AT: Turkey-Greece Conflict: AT Russia Baltic Invasion

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AT Russia baltic invasion

AT: Turkey-Greece Conflict

Braw,’20: NATO seems paralyzed, but it’s not. NATO is still going strong on its main mission:
defending the territorial integrity of its member states against sundry territorial threats from other
countries and nonstate actors.

Dellanna, ‘20: Experts argue that his words are mainly designed for domestic propaganda rather
than representing an actual ultimatum. Turkey analyst at GlobalSource Partners, Atilla Yeşilada,
told Euronews that Erdogan "wants Greece at the negotiating table" "We have been at this point
at least a thousand times since the 1974 Cyprus conflict and nothing has changed".At the same
time, he ruled out that the current row could escalate into an actual military conflict. "The tension
will not mutate into war and the standoff will continue with both sides doing what they're used to

Ocal, ‘21: Yet, it is a Greek territory. It is not hard to accept; that is what had happened at the
Paris conference in 1946. Turkey could have objected to it and it could have gone to
international litigation. It had chosen not to. Turkey, as a peaceful and respectful member of the
United Nations has been and will be recognizant of this.

AT: Turkey Undermining Anti-Terrorist movements

OCHCR, :Turkey continues to play an active role in global efforts to prevent violent
extremism and to counter terrorism. As one of the Co-Chairs of the Global Counter
Terrorism Forum, Turkey actively contributes to the efforts of this global platform and
GCTF-inspired Hedayah Center, aimed at addressing violent extremism.

Aydogan ‘21
Through its military and [advanced] defense systems, Turkey remains as an "important
NATO ally," as stated by the alliance's secretary-general Turkey is] the only NATO Ally
that borders Iraq and Syria," he said. Stoltenberg also hailed the country's infrastructure
and airport. He also underscored Turkey's significance in dealing with the ongoing
migrant and refugee crisis. Since 2016, Turkey has launched a trio of successful anti-
terror operations across its border in northern Syria to prevent the formation of a terror
corridor and to enable the peaceful settlement of [migrants]


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