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Part 1:
1.It is my mother.
2.I like Da Nang city.
3. It is teacher.
4. I go by bus.
5. I am good at Math.
Part 2:
Reading books is one of my hobbies. I am interested in sex
education books as it can enhance my knowledge. In my
opinion, it is good for me.
Part 3: Music Club
1. Why did you join club?
 Well, it is nice to talk to you. I saw your club which is
reviewed on Facebook, Instagram quite well so I knew,
and I chose it. In addition, I can share the same my
hobbies with another member in club.
2. What was the last thing you read, what did you think
about it?
 The last book I read which is “Toi thay hoa vang tren co
xanh”. It is a romantic book. I am really interested in it
as it makes me remember many memories of me with
my friends.
3.What are you planning to do for your next holiday, what
books are you going to take?
=> Next holiday, I intend to go to Ha Long Bay. I am going to
take the books which I like best it is “Ngay Mai Nang Ve ”. This
is the books that my father gave me on my birthday last years.
Dear Linda,
How is life? I hope you and your family are well. I am wiring this
email to express my feelings about the announcement of our
club. Did you know that……. To be honest, I am very angry with
the announcement. I am going to write a complaint letter to
the manager!
Look after yourself!
Hi Nam,
How is life? I am writing this email to express my feelings about
good news: I have found a nice and satisfying home on one
website. I am over the moon as it took me almost 4 months to
find that house. I am going to contact the owner to set up a
meeting and see the house. I hope everything will be fine.
Look after yourself!

Part 1:
1. My hobby is reading books.
2. I like summer.
3. I like playing badminton.
4. It is quite cold.
5. I like soccer.
Part 2:
Reading books is one of my hobbies. I usually reading books
when I have free time. It makes me feel relaxed. Besides, I
can widen my knowledge.
Part 3:
1. I saw that this course was reviewed on Facebook, Instagram,
quite well so I chose it. In addition, it has fee cheap. To be
honest, I can improve my knowledge from this course.
2. To be honest, I am keen on the flexibility of this course as it
gives for me a lot of useful information. In addition, the
lecture was very interesting. I don’t have any difficulty
because the instructor is very helpful and available.
3. Well, it is nice to talk to you. Honestly, I hope my grammar
and vocabulary will improve perfectly at the end of the
course. Besides, I want to communicate as a native speaker.
Part 2:
 I can come the club on Saturday and Sunday from
to 8. pm. “Hotpot Thai” is one of my favorite foods, so I
enjoy cooking it.
Part 3:
 Hi, it is nice to talk to you. To be honest, I am bad at
cooking, so I decide to join the cooking club to improve
my ability of cooking. Besides, I want to learn how to
cook “Thai Hotpot” which is the dishes my parents love.
 Well, it is nice to talk to you. In my opinion, I can come
to the club twice a week as I have a lot of homework to
do. I promise I will spend all my free time to join it.
Part 4:
1.Write to your friend.
Dear, Nam
How is life? I am writing this email to tell you about the good
news. According to the news, my club are going to invite Mr.
Gonzales, a famous chef. He will guide many kinds of dishes
such as: Thai Hotpot, pizza, etc. Do you want to join? It is a
chance which helps you widen your knowledge about cooking.
Look after yourself!
Best wishes,
2.Write to your secretary
Dear, Ms. Diep
I am writing this email to express my feelings regarding
the upcoming cooking workshop of the club According to
the news, next week, we are going to invite Mr. Gonzales,
a famous chef in our town, to give us step-by-step
instructions for making some dishes. Honestly, I am on
nine clouds when I hear the news because I can widen my
knowledge about many kinds of dishes. In addition, I have
been looking forward to meeting him for a long time.
Therefore, I would venture some suggestions.  I would be
grateful if the chef could guide us how to cook “Thai Hot
Pot” because it is one of the most popular foods in my
country. Regarding how to attract more members to the
event, I suggest offering free admission and beverage.
Furthermore, I would be grateful if you could invite a
famous MC to host the event.  I believe that many
members have the same idea with me. 
I look forward to your prompt reply. 
Best regards,
Our club will ban the use of mobile phones in the future.
1. Your Friend
Dear Nam,

How is life? I hope you and your family are well. I am writing
this email to tell you about bad news. It is our club will ban
the use of mobile phones in the future. I am angry with this
announcement. I am going to write a complain letter to the
manager. I suppose our club should allow use of mobile
phones, but the user must turn off bell.

Look yourself!

2. Your manager
1. When was the last time you exercised?
 Oh, it is nice to talk to you! To be honest, I don’t
remember the last time I exercised. Maybe, it is on
Sunday last week. I usually exercise with my parents.
2. Where do you usually exercise? And how do you exercise?
 I usually do exercise in my house. To do exercise, I warn
up for about 5 minutes before working out. I try to get
30 minutes of Yoga exercise per day.
3.Many people say there is no time to exercise. What do you
think about this?
=> Well, it is nice to talk to you! From my point of view, I don’t
agree with these issues as I reckon if they want, they will do it.
They can spend about from 5 minutes to 10 minutes to exercise
in every morning.
1.Your friend. (Chỉ có viết cho bạn)
Dear Nam,
How is life. I am writing this email to express my feelings about
bad news. It is our old building is in need of repair in the near
future. I am angry with this announcement. In my opinion, I am
very unsatisfied as my parent are going to visit my house. I
hope the manager will find another building for everybody.
Look yourself!

TEST 9: Writing Club

 Hi, it is nice to talk to you! Café is one of my favorite
places I usually write. There, I feel quite relaxed, and
atmosphere seems to be comfortable.

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