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Physical Electronics A

Introduction to quantum mechanics


University of Nairobi

August 2020

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Classical and quantum mechanics

Principles of classical or Newtonian mechanics fail in explaining

physical processes involving very short lengths or very low energy

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Classical and quantum mechanics

Principles of classical or Newtonian mechanics fail in explaining

physical processes involving very short lengths or very low energy
Newtonian mechanics allows

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Classical and quantum mechanics

Principles of classical or Newtonian mechanics fail in explaining

physical processes involving very short lengths or very low energy
Newtonian mechanics allows
Continuous energy distribution among particles

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Classical and quantum mechanics

Principles of classical or Newtonian mechanics fail in explaining

physical processes involving very short lengths or very low energy
Newtonian mechanics allows
Continuous energy distribution among particles
Continuous spatial distribution of matter e.g., tea in a teacup

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Classical and quantum mechanics

Principles of classical or Newtonian mechanics fail in explaining

physical processes involving very short lengths or very low energy
Newtonian mechanics allows
Continuous energy distribution among particles
Continuous spatial distribution of matter e.g., tea in a teacup
Quantum mechanics treats these distributions as discrete w.r.t.

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Classical and quantum mechanics

Principles of classical or Newtonian mechanics fail in explaining

physical processes involving very short lengths or very low energy
Newtonian mechanics allows
Continuous energy distribution among particles
Continuous spatial distribution of matter e.g., tea in a teacup
Quantum mechanics treats these distributions as discrete w.r.t.

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Classical and quantum mechanics

Principles of classical or Newtonian mechanics fail in explaining

physical processes involving very short lengths or very low energy
Newtonian mechanics allows
Continuous energy distribution among particles
Continuous spatial distribution of matter e.g., tea in a teacup
Quantum mechanics treats these distributions as discrete w.r.t.

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Classical and quantum mechanics

Principles of classical or Newtonian mechanics fail in explaining

physical processes involving very short lengths or very low energy
Newtonian mechanics allows
Continuous energy distribution among particles
Continuous spatial distribution of matter e.g., tea in a teacup
Quantum mechanics treats these distributions as discrete w.r.t.
Angular momentum, etc.

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Classical and quantum mechanics

Bound electrons in an atom have discrete energy and a spatial

distribution that exhibits distinct maxima and minima

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Classical and quantum mechanics

Bound electrons in an atom have discrete energy and a spatial

distribution that exhibits distinct maxima and minima
Quantum mechanics does not contradict classical mechanics

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Classical and quantum mechanics

Bound electrons in an atom have discrete energy and a spatial

distribution that exhibits distinct maxima and minima
Quantum mechanics does not contradict classical mechanics
Results from both tend to converge as energy increases in the classical

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Classical and quantum mechanics

Bound electrons in an atom have discrete energy and a spatial

distribution that exhibits distinct maxima and minima
Quantum mechanics does not contradict classical mechanics
Results from both tend to converge as energy increases in the classical

This is Bohr’s correspondence principle

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Classical mechanics

Instantaneous state of a particle is completel speci…ed by

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Classical mechanics

Instantaneous state of a particle is completel speci…ed by

Its position, (x (t ) , y (t ) , z (t )) or (r (t ) , θ (t ) , φ (t ))

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Classical mechanics

Instantaneous state of a particle is completel speci…ed by

Its position, (x (t ) , y (t ) , z (t )) or (r (t ) , θ (t ) , φ (t ))
Its momentum, (px (t ) , py (t ) , pz (t )) or pr (t ) , pθ (t ) , pφ (t )

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Classical mechanics

Instantaneous state of a particle is completel speci…ed by

Its position, (x (t ) , y (t ) , z (t )) or (r (t ) , θ (t ) , φ (t ))
Its momentum, (px (t ) , py (t ) , pz (t )) or pr (t ) , pθ (t ) , pφ (t )
These quantities are referred to as the state variables of the particle

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Classical mechanics

We consider only one spatial dimension say, x (t ), i.e., a particle with

motion constrained to the x-axis of the Cartesian coordinate system

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Classical mechanics

We consider only one spatial dimension say, x (t ), i.e., a particle with

motion constrained to the x-axis of the Cartesian coordinate system
Position and momentum are thus, x (t ) and px (t )

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Classical mechanics

We consider only one spatial dimension say, x (t ), i.e., a particle with

motion constrained to the x-axis of the Cartesian coordinate system
Position and momentum are thus, x (t ) and px (t )
For a particle of mass m, we can write,
px (t ) = mv (t ) = m x (t )

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Classical mechanics
It is also desirable to know the time evolution of the particle position
and momentum

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Classical mechanics
It is also desirable to know the time evolution of the particle position
and momentum
These are supplied by Newton’s …rst and second laws of motion

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Classical mechanics
It is also desirable to know the time evolution of the particle position
and momentum
These are supplied by Newton’s …rst and second laws of motion
First law: momentum of a particle is a constant in the absence of
external forces acting on the particle
px ( t ) = m x (t ) = const

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Classical mechanics
It is also desirable to know the time evolution of the particle position
and momentum
These are supplied by Newton’s …rst and second laws of motion
First law: momentum of a particle is a constant in the absence of
external forces acting on the particle
px ( t ) = m x (t ) = const
Second law: force acting on a particle of mass m is proportional to
the time rate of change of momentum
d d2
fx = px ( t ) = m 2 x ( t )
dt dt

