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Listening, Use of English and Reading

Name: ___________________________________
Class: ___________________________________
Total: ____ /60

1 [Track 18] Listen to four people talking about job
interviews. Match statements A-E with speakers 1-
4. There is one extra statement.

The speaker

A was surprised that he/she was taken on.

B was able to improve the terms offered.

C had had the wrong kind of work experience.

D felt it was a very rigorous selection process.

E turned down the offer of a job.

1 _____

2 _____

3 _____

4 _____

___ /8 2 [Track 19] Listen to an interview about learning.

Choose the correct answer, A, B or C.
1 According to the professor, in order to learn well
you need to

A have access to information online.

B read or listen to information more than once.

C have good handwriting.

2 The reason why writing with a pen helps us to

learn is that

A the pen touches your hand in certain places.

B you have to think about what you are writing

more carefully.

C you are more likely to re-read handwritten notes.

© Pearson  2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 4 SECOND EDITION (B2/B2+)
Listening, Use of English and Reading

3 According to the professor, one thing that can

stop you concentrating is Use of English
A moving around too much. 3 Complete the text with the correct option, A, B, C
B eating too many snacks. or D.
C feeling hungry.
Hiking in Nepal

Having worked extremely long hours in the field of

4 The professor believes that music medicine for a number of years, I decided to quit my
A helps some people more than others. job and go on an adventure. I’ve always loved the
outdoors so I (1) _____ my friend Peter to go to
B can help us to remember things.
Nepal with me and hike in the foothills of the most
C is as distracting as other kinds of noise. beautiful mountains in the world. The Annapurna
circuit is considered to be one of the most beautiful
treks in the world and I was not disappointed. The
5 Which of these, according to the professor, helps views were breathtaking.
to motivate learners?
Although it’s not as physically demanding as some of
A Making interesting mind maps
the higher altitude treks in the region, I came
B Having reachable goals (2)_____ against a few problems. From the (3)_____
C Finishing the working day with a walk I struggled with painful blisters on my feet and
I realised on the first day that I had chosen the wrong
travel companion. Peter complained from morning
6 The programme’s main aim is to till night. If I could change one thing about the trip,
I’d (4)_____ on my own.
A encourage more people to study.

B compare different kinds of learners.

C suggest ways to improve people’s learning skills. 1 A insisted B persuaded C suggested D proposed

2 A back B off C by D up
3 A outdo B set off C outset D set out
4 A had gone B be going C have gone D go


4 Complete the text with one word in each gap.

© Pearson  2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 4 SECOND EDITION (B2/B2+)

Listening, Use of English and Reading

ONLINE DISTRACTIONS (ought / ask / me) before you invited my ex to

the party.
After learning French for a number of years I
decided it was high time I took an exam. I didn't 6 _____________________________________
want to put (1) ____________ revising for the exam ( What / I / say) we should have planned the
till the last moment, so I prepared a great study project better in the first place.
schedule. I was going to learn a bit every day.
It worked well at the beginning. After lunch, I
(2) ____________ go to my room and study for
about two hours. It all went wrong one day when 6 Complete the second sentence so that it has a
I needed to use an online dictionary. similar meaning to the first. Use between two and
(3) ____________ gone online, I saw some new five words, including the word in capitals.
messages from my friends, replied to them, watched
1 I don’t eat out because it’s too expensive. AVOID
a few videos and, before I knew it, it was
dinnertime. In the end, I did very (4) ____________ I _________________________ because it’s too
revising and I failed the exam. Going online while expensive.
studying is not always a good idea!
Recently my dad has shown me an application which 2 Carla said that Paul had cheated in the exam.
he uses to manage his time at work. It simply blocks
access to Facebook and other pages. If (5) ________
I had discovered it before! Maybe I'd have passed Carla _________________________ in the exam.
the exam and wouldn't have to retake it now!
3 I’ll only come if you pay for the tickets. UNLESS
I ________________________ for the tickets.
5 Complete the sentences with the correct form of
the words in brackets. Make any changes 4 Everyone recognises her now because she was on
necessary, but do not change the order of the a reality TV show. IF
People wouldn’t recognise her _______________
1 By this time next year, I ___________________ ____________ on a reality TV show.
___________________ (graduate) from
university. 5 It was a mistake to spend so much money on this
dress! WISH
2 You ____________________________________
(need / not / come) so early but since you're I _______________________ so much money on
here, you can help me with those boxes. this dress!

