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Institute of Management, Nirma University

Integrated BBA-MBA (2020-2025)

Business Laws - I

Individual Assignment

Submitted to: Prof. Tejpal Seth

Submitted on: 01/01/2022

Submitted by: 207145 – Pranay Bapna

Table of Content

Serial Topic Page No.

1 Facts of the Case 3

2 Issues Involved 4–7

3 Judgement 7–9

5 Legal Terminologies 10 – 11

6 References 12

Page No.3

auh d tu Case
i iA o casQ relaime to ta lega
palmle irigement a tmdemdrk. uOs
deaided u a sige qudge Bench d 8e
Delhi uigk eurt Ceaprisim tie MMuda
Colgate Palmolive Co.L4A( ttu Mainkiks) caunme
onuw ha M: Patel A h cBMpay th
dLdamda) oakin 2003 were i Hae
Manht CoLUATErods dre im tu
pArkagim 6 HhUr Þreducts ott relaHaM 6

Colaateis a muhay Rhak has loeon

MaikaAkurinp markekmp deukel modanek
in udia wder H well-Jeown Tradennask
COLUATE Simu 13t
1he Maimtta regiclered t i trademark in
adiaim o yeas 1S4 Simce hahoy
hawe aluways uAed a parhcular Ont or rimklnp
MA trademarko he (astons markeke
Hhear reduus im re arten ww had t
wrd COLUATE iMcoribd in whik ou t
furrHyd even regstredHuir labtl
nlalim oo coloAurS Lm dua im Ha year 19S

h delendamds wLA t uBdATANTA'

printed1 white(olaur i red aukorond
Page No. 4

wbsea Luky _ pOainhit Alea a t

beAere Hhe Delhi ig Court LeelLoy a
2thAAALUA_ 1munkln a9aint m_delthdLAuA

lae isu im Hus asplicakio ker inkri
reliek is a clurCmake monol i rset J
red witi colourt daimmed bHe aintil
vixtuu o He resistralion o K Mark, wwch
ot onl langeooth ask Makot
l m udia im parkulai, but alo he isque
luive riguk to a harkular cphour
Achone 1 Gneral
lauintik Colgale amelive o.L
olgak- Pal olive [udia) Ld hawe file e
Cureutswt seolinp a ermaAut junekiou
ektraining inrinseuxt o tradeark q eugtt
Ri kaY comsehtieu damau
anordiunt readuisa against Ha dhendant
hjanta ladia Ld M atel
Auerding to te aimkia, ollowimg ra
a HpRaindizjs ne vialaked

D ind Mask Rgudk s registrakteu

lakel wark iwb 19021 jonclau 3
Liikdio tu Colours red wh a
wel al reaichradien h 4R1344ecdainiong
Page No.5


Colgake Deutal Ceamre white labelVest

Statuior rademark raw m baiH
wkih he dolendantu hawe inringed by
adeinp a vitualy hrulturall4Sindlar
u Cyrigut: h dekuudomt's imhersenatHo a
inkitt peduh autit red whik
(olour scueviolaks -e laimtik Ceunigit-
Imi arcHsHcWerk

m) amnme lau Righk ddestimp am identical

gut-uamd colour-sdhe b H
dhndank is a violaten o e ainhi
COMnno law nguu beause leadto
deupMoA beAaA (onUmeIg are leto
oliene Hat a delendanli oduts aukualy
rodutt areidenkica gal areuglu
idewical badt to tonnls 4o Saml lau

pRasni aearams dudColar ulama

H dehëndan haw V1Routestandards 6
honesy amd RaY hodu proudhus, ruulH i
wkar auetiim etaud deLndaia l
rely oA plauehh suru e rebutatHn
KTA brauerel reudHom 0 oLt uway aho nad Dama to
u oRA:5tooo ere alko claimed by e plainthlkt
Page No. 6

KCkewtiou i radsed ay tu plainikk
imtya clauM tar HaL deeu dautu had
imrimged Hai trodenark qenigi, i-
uAmMA CamL olour schome
h Seondly, Haat Has dekeudauk wertindudgin
im uaAr LmMpLkiHew bs truimp o ely-
Mir preduck aAAimp oun ok a alkim
amd sibuilar o o p laintikk Are-dudt
SD a to cauuL a conluAin amd docoptio im
he markot placu percuagdiomp He wwitt
Todekive ciutomers lnto butin e
dekndat's edutt under Astaken
beletat HnepYedut Lelougs to t
Yleau odvamted by t plaintik ltarne
Semior Counsel Shri Sudiis Clhaudra aulAteA
b uri rawi dmand durimp eN has
o is inkrim aicaiun be sed i
obove araqra
Contenkions raised b A delendants
a u duudau (outeuded taat +ere wa
hettion P dstmctit i g rolour
CRabdekidu Hhe blaii oLtaiuer
Omd Hhat u labki, ceula net ane
A radeark im th colour conbinaciou
Page No.
tuether, they daimeat tte re uohile
Lal waComuout h erthbaule