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Classical mechanics
It is also desirable to know the time evolution of the particle position
and momentum
These are supplied by Newton’s …rst and second laws of motion
First law: momentum of a particle is a constant in the absence of
external forces acting on the particle
px ( t ) = m x (t ) = const
Second law: force acting on a particle of mass m is proportional to
the time rate of change of momentum
d d2
fx = px ( t ) = m 2 x ( t )
dt dt

Newton’s second law of motion forms the basis for the introduction of
work and energy
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Classical mechanics

Work done by a particle moving along the x-axis from 0 to x by

means of a force f (x ) acting on it, is de…ned as

E (x ) = f (x ) dx

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Classical mechanics

Work done by a particle moving along the x-axis from 0 to x by

means of a force f (x ) acting on it, is de…ned as

E (x ) = f (x ) dx

If particle energy increases, the value of the integral is positive

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Classical mechanics

Work done by a particle moving along the x-axis from 0 to x by

means of a force f (x ) acting on it, is de…ned as

E (x ) = f (x ) dx

If particle energy increases, the value of the integral is positive

The energy of the particle can be

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Classical mechanics

Work done by a particle moving along the x-axis from 0 to x by

means of a force f (x ) acting on it, is de…ned as

E (x ) = f (x ) dx

If particle energy increases, the value of the integral is positive

The energy of the particle can be
Purely potential, U (x )

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Classical mechanics

Work done by a particle moving along the x-axis from 0 to x by

means of a force f (x ) acting on it, is de…ned as

E (x ) = f (x ) dx

If particle energy increases, the value of the integral is positive

The energy of the particle can be
Purely potential, U (x )
Purely kinetic, Ek

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Classical mechanics

Work done by a particle moving along the x-axis from 0 to x by

means of a force f (x ) acting on it, is de…ned as

E (x ) = f (x ) dx

If particle energy increases, the value of the integral is positive

The energy of the particle can be
Purely potential, U (x )
Purely kinetic, Ek
A combination of both kinetic and potential energy

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Classical mechanics

When the total energy is purely potential, then E (x ) = U (x ) and

f (x ) = U (x )

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Classical mechanics

When the total energy is purely potential, then E (x ) = U (x ) and

f (x ) = U (x )
For a purely kinetic total energy,
E ( x ) = Ek = m x (t ) dx
dt 2

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Classical mechanics


d2 d d d d dx dv
x (t ) = x (t ) = x (t ) =v
dt dt dt dx dt dt dx

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Classical mechanics


d2 d d d d dx dv
x (t ) = x (t ) = x (t ) =v
dt dt dt dx dt dt dx

Thus, Z Z
dv 1 2 p2
E (x ) = mv dx = mvdv = mv =
dx 2 2m

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Classical mechanics
If no external forces act on the particle, total energy is constant and
is the sum of kinetic and potential energy - conservation of energy
E = Ek + U (x ) = + U (x )

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Classical mechanics
If no external forces act on the particle, total energy is constant and
is the sum of kinetic and potential energy - conservation of energy
E = Ek + U (x ) = + U (x )
The Newtonian formulation can be expressed in the Hamiltonian
formulation based on the particle energy

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Classical mechanics
If no external forces act on the particle, total energy is constant and
is the sum of kinetic and potential energy - conservation of energy
E = Ek + U (x ) = + U (x )
The Newtonian formulation can be expressed in the Hamiltonian
formulation based on the particle energy
The Hamiltonian function H (x, p ) is de…ned for the total particle
system energy as
H (x, p ) = + U (x )

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Classical mechanics
If no external forces act on the particle, total energy is constant and
is the sum of kinetic and potential energy - conservation of energy
E = Ek + U (x ) = + U (x )
The Newtonian formulation can be expressed in the Hamiltonian
formulation based on the particle energy
The Hamiltonian function H (x, p ) is de…ned for the total particle
system energy as
H (x, p ) = + U (x )
Partial derivatives of the Hamiltonian function w.r.t. x and p are then
∂ d
H (x, p ) = U (x )
∂x dx
∂ p
H (x, p ) =
∂p m

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Classical mechanics

p=m x (t )
we have
d ∂
x (t ) = H (x, p )
dt ∂p

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Classical mechanics

p=m x (t )
we have
d ∂
x (t ) = H (x, p )
dt ∂p
Similarly, from
d d
f = U (x ) = p (t )
dx dt
we have
d ∂
p (t ) = H (x, p )
dt ∂x

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Quantum mechanics - QM

Two important characteristics of classical mechanics

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Quantum mechanics - QM

Two important characteristics of classical mechanics

Continuous nature of particle position and momentum - particle can
assume any non-relativistic momentum and position

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Quantum mechanics - QM

Two important characteristics of classical mechanics

Continuous nature of particle position and momentum - particle can
assume any non-relativistic momentum and position
Deterministic nature of time dependent processes - depends only on
the initial conditions

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Quantum mechanics - QM

Two important characteristics of classical mechanics

Continuous nature of particle position and momentum - particle can
assume any non-relativistic momentum and position
Deterministic nature of time dependent processes - depends only on
the initial conditions
Physical processes are however not deterministic in the mathematical

