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UU  PAPER-1 àíZnwpñVH$m H«$‘m§H$ àíZnwpñVH$m H$moS>
UU AZwH«$‘m§H$ /
Question Booklet Sr. No. UU
Roll No.
UU Q. Booklet Code
UU CÎma-erQ> H«$‘m§H$ / OMR Answer Sheet No.
UU KmofUm : / Declaration : UU
UU ‘¢Zo n¥îR> g§»¶m 1 na {X¶o J¶o {ZX}em| H$mo n‹T>H$a g‘P {b¶m h¡&
I have read and understood the instructions given on page No. 1
narjm Ho$ÝÐmܶj H$s ‘moha
Seal of Superintendent of Examination Centre
UU narjmWu H$m hñVmja /Signature of Candidate UU
(AmdoXZ nÌ Ho$ AwZgma /as signed in application) H$j {ZarjH$ Ho$ hñVmja /Signature of the Invigilator
narjmWu H$m Zm‘/
Name of Candidate :

narjmWu H$mo {X¶o n¡amJ«m’$ H$s ZH$b ñd¶§ H$s hñV{b{n ‘| ZrMo {X¶o J¶o [a³V ñWmZ na ZH$b (H$m°nr) H$aZr h¡&
""Amn ghr ì¶dgm¶ ‘| h¢, ¶h Amn V^r OmZ|Jo O~ : Amn H$m‘ na OmZo Ho$ {bE qM{VV h¢, Amn {Z˶ AnZm H$m‘ g~go AÀN>m H$aZm MmhVo h¢, Am¡a Amn AnZo H$m¶© Ho$
‘hËd H$mo g‘PVo h¢&'' AWdm / OR
To be copied by the candidate in your own handwriting in the space given below for this purpose is compulsory.
‘‘You will know you are in the right profession when : you wake anxious to go to work, you want to do your best daily, and you know your work is

* Bg n¥îR> H$m D$nar AmYm ^mJ H$mQ>Zo Ho$ ~mX drjH$ Bgo N>mÌ H$s OMR sheet Ho$ gmW gwa{jV aIo&
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 
nwpñVH$m ‘| ‘wIn¥îR> g{hV n¥îR>m| H$s g§»¶m g‘¶ 3 K§Q>o A§H$ / Marks nwpñVH$m ‘| àíZm| H$s g§»¶m
No. of Pages in Booklet including title
36 Time 3 Hours 600 No. of Questions in Booklet

PAPER-1 àíZnwpñVH$m H«$‘m§H$/ Question Booklet Sr. No.

AZwH«$‘m§H$ / Roll No.

H$j {ZarjH$ Ho$ hñVmja /Signature of the Invigilator
àíZnwpñVH$m H$moS>
narjmWu H$m Zm‘/
Name of Candidate : AA
Q. Booklet Code
Aä¶{W©¶m| hoVw Amdí¶H$ {ZX}e : Instructions for the Candidate :
1. Amo.E‘.Ama. CÎma n{ÌH$m ‘| Jmobm| VWm g^r à{dpîQ>¶m| H$mo ^aZo Ho$ {bE Ho$db 1. Use BLUE or BLACK BALL POINT PEN only for all entries and for filling
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4. Each multiple choice questions has only one correct answer and marks
4. g^r ~hþ{dH$ënr¶ àíZm| ‘| EH$ hr {dH$ën ghr h¡, {Ogna A§H$ Xo¶ hmoJm& shall be awarded for correct answer.
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7. ¶{X {H$gr Aä¶Wu Ho$ nmg nwñVH|$ ¶m Aݶ {b{IV ¶m N>nr gm‘J«r, {Oggo do 7. If a candidate is found in possession of books or any other printed or
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Vmo Cgo ^r A¶mo½¶ Kmo{fV {H$¶m Om gH$Vm h¡&
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Paper H$s grb Ho$db nona ewé hmoZo Ho$ g‘¶ na hr Imobm Om¶oJm& paper but seal of paper must be opened only at the start of paper.
Physics : Q. 1 to Q. 50
Chemistry : Q. 51 to Q. 100
Mathematics : Q. 101 to Q. 150

PHYSICS / ^m¡{VH$emó

001. A wire has a mass (0.1 + 0.001)g radius 001. EH$ Vma H$m Ð춑mZ (0.1 + 0.001) J«m‘, {ÌÁ¶m
(0.5 + 0.005) mm and length (10 + 0.1) cm. (0.5 + 0.005) {‘‘r VWm bå~mB© (10 + 0.1) go‘r
The maximum percentage error in the h¡& CgHo$ KZËd ‘mnZ ‘| A{YH$V‘ à{VeV
measurement of its density is. Ìw{Q> h¡…
(A) 1% (B) 2% (A) 1% (B) 2%
(C) 3% (D) 4% (C) 3% (D) 4%

002. A body slides down a frictionless inclined 002. EH$ dñVw EH$ Kf©Ua{hV ZV g‘Vb na
plans starting from rest. If Sn and Sn + 1 be àmapå^H$ {dam‘dñWm go ZrMo H$s Amoa gaH$Vr
the distance travelled by the body during h¡& ¶{X Sn Am¡a Sn + 1 H«$‘e… dñVw Ûmam n d|
nth and (n + 1)th seconds, then the ratio
Sn + 1 Am¡a (n + 1) d| goH§$S> ‘| Mbr JB© Xÿ[a¶m§ hmo
is S
Sn Vmo Sn + 1 AZwnmV h¡&
2n - 1 2n
(A) (B) 2n - 1 2n
2n + 1 2n + 1 (A) (B)
2n + 1 2n + 1
2n + 1 2n
(C) (D) 2n + 1 2n
2n - 1 2n - 1 (C) (D)
2n - 1 2n - 1

1-AA ] [2] [ Contd...

