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Media Plan Charts & Graphs

Project Overview:
You will utilize information from the project to practice creating and utilizing charts and
graphs in the designated Student File.
Files Needed:
 Media Plan Charts & Graphs Student File

1. Open the Media Plan Charts & Graphs Student File by clicking on the name of
the file and downloading it and then clicking “Enable Editing”. This Microsoft®
Excel workbook will be used to complete the tasks detailed in the project.

2. Once you have the workbook open, save the workbook as Your Name - Media Plan
Charts and Graphs. For example, if your name is Whitney Huang the file would be
named Whitney Huang - Media Plan Charts and Graphs.

3. Select cells A14 through B18. These cells will serve as the data source for your
chart. While these cells are selected, choose to insert a pie chart.

4. Once the chart is entered, make the following edits:

 Move the chart to be beneath the information it represents in the worksheet.
 Apply Chart Style 8 to the chart and then change to Chart Style 9
 Change the colors of the chart to Color 2

5. Select cells D14 through F18. These cells will serve as the data source for your
chart. While these cells are selected, choose to insert a combo chart using the Line
on Secondary Axis option.

6. Once the chart is entered, make the following edits:

 Move the chart to be beneath the information it represents in the worksheet.
 Change the Chart Title text to VALUE
 Change the Chart Style to Style 6
 Change the colors of the chart to Color 2

7. Save the file and submit it to your instructor.

Microsoft® Excel® 2019 Basics - Unit 8 1


Media Plan Charts & Graphs

*To see a sample of how your file should look, see below. Keep in mind this file
has been edited and will appear smaller than a real spreadsheet.*

Microsoft® Excel® 2019 Basics - Unit 8 2


Media Plan Charts & Graphs

Description Points Your Score
The submitted file is correctly named. (Student Name - Media 5
Plan Charts and Graphs)
The data in cells A14 through B18 is represented in a pie chart. 25
The pie chart is located beneath the data which it represents. 5
The pie chart is Chart Style 9 and the color is set to Color 2. 15
The data in cells D14 through F18 is represented in a combo 25
chart using the line secondary axis option.
The combo chart is located beneath the data which it 5
The combo chart title is VALUE. 5
The combo chart is Chart Style 6 and the color is set to Color 2. 15
Total Points 100
Additional Comments:

Microsoft® Excel® 2019 Basics - Unit 8 3

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