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Quantum mechanics - QM

Two important characteristics of classical mechanics

Continuous nature of particle position and momentum - particle can
assume any non-relativistic momentum and position
Deterministic nature of time dependent processes - depends only on
the initial conditions
Physical processes are however not deterministic in the mathematical
Temperature dependence of black body radiation spectrum observed
in experiments exhibits equal intensity I (λ) (W /m2 λ) for all black
bodies at same temperature and is supported by thermodynamic

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Planck’s theory of black-body radiation: A recap
Rayleigh-Jones relation based on the laws of mechanics,
electromagnetic theory and statistical thermodynamics is of the form

I (λ) = kT

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Planck’s theory of black-body radiation: A recap
Rayleigh-Jones relation based on the laws of mechanics,
electromagnetic theory and statistical thermodynamics is of the form

I (λ) = kT
k = R/NA = 1, 38 10 23 J/K is Boltzmann constant and T is
black body absolute temperature in K

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Planck’s theory of black-body radiation: A recap
Rayleigh-Jones relation based on the laws of mechanics,
electromagnetic theory and statistical thermodynamics is of the form

I (λ) = kT
k = R/NA = 1, 38 10 23 J/K is Boltzmann constant and T is
black body absolute temperature in K
This relation is valid only for long-wavelength radiation and breaks
down as λ ! 0 - the ultraviolet catastrophe

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Planck’s theory of black-body radiation: A recap
Rayleigh-Jones relation based on the laws of mechanics,
electromagnetic theory and statistical thermodynamics is of the form

I (λ) = kT
k = R/NA = 1, 38 10 23 J/K is Boltzmann constant and T is
black body absolute temperature in K
This relation is valid only for long-wavelength radiation and breaks
down as λ ! 0 - the ultraviolet catastrophe
Planck’s theory postulated that oscillating atoms of a black body
radiate energy only in discrete quantities (quanta) such that
2π 2π
E = }ω, 2}ω, . . . = }c , 2}c ,...
λ λ
where h = 6, 626 10 34 Js is Planck’s constant and

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Planck’s theory of black-body radiation

Planck’s formula for black body radiation is hence of the form

}ω 5 }ω
3 3
exp 1
(2π ) c kT

which is in agreement with experimental observations

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Planck’s theory of black-body radiation

Planck’s formula for black body radiation is hence of the form

}ω 5 }ω
3 3
exp 1
(2π ) c kT

which is in agreement with experimental observations

The intensity peaks at wavelengths given by Wien’s law

λImax T = const = 2880 µmK

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Planck’s theory of black-body radiation

Planck’s formula for black body radiation is hence of the form

}ω 5 }ω
3 3
exp 1
(2π ) c kT

which is in agreement with experimental observations

The intensity peaks at wavelengths given by Wien’s law

λImax T = const = 2880 µmK

This predicts that the wavelength of maximum intensity shifts toward

the blue region of the spectrum with increasing temperature

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Planck’s theory of black-body radiation

Planck’s formula for black body radiation is hence of the form

}ω 5 }ω
3 3
exp 1
(2π ) c kT

which is in agreement with experimental observations

The intensity peaks at wavelengths given by Wien’s law

λImax T = const = 2880 µmK

This predicts that the wavelength of maximum intensity shifts toward

the blue region of the spectrum with increasing temperature
At λImax ,
Emax = = 4, 98kT

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Planck’s theory of black-body radiation

Planck’s formula for black body radiation is hence of the form

}ω 5 }ω
3 3
exp 1
(2π ) c kT

which is in agreement with experimental observations

The intensity peaks at wavelengths given by Wien’s law

λImax T = const = 2880 µmK

This predicts that the wavelength of maximum intensity shifts toward

the blue region of the spectrum with increasing temperature
At λImax ,
Emax = = 4, 98kT
i.e. nearly …ve times the thermal energy
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Postulates of QM

QM focuses on the complex wave function Ψ (x, y , z, t ) or

Ψ (r , θ, φ, t )

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Postulates of QM

QM focuses on the complex wave function Ψ (x, y , z, t ) or

Ψ (r , θ, φ, t )
We consider a one-dimensional wave function Ψ (x, t ) and its
conjugate Ψ (x, t )

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Postulates of QM

QM focuses on the complex wave function Ψ (x, y , z, t ) or

Ψ (r , θ, φ, t )
We consider a one-dimensional wave function Ψ (x, t ) and its
conjugate Ψ (x, t )
These provide a concrete meaning in the macroscopic physical world

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Postulates of QM

QM focuses on the complex wave function Ψ (x, y , z, t ) or

Ψ (r , θ, φ, t )
We consider a one-dimensional wave function Ψ (x, t ) and its
conjugate Ψ (x, t )
These provide a concrete meaning in the macroscopic physical world
In QM, Ψ (x, t ) Ψ (x, t ) is interpreted as the probability that a
particle is to be found in the interval between x and x + dx - Max
Born’s interpretation

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Postulates of QM

QM focuses on the complex wave function Ψ (x, y , z, t ) or

Ψ (r , θ, φ, t )
We consider a one-dimensional wave function Ψ (x, t ) and its
conjugate Ψ (x, t )
These provide a concrete meaning in the macroscopic physical world
In QM, Ψ (x, t ) Ψ (x, t ) is interpreted as the probability that a
particle is to be found in the interval between x and x + dx - Max
Born’s interpretation
Ψ (x, t ) is the QM description of the particle and Ψ (x, t ) Ψ (x, t )
hence referred to as the QM window to the real world