The trajectory of a projectile in a vertical UU
003. 003. CÜdm© Y a Vb ‘| EH$ àjo ß ¶ H$m dH« $ nW UU
plane is y = ax - bx 2 where a and b are y = ax - bx 2 h¡ Ohm± a Am¡a b {Z¶Vm§H$ h¡
constants and x and y are respectively the UU
VWm x Am¡a y H«$‘e… àjo߶ H$s àjon-{~ÝXþ
horizontal and vertical distances of the UU
go j¡{VO Am¡a CÜdm©Ya Xÿ[a¶m§ h¡& àjo߶ Ûmam
projectile from the point of projection. The UU
àmßV A{YH$V‘ C±MmB© h¡…
maximum height attended by projectile is UU
a a a a UU
(A) (B) (A) (B)
b 2b b 2b UU
b b b b UU
(C) (D) (C) (D) UU
a 2a a 2a

004. A string of negligible mass passing over a 004. ZJʶ Ð춑mZ H$s EH$ añgr m Ð춑mZ H$s
clamped pulley of mass m supports a body EH$ ~±Yr hþB© {KaZr Ho$ D$na go JwOaVo hþ¶o
of mass M as shown in figure. The force {MÌmZwgma M Ð춑mZ H$s EH$ dñVw H$mo gmYVr
exerted by the clamp on the pulley is. h¡& ³b¡ån Ûmam {KaZr na H$m¶©H$mar ~b h¡…
m m


(A) (M + m) 2 + M 2 g (A) (M + m) 2 + M 2 g
(B) (M + m) 2 + m 2 g (B) (M + m) 2 + m 2 g
(C) 2 Mg (C) 2 Mg
(D) 2 mg (D) 2 mg

005. The linear momentum of a particle moving

in X - Y plans under the influence of a
005. X -Y Vb ‘| EH$ ~b Ho$ AÝVJ©V J{Verb
force is given as p (t) = A (it cos bt - tj sin bt)
EH$ H$U H$m g§doJ {ZåZ h¡…
where A and b are constants. The angle p (t) = A (it cos bt - tj sin bt) Ohm± A Am¡a b
between the force and momentum is pñWam§H$ h¡& ~b VWm g§doJ Ho$ ‘ܶ H$moU h¡…
(A) 0° (B) 45° (A) 0° (B) 45°
(C) 60° (D) 90° (C) 60° (D) 90°

006. According to Keplar’s second law, the line 006. Ho$ßba Ho$ {ÛVr¶ {Z¶‘ Ho$ AZwgma, {H$gr J«h
joining the planet to sun sweeps out equal H$mo gy¶© go {‘bmZo dmbm aoIm g‘mZ g‘¶mÝVamb
area in equal intervals of time. It is a ‘o§ g‘mZ joÌ’$b V¶ H$aVr h¡& ¶h AmYm[aV
consequence of law of conservation of h¡ g§ajU {gÕm§V na
(A) Linear momentum (A) aoIr¶ g§doJ
(B) Energy (B) COm©
(C) Angular momentum (C) H$moUr¶ g§doJ
(D) All of the above (D) Cnamo³V g^r

1-AA ] [3] [ P.T.O.

UU 007. A particle moves in a straight line with its
UU 007. EH$ gabaoIm ‘| J{Verb {H$gr H$U H$m ‘§XZ
retardation proportional to its displacement. CgHo$ {dñWmnZ Ho$ g‘mZwnmVr h¡& {H$gr {dñWmnZ
UU The loss of its kinetic energy for any x Ho$ {b¶o CgH$s J{VOCOm© ‘| j¶ g‘mZwnmVr
UU displacement x is proportional to h¡…
UU (A)
(B) x 1
UU x (A) (B) x
UU (C) x 2 (D) ex (C) x 2 (D) ex
UU 008. A disc of mass M and radius R is rolling 008. M Ð춑mZ Am¡a R {ÌÁ¶m H$s EH$ MH$Vr w
with angular speed w on a horizontal plane H$moUr¶ doJ go {MÌmZwgma EH$ j¡{VO Vb na
as shown in figure. The magnitude of the bw‹T>H$Vr h¡! Ho$ÝÐ O Ho$ gmnoj MH$Vr Ho$ H$moUr¶
angular momentum of the disc about the g§doJ H$m n[a‘mU h¡&
origin O is

1 3 1 3
(A) MR 2 w (B) MR 2 w (A) MR 2 w (B) MR 2 w
2 2 2 2

(C) MR 2 w (D) 2MR 2 w (C) MR 2 w (D) 2MR 2 w

009. The time period of a simple pendulum is T. 009. EH$ gab bmobH$ H$m AmdV©H$mb T h¡& ¶{X
If its point of suspension is moved upward BgHo$ {Zbå~Z {~ÝXþ H$mo gå~ÝY y = mt 2 Ho$
according to relation y = mt 2 where m is a AZwgma, Ohm± m EH$ {Z¶Vm§H$ h¡, D$na J{V
constant then its new time period T1. H$am¶o Vmo BgH$m Z¶m AmdV©H$mb T1
(A) is equal to T (A) T Ho$ g‘mZ hmoJm&
(B) is greater than T (B) T Ho$ A{YH$ hmoJm&
(C) is less then T (C) T Ho$ H$‘ hmoJm&
(D) is infinity (D) AZ§V hmoJm&

010. Surface tension of a liquid, with increase 010. Vmn ~T>mZo na, {H$gr Ðd H$m n¥îR> VZmd
in its temperature,
(A) ~‹T>Vm h¡&
(A) increases
(B) KQ>Vm h¡&
(B) decreases
(C) remains the same (C) An[ad{V©V ahVm h¡&
(D) first increases and then decreases (D) nhbo ~‹T>Vm h¡ Am¡a {’$a KQ>Vm h¡&

1-AA ] [4] [ Contd...

