposals contain many of the same components as formal reports.”, “A copy of the
RFP may be omitted and referred to in the letter of transmittal.”, “A formal proposal may have a copy of the RFP
instead of a letter of authorization.”
481. Which of the following statements about resumes is not true?
Answer: The chronological approach emphasizes a list of skills and accomplishments.
482. Which of the following statements about teleconferencing is true?
Answer: It is best for informational meetings, but is ineffective for negotiation.
483. Which of the following statements about the body of a formal report is not true?
Answer: Conclusions must never be placed in the body, but always in a separate section.
484. Which of the following statements about the direct approach is not true?
Answer: The direct approach is best for a sceptical audience.
485. Which of the following statements about the question-and-answer period is not true?
Answer: When someone poses a question, keep your attention on the general audience, not on that individual.
486. Which of the following statements is not accurate?
Answer: In a high-context country like Canada, businesspeople typically enjoy confrontation and debate.
487. Which of the following statements is not true of follow-up letters?
Answer: All of, “a follow-up letter can demonstrate that you're sincerely interested in working for the
organization.”, “if your application letter and resume fail to bring a response within a month, follow up with a
second letter to keep your file alive.”, “even if you receive a letter acknowledging your application, send a follow-
up letter three months later to show you are still interested.”
488. Which of the following statements is not true of long formal reports?
Answer: All of, “in the "Conclusions" section, place an analysis of what the findings mean.”, “in the
"Recommendations" section, place your opinions about the course of action that should be taken.”, “in the
"Summary" section, place the key findings of your report.”
489. Which of the following statements is not true?
Answer: In Italy people indicate "no" by clasping both hands.
490. Which of the following statements is not true?
Answer: None of, “to collaborate with audience members, you need maximum participation.”, “if your purpose is
to inform your audience, you need little interaction with them.”, “to persuade your audience, you require a
moderate amount of participation.”
491. Which of the following statements is not true?
Answer: When using the indirect approach to delivering bad-news, the reasons behind the situation should be
given after the bad news itself.
492. Which of the following statements is not true?
Answer: All of, “Persuasive messages are generally longer than routine messages.”, “persuasive messages
influence audiences who are inclined to resist.”, “your credibility takes on extra importance in persuasive
493. Which of the following statements is not true?
Answer: In the United States, audiences are usually concerned with ethical matters.
494. Which of the following statements is not true?
Answer: Proposals are not legally binding.
495. Which of the following statements is not true?
Answer: An example of an informative synopsis is "This report contains information about super-premium ice
cream and its share of the market."
496. Which of the following statements is not true?
Answer: An executive summary is a prose table of contents that outlines the main points of a report.
497. Which of the following steps is not part of the planning process for routine messages?
Answer: Open with a "hook" to capture the reader's interest.
498. Which of the following tips for conducting a mock interview is bad advice?
Answer: Practise sitting in an attentive position, rarely using hand gestures.
499. Which of the following topics is usually not included in the "Introduction" section of a formal report?
Answer: Synopsis
500. Which of the following types of interviews is not likely to be held on campus by a recruiter?
Answer: All of, screening interview, video interview, selection interview
501. Which of the following types of margins and line justification are easiest to read?
Answer: Flush left with a ragged right margin
502. Which of the following variables is considered by computer-calculated readability formulas?
Answer: Number of syllables
503. Which of the following will help you learn to communicate across cultures?
Answer: All of, “learn general intercultural communication skills.”, “learn how to handle both written & oral
communication.”, “learn about the cultures in which you plan to do business.”
504. Which of the following will not help overcome ethnocentrism?
Answer: Learn the language of the other culture
505. Which of these are potential sources of conflict?
Answer: power struggles, poor communication, competition of scarce resources
506. Which of these are strategies for using transitional elements?
Answer: all of, “echo a word or phrase from a previous paragraph or sentence.”, “use a pronoun that refers to a
noun used previously.”, “use connecting words: nevertheless, however, in addition.”
507. Which of these can be a constructive feature of conflict in a team?
Answer: Increases involvement of all team members
508. Which of these is not a type of listening?
Answer: Integrative listening
509. Which of these prefatory parts is least likely to be used?
Answer: Title Fly
510. Which of these questions does not need to be asked about visual aids?
Answer: Does the visual show primary rather than secondary information?
511. Which of these sections does not belong in the body of a proposal?
Answer: Overview of Approach
512. Which of these sentences is the least likely to establish an image of confidence in your audience?
Answer: “it seems to me that”
513. Which of these statements does not apply to an organization's formal communication network (that is, the
organization's flow chart)?
Answer: Communication moves only up or down, not across.
514. Which of these statements is not true?
Answer: all of, “the average speaker can deliver about 125-150 words a minute.”, “the average speaker can deliver
about one paragraph per minute.”, “the average speaker can deliver in an hour the equivalent of 20-25 double-
spaced pages.”
515. Which of these statements is true?
Answer: People remember only half of what's said during a 10-minute conversation, and forget half of that within
48 hours.
516. Which of these topics is not included in the introduction of a formal proposal?
Answer: Proposed Approach
517. Which one of the following statements about the direct approach is not true?
Answer: It undermines your credibility
518. Which sentence does not show a positive tone?
Answer: We apologize for inconveniencing you during the remodelling.
519. Which sentence illustrates the "you" attitude?
Answer: So that your order can be completed promptly, please send another copy of the requisition.
520. Which topics should not be introduced by an interviewer?
Answer: All of, “pregnancy, any health conditions, or disabilities not related to job performance.”, “your religious
affiliation.”, “children or child-care arrangements.”
521. Which word does not show gender bias?
Answer: Nurse
522. While you may not have the time or interest to learn about every culture, you can adapt to any culture by
using all of the following techniques except
Answer: learn that people are typical of their race and gender.
523. You should review a document at least three times; which of the following is not one of the purposes of the
Answer: One pass to choose the channel and medium
524. The most important goal of business communication is_________.
Answer: Receiver Understanding
525. Down ward communication flows from_________ to_________.
Answer: Upper to Lower
526. Horizontal communication takes place between_________.
Answer: Employee with the same status

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