3 For a long time I __________________________

_______________ (warn / she / start) revising
for the exam as soon as possible, but she ignored ___/5
my advice completely.

4 It ______________________________________ ___/20
(time / you / apply) a better-paid job.

5 You ____________________________________
© Pearson  2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 4 SECOND EDITION (B2/B2+)
Listening, Use of English and Reading

Reading the same clothes, watches, perfume and jewellery

7 You are going to read an article about counterfeit as the celebrities they admire.
goods. Complete gaps 1-5 with sentences A-F. Now, however, the problem is growing. The
There is one extra sentence. Organisation for Economic Cooperation and
A Some people purchase cheaper options Development estimates that the value of
deliberately, knowing they aren’t genuine but counterfeit goods crossing international borders is
hoping they won’t do any harm.
over $250 billion a year. (2) _____ This reduces tax
B However, unlike an illegal fake, you have got an revenues for national governments and makes it
item of superb quality and you won’t have broken
more difficult for them to finance schools,
the law by buying it.
hospitals and other essential services.
C The problem with these products is that they look
so similar to the real thing that police officers and However, the problems are not only financial. The
customs officials are unable to distinguish Internet has seen potentially harmful fake
between them.
products being offered for sale. The most
D They don’t mind, as long as they feel they have dangerous of all are fake medicines. (3) _____
got a bargain. Others, who would never deliberately buy any
E When you include the value of products which are drugs not regulated by the government, are fooled
sold in the country they are produced in, this by authentic-looking websites. Whatever the
amount more than doubles. reason, the purchase can be deadly. Large
F If you only buy from reputable shops and their numbers of children have been killed by fake
websites, you can be sure that you are buying the drugs and baby products in countries such as
right product. China, Panama and Nigeria in recent years. Almost
certainly individuals have suffered in the same
way in many other places.
1 _____
It is easy to avoid fake products. (4) _____ By
2 _____
careful searching, you can find which of these
3 _____ stores is selling the products you want for the
4 _____ lowest prices.

5 _____ You can save even more money, though, by

searching for cheap, but legal alternative
products. A quick search shows that a Rolex
Explorer II watch can cost from about $3,000 to
over $5,000 depending on the model you prefer. A
Fake brand-name goods have been popular for fake Rolex is cheaper but it may not work or it may
many years. Most people who buy them know not even arrive. However, an original Steinhart
that what they are buying isn’t really made by the Ocean II can be yours for under £500 and it is
company whose name is on the label. (1) _____ reasonably similar to a Rolex. It doesn’t have the
Although the quality can’t be guaranteed, they more famous name on it and people may not be
can, at least for a short while, pretend to as impressed by it as by a fake Rolex. (5)
themselves and their friends that they are wearing _____ You will also have a receipt in case anything
goes wrong.

© Pearson  2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 4 SECOND EDITION (B2/B2+)

Listening, Use of English and Reading

We all like a bargain and some products are B technology is threatening a wider range of jobs
now than in the past.
extremely expensive but buying counterfeit goods
is not the best way to find one. C technology nowadays is not really threatening
jobs in the same way that it used to.
D people are to blame if they have lost their job to
8 Read the two texts. For questions 1–5, choose the technology.
correct answer, A, B, C or D.
1 According to the first text, the Luddite protests
started because 5 The two texts talk about
A unemployment benefits had stopped. A the effect of new technology on the workforce.
B there was no work for unskilled workers. B how the word Luddite is misunderstood.
C a lot of people didn’t have enough money to eat. C individuals who have made technology work for
D the government broke their promise to help
people. D a mythical person leading a protest group.