The dimensional formula of Reynold’s UU
011. 011. aoZmoëS> g§»¶m H$m {d‘r¶ gyÌ g‘mZ h¡ UU
number is same as (A) í¶mZVm JwUm§H$ Ho$ UU
(A) coefficient of viscosity (B) Kf©U JwUm§H$ Ho$ UU
(B) coefficient of friction UU
(C) gmd©{ÌH$ JwéËdmH$f©U {Z¶Vm§H$ Ho$ UU
(C) universal gravitational constant
(D) àH$me Ho$ doJ Ho$ UU
(D) velocity of light UU
012. A ball falling in a lake of depth 200 m 012. 200 ‘rQ>a Jhar EH$ Prb ‘| EH$ J§oX H$mo UU
shows 0.1% decrease in its volume at the {JamZo na Prb H$s Vbr ‘| 0.1% Am¶VZ ‘|
bottom. The bulk modulus of the material H$‘r hmo OmVr h¡& J|X Ho$ nXmW© H$m Am¶VZ
of the ball is à˶mñWVm JwUm§H$ h¡…
(A) 1.96 × 109 N/m2 (A) 1.96 × 109 N/m2
(B) 1.96 × 1011 N/m2 (B) 1.96 × 1011 N/m2
(C) 1.96 × 10 – 9 N/m2 (C) 1.96 × 10 – 9 N/m2
(D) 1.96 × 10 –7 N/m2 (D) 1.96 × 10 –7 N/m2

013. One mole of a monoatomic gas ` c = j

013. EH$ ‘mob EH$ na‘mUwH$ J¡g ` c = 53 j H$mo EH$
is mixed with one mole of a diatomic gas ‘mob {Ûna‘mUwH$ J¡g ` c = 57 j. go {‘bm¶m OmVm
` c = 7 j. The value of c for the mixture
5 h¡& Bg {‘lU Ho$ {bE c H$m ‘mZ h¡…
(A) 1.40 (B) 1.50 (A) 1.40 (B) 1.50

(C) 1.53 (D) 3.0 (C) 1.53 (D) 3.0

014. An ideal monoatomic gas is taken round the 014. EH$ AmXe© EH$ na‘mUwH$ J¡g H$mo Xm~-Am¶VZ
cycle ABCDA as shown in P-V diagram. {MÌ ‘| àX{e©V MH«$ ABCDA Ho$ n[aV… bo Om¶m
The work done during the cycle is OmVm h¡& P-V MH«$ Ho$ Xm¡amZ H¥$V H$m¶© h¡…
2P C 2P C

V 2V V 2V
(A) PV (B) 2PV (A) PV (B) 2PV
(C) (D) 0 (C) (D) 0
2 2

1-AA ] [5] [ P.T.O.

UU 015. Two stars emit maximum radiation at
UU 015. Xmo Vmao H«$‘e… Va§JX¡Ü¶m§o 4000A° Am¡a 6000A°
UU wavelength 4000A° and 6000A° respectively. na A{YH$V‘ {d{H$aU CËg{O©V H$aVo h¡& CZHo$
UU The ratio of their temperatures is Vmnm| H$m AZwnmV h¡…
UU (A) 1 : 2 (B) 2 : 1 (A) 1 : 2 (B) 2 : 1
UU (C) 2 : 3 (D) 3 : 2 (C) 2 : 3 (D) 3 : 2
UU 016. A carnot engine takes 300 calories of heat 016. EH$ H$mZm} B§OZ ómoV go 500 K na 300 H¡$bmoar
UU at 500 K and rejects 150 calories of heat Cî‘m boVm h¡ VWm 150 H¡$bmoar Cî‘m qgH$ H$mo
to the sink. The temperature of the sink Xo XoVm h¡& qgH$ H$m Vmn h¡…
(A) 1000 K (B) 750 K
(A) 1000 K (B) 750 K
(C) 500 K (D) 250 K
(C) 500 K (D) 250 K

017. The rate of transfer of heat is maximum in 017. Cî‘m nmaJ‘Z H$s Xa A{YH$V‘ hmoVr h¡&
(A) Conduction (B) Convection (A) MmbZ ‘| (B) g§dhZ ‘|
(C) Radiation (D) None of above (C) {d{H$aU ‘§o (D) Cnamo³V H$moB© Zht

018. The latent heat of ice is 80 Cal/gm. The 018. ~’©$ H$s Jwá Cî‘m 80 H¡$bmoar / J«m‘ h¡& 0°C
change in entropy when 10 gram of ice H$s 10 J«m‘ ~’©$ H$mo Cgr Vmn Ho$ nmZr ‘|
at 0°C is converted into water of same n[ad{V©V H$aZo Ho$ {bE EÝQ´>mnr ‘| n[adV©Z
temperature is h¡…
(A) 0.293 Cal/K (A) 0.293 H¡$bmoar/K
(B) 2.93 Cal/K (B) 2.93 H¡$bmoar/K
(C) 80 Cal/K (C) 80 H¡$bmoar/K
(D) 8 Cal/K (D) 8 H¡$bmoar/K

