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A fast morphological algorithm with unknown word

guessing induced by a dictionary for a web search

Ilya Segalovich

documents while only 5-10% of queries have

Abstract misspelling.
This paper describes a {simple yet practical}
algorithm of morphological analysis and synthesis The user behaviour, coordinate
that uses a limited dictionary to obtain {rather ranking and morphology
precise} morphology of a wide lexical coverage. It Another observation in favour of
doesn't imply any particular morphological model of morphological processing on the web is the
the dictionary and is implemented for Russian, Polish searchers behaviour and expectations. Users
and English. The design of the algorithm fits the have their own mental models of how search
constrains of a modern web search engines. engines should work [muramatsu2001] and they
generally prefer coordinate-level ranking
Preamble: does a web search [heimstra2002]. To satisfy this model (please
engine need morphology? note that we don’t mention precision and recall
Some IR studies showed very little or no as the primary goals) Web search engines first
improvements in search effectiveness with look for the exact phrase matching. When it is
morphological analysis applied [harman1991]. impossible (more 50% of queries doesn't have a
Though later results proved success even in “phrase match” anywhere on the web) search
languages that typically have few word forms engines rank results according to the term
such as English [hull1996] it is still under the proximity [muramatsu2001] so the responses are
question if a web search engine needs as "similar" to queries as possible. One may
morphologic analysis at all. Google, the #1 notice looking at the typical web search engine
ranked search engine in the world, claims that it response that documents are roughly listed in the
intentionally doesn't use stemming to provide decreasing order of the edit distance
the most accurate results to its users (“likelihood”) between the query and snippets of
[google1998]. Such an extreme position was a the documents. In the same time 75% of web
good revisionist point in the late 90s before the search queries consist from more than 1 word
link analysis had improved the precision of web [onestat2003]. So why the "similarity" of
search. But is recall really unnecessary? Here responses to longer queries allows insertion of
are some arguments pro. Number of pages that a big spans of characters (words, sentences)
web search engines return are distributed between search terms but doesn’t' allow small
according to a Zipf law, which means that changes of terms' suffixes when terms are close
though on popular queries it is very big, the to each other?
amount of queries with only few found
documents is substantial. For example more than
Introduction & current trends
30% of responses received at on The state-of-the-art algorithms for
the 06.09.2001 contained less than 100 morphological analysis are based on the Finite
State Transducers of different flavours
([kimo1983], [kartunen1992], [mohri2000], Another promising approach [schone2001]
[daciuk2000]), where phonological rules are makes use of word contexts to distillate
described by hand and each word from the hypothesized models obtained from pure
dictionary is assigned its corresponding suffixal analysis. It uses the primitive of PPMV
(inflectional/derivational) model. These — pair of potential morphological variants and
transducers allow both analysis and synthesis of measures semantic similarity between them,
the word forms; they are very fast and robust. which is understood as the normalized
Unfortunately number of unknown lexical items correlation between their vectors in the latent
brought from the web with every crawl are very semantic space (which in fact is word-to-word-
big and can be estimated by Heaps law neighbours matrix factorised with the help of
VR = Knβ, where VR is the portion of the LSI).
vocabulary represented by the instance text of All of the approaches mentioned above are
size n. K and β are free parameters determined unsupervised in a sense that they don’t use any
empirically. On the web β is closer to 1.0 than to prior knowledge about a language and its
0.5 due to (un) intentional misspellings, foreign morphological models. Unfortunately there are
words, privately invented words such as taken at least two obstacles that don’t let direct use of
from blogs etc. This means that the dictionary the unsupervised methods in Web search
grows sub linear with grow of index. One engines as is. The first is the quality of the
approach here is simply to ignore all the words morphology of the most used words that must be
that are not from main dictionary as precise as possible. The second is that the
[] hoping that the coverage will complicating of index updates: index is
suffice. distributed over hundred and thousands of
Recently the problem of the morphological computers, so the morphological interpretation
analysis of the unknown words draws more of the new words that appear in daily crawls
attention mostly from the success in must not change too often or it may require daily
unsupervised learning of morphology from the patching of the index. It worth noting that if a
corpora itself. [Jackuemin1997] analysed language has a web corpus substantial enough to
statistics of k-n conflations (where k – length of be of a public interest and of a commercial
the hypothesized suffix, usually 3 letters, and n – search engine to strive on, it usually has plenty
the width of the context window – usually 2 of dictionaries that already accumulated some
words) and obtained decent results compared to knowledge. For example widespread spelling
