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My type on paper.

Tend to find dominance and aggression as a turn on. Needs independence, also needs other person to
"wear the pants" i.e. Be authoritative, call shots. Needs someone they can take on voyages into the
unknown. Someone Aries' independent soul can depend on.

The Nurturing You've Missed Out On in Youth and Seek Comfort in Now

Given more freedom than you may have wanted/needed in childhood. Parents could have vacationed a lot leaving you
either alone or with other people. You may have been exposed to harm/danger because of this. A central theme of
"care-free." Now you may find yourself seeking solace in long car rides to unknown/unfamiliar destinations. You enjoy
the outdoors or find peace in physical/mental exploration. You care for others by encouraging their own spiritual

A childhood with a strong work oriented family. A person that may have neglected their duties as a parent due to
obligations at their job. OR a parent that may have needed for you to parent them in ways, you were expected to carry a
lot of responsibility. Now you may find comfort through work or being useful to others/yourself. You enjoy things like
keeping your finances in order and being able to fend for yourself/others. You take care of others by being
dependable/consistent with your actions.

what we need to work on, or highlights areas in which we tend to be more passionately or hyperaware of
ourselves here. Although some of these things are often habits we might need to develop past or grow
away from. emphasize your darker struggles and areas in your life that you face obstacles.

you might have grown up quickly or came from nothing. So now you find yourself trying to work
extremely hard to acquire as much stability as possible. But you can also grow addicted to power and
money just as easily - and become consumed by status.

you might have grown up around people who were very emotionally charged or driven. You might have
felt overshadowed in youth, and can be a bit icy or cold toward people now as a coping mechanism for

8TH HOUSE PLACEMENTS: How your natal chart forewarns or "predicts" your death.
8th House in SCORPIO: Mysterious death, STD or STI related, Sexual death, often passes alone, rarely are they murdered
(I.E. War)

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