019. A police car with a siren of frequency 019. 20 ‘r/go. EH$ g‘mZ doJ go J{Verb EH$ nw{bg
8 KHz is moving with uniform velocity of H$ma {OgHo$ gmBaZ H$s Amd¥{Îm 8 {H$bmohQ>©O
20 m/sec towards a tall building which h¡, EH$ C±Mr B‘maV H$s Amoa AJ«ga h¡ VWm
reflects the sound waves. If speed of sound ¶h Üd{Z Va§Jmo H$mo namd{V©V H$a XoVr h¡& ¶{X
in air be 320 m/sec, the frequency of siren dm¶w ‘| Üd{Z H$m doJ 320 ‘r/go. hmo Vmo H$ma
heard by car driver is. MmbH$ H$mo l«ì¶ gmBaZ H$s Amd¥{V h¡…
(A) 7.1 KHz (B) 8.5 KHz (A) 7.1 {H$bmohQ©©²O (B) 8.5 {H$bmohQ©©²O
(C) 9.1 KHz (D) 10.1 KHz (C) 9.1 {H$bmohQ©©²O (D) 10.1 {H$bmohQ©©²O

1-AA ] [6] [ Contd...

020. The phase difference between two waves 020. Xmo Va§Jmo x1 = A sin ` wt + 6 j Am¡a
r UU
x1 = A sin ` wt + j and x2 = A cos wt is
r x2 = A cos wt Ho$ ‘ܶ H$bmÝVa h¡…
6 UU
r r r r UU
(A) (B) (A) (B)
2 3 2 3
r r
(C) (D) r (C) (D) r UU
6 6
021. The velocity of sound waves in a medium 021. {H$gr ‘mܶ‘ ‘| Üd{Z Va§Jm| H$s Mmb {Z^©a UU
does not depend on Zhr H$aVr h¡ UU
(A) temperature (B) pressure UU
(A) Vmn na (B) Xm~ na
(C) humidity (D) direction of air (C) AmЩVm na (D) hdm H$s {Xem na

022. The number of beats heard per second, by 022. g‘mZ Vrd«VmAmo VWm Amd¥{ÎmAm| 300, 301 VWm
three sound sources of equal intensities and 302 hQ²>©O dmbo VrZ Üd{Z ómoVmo Ûmam à{V
frequencies of 300, 301 and 302 Hz, is goH§$S> lì¶ {dñnÝXmo H$s g§»¶m h¢
(A) 4 (B) 3 (A) 4 (B) 3
(C) 2 (D) 1 (C) 2 (D) 1

023. A steady current flows through a metallic 023. EH$ Ag‘mZ AZwàñW n[aÀN>oX dmbo KmpËdH$
conductor of non uniform area of cross MmbH$ go EH$ pñWaYmam àdm{hV hmoVr h¡&
section. Along the length of conductor: MmbH$ H$s bå~mB© Ho$ n[aV…
(A) only current is constant (A) Ho$db Ymam {Z¶V h¡&
(B) only drift speed is constant (B) Ho$db AZwJ‘Z Mmb {Z¶V h¡&
(C) both current and drift speed are constant (C) XmoZmo Ymam VWm AZwJ‘Z Mmb {Z¶V h¡&
(D) neither current nor drift speed is (D) Z Ymam Am¡a Z AZwJ‘Z Mmb {Z¶V
constant. h¡&

024. Two batteries of EMF 6V and 3V with 024. H«$‘e… d¡ÚwVdmhH$ ~bmo 6V Am¡a 3V VWm
internal resistances 1W and 2W respectively AmÝV[aH$ à{VamoYmo 1W Am¡a 2W H$mo Xmo ~¡Q>[a¶m|
are connected as shown in figure. the H$mo {MÌmZwgma Omo‹S>m J¶m h¡& A Am¡a B Ho$ ‘ܶ
potential difference across A and B is {d^dmÝVa h¡…
6V 1W 6V 1W


3V 2W
(A) 9V (B) 5V (A) 9V (B) 5V
(C) 3V (D) 1V (C) 3V (D) 1V

1-AA ] [7] [ P.T.O.

UU 025. A parallel plate capacitor is charged and
UU 025. EH$ g‘mÝVa ßboQ> g§Km[aÌ H$mo Amdo{eV {H$¶m
UU the charging battery is then disconnected.
OmVm h¡ VWm AmdoeZ ~¡Q>ar H$mo {’$a hQ>m
UU A dielectric slab is now introduced between
UU {b¶m OmVm h¡& A~ EH$ namd¡ÚwV n{Q²>Q>H$m
the plates of the capacitor. Which of the
UU g§Km[aÌ H$s ßboQ>mo Ho$ ‘ܶ à{dîQ> H$amB© OmVr
following is correct?
UU (A) potential difference across capacitor h¡& {ZåZm§{H$V ‘| H$m¡Z g˶ h¡?
UU remains constant
UU (A) g§Km[aÌ H$s ßboQ>m| Ho$ ‘ܶ {d^dmÝVa pñWa
(B) capacitance of the capacitor remains
ahVm h¡&
(C) energy associated with capacitor (B) g§Km[aÌ H$s Ym[aVm pñWa ahVr h¡&
increases. (C) g§Km[aÌ go gå~Õ COm© ~T> OmVr h¡&
(D) energy associated with capacitor
(D) g§Km[aÌ go gå~Õ COm© KQ> OmVr h¡&

026. An electric bulb is rated as 200V – 100W. 026. EH$ d¡ÚwV ~ë~ na 200 dmoëQ> – 100 dm°Q>
The power consumed by the bulb when A§{H$V h¡& Bg ~ëd H$mo 100 dmoëQ> na H$m¶©
operated at 100V is H$amZo na Cn¶w³V COm© h¡…
(A) 25 W (B) 50 W (A) 25 dm°Q> (B) 50 dm°Q>
(C) 75 W (D) 100 W (C) 75 dm°Q> (D) 100 dm°Q>

