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Final Project: Web Development

Project Report

Foundations of Web Development


Student ID: *****

Name: *****

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Final Project: Web Development


My project name called BEST ONLINE SERVICE IN DHAKA. I have created a

business website for restaurant where I can handle pretty much every online based thing.
Such as, online food order, advance food order, checking menu card of restaurant, ETC.
I have made this website so conveniently for customer so that, they can access easily.
And all of data of customers are completley safe.

 (1) Introduction

A perfect website needs organization of all needful components. By using visual studio
I have used and add some special features such as button, check-box. For html,
css and js I had to use visual studio code. By using html technique I have structured my
website, css styles helped to decorate my website and java helped to set function.

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Final Project: Web Development

 (2) HTML Techniques

Html is the code that is used to structure a web page and its content. By using <title>
tag I have created the website address. My website has connected with “googleapis” to
take icon and by using stylesheet link tag style css gets linked up with website.

 Navigation bar: By using <nav> tag I have made the navigation bar of the website which
has logo name and connected with other link such as, home, about us, contact and service

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Final Project: Web Development

 Image tag: by using <image> tag I have putted image in website.

 <div> and class: I have used different class name in different places to address the certain
stuff and also this class has used in CSS file to style the page.
 Button: It has html button to perform “submit” action by using JS.

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Final Project: Web Development

 (3) CSS Styles

 Fond: I choose fond family with the ‘fond family’ attribute.

 Color: For colour my word and background I used home tag for color and size etc.

 Button and text decoration: Here let me show you a style of a button.
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Final Project: Web Development
“background” used for the color of the button. “Color” is used for color of the
text. “font-size” determine how big or small the text is on the button. When
“Cursor” is pointer then if our mouse cursor go on the top of the button the
cursor will change in to pointer.

 Background: I have used background attribute design websites background.

 (4) JavaScript: I used some basic but necessary Java Script Functions that made the
website much more efficient !

 Function please confirm: I used here function please confirm so to clear to do list, you have
to confim to delete to do list.

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Final Project: Web Development

 Function deleted: I have created delete option of online order product by using this
interesting function.

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 (5)Server-side Function

I have placed the ASP.Net Controls in the Plans.aspx webpage. There is a small form for the
visitor to make an appointment with the page owner! It includes “Button” , “Calendar”
“Check box” “Link Button” Etc.

I have made a master page with all the Html , css and JavaScript files together. “Site1.Master”

For webpage view I have created webform1.aspx

If Click on ”about us “ will take you to the different page , where all are the controlled.

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 (6) Conclusion and Future Work

This is a very begging level website for the web world. But I can work with the need of
customer and owner. It may have some security issue and bugs. I will fix that in the
future and make it perfect for web world.

The zip Folder name is “” it has two folder inside and one document file.
2. (
3.project report.
Please open webform1.aspx and site1.master

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