0 Tlue tintt Quoato 4eat asiseshor deterinakiou.

in Hais Auit ubs eat wheur Tradomawu
t 199 appli o Hae aut omeaeud (a
r to Trade d Merdhandise Markl dtt, 1958
The lainti couend tat H Newdt has
no applicahow by vidue Sethon 59(4)
H New kawhile he dekndanto(ennd.
Mat Ourt should interet ti Od Aut
Mao Neuw t deide oLordin o the New
sktt Ape Cethon Isa(2)s New Att

U AK'b Tudag obaerved a t oMttal
teakure s plaintins warl un
COLGATL nlcribed m whulk olour on
red oaukrounA aT ouly tae cembinahaA
orpA ohite
Me ueldat tindin Htt 0erd ATANIA
Du dlndautt Car-d im whitt
aa red barkrund deent qie ise
amu inrinpeuie ud n plalhik
ad dres
Mealso akchAL
deheuda Anat red uwa A basl Colurc
Page No.

awd red ewnte color (pmbination is
domestHC aA well as o mhernadional
Menl Mere Camnat be anY monopoutat on_

Howewec he fial hdd teat t defndank

ee liab r n to sel ecir roduuts
uAimp Ae bramd m ol (OLLATE Snee
ALre wa Auueut revembmt bokuwegn
Ha plaionti 8 doltnnaty prdusk
ur r Ourt ruled Hnat he
H dekndamt alkers 5ALaAng
heNe ümuld not ariSe amy qulHo
hazteuaNk plaitif
Lerdionply R COUutrdere m
Subskhule geld ker wiH Olour ln
Xa s desUrUhttan AJANTA' IM
alix Cartbn

3hu, he lyunchi ahlicahieaM

disbesed k h Oiilt amd w
detemdaunzWRre permutte to nMarkut
nade he
reguured adterodeud jm hor_6arkag1ne
o reduues.
Page No.

Comionp back to he quHHen o

deternnahion_o He dt eat woAo bo
ThTrads Mwchandise dat 1958
Oplieao reALut Caslbu virhu
Q Setktou 15A(A) Trad Mars
dit (1gga), uwhluh revideu thak ho
lega DTLLdimp LOK duy adithe tme
he NewAtt cau io jorU, wiL
COuhauo aA i Ne Ait had nit bon
aased Sim eA legalretlediupSwere
lttuted o 24 Manh 20b3 amd
Ho Ne0 dit uaA enertLA on
5 Septeuber, 2003 AQNew tti
dolAnt apmly-to he aLk otA0
Page No. 6

l lainti he esen har-tyLsho
jmuhat a auwsuit Kotore (oUst.
2. Dekendant:trelers
o ad por
wRo is eitho acuAA coumrting
A ClmL j Ccrmnna oroALUk10 er
oamt whpn Sena upea cVil elie
bemp Seugt im & ivil casl
Gaaameu t'A a Complaumt or
QnieamLH gMDnd oa legal ouklou,
MAM_ÞArhularu Ha hA@re Seri0Aw part
A aarqL agaAnat aM aUUAL
prAMA ugy lerm itt
2AALLkta olement a lsut.
Lea A ersonA hlea_is HA aMAAeA ttat
hey give whew ey laawe ee chargd
wit a crlue
5, Tradennarls dut, 1999 cdu aat te Qmend
Qmd coAOudade o la relattmp o gda
Toudmarki do revide fe regitrade
amd beber pnotetion o trademark for
gOedA aMd ARVICRA Omd kor a
rONentih ud " auduladt
Page No. 11

6rado Merchaudise MarlA d 1958

taruerlegasladien Aat gevernad HKae
tmdemany at lan i Gndia. Mam
lmteakiowM o revide _reßshahiou.
amd loBal roktAhion o radehmare
1 . atvisioni legou kerMs, a_mevisle
meama a clauatm astafur (nbad
r my khor legal detuuMOL
8 Jurisdickion:-9tis
a) he ern-teru m wudh a (ourt (au
b p0wer it has to deal uwi
partcular case,
cMe wer it hasto ISSULA rders.
. Qrder- dha intruchiem. COmManA

sringeAeut i h onroadhnaeut breac

DY (arout. Jtk most freq uonti4 uAed
lo rekerence to h lVadiem nghA
ARLUeA by (ouriott Pateut or'a

12 | P a g e

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