027. Displacement current is caused due to 027. {dñWmnZ Ymam àmßV hmoZo H$m H$maU h¡…
(A) a time varying electric filed (A) g‘¶mdVu d¡ÚwV joÌ
(B) a constant electric field (B) pñWa d¡ÚwV joÌ
(C) free electrons flow (C) ‘w³V Bbo³Q´>moZm| H$m àdmh
(D) all of the above (D) Cnamo³V g^r

028. The dipole moment of a dipole formed by 028. 1 Z¡Zmo‘rQ>a Xÿar na pñWV EH$ àmoQ>mZ VWm EH$
a proton and electron at a distance of 1 nm Bbo³Q´>mZ Ûmam {Z{‘©V {ÛYw«d H$m {ÛY«wd AmKyU©
is h¡
(A) 1.6 × 10 –19 c-m (A) 1.6 × 10 –19 Hy$bm‘-‘r

(B) 1.6 × 10 –25 c-m (B) 1.6 × 10 –25 Hy$bm‘-‘r

(C) 1.6 × 10 –28 Hy$bm‘-‘r
(C) 1.6 × 10 –28 c-m
(D) 1.6 × 10 –29 Hy$bm‘-‘r
(D) 1.6 × 10 –29 c-m

1-AA ] [8] [ Contd...

The resistance of a platinum wire is 100W UU
029. 029. EH$ ßb¡{Q>Z‘ Ho$ Vma H$m 0°C na à{VamoY UU
at 0°C. If its temperature coefficient of 100 Amo‘ h¡& ¶{X BgH$m à{VamoY Vmn JwUm§H$ UU
resistance is 0.0045/°C then its resistance 0.0045/°C hmo Vmo 60°C Vmn na BgH$m à{VamoY UU
at 60°C temperature will be hmoJm… UU
(A) 127 W (B) 73 W (A) 127 W (B) 73 W UU
(C) 370 W (D) 2800 W (C) 370 W (D) 2800 W UU
030. The temperature, above which a ferromagnetic 030. dh Vmn, {OgHo$ D$na H$moB© bm¡h Mwå~H$s¶ UU
material becomes paramagnetic, is called. nXmW©, AZwMwå~H$s¶ hmo OmVm h¡, H$hbmVm h¡…
(A) Critical temperature (A) H«$m§{VH$ Vmn
(B) Neutral temperature (B) CXmgrZ Vmn
(C) Temperature of inversion (C) CËH«$‘U Vmn
(D) Curie temperature (D) ³¶yar Vmn

031. Which of the following graph shows the 031. {ZåZm§H$sV ‘| H$m¡Z dH«$ EH$ bå~o Ymamdmhr
variation of magnetic induction B with MmbH$ Ho$ Mwå~H$s¶ joÌ B H$mo Vma go Xÿar
distance r from a current carrying long wire? r Ho$ gmnoj àX{e©V H$aVm h¡ ?

(A) (B) (A) (B)

(C) (D) (C) (D)

032. An electron having charge ‘e’ is moving 032. ‘e’Amdoe¶w³V EH$ Bbo³Q´>mZ EH$ g‘mZ doJ v
with a constant speed v along a circle of go r {ÌÁ¶m Ho$ d¥Îm Ho$ AZw{Xe J{Verb h¡&
radius r. Its magnetic moment will be BgH$m Mwå~H$s¶ AmKyU© hmoJm&
evr evr
(A) e v r (B) (A) e v r (B)
2 2
(C) 2 r r e v (D) Zero (C) 2 r r e v (D) eyݶ

033. You are given an ammeter, a galvanometer 033. AmnH$mo EH$ A‘rQ>a, EH$ Ymam‘mnr Am¡a EH$
and a voltmeter. From these, the device dmoëQ>‘rQ>a {X¶m h¡& BZ‘| go A{YH$V‘ à{VamoY
having maximum resistance is: dmbr ¶wp³V h¡…
(A) ammeter (A) A‘rQ>a
(B) galvanometer (B) Ymam‘mnr
(C) voltmeter (C) dmoëQ>‘rQ>a
(D) all will have the same resistance (D) Cnamo³V g^r H$m à{VamoY g‘mZ hmoJm&

1-AA ] [9] [ P.T.O.

UU 034. The unit of, self inductance is
UU 034. ñdàoaH$Ëd H$m ‘mÌH$ h¡ -
(A) Joule / Ampere (A) Oyb / Epån¶a
UU (B) Volt / Ampere (B) dmoëQ> / Epån¶a
UU (C) Volt - Ampere / Second (C) dmoëQ> - Epån¶a / goH§$S>
UU (D) Volt - Second / Ampere (D) dmoëQ> - goH§$S> / Epån¶a
UU 035. Eddy currents are produced when 035. ^±da Ymam¶o CËnÝZ hmoVr h¡ O~
UU (A) a metal is kept in varying magnetic (A) EH$ YmVw H$mo n[adVu Mwå~H$s¶ joÌ ‘|
UU field aIm OmVm h¡&
UU (B) a metal is kept in steady magnetic field (B) EH$ YmVw H$mo pñWa Mwå~H$s¶ joÌ ‘| aIm
(C) a circular coil is placed in a magnetic OmVm h¡&
field. (C) EH$ Jmobr¶ Hw$ÊS>br H$mo Mwå~H$s¶ joÌ ‘|
(D) a current is passed through a circular aIm OmVm h¡&
coil. (D) EH$ Jmobr¶ Hw$ÊS>br go Ymam àdmhrV H$s
OmVr h¡&
036. Lenz’s law is consequence of the law of 036. b|O H$m {Z¶‘ AmYm[aV h¡…
conservation of (A) Amdoe g§ajU Ho$ {gÕm§V na
(A) Charge (B) Momentum (B) g§doJ g§ajU Ho$ {gÕm§V na
(C) Mass (D) Energy (C) Ð춑mZ g§ajU Ho$ {gÕm§V na
(D) COm© g§ajU Ho$ {gÕm§V na
037. Two coherent monochromatic light beams of 037. 1:4 Vrd«Vm AZwnmV H$s Xmo H$bmgå~Õ EH$dUu¶
intensities ratio 1 : 4 are superposed. The àH$me nw§O Aܶmamo{nV hmoVo h¡& n[aUm‘r nw§O
ratio of maximum and minimum intensities ‘| A{YH$V‘ Am¡a ݶyZV‘ Vrd«VmAm| H$m AZwnmV
in the resulting beam will be: hmoJm…
(A) 9 : 1 (B) 5 : 3 (A) 9 : 1 (B) 5:3
(C) 25 : 9 (D) 9 : 25 (C) 25 : 9 (D) 9 : 25

