12.1 Cap. Genocide - y Bauer

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Genocide: Was it the Nazis' Original Plan?


ABSTRACT: Since the 1940s scholars have debated the ques-

tion, Did Hitler and his henchmen plan the Final Solution
decades before 1941? Many have answered in the affirmative.
However, examination of those developments that led to the
Final Solution raises serious questions. Although some have
declared that the Nazis with Hitler at the helm did indeed plan
the mass execution even before the 1930s, nowhere is there
any pronouncement of this before 1939! T h e plan the Nazis
did have was to evict all Jews from Germany. Although sev-
eral hundred thousand did leave, those left behind as well as
the millions conquered as the Nazis swept through Europe
provided a dilemma. Hitler wanted them out. No one wanted
them. T h e Schacht-Rublee negotiations and the Nisko/
Madagascar plans, efforts to clear Europe of Jews, had failed
dismally before 1939. The last alternative was the Final
Solution, which took form in 1941 with the adoption of the
Einsatzgruppen plan for the mass murder of Jews in Russia,
mainly by machine gun, and the Wannsee plan for the mass
murder of Jews in Poland in the gas ovens and the crematoria
established at six death camps.

Yehuda Bauer earned his Ph.D. from Hebrew University and has been a senior
lecturer at the Institute of Contemporary Jewry and head of the Department of
Holocaust Studies at Hebrew University since 1968. Currently he is head of the
institute. His work in Holocaust studies is the combination of his own experiences as
a young man living in Czechoslovakia before 1939 and of his academic preparation.
Living with hundreds of thousands of "refugees" pouring into Israel from death
camps and hiding places throughout Europe in the 1940s; studying history, phi-
losophy, and English; and attempti.ig to answer the many complex questions relat-
ing to the Holocaust caused Yehuda Bauer to become a pioneer in Holocaust
studies. In 1975 he was named Johnah M. Machover Professor of Holocaust Studies.
Among his most recent books are The Jewish Emergence From Powerlessness,
The Holocaust in Historical Perspective and From Diplomacy to Resistance.

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T HE problem of the origins of the

Final Solution has been the
subject of much research. One has to
were deprived of all rights sys-
tematically and 'legally' and then
'removed altogether,' the ambiguity
make the clear differentiation be- of the word 'removal' is now more
tween the quest for the background apparent than it was in 1919." She
of Nazi-type murderous antisemitism bases her views on the first political
and the more immediate problem of propaganda letter written by Hitler
the planning tor mass murder. T h e on 16 September 1919 to Adolf
underlying problem of a study of Gemlich. In it Hitler, favoring what
Nazi antisemitism is whether it was he called rational as opposed to emo-
the result of a continuity extending tional antisemitism, stated that "the
from Christian, traditional, or even final objective must unswervingly
pre-Christian anti-Judaism to which be the removal ( E n t f e r n u n g J of the
racial antisemitism added a few new Jews altogether [überhaupt]." Da-
ideas, or whether modern anti- widowicz seems to argue from that
semitism, in its late nineteenth- that the Final Solution in the sense
century form is a new departure, of mass murder was with Hitler
qualitatively different from, though from the beginning. That leads her
influenced by, traditional or Christian to a deterministic, or teleological,
antisemitism. My own view is close view according to which the ulti-
to that of Franklin H. Littell, Uriel mate steps unfolded necessarily
Tal, and Shmuel Ettinger, namely, from a basic Hitlerite concept which
that while modern antisemitism un- already contained mass murder and
doubtedly contains new elements or which remained constant from 1919
places new emphases on old ones to the early forties. 1
and leads to consequences that are This view is, I think, the popular
radically more extreme than those view. Ask any number of freshmen
attained by its predecessors, the ele- students, and they will respond with
ment of continuity is a predominant a question, Why did not the Jews
factor. Without Christian, or tradi- flee, or react energetically from the
tional anti-Judaism, modern, nation- start, if they could have known from
alistic and racial antisemitism would Hitler's writings and speeches that
have been impossible. he intended to kill them all?
But when one examines the evi-
dence, one finds that Hitler did not
say anything like that at all before
1939. Dawidowicz quotes the one
However, the subject of this article and only passage in Hitler's book,
is the second problem—the ques- Mein Kampf, in which a death wish
tion of the origins of the Final for Jews is uttered: " I f at the begin-
Solution in Nazi theory and practice. ning of the [First World] War twelve
Contrary to legend, nowhere in or fifteen thousand of these Hebrew
Hitler's writings or pronouncements corrupters of the people had been
before 1939 do we find a declaration held under poison gas, as Happened
in favor of the annihilation of the to hundreds of thousands of our very
Jewish people. Lucy Dawidowicz, best German workers in the field, the
in trying to prove the contrary, sacrifice of multitudes at the front
argues that as early as 1919 Hitler would not have been in vain."* This,
expressed views that "prefigure the
1. Lucy S Dawidowicz, The War Against
political realities of the German the Jeu* (London: 1975), p. 17.
dictatorship . . . when the Jews 2. Ibid., p. 3.