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Postulates of QM

QM focuses on the complex wave function Ψ (x, y , z, t ) or

Ψ (r , θ, φ, t )
We consider a one-dimensional wave function Ψ (x, t ) and its
conjugate Ψ (x, t )
These provide a concrete meaning in the macroscopic physical world
In QM, Ψ (x, t ) Ψ (x, t ) is interpreted as the probability that a
particle is to be found in the interval between x and x + dx - Max
Born’s interpretation
Ψ (x, t ) is the QM description of the particle and Ψ (x, t ) Ψ (x, t )
hence referred to as the QM window to the real world
Unlike classical mechanics based on dynamic variables, QM is based
on operators

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Postulates of QM

We saw that the classical dynamic variables include the time varying

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Postulates of QM

We saw that the classical dynamic variables include the time varying
Particle position, x (t )

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Postulates of QM

We saw that the classical dynamic variables include the time varying
Particle position, x (t )
Particle momentum, px (t )

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Postulates of QM

We saw that the classical dynamic variables include the time varying
Particle position, x (t )
Particle momentum, px (t )
Particle total energy, E

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Postulates of QM

We saw that the classical dynamic variables include the time varying
Particle position, x (t )
Particle momentum, px (t )
Particle total energy, E
In QM, dynamic variables are replaced by operators that operate on
Ψ (x, t )

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Postulates of QM

We saw that the classical dynamic variables include the time varying
Particle position, x (t )
Particle momentum, px (t )
Particle total energy, E
In QM, dynamic variables are replaced by operators that operate on
Ψ (x, t )

QM postulates cannot be proven or deduced - these are hypotheses

that are axioms (non-provable truths) when they do not contradict
nature (experiment)

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First postulate of QM

Temporal and spatial evolution of a QM particle described by a

complex wavefunction

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First postulate of QM

Temporal and spatial evolution of a QM particle described by a

complex wavefunction

Ψ (x, t ) describes the temporal and spatial evolution of a QM particle

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First postulate of QM

Temporal and spatial evolution of a QM particle described by a

complex wavefunction

Ψ (x, t ) describes the temporal and spatial evolution of a QM particle

Ψ (x, t ) is hence a QM description of a particle with one degree of
spatial freedom

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Second postulate of QM

The square of the magnitude of the wavefunction is related to the

probability of locating a particle in space

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Second postulate of QM

The square of the magnitude of the wavefunction is related to the

probability of locating a particle in space

Ψ (x, t ) Ψ (x, t ) is the probability density function of a QM particle

and Ψ (x, t ) Ψ (x, t ) dx is then the probability that the particle is to
be found between x and x + dx

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Second postulate of QM

The square of the magnitude of the wavefunction is related to the

probability of locating a particle in space

Ψ (x, t ) Ψ (x, t ) is the probability density function of a QM particle

and Ψ (x, t ) Ψ (x, t ) dx is then the probability that the particle is to
be found between x and x + dx
This means that
Ψ (x, t ) Ψ (x, t ) dx = 1

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Second postulate of QM

The square of the magnitude of the wavefunction is related to the

probability of locating a particle in space

Ψ (x, t ) Ψ (x, t ) is the probability density function of a QM particle

and Ψ (x, t ) Ψ (x, t ) dx is then the probability that the particle is to
be found between x and x + dx
This means that
Ψ (x, t ) Ψ (x, t ) dx = 1

i.e., the particle will be found somewhere in space

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Second postulate of QM

The square of the magnitude of the wavefunction is related to the

probability of locating a particle in space

Ψ (x, t ) Ψ (x, t ) is the probability density function of a QM particle

and Ψ (x, t ) Ψ (x, t ) dx is then the probability that the particle is to
be found between x and x + dx
This means that
Ψ (x, t ) Ψ (x, t ) dx = 1

i.e., the particle will be found somewhere in space

When Ψ (x, t ) satis…es this integral, it is said to be a normalised wave

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Second postulate of QM

The square of the magnitude of the wavefunction is related to the

probability of locating a particle in space

Ψ (x, t ) Ψ (x, t ) is the probability density function of a QM particle

and Ψ (x, t ) Ψ (x, t ) dx is then the probability that the particle is to
be found between x and x + dx
This means that
Ψ (x, t ) Ψ (x, t ) dx = 1

i.e., the particle will be found somewhere in space

When Ψ (x, t ) satis…es this integral, it is said to be a normalised wave

Hence, this integral is called the normalisation condition

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Third postulate of QM

The wavefunction and its …rst spatial derive are continuous functions
of the spatial coordinates

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Third postulate of QM

The wavefunction and its …rst spatial derive are continuous functions
of the spatial coordinates

Ψ (x, t ) and its …rst spatial derivative are continuous functions of the
spatial coordinates in an isotropic medium

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Third postulate of QM

The wavefunction and its …rst spatial derive are continuous functions
of the spatial coordinates

Ψ (x, t ) and its …rst spatial derivative are continuous functions of the
spatial coordinates in an isotropic medium
This means that
lim Ψ (x, t ) = Ψ (x0 , t )
x !x 0

