We Affirm The Resolution Resolved: On Balance, Turkey's Membership Is Beneficial To The North Atlantic Treaty Organization

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We affirm the resolution Resolved: On balance, Turkey’s membership is beneficial to the

North Atlantic Treaty Organization.

Framework: lives

Contention one Russian deterrent:


Aydogan, ‘21: Since becoming a NATO member in 1952 Turkey has been one of the alliance's
biggest contributing partners, with its second-largest army. Turkey remains as an "important
NATO ally," as stated by the alliance's secretary-general. You can just look at the map and
realize the importance of these lands, the landmass of Turkey. And also the only country, the
only NATO Ally that borders Iraq and Syria,"

Cakar states: Turkey’s unique location provides certain leverages for international influence.
Turkey is centrally situated between Europe, where much of the world’s political and economic
power is concentrated, and Asia, Turkey fully supports the Middle East Peace Process by
maintaining a balanced position that considers Turkey’s importance derives from the following
factors: it stabilizes the Black Sea region it controls the Straits

Kicking Turkey out of NATO means Turkey will align with Russia
Pry ‘19
kick[ing] Turkey out of NATO [would] have its military power and strategic geography aligned with Russia .
Do we really want to and ?

First: Russian Aggression is INEVITABLE – Internal economic and political pressures combine
with a history of Russian warfighting to satiate(say-she-ate) domestic concerns. Under these
conditions, raising the cost of warfare through a Turkish outpost is a necessary deterrent.

Rosu, 2021 (Cristian, “How real is the Russian threat to the Baltic States?”, New Europe,

“During Georgia and Ukraine Russia demonstrated resolve in using brute force within
manageable risks. no military answer from NATO helped fuel the Kremlin’s confidence to carry
out warfare abroad.. Russia’s internal complexities push the Kremlin to search for temporary
solutions. Whenever Putin wants to relieve social pressure, he organizes a war offering the
prospect of a new Empire in the face of growing unrest.. The turmoil caused by COVID-19 to
Russia’s economy has overlapped with growing concerns over perpetual grip on power”

Next this aggression could easily lead to a Russian invasion of the eastern flank
Nardelli, 2021 (albero, “U.S. Warns Europe That Russia May Be Planning Ukraine Invasion”,

The U.S. is raising the alarm with European Union allies that Russia may be weighing a
potential invasion of Ukraine as tensions flare between Moscow and the bloc over migrants and
energy supplies. With Washington closely monitoring a buildup of Russian forces near the
Ukrainian border, U.S. officials have briefed EU counterparts on their concerns over a possible
military operation, according to multiple people familiar with the matter.

If putin were to invade a NATO state then retribution would be swift because of

Article 5 which states: Collective defense means that an attack against one Ally is considered as
an attack against all Allies.

This would result in a NATO intervention which would lead to nuclear war because of
RUssia’s escalate to de-escalate policy which means Russia will strike.

The department of defense states “Moscow threatens and exercises limited nuclear first use,
suggesting an expectation that coercive nuclear threats or limited first use could paralyze the
United States and NATO.”

This would lead to a nuclear war which could lead to a world destroying war.

Rodriguez, ‘19, Researchers have estimated that a nuclear war that produced between
50 and 150 teragrams of smoke would make agriculture nearly impossible, causing
most people on Earth to starve to death.

Even if you don’t buy nuclear war, a conventional war, like World War 2, would still kill 60
million people.

And we provide solvency, Turkey has been successful battling Russia so Russian
wouldn’t invade knowing Turkey can defeat and defend allies effectively.

Ozkizilcik in 21 states “In recent years, Turkey has achieved several tactical and strategic
victories against Russia. In Syria, Turkey prevented Russia from implementing a military

Contention 2: NATO bad, turkey good.

First, there is no value to NATO.

a. NATO lack of shared purpose makes it chronically ineffective
Von Shirach 2009 (Paola Liebl Von Schirach, editor of the Schirach Report, 4-17-09, “Outside View: NATO's future --
Part 6”, UPI.)
Allies think differently. This can be deduced from failure of member states to offer troops in
AfghanistanThere is major new action by NATO's member states planned the Atlantic alliance
has grown larger Yet NATO now lacks any real shared purpose the alliance has become
almost irrelevant except as a revered relic

NATO is on the decline Turkey is what is keep NATO worthy

Bandow 2012 (Doug Bandow is a Senior Fellow at the Cato Institute. A former Special Assistant to
President Ronald Reagan, NATO and Libya: It's Time To Retire a Fading Alliance, Forbes, 1-2)
ill-equipped to take on even the decrepit Libyan forces Most NATO members contributed nothing of
consequence. Gates observed: European defense budgets “have been chronically starved fEurope turned
into a military pygmy.With the collapse of European finances military outlays are everywhere on the
chopping block Gates warned of “a dismal future for the alliance. there will be a dwindling appetite to
fund nations unwilling to be serious in defense.”

We control uniqueness on all impacts: NATO without turkey is worthless and

Turkey is what makes it good

Aydogan in 21 states "I think it's also important to remember that Turkey is an
important NATO Ally. You can just look at the map and realize the importance of
these lands, the landmass of Turkey. And also the only country, the only NATO Ally
that borders Iraq and Syria," he said. Stoltenberg also hailed the country's
infrastructure and airports in fighting against Daesh while also noting that "Turkey
played an important role in the Global Coalition to Defeat ISIS and we continue to
work closely with the NATO ally, Turkey, in stabilizing our southern
neighborhood."He also underscored Turkey's significance in dealing with the
ongoing migrant and refugee crisis.Since 2016, Turkey has launched a trio of
successful anti-terror operations across its border in northern Syria to prevent the
formation of a terror corridor and to enable the peaceful settlement of residents:
Euphrates Shield (2016), Olive Branch (2018), and Peace Spring (2019).

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