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of course, is antisemitism at its rule over all others. Their control

basest, but it is hardly a blueprint of the world was not based on terri-
for the planned mass killing of all tory, which they never had, and in
European Jews. Worse things were this they differed fiom all the other
said by antisemites in and out of nations; it was based, rather, on
power in various countries before financial and other machinations.
Hitler. In fact, it is a solitary sen- Hitler wrote that at first the Jew
tence in a thick book of turgid demanded equal rights, and then,
German prose. finally, superior rights, and that his
Was there then a plan? Of course aim was to rule the world; but, as
there was, and Hitler stated it plainly his character was parasitic and as he
on 13 November 1919 in his first was incapable of separate existence,
public speech, also quoted by Da- his rule would lead not only to the
widowicz: "We will carry on the destruction of the nations oppressed
struggle until the last Jew is re- by him, but also to his own demise.
moved from the German Reich." These views can be found, with
Or, as he said in 1920, he advocated some variations, in the writings of
"the removal of the Jews from our Alfred Rosenberg, Josef Goebbels,
nation, not because we would be- and other close collaborators of Hit-
grudge them their existence—we ler. They contain a number of crucial
congratulate the rest of the world on elements. First among these is the
their company—but because the view of the Jew as a demonic pres-
existence of our nation is a thousand ence in the world; the use of the gen-
times more important to us than that eralizing singular "the J e w " already
of an alien race." 3 suggests that. This, of course, is taken
Until the end of 1938, neither from Christian antisemitism, which
Hitler nor any of the chief propa- postulated that only a people pos-
gandists of the regime suggested sessed by the Devil would have
any other solution for what they killed the God-Messiah. T h e Jews,
called the Jewish problem than in the Nazi demonology, are out to
eviction from Germany. Why was rule the world, and, in fact, are al-
that their solution? How did they ready well on their way toward doing
perceive the Jew? so. This again is based on Christian
foundations, and we can find traces
of fear of the Jewish demons con-
Ideology and practice, 1928-38: trolling the world during the Middle
The apparent contradiction Ages—and even earlier. In modern
times, this superstition was re-
In his second book, written but formulated in that famous forgery
not published in 1928, Hitler made by the tsarist Soviet police, The
his view of the Jews very clear. He Protocols of the Elders of Zion
said that they were an antirace, (1905), which forms one of the cor-
formed out of a hybrid, indeter- nerstones of Nazi ideology.
minate, mongrel core, a nomad peo-
A second basic element in the
ple of eternal restlessness, incapable
Nazi view of the Jews is the de-
of independent political, territorial
scription of the Jew as a parasite. 4
existence. He also noted that their
In Nazi literature Jews are de-
religion was a cover for their lust for
scribed as vermin, rats, or other
unlimited power and for absolute
4. Alex Bein, " T h e J e w i s h Parasite," in
3 Ibid.. ρ 18. Leo Baeck Year Bonk, vol. 9 (1964), pp. 3 - 3 9 .