∂ ∂
lim Ψ (x, t ) = Ψ (x, t ) jx =x0
x !x0 ∂x ∂x

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Third postulate of QM

The wavefunction and its …rst spatial derive are continuous functions
of the spatial coordinates

Ψ (x, t ) and its …rst spatial derivative are continuous functions of the
spatial coordinates in an isotropic medium
This means that
lim Ψ (x, t ) = Ψ (x0 , t )
x !x 0

∂ ∂
lim Ψ (x, t ) = Ψ (x, t ) jx =x0
x !x0 ∂x ∂x
Hence, Ψ (x, t ) is

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Third postulate of QM

The wavefunction and its …rst spatial derive are continuous functions
of the spatial coordinates

Ψ (x, t ) and its …rst spatial derivative are continuous functions of the
spatial coordinates in an isotropic medium
This means that
lim Ψ (x, t ) = Ψ (x0 , t )
x !x 0

∂ ∂
lim Ψ (x, t ) = Ψ (x, t ) jx =x0
x !x0 ∂x ∂x
Hence, Ψ (x, t ) is
Continuous and continuously di¤erentiable throughout an isotropic

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Third postulate of QM

The wavefunction and its …rst spatial derive are continuous functions
of the spatial coordinates

Ψ (x, t ) and its …rst spatial derivative are continuous functions of the
spatial coordinates in an isotropic medium
This means that
lim Ψ (x, t ) = Ψ (x0 , t )
x !x 0

∂ ∂
lim Ψ (x, t ) = Ψ (x, t ) jx =x0
x !x0 ∂x ∂x
Hence, Ψ (x, t ) is
Continuous and continuously di¤erentiable throughout an isotropic
Single-valued and …nite throughout space, i.e., all x in the 1-D case

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Fourth postulate of QM

Operators on the wavefunction replace the classical dynamic variables

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Fourth postulate of QM

Operators on the wavefunction replace the classical dynamic variables

Operators acting on Ψ (x, t ) are compared to the dynamic variables

of classical mechanics

dynamic variable classical variable QM operator

position x xop (multiply by x)
} ∂
momentum p = mv j ∂x (di¤erentiate w.r.t. x)
p2 1 } ∂
kinetic energy Ek = 2m 2m j ∂x
(di¤erentiate twice w.r.t. x)
potential energy U (x ) U (x ) (multiply by U (x ))
p2 1 } ∂ } ∂
total energy E = 2m + U (x ) 2m j ∂x + U (x ) = j ∂t

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Fourth postulate of QM
Recall the Hamiltonian equation is of the form
+ U (x ) = E

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Fourth postulate of QM
Recall the Hamiltonian equation is of the form
+ U (x ) = E
Thus, using the QM operators acting on Ψ (x, t ), we have
( )
1 } ∂ 2 } ∂
+ U (x ) Ψ (x, t ) = Ψ (x, t )
2m j ∂x j ∂t

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Fourth postulate of QM
Recall the Hamiltonian equation is of the form
+ U (x ) = E
Thus, using the QM operators acting on Ψ (x, t ), we have
( )
1 } ∂ 2 } ∂
+ U (x ) Ψ (x, t ) = Ψ (x, t )
2m j ∂x j ∂t
} ∂2 } ∂
Ψ (x, t ) + U (x ) Ψ (x, t ) = Ψ (x, t )
2m ∂x 2 j ∂t
∂ ∂2
∂x ∂x 2
since this is an operator

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Fourth postulate of QM
Recall the Hamiltonian equation is of the form
+ U (x ) = E
Thus, using the QM operators acting on Ψ (x, t ), we have
( )
1 } ∂ 2 } ∂
+ U (x ) Ψ (x, t ) = Ψ (x, t )
2m j ∂x j ∂t
} ∂2 } ∂
Ψ (x, t ) + U (x ) Ψ (x, t ) = Ψ (x, t )
2m ∂x 2 j ∂t
∂ ∂2
∂x ∂x 2
since this is an operator
This the 1-D time-dependent Schrödinger wave equation
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Fifth postulate of QM

Expectation values of dynamic variables are obtained through

operations on the wavefunction

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Fifth postulate of QM

Expectation values of dynamic variables are obtained through

operations on the wavefunction

The expectation (average value or ensemble average) of a dynamic

variable u is calculated from the wave function as
hu i = Ψ (x, t ) uop Ψ (x, t ) dx

where uop is the appropriate operator of the dynamic variable u

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Fifth postulate of QM

Expectation values of dynamic variables are obtained through

operations on the wavefunction

The expectation (average value or ensemble average) of a dynamic

variable u is calculated from the wave function as
hu i = Ψ (x, t ) uop Ψ (x, t ) dx

where uop is the appropriate operator of the dynamic variable u

This allows computation of important average values of quantities
such as position, momentum, energy etc.