Lovins and Porter famous hand-made stemmers tools that use compact description of all possible
([lovins1968], [porter1980]). [gaussier1999] word forms such as [ispell] or [aspell] have
used similar approach (p-similarity – the number dictionaries for 37 and 26 languages
of common letters between two words) to learn respectively. Of course the task of the compact
derivational morphological families and even listing of all allowed forms in a language is not
derivational trees. The more generalized exactly the task of describing all words and its
approaches of corpus suffix analysis are respecting paradigms, nevertheless these
presented in [goldsmith2001] and [snover2002]. dictionaries are successfully used in the web
They use MDL (Minimum Description Length) search engines ([mnogosearch], [glimpse],
principle, known from theory of information, to [aspseek] etc). Important observation about
produce the set of stems, signatures (paradigms) existing dictionaries that they always (and
and affixes that can be encoded in the minimal hopefully correct) describe the most frequently
number of bits [goldsmith2001] or that are most used words of the language. Here we suppose
probable (Brent) thus making morphological that all the complex and non-trivial
description of corpus minimal in some sense. [inflectional/derivational] models always belong
Linguistica [goldsmith2001] is also a publicly to the most used words of the language -- which
available tool that we will use later in this paper. is in fact another law of Zipf -- “the greater the
frequency of a word, the greater the number of enough information (we already looked at all its
morphologically complex forms it will be used letters) to find the most probable inexact
in” [manning1999]). equivalent. The FST approach also use one pre-
The idea of applying a relatively small compiled automata with exact and catch-all rules
dictionary to guess new words morphology is but unlike [Karttunen1992] we don’t require
not new. For example [woods1999] used a set of catch-all rules, we rather consider them harmful
aggressive rules together with a small lexicon to and completely rely on the probabilistic nature
improve lexical coverage, [mikheev1995] of the unknown words analysis. This is the idea
presented a technique of automatic acquisition of the algorithm – use deterministic knowledge
of unknown words morphology through a when possible (for all the ‘known’ words) and
general-purpose lexicon and word frequencies, probabilistic approach when the exact
the classic Russian morphology algorithm interpretation is not available.
[belonogov1985] used the same dictionary both An interesting application of this algorithm is
for known and unknown words, also all the FST the combined dictionary of several languages
machines allow to write catch-all rules for the which is useful in the situations when the
words that are not in the dictionary. While the language is ambiguous, so the combined
process of describing particular word dictionary will choose the most likely
morphology seem to be deterministic, the catch- morphological interpretations based on the
all rules are rather hard to write and debug. The likelihood to all words of all languages. (Such a
example of applying a one-time learning combined Polish-English dictionary is used in
procedure together with the existing our experimental project at as a
morphological dictionary to the corpus in order part of the query interpretation).
to obtain morphological guesser is presented in
[kovalenko2002]. Design issues
The approach described here is based on There are some questions about
[segalovich1998] and uses a very simple idea of morphological model and algorithms that must
morphological similarity. Unknown word be answered before we describe the algorithm
morphology is taken from all the closest words itself. All of them originate from the nature of
from dictionary, where the closeness is the the information retrieval or from the technical
number of letters on its end. From the requirement of search engines. What kind of
[belonogov1985] approach it differs in that it morphological analysis to perform: inflectional
doesn’t choose one variant, but rather take all or derivational? Are grammar tags (or POS tags)
possible variants that have the same common required as a result of analysis? Do we need
length, and unlike [kovalenko2002] it uses for stems (roots) or the base form (in other words --
the induction of the hypothesizes the whole do we need stemming or lemmatisation)? How
dictionary not just N several last letters of stems. unknown words are processed? Shall we use the
To build such dictionary we don’t need to know context of words to help analysis? Is the analysis
the morpheme structure or any particular corpus-dependent and if it is, to what degree? To
formalism of any particular morphology, the fully answer to all of these questions we will
compiler accepts input in the form of full listing need a much longer paper, in short the answers
of all word paradigms from the dictionary. If the are: inflectional, no grammar tags,
grammar tags are available they are accepted lemmatisation, no context built in morphology.
either. Such a dictionary is be able not only to Here is very a short reasoning.
analyse known words, but also to synthesize all Inflectional morphology. For the sake of
forms both known and hypothesized. The precision we don’t want derivational
algorithmic idea behind this algorithm is that morphology, though the difference is often very
after we analysed the word trying to find its subtle; consider for example aspect, gender of
exact form in the dictionary we already have nouns, diminutive forms.
