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(The following article is ex- courts one sees a tremendous based on the reading of appellate
cerpted from an address presented flood of would-be adjudication cases. Students know that the pic-
by Prof Marc Galanter, who decomposing into mediated settle- ture of hierarchies of courts is a
teaches a Law School course on ments and negotiated ones. If the very partial and unrepresentative
Negotiations. Prof Galanter spoke distinctive work of courts is full- picture of the legal world. But law
to the AALS Workshop on Negotia- blown adjudication, these cases school tends to present the other
tion/Alternative Dispute Resolution don't require it and should go components of the system in frag-
in Cambridge last October.) somewhere else! But from the ments and asides; it does not sup-
point of view of the customers, ply the analytic tools to hold these
On the contemporary American things look different: it is the other aspects in mind and incor-
legal scene the negotiation of dis- coercive, menacing character of porate them into a coherent pic-
putes is not an alternative to the court process that is valued- ture.
litigation, it is litigation. There are it is the anvil against which the I confine the course to the
not two distinct processes, hammer of negotiation strikes; it negotiation of disputes. That is, I
negotiation and litigation; there is is the second hand clapping. leave out the negotiation of deals
a single process of disputing in the The courts are central to the per se and stick to negotiation of
vicinity of official tribunals that litigotiation game not because of disputes of the sorts that make up
we might call LITIGOTIATION- what they do but because of the the grist of legal practice. This is a
that is, the strategic pursuit of a "bargaining endowments" that matter of priority and inclination
settlement through mobilizing the they bestow on the parties. That rather than principle. I don't con-
court process. Full-blown ad- is, what might be done by or in or fine the course to pure two-party
judication of the dispute - run- near a court gives the parties bargaining because I think much
ning the whole course - is one in- bargaining chips or counters. of the most important legal
frequently pursued alternative, Bargaining chips derive from the negotiation involves the participa-
the cost and risk of which are substantive entitlements confer- tion of third parties (mediators of
compelling presences throughout. red by legal rules and from the various sorts, including judges)
The settlement process is not procedural rules that enable these and I am interested in bringing
some marginal, peripheral aspect entitlements to be vindicated. But out how the process is affected by
of legal disputing in America; it is rules are only part of the endow- their participation.
the central core. Over 90%of civil ment conferred by the law - the We move through a progression
cases are settled (and of course delay, cost and uncertainty of of units organized around particu-
many more disputes are settled eliciting a favorable determina- lar kinds of disputes - personal
before reaching the stage of fil- tion also confer bargaining coun- injury, criminal, family, etc. We
ing.) Lawyers spend more time on ters on the disputants. Everything begin with automobile accident
settlement discussions than on that might affect outcome counts claims, then move on to look at big
research or on trials and appeals. - all the outcome for the party, time personal injury litigotiation
Much of the other activity that not just that encompassed by the - the world of large claims,
lawyers engage in is articulated to rules. The ability to impose delay, specialist lawyers, extensive ex-
the settlement process. Even in costs, embarassment, publicity pert testimony, pioneering theo-
the case that departs from the come into play along with the ries of recovery - found in some
standardized routines of settle- rules. Rules are important but medical malpractice, products
ment, negotiation and litigation they interact with a host of other liability, or disaster cases. We
are not separate processes, but are factors in ways that do not corres- move on to units on the negotia-
inseparably entwined. pond to the neatly separated tion of criminal charges and
Negotiation is not the law's soft foreground and background of the family disputes. I cover these by a
penumbra, but the hard heart of law school classroom. mix of readings, videotapes and
the process. The so-caned hard If negotiation is the largely presentations by visitors, and in-
law turns out to be only one (often unexamined heart of the legal tersperse several simulations in
malleable) set of counters for process, a negotiation course is, which students take turns
playing the litigotiation game. for me, first of all a place to ex- negotiating and observing. These
How come, then, negotiation is amine it. And by examining it to simulations are not exclusively or
put on the "alternative" team? challenge students to reorganize even primarily intended to incul-
Observing the litigotiation process the intellectual picture of the law cate skills, but to cultivate unders-
from the command posts 'of our implanted by legal education, tanding - to bring into the

Prof. Marc Galanter

foreground otherwise neglected conclusion [than litigation]". so captured by the dispute