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Applications of the …ve postulates of QM

The …ve postulates of quantum mechanics summarise the principles of

QM and have severe implications on the interpretation of macroscopic
physical processes

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Applications of the …ve postulates of QM

The …ve postulates of quantum mechanics summarise the principles of

QM and have severe implications on the interpretation of macroscopic
physical processes
QM smoothly merges with classical mechanics for macroscopic
physical processes - Bohr’s correspondence principle

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Applications of the …ve postulates of QM

The …ve postulates of quantum mechanics summarise the principles of

QM and have severe implications on the interpretation of macroscopic
physical processes
QM smoothly merges with classical mechanics for macroscopic
physical processes - Bohr’s correspondence principle
We assume Ψ (x, t ) can be separated into a spatial and time function
as Ψ (x, t ) = ψ (x ) ϕ (t ) and assume a time harmonic dependence of
the form ϕ (t ) = exp (j ωt )

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Applications of the …ve postulates of QM

The …ve postulates of quantum mechanics summarise the principles of

QM and have severe implications on the interpretation of macroscopic
physical processes
QM smoothly merges with classical mechanics for macroscopic
physical processes - Bohr’s correspondence principle
We assume Ψ (x, t ) can be separated into a spatial and time function
as Ψ (x, t ) = ψ (x ) ϕ (t ) and assume a time harmonic dependence of
the form ϕ (t ) = exp (j ωt )
Ψ (x, t ) = ψ (x ) ϕ (t )
where ψ (x ) is a stationary function of the spatial coordinate

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Applications of the …ve postulates of QM

Thus, in the time-dependent Schrödinger equation,

} ∂2 } ∂
(ψ (x ) ϕ (t )) + U (x ) (ψ (x ) ϕ (t )) = (ψ (x ) ϕ (t ))
2m ∂x 2 j ∂t
} 1 d2 } 1 d
ψ (x ) + U (x ) = ϕ (t )
2m ψ (x ) dx 2 j ϕ (t ) dt

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Applications of the …ve postulates of QM

Thus, in the time-dependent Schrödinger equation,

} ∂2 } ∂
(ψ (x ) ϕ (t )) + U (x ) (ψ (x ) ϕ (t )) = (ψ (x ) ϕ (t ))
2m ∂x 2 j ∂t
} 1 d2 } 1 d
ψ (x ) + U (x ) = ϕ (t )
2m ψ (x ) dx 2 j ϕ (t ) dt
For this equation to hold, we must have each term equal separately to
the same constant, i.e.
d E E
ϕ (t ) = j ϕ (t ) ) ϕ (t ) = exp j t = exp ( j ωt )
dt } }
} d2
ψ (x ) + U (x ) ψ (x ) = E ψ (x )
2m dx 2
the time-independent or stationary Schrödinger’s equation
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Applications of the …ve postulates of QM

Ψ (x, t ) = ψ (x ) ϕ (t ) = ψ (x ) exp (j ωt )

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Applications of the …ve postulates of QM

Ψ (x, t ) = ψ (x ) ϕ (t ) = ψ (x ) exp (j ωt )

ψ (x ) = A f1 + cos x g , jx j < π
= 0, jx j π

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Applications of the …ve postulates of QM
We determine A from the second postulate as
Z∞ Zπ
ψ (x ) ψ (x ) dx = A 2
f1 + cos x g2 dx
∞ π
Zπ 2
1 1
= A2 1 + 2 cos x + + cos 2x dx = 1
2 2
or r

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Applications of the …ve postulates of QM
We determine A from the second postulate as
Z∞ Zπ
ψ (x ) ψ (x ) dx = A 2
f1 + cos x g2 dx
∞ π
Zπ 2
1 1
= A2 1 + 2 cos x + + cos 2x dx = 1
2 2
or r

ψ (x ) = f1 + cos x g , jx j < π

= 0, jx j π

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Applications of the …ve postulates of QM

The potential energy of the particle is minimum at x = 0

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Applications of the …ve postulates of QM

The potential energy of the particle is minimum at x = 0

A particle placed in such a potential thus experiences a force that
attracts it to toward this minimum

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Applications of the …ve postulates of QM

The potential energy of the particle is minimum at x = 0

A particle placed in such a potential thus experiences a force that
attracts it to toward this minimum
The wave function is hence localised around the position of minimum
potential energy

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Applications of the …ve postulates of QM

From the …fth postulate, the expectation of the position of the

particle is given by
hx i = ψ (x ) x ψ (x ) dx

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Applications of the …ve postulates of QM

From the …fth postulate, the expectation of the position of the

particle is given by
hx i = ψ (x ) x ψ (x ) dx

Multiplication of ψ (x ) by x makes it an odd function of x and since

ψ (x ) is an even function, then the integrand is odd

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Applications of the …ve postulates of QM

From the …fth postulate, the expectation of the position of the

particle is given by
hx i = ψ (x ) x ψ (x ) dx

Multiplication of ψ (x ) by x makes it an odd function of x and since

ψ (x ) is an even function, then the integrand is odd
The integral between symmetrical limits is zero and hx i = 0

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Applications of the …ve postulates of QM

From the …fth postulate, the expectation of the position of the

particle is given by
hx i = ψ (x ) x ψ (x ) dx

Multiplication of ψ (x ) by x makes it an odd function of x and since

ψ (x ) is an even function, then the integrand is odd
The integral between symmetrical limits is zero and hx i = 0
This therefore means that the probability of …nding the particle at
x = 0 is highest for all time

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Applications of the …ve postulates of QM

The spread of the wave function about the position of maximum

probability is given by the standard deviation of the position, i.e.,
σ x = hx 2 i hx i2

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Applications of the …ve postulates of QM

The spread of the wave function about the position of maximum

probability is given by the standard deviation of the position, i.e.,
σ x = hx 2 i hx i2