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noxious elements from the insect or pie." This in turn will cause "the
animal world, as well as bacilli or catastrophic destruction of the Euro-
viruses. In his previously men- pean nations, such as humanity has
tioned second book, 5 Hitler says not known since the demise of the
that in order for the Jews to exist, states of antiquity."
they use the creative faculties of I have chosen a clear statement
other nations because they are in- by Hitler but one can find this idea
capable of establishing a polity of in many places and at various levels
their own. They thus become para- of Nazi officialdom in the thirties:
sitic, and perforce their aim must the accusation that the Jews were
be to control as many nations as out to destroy Germany, Europe, and
possible so as to live on their life- the world and that therefore all Ger-
blood. In this way, nazism combined many could do was to fight a de-
with the two divergent metaphoric fensive battle against Jewry. Nazi
pictures it had created for the Jews: ethics, as I have pointed out in other
that of demons and that of parasites. places, 7 are the ordinary bourgeois
For our purpose a third element ethics reversed, standing very pre-
is most important. Nazism in effect cisely on their head. They could
accused the Jew of vices that it was murder because they accused the
guilty of. The picture of the demonic Jews of wanting to murder them.
force out to conquer the world re- They extolled murder as a positive
flects the desires of the Nazis them- ethical command to save the world
selves. Years before th£ wish to mur- and white, Germanic supremacy be-
der the Jews became articulate in cause they accused the Jews of plan-
their own minds, they formulated it ning that fate for the Germans. Hav-
in obverse fashion. Thus Hitler ing described the Jews as demons
stated, in his directives to Goering and vermin, that is, as nonhumans,
in 1936® regarding the four-year plan, they could murder them, because
that Germany must be ready for war they were no longer killing human
within four years. T h e reason for the beings, but devils, bacilli, and rats
tight time schedule, according to with human faces. In effect, then,
Hitler, was that "the loss of months they could commit mass murder be-
may cause damage that will be ir- cause they had dehumanized them-
reparable in hundreds of years." selves. In other words, they had
The reason for that rather surprising done that of which they had accused
statement—in 1936!—was that in- the Jews in a true reversal of
ternational Jewry was threatening values. Das Umwerten aller Werte.
Germany's existence. The prospec- It may well appear that the pre-
tive victory of Jewry, said Hitler, ceding argument ends in a contradic-
"whose most radical expression is tion. On one hand, the claim is ad-
Bolshevism . . . will not this time vanced that there is no evidence of
lead to new Versailles treaties, but any Nazi plan to murder the Jews
to the final destruction, that is the before the end of the thirties, and
extermination of the German peo- indeed there is not; on the other
hand, great trouble has been taken
5 . llitlcr·, Sccrct Bc>k (New York: 1962).
to explain what it was that enabled
pp. 212-13 the Nazis to murder the Jews as
6 Wilhelm Trt-nc. Hitlers Dc'ikti hrift
zum VivrjtihrcspUtn 1936. vol. 3 (Vicrteljah- 7 Yehuda Bauer, The llnltitttusl in lli\-
rcsheftpliir Zeitgeschichte. 1955), pp. 184- tohrrtl Ρΐ'Γ\μι·< tiie (Uni\emtv of Wash-
210. ington Presv, 1978).

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seen from the point of view of the T h e real test lies e l s e w h e r e ; it is