038. A convex lens of focal length 10 cm and 038. 10 go‘r ’$moH$g Xÿar VWm 1.5 AndV©Zm§H$ dmbo
refractive index 1.5 is dipped in a liquid EH$ CËVb b|g H$mo 1.75. AndV©Zm§H$ dmbo Ðd
of refractive index 1.75. It will behave as ‘| Sw>~mo¶m OmVm h¡& ¶h ì¶dhma H$aoJm…
(A) a convex lens of focal length 10 cm (A) 10 go‘r ’$moH$g Xÿar Ho$ CËVb b|g H$s ^m±{V
(B) a convex lens of focal length 35 cm (B) 35 go‘r ’$moH$g Xÿar Ho$ CËVb b|g H$s ^m±{V
(C) a concave lens of focal length 10 cm (C) 10 go‘r ’$moH$g Xÿar Ho$ AdVb b|g H$s ^m±{V
(D) a concave lens of focal length 35 cm (D) 35 go‘r ’$moH$g Xÿar Ho$ AdVb b|g H$s ^m±{V

039. Two beams of red and violet colour are 039. bmb Am¡a ~¡JZr a§J H$s Xmo àH$me nw§O 60°
made to pass separately through a prism {àÁ‘ H$moUdmbo {àÁ‘ go AbJ AbJ JwOmar
with angle of prism 60°. In the position of OmVr h¡& ݶyZV‘ {dMbZ H$mo Xem ‘|, AndV©Z
minimum deviation, the angle of refraction H$moU hmoJm…
will be: (A) 60° XmoZmo a§Jmo§ Ho$ {bE
(A) 60° for both colours (B) 30° XmoZmo a§Jm| Ho$ {bE
(B) 30° for both colours (C) d¡JZr a§J Ho$ {bE A{YH$
(C) greater for violet colour (D) bmb a§J Ho$ {bE A{YH$
(D) greater for red colour

1-AA ] [ 10 ] [ Contd...
The resolving power of telescope can be UU
040. 040. XÿaXeu H$mo {d^oXZ j‘Vm H$mo ~T>m¶m Om gH$Vm UU
increased by: h¡ UU
(A) increasing the diameter of object (A) A{^Ñí¶H$ Ho$ ì¶mg H$mo ~‹T>m H$a
(B) increasing the wavelength of light used (B) à¶w³V àH$me H$s Va§J d¡Ü¶© ~‹T>m H$a
(C) decreasing the diameter of objective (C) A{^Ñí¶H$ Ho$ ì¶mg H$mo KQ>m H$a
(D) decreasing the frequency of light used (D) à¶w³V àH$me H$s Amd¥{Îm KQ>m H$a
041. "ë¶y‘oZ' ‘mÌH$ h¡ UU
041. ‘Lumen’ is the unit of
(A) Á¶mo{V âb³g H$m
(A) Luminous flux
(B) Á¶mo{V Vrd«Vm H$m
(B) Luminous intensity
(C) Illuminance (C) àXrnZ
(D) Light frequency (D) àH$me H$s Amd¥{Îm

042. When an unpolarised beam of light of 042. O~ I0 Vrd«Vm H$m AY«w{dV àH$me nw§O {H$gr
intensity I0 is incident on a polaroid, the nmoboamBS> na Amn{VV hmoVm h¡, Vmo nmaJ{‘V
intensity of transmitted light is àH$me H$s Vrd«Vm h¡…
(A) 0 (B) I0 (A) 0 (B) I0
I0 I0 I0 I0
(C) (D) (C) (D)
2 4 2 4

043. An achromatic combination of lens is 043. b|gmo H$m AdU©H$ g§¶moJ ~Zm¶m OmVm h¡
formed by joining (A) Xmo CËVb b|gmo H$mo {‘bmH$a
(B) Xmo AdVb b|gmo H$mo {‘bmH$a
(A) two convex lenses (C) EH$ CËVb b|g VWm EH$ AdVb b|g
(B) two concave lens H$mo {‘bmH$a
(C) one convex lens and one concave lens (D) EH$ CËVb b|g VWm EH$ g‘Vb Xn©U
(D) one convex lens and one plain mirror H$mo {‘bmH$a&

044. A metal surface of work function 3 eV is 044. 3 Bbo³Q´>mZ dmoëQ H$m¶© ’$bZ dmbr EH$ YmVw
illuminated by photons of energy 2 eV. The H$s gVh H$mo 2 Bbo³Q´>mZ dmoëQ COm© dmbo
kinetic energy of emitted photo-electrons ’$moQ>m°Zmo go àH$m{eV {H$¶m OmVm h¡& CËg{O©V
will be ’$moQ>mo Bbo³Q´>mZmo H$s J{VO COm© hmoJr&
(A) 1 eV (A) 1 Bbo³Q´>mZ dmoëQ>
(B) 2 eV (B) 2 Bbo³Q´>mZ dmoëQ>
(C) 3 eV (C) 3 Bbo³Q´>mZ dmoëQ>
(D) 0 (D) 0