We have
2 π2 5
x = ψ (x ) x 2 ψ (x ) dx =
3 2

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Applications of the …ve postulates of QM

The spread of the wave function about the position of maximum

probability is given by the standard deviation of the position, i.e.,
σ x = hx 2 i hx i2

We have
2 π2 5
x = ψ (x ) x 2 ψ (x ) dx =
3 2

Thus r
π2 5
σx = hx 2 i =
3 2
since hx i = 0

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Applications of the …ve postulates of QM

The expectation of particle momentum is given by

} ∂
h px i = ψ (x ) ψ (x ) dx = 0
j ∂x

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Applications of the …ve postulates of QM

The expectation of particle momentum is given by

} ∂
h px i = ψ (x ) ψ (x ) dx = 0
j ∂x

Hence, the particle has no net momentum and remains spatially

localised at the same position - consistent with a stationary wave

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Applications of the …ve postulates of QM

When ψ (x ) and U (x ) are known, we can write

}2 ∂2
hEk i = ψ (x ) ψ (x ) dx
2m ∂x 2

hU (x )i = ψ (x ) U (x ) ψ (x ) dx

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Applications of the …ve postulates of QM

When ψ (x ) and U (x ) are known, we can write

}2 ∂2
hEk i = ψ (x ) ψ (x ) dx
2m ∂x 2

hU (x )i = ψ (x ) U (x ) ψ (x ) dx

}2 ∂2
hE i = hEk i + hU (x )i = ψ (x ) + U (x ) ψ (x ) dx
2m ∂x 2

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Example problem

Example (1)
The wavefunction of a quantum particle is given as
π π
ψ (x ) = A cos kx, < kx <
2 2
= 0, otherwise


is the wavenumber. Determine (a) The spread of the wavefunction about
the most probable position (b) The mean square momentum of the particle

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Example problem

Solution (1)
(a) We have from the second postulate,

A cos2 kxdx = 1

or r
h x iπ/2k 2k
A2 =1)A=
2 π/2k π

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Example problem

Solution (1)
(a) The position expectation is given by

π/2k Z
2 2 A2
hx i = A x cos kxdx = x (1 + cos 2kx ) dx
π/2k π/2k
2 Z π/2k
A sin 2kx sin 2kx
= x x+ x+ dx
k 2k 2k π/2k
2 π/2k
A sin 2kx x2 cos 2kx
= x x+ =0
k 2k 2 4k 4 π/2k

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Example problem

Solution (1)
(a) and the mean square of position by

2 A2
x = x 2 (1 + cos 2kx ) d θ
A2 2 sin 2kx sin 2kx π/2k
= x x+ 2 x x+ dx
2 2k 2k π/2k
A2 sin 2kx x2 cos 2kx
= x2 x + 2 x
2 2k 2 4k 2 π/2k
x3 sin 2kx
6 8k 2 π/2k

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Example problem

Solution (1)
(a) or
A2 x cos 2kx x3 A2 π 1 π 3
x2 = + = +
2 2k 2 3 π/2k 2 2k 3 3 2k
3 π 2 3
= 1+
2 2k 2π 2

Hence, s
π 3 3
σx = 1+
2k 2 2π 2

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Example problem

Solution (1)
(b) For the mean square momentum, we have,

π/2k 2
2 2 } d
h px i = A cos kx cos kxdx
j dx
= (}k )2 (1 + cos 2kx ) dx
A2 π
= (}k )2 = (}k )2
2 k

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Phasor representation of the wavefunction

In QM, we will encounter integrals of the form

hu i = ψ (x ) uop ψ (x ) dx

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Phasor representation of the wavefunction

In QM, we will encounter integrals of the form

hu i = ψ (x ) uop ψ (x ) dx

For convenience, we will use the phasor representation of the

wavefunction, ψ (x ) = A exp ( jkx )

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Phasor representation of the wavefunction

In QM, we will encounter integrals of the form

hu i = ψ (x ) uop ψ (x ) dx

For convenience, we will use the phasor representation of the

wavefunction, ψ (x ) = A exp ( jkx )
The instantaneous wavefunction will then be obtained as

ψ (x, t ) = Re [ψ (x ) exp (j ωt )]

ψ (x, t ) = Im [ψ (x ) exp (j ωt )]

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Phasor representation of the wavefunction
The state of a quantum particle may then be described by a
wavepacket of the form
ψ (x, t ) = Ak 0 cos ω 0 t k 0 x dk 0
k ∆k

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Phasor representation of the wavefunction
The state of a quantum particle may then be described by a
wavepacket of the form
ψ (x, t ) = Ak 0 cos ω 0 t k 0 x dk 0
k ∆k
This is illustrated below


red : 1 wavelet
magenta : 5 wavelets
green : 10 wavelets
yellow : 25 wavelets

Amplitude normalised to 2N
where N is number of wavelets

-2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2

x π
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de Broglie matter waves

According to Einstein, a photon has a relativistic mass such that

E = mc 2

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de Broglie matter waves

According to Einstein, a photon has a relativistic mass such that

E = mc 2

With the energy of a photon given by

E = hf

mc 2 = hf =

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de Broglie matter waves

According to Einstein, a photon has a relativistic mass such that

E = mc 2

With the energy of a photon given by

E = hf

mc 2 = hf =
mc = p =
is the momentum of the photon

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de Broglie matter waves

By analogy, de Broglie postulated that the momentum of a classical

particle of mass m moving with velocity v could also be written as
mv = p =

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de Broglie matter waves

By analogy, de Broglie postulated that the momentum of a classical

particle of mass m moving with velocity v could also be written as
mv = p =
h h
λ= =
p mv
where λ is called the de Broglie wavelength for the matter wave