Nazis' ideological d e v e l o p m e n t . But known from historical r e s e a r c h e s
t h e r e is really no contradiction. T h e that at no time in the thirties w a s
m u r d e r of t h e J e w i s h p e o p l e was there any l e s s e n i n g of J e w i s h e m i -
i n h e r e n t in t h e ideology that t h e gration p r e s s u r e on foreign con-
Nazis took from their p r e d e c e s s o r in sulates in G e r m a n y . T h e r e w e r e
the n i n e t e e n t h c e n t u r y . It was in- always considerably more J e w s want-
h e r e n t — a s a logical c o n c l u s i o n , not ing to leave t h a n , in a world stricken
as a practical plan. T o b e c o m e a by a vast e c o n o m i c crisis, t h e r e w e r e
practical plan, to d e v e l o p from an p l a c e s w i l l i n g to a c c e p t t h e m .
unarticulated wish logically em- America did not w a n t t h e m , a n d they
b e d d e d in their world view into infiltrated t h e r e in relatively small
mass graves a n d gas c h a m b e r s , n u m b e r s . T h e n u m b e r of e m i g r a n t s ,
political and military d e v e l o p m e n t s both J e w s a n d n o n - J e w s , from Ger-
had to occur that w o u l d m a k e mass m a n y was 4,392 in fiscal year 1933/
m u r d e r a practicable proposition. 34; 5,201 in 1934/35; a n d 6,346 in
1935/36. In late 1935, t h e i n t e r v e n -
tion of s o m e of t h e so-called Ger-
Antisemitism: central to the Nazi man-Jewish aristocracy in A m e r i c a —
program Felix M. W a r b u r g a n d H e r b e r t L e h -
m a n n — c a u s e d P r e s i d e n t Roosevelt
Nazi plans for J e w s b e t w e e n 1933
to give more liberal d i r e c t i v e s to t h e
and 1938 w e r e to evict t h e m from
State D e p a r t m e n t and t h e figures
G e r m a n y . But b e t w e e n 1933 a n d t h e
show 10,895 i m m i g r a n t s from G e r -
e n d of 1937, only 129,000 out of a
m a n y for 1936/37; 17,199 for 1937/
half million G e r m a n J e w s left t h e
38; and 19,452 for t h e rest of 1938
country. In our literature, t h e ac-
( J u l y - D e c e m b e r ) . 8 Of t h e s e 63,485
cusation is f o u n d against G e r m a n
immigrants, p r o b a b l y 85 p e r c e n t
J e w s for not h a v i n g read t h e signs on
w e r e Jews, or a b o u t 55,000. H a d
t h e wall and not h a v i n g left early
Jewish emigration from G e r m a n y to
e n o u g h . T h e description of the Weiss
t h e United States a n d P a l e s t i n e ,
family in the N B C Holocaust film
which a b s o r b e d a similar n u m b e r ,
series has m a d e this v i e w e v e n more
and to other p l a c e s in w h i c h J e w s
popular. That d o e s not m a k e it his-
could infiltrate in small n u m b e r s
torically correct. T h e r e w e r e , of
c o n t i n u e d on this scale, G e r m a n
course, large, t h o u g h d i m i n i s h i n g ,
Jewry w o u l d h a v e d i s a p p e a r e d by
n u m b e r s of G e r m a n J e w s w h o re-
emigration a n d a g i n g in a b o u t 15 to
f u s e d to leave a country w h e r e J e w s
20 years. But t h e w h o i e p o i n t was
had b e e n living b e f o r e the Ger-
that t h e Nazis saw a d e m o n i c , cata-
mans had e v e n arrived there; J e w s
strophic threat from an imaginary
h a d lived in t h e Roman towns along
world Jewry to t h e G e r m a n i c race.
the R h i n e w h i c h w e r e part of t h e
Roman w o r l d ' s f r o n t i e r d e f e n c e War was p l a n n e d to solve this
against the G e r m a n tribes. After t h e p r o b l e m , a n d if G e r m a n y p l a n n e d to
1935 N u r e m b e r g Laws, especially, free itself a n d t h e world from a
which d e c r e e d the J e w s to be sec- d e m o n i c force, it c o u l d not very w e l l
ond-class subjects rather than citi- start the process w h i l e that d e m o n i c
zens, t h e n u m b e r s of t h o s e w i s h i n g force was sitting right in its midst.
to hang on w e r e g r o w i n g smaller,
though no poll exists w h i c h could 8. Y e h u d a B a u e r , My Brother s Keeper
prove this statistically. ( P h i l a d e l p h i a : 1974), p p . 1 6 8 - 6 9

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It is necessary to emphasize here for so-called Aryanization, various