aspects of the legal process. They Others have been more impressed perspective that we see the world
provide the occasion for inter- by infirmities of the negotiation of negotiation as a series of dis-
nalizing of some of the basic ele- process as it is institutionalized in crete cases. It is important to step
ments of negotiation theory - in- American litigotiation. Thus Earl back and examine our negotiation
cluding such helpful analytic tools Warren worried about the in- institutions. Law students will not
as notions of resistance point, set- justice and suffering caused by only be players in these bargain-
tlement range, commitments, ra- "inadequate settlements which in- ing arenas, they will also (as legis-
tionalizations, etc. This doesn't dividuals are frequently forced to lator, judge, member of bar com-
presume to make students expert accept on ... account [of delay]." mittee, etc.) have a hand in
negotiators any more than the I am comfortable with the "mix- designing and reforming them.
torts course aims to make them ed" view that justice does not Therefore I spend the final ses-
personal injury specialists - it is reside entirely in the realm of for- sions considering the systemic
there to give them a sense of the mal legal processes nor is it en- problems that attend the litigotia-
elements, the parameters, the tirely absent from the world of tion game - e.g., the expense of
possibilities. bargaining. The question - both remedies, the problem of dis-
Learning to negotiate is not for research and practice - is how parities of skill/experience/
only a question of acquiring skills, to locate it and to augment it. bargaining power; etc., for
but of learning to read the land- One way to pursue it is through different kinds of cases. We ex-
scape, dope out the features of the better negotiating. Lurking in amine some proposed solutions
bargaining arena - whether you many discussions of negotiating and consider the variety of devices
are dealing with people who are style is a sort of negotiation that might be used to address
concerned to deal with you again, utopia, a method of transcending these problems: certification,
whether deals are standardized the "strategic" world of intracta- judicial supervision, disciplinary
here or custom made, what are bly opposed interests to produce enforcement, malpractice, peer
the shared expectations about the an optimal outcome. review (audits), etc.
process and outcome. Our question has two levels. Although I am skeptical about
In a curious reversal of the First, in what ways (and how the negotiation utopia, the ques-
classical legalist view, a benign much) does this kind of "good" tions it raises for both action and
and cheerful view of bargaining negotiation depend upon the research are the right questions,
has become the received view of qualities of the individual negotia- for they ask about the big world of
important segments of the legal tors - their skills, preferences, litigotiation rather than the small
establishment. Thus a draft of the temperament, etc.? Second how world of formal adjudication.
proposed new Model Rules of Pro- much does it depend on the way These are the questions.
fessional Conduct simply observed that the institutions of negotia-
that "a fairly negotiated settle- tion are constructed?
ment generally yields a better I think it is important not to be
The following report was prepared by the Wisconsin Law Alumni Association's Board of Visitors following their
1982 inspection visit of the Law School.

Report of the Wisconsin Law Alumni Association Board of Visitors

On October 24-25, 1982, the Board of Visitors of Obviously these are serious concerns and must be
the Wisconsin Law Alumni Association conducted its seriously treated. We feel, however, that after our
annual inspection of the Law School. The Board's brief exposure we are insufficiently informed to
responsibilities include review of the School's " ... render either an opinion or suggestions for correc-
facilities, curriculum, placement, admissions and tion of faults that may exist. We therefore ask that
public relations ... " As always we visited classes and all parties report back to us next year. We want to
met with students, staff and faculty to gather infor- know what problems do exist, if any, what actions
mation concerning the operation of the School. We the School has already taken and their results; and
recommend that next year's visit reinstate the open suggestions for other improvements the School can
forum session to insure that everyone with some- make.
thing to say has the opportunity to say it. Class Attendance
General Comments: Once again, overall we are Our observations cause concern in the area of
impressed with the quality of the education being class attendance. We suspect that not only is there
offered. Despite an ever-tightening budget, morale is great variation from class to class, depending on the
good. Budget cuts have resulted in some reduction in subject matter, size and teacher; but also from day to
course offerings because money is not available to day, and year to year and that some absence is
hire lecturers. The faculty who are teaching continue unavoidable and probably should not be of great con-
to impress us. While we viewed only a portion of all cern. But our discussion with some professors causes
courses being offered we feel that the quality of in- us to wonder if a regular pattern of absence is not a
struction overall is well above average. Based on our matter of concern deserving remedy. Consistently
limited opportunity to observe, we wish to particu- poor attendance creates at least an impression of
larly commend Professors Clauss, Davis and Irish. superficial education and lack of professional dedica-
Issues raised by students during our visit do merit tion. While we recognize that law students are adults
our consideration, but they do not include the critical and are responsible for their own actions we believe
concerns that have troubled past visitors. We would that graduates of this Law School must possess legal
also like to commend the administration for the im- qualifications beyond minimal competency.
provements it has already made in advanced course Weare unsure of what sanctions to suggest for stu-
scheduling. Since our suggestions on this subject last dents with poor attendance records. Our individual
year, a system of scheduling a semester in advance opinions range from prohibiting graduation to some
has been instituted. We understand that an ad- drop in class grades to some symbolic wrist slap. We
vanced registration plan is also being developed. would like to hear the faculty's opinions on this mat-
These two developments should resolve complaints ter.
lodged during earlier visits. In a related area, we have observed that student
Minority Students participation in class discussion seems to be
Law School's recruitment of minority students and enhanced when the professor can call on individuals
the problems faced by those students while in school by name. We understand that some professors use
provoked perhaps the most discussion. Students seating charts, and we encourage the rest of the
were critical of insufficient minority recruitment. It faculty to consider doing so, at least in the larger
was their feeling that the best qualified minority stu- classrooms.
dents were not being recruited by our Law School, Placement
and that many of the problems minority law students In contrast to past years when complaints about
faced could be traced to this failure. We learned, the sign up procedure were common, the total ab-
however, that a new Assistant Dean has joined the sence of such complaints this year suggests that the
staff this fall. This Dean has minority recruitment as "bid" system adopted two years ago is a great suc-
one of his principal duties, and has already begun to cess.
improve our system. The discussion we did hear concerning placement
Students also voiced concern that lower grades for was a concern that there is insufficient emphasis on
minority students may, in some part, reflect perhaps recruitment by employers other than large firms. We
unconscious discrimination. It was suggested that have learned that the placement office did offer a
even in a "blind" grading system the writing styles of
minority students may be recognizable and different
enough from the norm to result in unequal con-

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