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de Broglie matter waves

By analogy, de Broglie postulated that the momentum of a classical

particle of mass m moving with velocity v could also be written as
mv = p =
h h
λ= =
p mv
where λ is called the de Broglie wavelength for the matter wave
Strictly, m is the mass of the particle at rest with a relativistic

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de Broglie matter waves

By analogy, de Broglie postulated that the momentum of a classical

particle of mass m moving with velocity v could also be written as
mv = p =
h h
λ= =
p mv
where λ is called the de Broglie wavelength for the matter wave
Strictly, m is the mass of the particle at rest with a relativistic
The correction is however negligible for particles with low momentum
and …nite rest mass

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Example: de Broglie matter waves

Example (2)
What is the de Broglie wavelength for an electron that has been
accelerated through a potential …eld of 100 V ?

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Example: de Broglie matter waves

Solution (2)
We assume the electron is moving with a velocity v << c. Thus

pn2 p
Ek = ) pn = 2mn E
The electron gains an electrostatic potential energy
U = qV = 1, 602 10 J

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Example: de Broglie matter waves

Solution (2 continued)
24 1
pn = 5, 403 10 kgms
λ= 0, 1226 nm
which is roughly of the same order of magnitude as the interatomic
separation in a crystal

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de Broglie matter waves

The total energy of a classical particle of mass m moving with a

velocity v is given by the Hamiltonian

E = +U
where U is the potential energy in the environment in which the
particle is moving

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de Broglie matter waves

The total energy of a classical particle of mass m moving with a

velocity v is given by the Hamiltonian

E = +U
where U is the potential energy in the environment in which the
particle is moving
Hence, in general,
λ= p
2m (E U)

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de Broglie matter waves

The total energy of a classical particle of mass m moving with a

velocity v is given by the Hamiltonian

E = +U
where U is the potential energy in the environment in which the
particle is moving
Hence, in general,
λ= p
2m (E U)

The wavelength of a particle with constant total energy

(conservative) will therefore change as the particle moves through
regions with di¤erent potential energy

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Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle

Particular pairs of observables referred to as complementary pairs

cannot be determined simultaneously to an arbitrary precision in QM

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Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle

Particular pairs of observables referred to as complementary pairs

cannot be determined simultaneously to an arbitrary precision in QM

Example complementary pairs include

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Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle

Particular pairs of observables referred to as complementary pairs

cannot be determined simultaneously to an arbitrary precision in QM

Example complementary pairs include

momentum - position

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Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle

Particular pairs of observables referred to as complementary pairs

cannot be determined simultaneously to an arbitrary precision in QM

Example complementary pairs include

momentum - position
Energy - time, etc.

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Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle

The de Broglie wave for a particle is a superposition of in…nitely many

waves of the form
2π E
Ψ (x, t ) = A sin (ωt kx ) , k = , ω = 2πf =
λ }
where Ψ (x, t ) now referred to as a wave packet

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Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle

The de Broglie wave for a particle is a superposition of in…nitely many

waves of the form
2π E
Ψ (x, t ) = A sin (ωt kx ) , k = , ω = 2πf =
λ }
where Ψ (x, t ) now referred to as a wave packet
By use of Fourier integral methods, it can be shown that for wave
motion of any type

∆k 1 1
∆x = ∆x ∆
2π λ 4π


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Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle

∆x is the spread of the wave packet in space, ∆k is the range of

reciprocal wavelength, ∆f is the range of frequencies and ∆t is a
measure of the time the wave packet requires to go past a given point
in space, i.e., the duration of observation

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Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle

∆x is the spread of the wave packet in space, ∆k is the range of

reciprocal wavelength, ∆f is the range of frequencies and ∆t is a
measure of the time the wave packet requires to go past a given point
in space, i.e., the duration of observation
The ∆’s should be understood as standard deviations

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Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle

From de Broglie’s relation, the wavelength of an x-directed particle is

given by
1 px
λ h

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Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle

From de Broglie’s relation, the wavelength of an x-directed particle is

given by
1 px
λ h
px 1
∆x ∆
h 4π
∆x ∆px

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Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle

From Einstein’s energy relation,

E 1
h 4π

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Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle

Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle puts a limit on the precision with


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Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle

Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle puts a limit on the precision with

Particle position can be determined when particle momentum is known
- particle position and its momentum cannot be determined

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Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle

Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle puts a limit on the precision with

Particle position can be determined when particle momentum is known
- particle position and its momentum cannot be determined
Observation time required to determine the energy with arbitrary
precision - in…nite observation time will be required for this!

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Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle

Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle puts a limit on the precision with

Particle position can be determined when particle momentum is known
- particle position and its momentum cannot be determined
Observation time required to determine the energy with arbitrary
precision - in…nite observation time will be required for this!
Suppose ∆x = 0, 1 nm, then for a free electron,

∆px 5, 272 10 25
kgms 1

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Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle

∆vx 5, 79 105 ms 1

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Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle

∆vx 5, 79 105 ms 1

i.e., an error on the same order of magnitude as the electron thermal


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