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Creating Sacred Space

What do you surround yourself with? Think about it for a moment. Is your space
cluttered? Is there room to grow? Do you keep meaningful remembrances around you
to remind yourself of who you are? Do you have a favorite pair of fuzzy bunny slippers
like the ones pictured above, that you can slip yourself into, and just fall into the core of
who you are with just the feel of the fuzz? Creating sacred space in your environment is
very important to helping you connect with your spirit. You don't need to live in a palatial
waterfront estate or in a mountain hide-a-way to be moved by your surroundings.
Anywhere will do. What's important is what you chose to surround yourself with.
It's important to keep clutter to a minimum. I use to save everything, "just in case". I can
think of very few times that I actually needed something in one of the various boxes,
closets or piles in which I would store them. In order to create space for new and
wonderful things in our lives, we have to actually reduce the clutter in our physical
space. If someone's space is jam packed, you can pretty much rest assured that their
heart might not have much room in it either. It's as if the universe reads all those piles of
papers and knick-knacks, as there's no room in your life for new experiences. Make way
for the new! It really works. If you haven't worn something in the past year, give it away
to charity. Not only will you be helping yourself, but also you will experience the joy of
giving to others. Pictures you may have stored up in your attic, once dusted off, can add
life to a room for a family with blank walls in their home. We never feel like we have
enough, so we hold onto everything with all of our might, even if it's no longer belongs in
our life. We stifle the flow of universal energy. As you release your hold on various
things, what is meant to be in your life, will be drawn towards you. It's universal law, you
don't have to do anything to make it work for you, it just does. We must be responsible
for creating the space to receive the universe's gifts.
Once you reduce the piles of stuff around you, you can strategically place meaningful
things in your space that help you remember who you are. I love to burn candles nightly.
It's my way of saying everyday is a special occasion in my life. I love the way the light
reflects around the room. Candles have the power to transform rooms and feelings. The
light around a glowing candle reminds me of the loving universal light around others and
Fresh flowers will also transform the energy of a room. Flowers celebrate life. They
affirm beauty. They radiate positive energy. I always have fresh flowers in my home.
Since flowers are sold in most supermarkets these days, they should be a staple on
shopping lists. You don't need to spend tons of money to have a dramatic effect on your
environment. Carnations work just as well as roses and they last longer. Get one big
bunch and them put them in vases all over your home. Things will look brighter and
more inviting. The world will seem like a friendlier place.
Make sure to take the time to just be in the presence of your candles, your flowers or
whatever happens to warm your heart. Pray, meditate, entertain others, entertain
yourself, and just soak it all in. Feel the positive affirming energy move through the
room. As you intentionally change your surroundings into a more beautiful and
enchanting place to be, your other life experiences will also reflect that. Your home
should be a haven.
Being in the outdoors is also sacred. A walk outside will cure anything. Give yourself
permission to walk barefoot in the grass. Feel the earth in between your toes not just in
the physical sense, but with your heart. Jump in a pile of leaves in the fall. Make snow
angels in your front lawn in the winter. Close your eyes and listen to the birds sing.
Listen to the crickets at night. Feel the energy emanating from the trees. Plant flowers.
Grow vegetables. Be in awe of the miracles all around you.
Surrounding yourself with things that have special significant meaning to you can also
be uplifting. Set aside a place in your home where you can display something special
that is a reminder of who you are and what you believe in. Put reminders all around you
that you have dreams and you believe that they will bloom in good time. It can be a
special gift someone bought you or something you picked up yourself. Pictures of family
and friends are also great reminders. If you don't have something that fits this category,
perhaps you should go out and get yourself a little something special.
Since the tender age of three, I have been an avid Cinderella fan. My mother says I just
absolutely had to have that book read to me every night. Well guess what, I'm now in
my thirties and I still have a copy next to my bed. My love of this story has never been
about Prince Charming, as most people first think it is. I've always been inspired by
Cinderella's incredible belief in her dreams. No matter how bad things may have been
for her at times, she never stopped hearing the music inside of her soul. Even though
others didn't support her dreams or understand her vision, she walked on knowing deep
inside her soul that someday they would blossom. She had strong inner faith.
On my twenty-seventh birthday I received the best present ever from my friend Jen. It
was a snow globe. Inside was Cinderella's castle, with sparkling glitter flowing through
the globe. It's magical to me. It plays to the tune of "When you wish upon a star." It was
the most touching gift I had ever received, as anyone close to me knows I am a
Cinderella fanatic. Since the day I received that gift, all of my hopes and dreams are
encompassed inside that globe. Whenever I need to be reminded of who I am, I gently
shake it watching the sparkling glitter whoosh around. I am instantly transported. I was
so pleased with the effect this had on me, I've since added to my collection. For my
thirtieth birthday, I bought a gorgeous mini pair of glass slippers to commemorate that
milestone. I also was given a Cinderella doll for Mother’s day last year from my friend
Carol. By looking at all of my Cinderella memorabilia, I am then reminded that I have my
very own music inside of me and that I must have faith.
Life is sacred. But it is up to us to recognize the beauty around us. It is our responsibility
to decorate our inner world and fill our hearts with wonder. What is sacred to one, can
be nothing to someone else. Don't diminish what you find sacred just because someone
else thinks it's silly. Having a Cinderella doll on your desk and a pair of glass slippers
sitting on top of your TV might not be understood by most. But for me, it realigns me
with my spirit. It helps me remember what is true for me. Listen to the universe for
inspiration. What calls out to your heart? What makes you feel alive? What is symbolic
to you that will remind you of your dreams? Create space for these thoughts. Surround
yourself with things that remind you of who you are. With practice, you will be able to
transport yourself instantaneously. Practicing everyday sacredness will allow you to let
go and free fall more easily on the roller coaster of life. Practice, practice, practice...

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