045. The potential difference applied to an X-ray 045. EH$ E³gao Z{bH$m na 5 {H$bmodmoëQ> {d^dmÝVa
tube is 5 kV and the current through it Amamo{nV {H$¶m OmVm h¡ VWm Cggo àdm{hV Ymam
is 3.2 mA. Then the number of electrons 3.2 {‘br Epån¶a h¡& V~ à{V goH§$S> Q>maJoQ>
striking the target per second is na Q>H$amZo dmbo Bbo³Q´>moZm| H$s g§»¶m h¡…
(A) 5 × 106 (B) 2 × 1016 (A) 5 × 106 (B) 2 × 1016
(C) 1 × 1017 (D) 4 × 1018 (C) 1 × 1017 (D) 4 × 1018

1-AA ] [ 11 ] [ P.T.O.
UU 046. The mass density of a nucleus varies with 046. {H$gr Zm{^H$ H$m Ð춑mZ KZËd CgH$s Ð춑mZ
mass number A as g§»¶m (A) na {Z^©a H$aVm h¡
UU (A) A2 (B) A1 (A) A2 (B) A1
UU (C) A0 (D) A–1 (C) A0 (D) A–1
UU 047. The half life time of a radioactive sample 047. EH$ ao{S>¶moEp³Q>d à{VXe© H$m AÕ©Am¶wg‘¶ 5
UU is 5 minutes. The amount of substance {‘ZQ> h¡& 20 {‘ZQ> ‘| j¶ nXmW© H$m ‘mZ
UU decayed in 20 minutes will be hmoJm&
(A) 93.75% (B) 75% (A) 93.75% (B) 75%
(C) 25% (D) 6.25% (C) 25% (D) 6.25%

048. The depletion layer of an unbiased P-N 048. EH$ {~Zm ~m¶g P-N g§{Y S>m¶moS> H$s Adj¶
junction consists of nV© ‘| hmoVo h¡…
(A) only electron (A) Ho$db Bbo³Q´>mZ
(B) only holes (B) Ho$db H$moQ>a
(C) both electrons and holes (C) Bbo³Q´>mZ Am¡a H$moQ>a XmoZm|
(D) neither electrons nor holes. (D) Z Bbo³Q´>mZ Am¡a Z H$moQ>a

049. Which of the following is not the property 049. {ZåZm§{H$V ‘| H$m¡Z boOa nw§Omo H$m JwU Zhr
of laser beams? h¡?
(A) Highly intense (A) A{V VrúU
(B) Monochromatic (B) EH$ dUu
(C) Directional (C) {XemˑH$
(D) Incoherent (D) Ag§JV

050. For the given combination of gates in 050. {MÌ ‘| àX{e©V bm{OH$ JoQ>mo Ho$ g§¶moOZ ‘|,
figure, the logic states of inputs are bm{OH$ AdñWm H$s {Zdo{eVm A = B = 1
A = B = 1 and C = 0, then the logic VWm C = 0 h¡, Vmo bm{OH$ AdñWm H$m {ZJ©V
state of output D is hmoJm&


(A) 0 (B) 1 (A) 0 (B) 1

(C) 2 (D) 3 (C) 2 (D) 3

1-AA ] [ 12 ] [ Contd...
CHEMISTRY / agm¶Zemó
051. The reaction 051. A{^{H«$¶m UU
P4 + 3NaOH + 3H 2 O " 3NaH 2 PO 2 + PH3 is UU
P4 + 3NaOH + 3H 2 O " 3NaH 2 PO 2 + PH3
an example of {ZåZ ‘| go {H$gH$m EH$ CXmhaU h¡& UU
(A) disproportionation reaction (A) Ag‘mZwnmVZ A{^{H«$¶m UU
(B) neutralization reaction (B) CXmgrZrH$aU A{^{H«$¶m UU
(C) double decomposition reaction (C) X²{dH$ AnKQ>Z A{^{H«$¶m UU
(D) pyrolytic reaction (D) Vmn AnKQ>Z A{^{H«$¶m

052. For the following three reactions (i), (ii) 052. {ZåZ{b{IV VrZ A{^{H«$¶mAm| (i), (ii) Ed§ (iii),
and (iii), equilibrium constants are given Ho$ {b¶o gmå¶ pñWam§H$ Xr¶o J¶o h¡&
(i) CO(g) + H 2 O(g) ? CO 2(g) + H 2(g); K1 (i) CO(J°g) + H 2 O(J°g) ? CO 2 + H 2 ; K1
(J°g) (J°g)
(ii) CH 4(g) + H 2 O(g) ? CO(g) + 3H 2(g); K 2 (ii) CH 4(J°g) + H 2 O(J°g) ? CO(J°g) + 3H 2(J°g); K 2
(iii) CH 4(g) + 2H 2 O(g) ? CO 2(g) + 4H 2(g); K3 (iii) CH 4(J°g) + 2H2 O(J°g) ? CO2(J°g) + 4H2(J°g); K3
Which of the following relation is correct? {ZåZ ‘| go H$m¡Zgm gå~ÝY ghr h¡?
(A) K3 $ K 32 = K 12 (B) K1 K 2 = K3 (A) K3 $ K 32 = K 12 (B) K1 K 2 = K3
(C) K 2 K3 = K1 (D) K3 = K1 K 2 (C) K 2 K3 = K1 (D) K3 = K1 K 2