No grammar tags. Different languages have have all possible positions of stem/suffix
different morphology with different grammar boundary in a single pass
systems and search engine often can’t 2. Start with the deepest possible stem/suffix
distinguish nor the language of the queries boundary and perform the steps 3-7
(people never choose appropriate switches) 3. Use two last letters of a possible stem as
neither of the document (consider multilingual an index to obtain an appropriate stem trie. If no
document, technical documents, etc). So the stem has last two letters like this go to the next
index keys should have purely textual stem/suffix boundary
representation without any grammar ot language 4. Sink into the appropriate stem trie and try
tags. to find the terminal leaf at the edge of the word
Lemmas not stem. Stemming is not only collecting all the branching points in a single
connects different parts of speech or derivational pass
forms (that we don’t want) but also produce 5. Dictionary word. If there is a terminal leaf
spurious conflations. So search engines usually at the edge of the word compare the
need the dictionary forms as a result of corresponding inflectional model (its identifier
morphological analysis. That in turn opens the is stored in the stem trie as a special letter after
question of disambiguation between them even the first letter of a stem) with the word suffix. If
if we completely drop POS tags; consider it matches it means we found the dictionary
stocking -> (stock OR stocking). word
Context analysis. The morphological 6. Unknown word. If there is no terminal at
algorithm itself must not rely on the word the edge of the word or the inflectional model
context or on the assumption that all the words doesn't match to the suffix then perform the next
will be submitted strictly in the order of the text steps
flow. The indexing speed requirements of 7. Traverse all the previously collected
modern search engine may not permit this (their branching point of the stem trie starting from the
speed is about 50-100 documents per second deepest one and find all the candidate stems
[najork2001]), the morphological module is which can be models for the given unknown
often called in multi-threaded environment once word. Check their inflectional models against
per word form met anywhere in the portion of the given suffix
texts. The algorithm supports 2 additional modes:
Ambiguity. It’s important to note that check only dictionary words; find only one
ambiguity won’t cost more than 10-20% of the candidate (this is useful to conform one-to-one
index size. And the linguistic disambiguation is stemming).
impossible in short queries (in fact non- Speed up. We cut traversing as early as we
linguistic disambiguation is much more can with the use of 'best candidate' metrics i.e.
successful by coordination ranking). the number of common letters at end of the word
between the given word and a model candidate.
Algorithm All the branching points in a trie that have only
The dictionary is represented as a set of tries one inflectional model below are marked, so it
[cormen1990] of inverted stems and a trie of all helps to limit traversing.
possible suffixes. The boundary between stem Learning. Some heuristics that was learned
and suffix is taken either from the input file if it and now built into algorithm are: the resulted
is explicitly presented or computed stem must contain a vowel, model stems must
automatically as the length of the common part have a productive POS tag (when available),
of all word forms in the paradigm. Here is the there must be minimum stem length, there must
description of the algorithm. be minimal common part of an example and
1. Sink into word from the right end using unknown word, the model paradigm must have
the trie of all possible suffixes. As a result we
minimal frequency (e.g. met at least twice in the [Zaliznak1980] as a guessing machine in a sense
dictionary). described above.
It’s also quite useful [segalovich1998] to use the Another part of the experiment is the corpus
corpus statistics to do some basic with the canonical mappings between word
disambiguation and eliminating of extra forms. For this purpose we took recently
morphological variants: remove lemmas with appeared [ruscorpora2003]
paradigms fully ‘nested’ into paradigms of the that is currently 1302329-words
other lemmas (if we met shmocking->(shmock | morphologically annotated corpus of Russian.
shmocking), shmockings-> (shmocking), but not Like CELEX or Brown corpus it contains
shmock or shmocked we can drop the lemma lemmas, POS and other grammar tags for each
shmock; or as an opposite if we met shmocking, word etc. Currently it contains 130823 different
shmock and shmoked but not shmockings we can words {and consists from two parts: from which
drop the lemma shmocking), prefer paradigms the second part (834255 words) is obtained with
with more frequent lemmas, prefer paradigms the help of the independent morphosyntactic
that contain lemma in the corpus, etc. These and tool, while the smaller one (468074 words) was
other heuristics may be obtained through the pre-processed with mystem, so we didn’t
learning by corpus. Anyway, in this paper we consider it in the following study}.