the enormity of what is being said: economic restrictions, and from
I am indicating no more and no less June, 1938, mass arrests of Jews
than that World War II was unleashed who until then had not populated
primarily because of the Nazi desire Nazi concentration camps except
to assert the world dominance of insofar as Jews had belonged to the
the Germanic peoples of Aryan race anti-Nazi opposition. Then came the
in their struggle against world Jewry Kristallnacht pogrom of November,
and its minions, bolshevism in 1938. Its purpose was to accelerate
the East, and Western parliamentary Jewish exit from Germany. Of the
democracy, or Anglo-Saxon plutoc- approximately 30 to 35 thousand
racy (if one prefers Goebbels' favor- internees in Nazi concentration
ite phrase), in the West. Put dif- camps taken there on Kristallnacht,
ferently, it is imperative to distill most were set free in 1939 when
Nazi antisemitism as a major de- emigration papers or opportunities
terminant of Nazi aggression cul- were obtained for them from their
minating in World War II. If one frantic relatives. Illegal immigration
disagrees with this statement, one to Palestine was organized by the
will have to explain away a whole Jewish Agency representatives and
series of Nazi documents providing by Zionist Revisionist activists with
circumstantial or direct evidence the Gestapo's encouragement, as was
for these statements:. Hitler's in- illegal emigration to Latin America.
structions for the foui-year plan; the By 1941, 450,000 central European
Hossbach protocol of November Jews that included four-fifths of Aus-
1937, in which Hitler explains the trian Jewry and close to that per-
urgency of war within a short time; centage of German Jewry, had left
the report of the SS (Lagebericht) Greater Germany, though some of
for 1939, in which the Jewish prob- these were caught again later in the
lem is defined as "the problem"* German conquest of other European
of world politics, and many others. countries.
This second period of Nazi rule,
1938-41, was characterized by an
Expulsion attempt to evict the Jews from the
All this meant that the Nazis were Nazi sphere quickly and radically.
bent on radicalizing their anti-Jewish According to a circular letter, dated
policies in early 1938. Expulsion 25 January 1939, of the German
of Jews was now a central German Foreign Office to all German repre-
state interest and had to be achieved sentatives abroad, the expulsion of
quickly. A series of steps in 1938 was the Jews would cause greater under-
indicative of this policy and was standing of Germany's stand by for-
aimed at the expulsion of Jews from eign powers, because the expelled
German economic life: the aboli- Jews would cause antisemitic reac-
tion of the right of Jewish communi- tions in their new abodes, and this
ties to act as legal bodies, registra- would help Germany!
tion of Jewish properties, pressure
Ransom: Schacht-Rublee
9. "daas es ü b e r h a u p t das Problem der negotiations
Weltpolitik im Augenblick ist" U 112: Das
Judentum alz Weltprohlem, q u o t e d in O. D. What is interesting is that parallel
Kulka, 1:206(19 Jan. 1939). with this radicalization, Nazi Ger-

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many appears to have been willing into Soviet Russia. And the second
to sell its Jews. In the so-called was to ship them to the island of
Schacht-Rublee negotiations of late Madagascar of! the coast of Africa,
1938and early 1939, rlitlei agreed to then a French possession that would
release 100,000 young German Jews become a German colony at the ulti-
with part of their property, who mate peace settlement with de-
would go to establish themselves in feated France. Both plans were very
a new country with large additional seriously considered, and in connec-
sums to be raised by Jews abroad; tion with the Madagascar plan, the
their families would then join, and term "territorial final solution" was
only the old and sick would remain used by Heydrich. As late as May,
in Germany, to be kept there by the 1940, a memorandum by Himmler"
rest of the Jewish capital. The Jews rejected the idea of mass murder
in the United States and elsewhere of peoples and advocated instead en-
not only did not have the necessary slavement and cultural deprivation.
money at that time, but it was also When did mass murder appear on
feared by Jews and non-Jews that the scene as a viable alternative
this plan would increase German ex- in Nazi eyes? We hear the first
ports and help Nazi Germany eco- rumblings in November, 1938, after
nomically. The plan was rejected the Kristallnacht, in an article in
by the American government, though Das Schwartze Korps, the SS journal
hesitatingly accepted by the Ameri- that on November 24 threatened
can Jewish Joint Distribution Com-
Jewry with "fire and sword." There
mittee (JDC), which represented
followed Hitler's declaration on 30
American Jewish philanthropy to-
January 1939, in which he threatened
ward Jews overseas, as well as the
the destruction of the Jewish race
Zionists and the American Jewish
in Europe if international Jewry
Committee. 10 In hindsight, the plan
were to unleash another world war.
was perfectly logical from a Nazi
Slightly less explicit threats were
point of view: if Jews were not really
human, one could sell them rather uttered in two private meetings
than exorcise t h e m — i f there were with Hitler, one with the South
someone who would buy. The tragedy African minister of defence, Otto von
was that there was no buyer. Pirow, in November, 1938, and one
with the hapless Czech foreign min-
ister, Josef Chvalkovsky, in Feb-
Resettlement: Nisko/Madagascar
ruary, 1939. One may perhaps con-
clude that Hitler saw mass murder
In late 1939 and 1940, two other as a possibility then. But he agreed
possibilities emerged, again per- to the Schacht-Rublee plan then
fectly in line with what has been (January, 1939) and later supported
outlined: one was to expel the Jews the Madagascar plan as well. We
to the Nisko area in the southeastern have every evidence that these plans
part of recently occupied Polish were meant seriously, and no evi-
territory, with a view of possibly- dence whatsoever that any mass
pushing them across the new border murder plan exists at that stage! The
establishment of ghettos and Juden-
10. T h e AJC. founded in 1906. represented raele (Jewish Councils), as in a fa-
the upper cnjst of American Jewry in their
l l . See Vierteljahreshefte fur Zeitgesch-
endeavor to fight antisemitism and protect
the civic rights of Jews everywhere ichte, 2:196-98 (1957).