2 The writer of the first text does not mention

A any deaths resulting from the protest.
The beginning of the 19th century was a very
B how factory owners fought back against
protestors. difficult time for workers in the UK.
Unemployment was high and, at a time when
C how the protests affected the law in Britain. unemployment benefits were non-existent, this
D in which parts of the country the attacks could mean starvation for the jobless workers and
happened. their families. There were food riots in many cities
but an unsympathetic government acted against
the protestors rather than trying to help them. At
3 Ned Ludd the same time, new machinery in factories meant
A is as famous now as the group which took his that traditional skills were no longer needed.
name. Something had to happen and, in early 1811, it
B and his attack on machinery was reported in the
newspapers at the time it happened. At the start of the year, factory owners in the
Nottingham area started receiving mysterious
C was in the British army before becoming a
letters from someone who called himself General
Ned Ludd. The letters threatened that businesses
D first became well-known in the same year that the which took advantage of improvements in
protests took place.
technology by reducing wages and replacing
skilled workers with unskilled machine operators
4 The author of the second text says that would suffer. When nothing happened, the
threats started to be carried out. Attacks took
A we should find jobs that won’t change over our places on factories and cotton mills, and

© Pearson  2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 4 SECOND EDITION (B2/B2+)

Listening, Use of English and Reading

machinery was destroyed. The riots soon spread numbers have dropped alarmingly because of
to other industrial areas in the north of Britain. automation.
When the protests continued into 1812, troops However, it isn’t only the old, traditional
were sent to keep order and many industrialists industries which are now affected. Who could
also hired their own armed guards. At the same have guessed only a few years ago that so many
time, a new law introduced the death penalty for bank branches would be closed because of the rise
causing industrial damage. The attacks continued in Internet banking? What will happen to taxi
but slowly law and order was restored and, by drivers and lorry drivers when driverless cars
1817, the Luddite movement died out. Attacks on become affordable and commonplace? No one’s
factories still took place occasionally but most job can be guaranteed to be safe anymore. Even
workers were forced to return to work, earning teachers may be replaced by laptops and
less money for longer hours while the factory computerised lessons. So what can we do to
owners became rich thanks to the machinery that protect ourselves in this ever-changing world?
the Luddites had failed to destroy. The most important advice is not to despair.
What about General Ludd himself? No one There is one thing that everyone can do. We can
actually knows whether he existed at all. He and must embrace new technologies and learn to
certainly wasn’t a real general and the only army live with them. It is now vital to develop new skills
he might have been a part of was an army of and continue to develop them throughout our
protestors. A newspaper article stated that, in working lives. We almost certainly won’t be still
1779, after being punished for laziness, he took doing the same job when we retire as when we
revenge by destroying two machines at his leave education and successful people will be
workplace. willing to retrain many times.
However, the story was only published after In the past, workers threatened by machinery
the Luddite attacks broke out in 1811. As one of joined the Luddites and attempted to halt the
the stories of General Ludd says that he based march of progress by smashing things up. Perhaps
himself in nearby Sherwood Forest, it is clear that, we should form a new group. How about the
whether or not a Ned Ludd ever existed, his Bradites who follow the example of Brad Colburn,
supporters were trying to build him up into a a self-made millionaire who made his money by
Robin Hood style hero. Ned Ludd may be filming himself playing his favourite video games
forgotten but his name lives on in the English while describing them and posting the films on
language. A Luddite is now defined in dictionaries YouTube. That’s not a bad way to earn a living!
as anyone who is opposed to using modern
machines and methods.

According to a new report, up to ten million jobs
in the UK could be lost in the next twenty years to
robots and computers. In the past, the most likely
people to suffer were those in low-paid, unskilled,
repetitive jobs such as factory workers, whose

© Pearson  2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 4 SECOND EDITION (B2/B2+)

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