concentrate on the quality of the morphology It’s a very vague subject how to compare the
itself, and don’t consider disambiguation phase quality of morphological processors for IR
as a part of it. purposes. The obvious measures are
overstemming and understemming indexes (UI
Experiment and OI) that should be obtained as a result of
Though our dictionary is implemented for such experiment [Paice1996]. The traditional
several languages (theoretically for all that have approaches apply different morphology to the
full paradigm dictionaries, in practice – only same search engine and try to estimate the gain
Russian, Polish, and English) we have chosen to or loss on the precision and recall. It is hardly
measure its quality for Russian. First of all there relevant mostly because of no-sense meaning of
are very few comparisons available for Russian the precision and recall on the web and of the
morphology, especially for the guessers. In the different way of how search engines incorporate
last years at least 3 new tools appeared that cope morphology. Another approach is to compare
with Russian morphology. The new version of the mappings (PPMVs [Shone2000]) to some
Porter stemmer [snowball] uses hand written set canonical mappings for example hand-coded in
of rules in a special ‘snowball’ language and is the tagged corpus. This approach heavily
available for Russian. The Linguistica depends on the grammatical model chosen by
[goldsmith2001] learns morphology from the corpus editors – what they consider derivation
corpus. The ‘stemka’ [kovalenko2002] is a and what they consider inflection for example
Russian and Ukrainian morphological guesser (in Russian the common misjudgements
that was built with the help of the full-fledged between linguists are participles vs. verbs,
morphological module based on [Zaliznak1980] different aspects, adverb vs. adjective, passive
and the collected corpus statistics. Because it voice etc). The ideal measure would be the
produces several variants of stems for each word semantic similarity between variants of PPMV.
we consider two extreme variants it produces: The semantic similarity is often seen as a
the deepest or the aggressive, and the shallowest contextual interchangeability [manning1999]
or the conservative. The ‘mystem’ is the and as such was used in [Shone2000] to
algorithm presented here (it was originally distillate spurious PPMVs. Unfortunately in
designed in 1996 as a part of Yandex search richly inflected languages the context itself is
engine development), it uses the full dictionary syntactically dependent on the studied form so
it’s impossible to use the context words as is
without morphological processing. Another textual representation, a lemma or a stem. To
issue for this approach is that the corpus lessen the sample set we left only word forms
however big it is does not contain enough that are met in the corpus with frequencies from
statistical information to expose the semantics 10 to 100, which is close to best term specificity
scalable to the Web. (10-100ppm).
We propose here the following approach to Module Total PPMVs PPMVs with
measure the semantic similarity between 10-100 freq.
variants of PPMV. If two different forms are Canonical 484462 70028
close enough they must be close in terms of Stemka 628154 82895
search results of a search engine (or even “The (aggressive)
Search Engine” i.e. Google which is a good Stemka 108248 18014
universal measure also because it doesn’t use (conservative)
morphological processing). Modern search Mystem 718216 93863
engines make heavy use from word statistics; Snowball 519262 72568
generally they try to catch semantics as close as Linguistica 575960 75515
possible also through socio-metrics methods
Then we removed all the canonical PPMVs,
(e.g. link analysis) and all other possible sources
i.e. those, that were taken directly from the
of information. Also it seems a good help for a mappings. Thus we received
search engine to discover that the other forms of
separate PPMV listing both for added PPMVs
the submitted word produce surprisingly close
and for deleted PPMVs for each stemmer. The
results. Let us see for example how it can be
idea here is to measure maximum effect that
applied to English. Say we have two stemmers:
stemming has on the search engine, both
one collates stockings to stock, while other
positive and negative. In fact we see the corpus
collates it to stocking and stocks to stock. So we
as a source of the new words and PPMVs (such
take the first N (30) results from the Google
as a daily crawl) and use the semantic similarity
listing and see that stock and stocks have a lot of
on whole index to find out how bad the PPMVs
common hosts (for example,
were that the particular stemmer added and how
so do the stocking/stockings PPMV (for example
good those PPVMs were that the particular The first PPMV
stemmer lost comparing to canonical PPMVs.
(stockings/stock) doesn’t have any common
So we took 30 most frequent forms and their
hosts of course. So let us call a semantic
PPMVs from each listing of added and lost
similarity of two different requests a number of
PPMVs for each stemmer. Frequency was taken
hosts that are common in the first 30 items of
according to search log (51387
both listings. But what requests we should use?
words of the July 2002 that have frequency more
Ideally we should have found out the most
than 100 per a month).
popular (say 3) requests containing the particular
word form and compare them to the same
requests with the PPMV variant instead. In this
case we would see a realistic degree of similarity
and would also catch more exactly what people
mean by that or this word form (its “meaning”).
Here for simplicity reasons we made only the
single word requests.
We applied all available stemmers to corpus and compared the
obtained PPMVs from each stemmer to the
canonical PPMVs from the corpus. The PPMV
in our sense are all pairs that collate to the same
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