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mous instruction by Reinhard Hey- else state exactly when the order
drich, chief of the SS security was given or what specifically the
police, on 21 September 1939, at the order said. The date of March, 1941
time of the conquest of Poland, has makes sense. The Nazis expected
often been interpreted as being to find more Jews in Russia—they
indicative of a mass-murder plan. were thinking of five million—and
Close scrutiny proves the opposite: the idea to send them all to Madagas-
it was a brutal plan to evict a maxi- car was becoming impossible. The
mum of Jews, starve them as much Americans had not reacted to the
as possible, and concentrate them so news about ghettos, although Amer-
as to facilitate a later massive ican newspapers in 1940 and 1941
expulsion. had fully reported what was hap-
With all the suffering and the mas- pening to the Jews in Poland and
sive mortality in the ghettos in East- elsewhere up to that point. There-
em Europe between 1939 and 1942, fore, there was nothing to fear from
the large mass of Polish Jewry that quarter.
would have survived the war had the The logical consequence of Nazi
decision to mass murder them not ideology could now be drawn, and it
been taken. It is therefore crucial was. There followed the mass mur-
to examine when and how this ders committed by the Einsatzgrup-
happened. pen in Russia from June, 1941, when
the Germans invaded that country,
until late in 1942, when they prac-
THE FINAL SOLUTION tically completed the annihilation of
that part of Soviet Jewry who had
It is clear that as late as October, not fled. Rudolf Hoess, the com-
1940, Hitler himself gave the order mandant of Auschwitz, said that he
to expel the Jews of the Mannheim- received the order to prepare the
Pfalz area in western Germany to camp for mass annihilation of Jews
France and not to Poland, an act that in the summer of 1941. On 3 Sep-
made sense only if a final expulsion tember 1941, the first experimental
to Madagascar was envisaged. But gassing was done, with Soviet pris-
in May, 1941, special Nazi murder oners of war as the first victims.
units (Einsatzgruppen) were being In December, 1941, the Nazis es-
trained to kill Jews and Communists tablished the first death camp at
in the coming campaign in Russia. Chelmno in western Poland, where
It has therefore been assumed by they killed the Jews from that area,
most historians that an oral order— especially from the city of Lodz. In
there never was a written one—to March, 1942, the systematic mass
mass murder the Jews was given by murder of the rest of Polish Jewry
Hitler about mid-March, 1941, to- commenced.
gether with his other commands and
orders relating to the coming Rus-
March, 1941
sian war. The fact that such an order
was given is seemingly attested to by Most historians agree, then, that
Himmler in his speech at Poznan in the decision to mass murder the
October, 1943, and elsewhere. But Jews was made in March, 1941, and
nowhere does Himmler or anyone transmitted in an oral order to

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H i m m l e r . H o w e v e r , a serious Ger- pation authorities in P o l a n d a n d

man historian, U w e Dietrich Adam, c o n q u e r e d Russia, a n d t h e chief SS
in his Judenpolitik im Dritten h e n c h m e n , Heydrich a n d E i c h m a n n ,
Reich (Düsseldorf, 1972), disagrees were p r e s e n t . T h i s c o n f e r e n c e has
and argues that since b e t w e e n J u n e b e e n r e p r e s e n t e d as t h e f o r u m at
and D e c e m b e r , 1941, m u r d e r a c t i o n s which the destruction of E u r o p e a n
took place only in t h e areas taken J e w s was d e c i d e d . N o t h i n g of t h e
from t h e U.S.S.R., t h e March de- sort occurred. T h e d e c i s i o n , as w e
cision must have r e f e r r e d to t h e s e have s e e n , had b e e n m a d e 10 m o n t h s
areas only, w h e r e a s a later de- b e f o r e that and h a d b e e n i m p l e -
cision, probably in N o v e m b e r , must m e n t e d in t h e mass e x e c u t i o n s in
have referred to t h e rest of E u r o p e . Russia. In January, 1942, w a y s a n d
Another important G e r m a n historian, means w e r e d i s c u s s e d by w h i c h t h e
Martin Broszat, has since e x p r e s s e d various b r a n c h e s of t h e G e r m a n ad-
a similar view. T h e a r g u m e n t ap- ministration w o u l d h e l p t h e SS to
pears s o m e w h a t problematic, be- i m p l e m e n t t h e d e c i s i o n in areas
cause it p r e s u p p o s e s that Hitler re- w h e r e their h e l p was r e q u i r e d .
garded Polish J e w s differently from T h e decision of t h e W a n n s e e Con-
Russian Jews, a n d it stands to rea- f e r e n c e was to m u r d e r t h e J e w s
son that t h e decision to start with from West to East, a n d to carry on
Russia was part of a larger decision, with t h e Nazi satellites in s o u t h e a s t
i m p l e m e n t e d a few m o n t h s later, to E u r o p e . T h e s e c o n c l u s i o n s w e r e not
carry on with all areas. E v e n if Adam i m p l e m e n t e d . T h e main effort of t h e
is right, what d i f f e r e n c e does it m u r d e r e r s was in P o l a n d , not in t h e
make? We w o u l d t h e n h a v e to say West, and then i n t e r m i t t e n t l y in
that the decision was taken in t w o o t h e r parts of E u r o p e . T h e y n e v e r
stages, but that t h e p r i n c i p l e of mur- m a n a g e d central R u m a n i a at all, or
der was a c c e p t e d in March; t h e rest most of Bulgarian J e w r y . T h e y d e -
f o l l o w e d logically. B e s i d e s , t h e stroyed Saloniki J e w r y in 1943, a n d
Hoess testimony is ignored. T h e r e not in 1942, and so on. G e r m a n y
is no e v i d e n c e at all for a Novem- u n d e r t h e Nazis w a s a d i c t a t o r s h i p
b e r decision apart from p u r e con- t e m p e r e d by inefficiency a n d t h e
jecture and t h e fact that t h e C h e l m n o s q u a b b l e s of s e m i - i n d e p e n d e n t "fief-
Concentration C a m p started operat- d o m s " b e l o n g i n g to t h e various t o p
ing on D e c e m b e r 8. T h a t fact could Nazis. T h e m u r d e r of t h e J e w s was
just as well m e a n that t h e decision d o n e brutally, in factory' fashion, in
was taken m o n t h s earlier and was s u d d e n twists a n d s p a s m s , d i r e c t e d
i m p l e m e n t e d w h e n t h e staff and the by the SS and a i d e d by practically all
technical m e a n s w e r e ready. What is t h e b r a n c h e s of G e r m a n officialdom.
important is t h e d e c i s i o n in prin- By t h e b e g i n n i n g of 1943, as t h e
ciple. By D e c e m b e r , 1941, well over Nazi e m p i r e b e g a n to c r u m b l e a n d
a million J e w s had b e e n killed — contract, t h e old idea of s e l l i n g t h e
the Nazi machine had i n d e e d crossed Jewish d e m o n s to a n y o n e w h o w o u l d
the Rubicon! buy t h e m for a d e s i r a b l e e q u i v a l e n t
What followed was t h e W a n n s e e was revived. O n e m i g h t p o s t u l a t e
C o n f e r e n c e on 20 J a n u a r y 1942. t h e thesis that Nazi m u r d e r of J e w s
T o p German b u r e a u c r a t s of the vari- was one of two p o s s i b l e Nazi m o d e s
ous ministries, of the G e r m a n occu- of behavior. T h e o t h e r was barter.

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or ransom. Between 1942 and 1945 But when Lemkin goes on to de-
the Nazis, and especially Himmler scribe the act he called "genocide,"
and some of his collaborators, tried he describes fairly exactly what hap-
to get rid of the Jews in return for pened to Poles, for instance, the de-
a separate peace agreement with struction of the "institutions of self-
the Western Allies." What seems to government . . . disrupting the so-
be abundantly clear is that the de- cial cohesion of the nation involved
cision to kill the Jews was one and killing or removing elements
logical outcome of Nazi ideology, such as the intelligentsia . . . de-
but not the only one. T h e trouble stroying cultural institutions . . .
with the solution as proposed by introducing a starvation system . . .
Himmler in the latter part of the war and mass killings . . . interfering
was that, as in 1938 and 1939 in the with the Churches," and so forth. If
case of the Schacht-Rublee plan, the plan was to kill everyone, then
nobody wanted to buy Jews. T h e the restrictions in the religious field
Nazis turned to the other alternative. or the curtailing of cultural activi-
Both resulted from the same premise, ties was hardly a matter of any im-
namely, that the Jews were not hu- portance any longer. I f genocide
man, and that therefore they could meant mass murder, then one did
either be killed or sold—in other not have to detail the political re-
words, they could be treated as strictions: dead people do not have
nonhuman elements, as animals or political institutions. What happened
goods. to Lemkin in 1943 is typical of what
happened then to many Jews and
Definitions non-Jews: they talked about what
Was the murder of the Jews they called "extermination" but they
genocide? We ought perhaps to dif- did not comprehend it. They talked
ferentiate very clearly between a about the brutal, murderous en-
planned total annihilation of a na- slavement of European nations by
tional group, on one hand, and what the Nazis, but what we call "the
the Nazis did in Poland, Czecho- Holocaust" was beyond them.
slovakia, or elsewhere on the other T h e term genocide is appropriate,
hand. T h e term "genocide," though according to Lemkin's definition,
invented in 1943, did not really cover for what the Americans did to the
the Holocaust at all. True, the first Native American population, for the
sentence of Raphael Lemkin's defi- attempt of the Nazis to destroy
nition seemingly does so: " T h e prac- Poles and Czechs, for the fate of the
tice of extermination of nations and Biharis in Bangladesh, perhaps, and
ethnic groups as carried out by the so on. The Holocaust, however, was
invaders is called by the author a total act; moreover, it was a sacral
'genocide.' "I·1 act. Hitler said that by destroying
the Jew he would be doing the will
12 1 have developed this theme in some of God. It was, in Nazi eyes, a fight
recent publications; see fn. no. 7; see also against Satan, it had cosmic im-
The Jenish Emergence from Powerlessness
portance, it was a quasi-religious
(Toronto: 1979).
13. Raphael Lemkin. Aril Rule in Occu-
act of the first importance. Therein
pied Kurrifie (New York: 1943), pp. xi-xii. lies the importance of the Holo-

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caust; it is unique in the sense that mass murder of the Jews was the
it stands alone- logical consequence of Nazi theories,
but that the logical conclusion was
Holocaust: logical consequence of not drawn until 1941; that even then
ideological antisemitism mass murder was avoidable because
there was a willingness to sell or
Genocide and Holocaust are, there- barter Jews out of the same attitude
fore, two different concepts. Both are that produced the readiness to mur-
repeatable, and in that lies the uni- der them; and that the free world
versal importance of dealing with the was not prepared to buy the Jews,
subject. I f we then change the name because its priorities then and now
of this article, we can ask, Was Holo- fall short of its declared ethical
caust the Nazis original plan? And values. Winning wars was primary;
our answer will be that the idea of a saving human lives was not.

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