053. Three electrolytic cells A, B, C containing 053. VrZ {dÚwV AmÚQ²>¶ g¡b A, B, Ed§ C Omo
solutions of ZnSO4, AgNO3 and CuSO4 H«$‘e… ZnSO4, AgNO3 Ed§ CuSO4 Ho$ {db¶Z
respectively are connected in series. A aIVo h¡§ EH$ loUr H«$‘ ‘| Ow‹S>o hþE h¡ BZ‘|
steady current of 1.5 amperes was passed EH$ 1.5 Eånr¶a pñWa {dÚwV Ymam àdm{hV
through them until 1.45 g of silver deposited H$aZo na B g¡b na 1.45 J«m‘ {gëda {Zjo{nV
at the cathode of cell B. What mass of Cu hmoVm h¡& H$m°na Ed§ qOH$ H$s {Zjo{nV ‘mÌm
and Zn were deposited. ³¶m hmoJr&
(A) Zn = 0.44 gm ; Cu = 63.5 gm (A) Zn = 0.44 gm ; Cu = 63.5 gm
(B) Zn = 65.4 gm ; Cu = 63.5 gm (B) Zn = 65.4 gm ; Cu = 63.5 gm
(C) Zn = 0.44 gm ; Cu = 0.427 gm (C) Zn = 0.44 gm ; Cu = 0.427 gm
(D) Zn = 1.45 gm ; Cu = 1.45 gm (D) Zn = 1.45 gm ; Cu = 1.45 gm

054. Which of the following does not have linear 054. {ZåZ ‘| go {H$gH$s aoIr¶ AmH¥${V Zhr h¡?
(A) ICl -2 (B) CH +3 (A) ICl -2 (B) CH +3
(C) XeF 2 (D) ClO - (C) XeF 2 (D) ClO -

1-AA ] [ 13 ] [ P.T.O.
UU 055. The correct decreasing order of the boiling
UU 055. H 2 O, HFAm¡a NH3 Ho$ ³dWZm§H$mo§ Ho$ KQ>Vo
points of compounds H 2 O, HF and NH3 is ‘mZ H$m ghr H«$‘ h¡
UU (A) HF > H 2 O > NH3 (A) HF > H 2 O > NH3
UU (B) H 2 O > HF > NH3 (B) H 2 O > HF > NH3
UU (C) NH3 > HF > H 2 O (C) NH3 > HF > H 2 O
UU (D) NH3 > H 2 O > HF (D) NH3 > H 2 O > HF
056. What is the maximum volume of water 056. 298 Ho$pëdZ Vmn na 2 J«m‘ Ho$pëe¶‘ gë’o$Q>
required to dissolve 2g of calcium sulphate H$mo KmobZo Ho$ {b¶o Amdí¶H$ ݶyZV‘ nmZr H$m
at 298K ? Ksp for CaSO 4 is 9.0 × 10 –6 Am¶VZ hmoJm ( CaSO4 Ho$ {db¶VZ JwUm§H$ H$m
(A) 2.45 L (B) 4.08 L ‘mZ 9.0 × 10 –6 h¡)
(A) 2.45 brQ>a (B) 4.08 brQ>a
(C) 4.90 L (D) 3.00 L
(C) 4.90 brQ>a (D) 3.00 brQ>a

057. What is the correct volume of equilibrium 057. 400K na {ZåZ{b{IV A{^{H«$¶m Ho$ {b¶o gmå¶
constant for the following reaction at 400 K pñWam§H$ H$m ghr ‘mZ {ZåZ ‘| ³¶m hmoJm ¶{X
if the values of DH° is 77.5 kJ mol–1 and DH° H$m ‘mZ 77.5 kJ mol–1 h¡ VWm DS° H$m
DS° = 135 JK–1 mol–1 ‘mZ 135 JK–1 mol–1 h¡&
2NOCl(g) ? 2NO(g) + Cl2(g) 2NOCl(g) ? 2NO(g) + Cl2(g)
(A) 8.545 × 10 –4 (B) 8.545 × 10 –2 (A) 8.545 × 10 –4 (B) 8.545 × 10 –2
(C) 8.314 (D) 135 (C) 8.314 (D) 135

058. Acetic acid dissociates 1.3%. What will be 058. E{g{Q>H$ Aåb ¶{X 1.3% {dKQ>rV hþAm h¡ V~
the pH of N/10 solution of the acid. Bgo N/10 {db¶Z H$m pH ³¶m hmoJm?
(A) 2.886 (B) 2.066 (A) 2.886 (B) 2.066
(C) 1.300 (D) 2.086 (C) 1.300 (D) 2.086

059. In which compound does H show O. N 059. {ZåZ ‘| go {H$g ¶m¡{JH$ ‘| H H$s Am³grH$aU
of –1? g§»¶m H$m ‘mZ –1 h¡&
(A) Si H 4 (B) A8 H3 (A) Si H 4 (B) A8 H 3
(C) N3 H (D) CaH 2 (C) N3 H (D) CaH 2

060. Which of the following oxides would be 060. {ZåZ ‘| go H$m¡Z go Am³gmBS> H$m~©Z Ûmam
reduced by C? AnM{¶V hm|Jo&
Al 2 O3, MgO, ZnO, CaO, Fe 2 O3, PbO Al 2 O3, MgO, ZnO, CaO, Fe 2 O3, PbO
(A) Al 2 O3, PbO and CaO (A) Al 2 O3, PbO Am¡a CaO
(B) ZnO, Fe 2 O3 and PbO (B) ZnO, Fe 2 O3 Am¡a PbO
(C) Fe 2 O3 , MgO and Al 2 O3 (C) Fe 2 O3 , MgO Am¡a Al 2 O3
(D) MgO, CaO and Al 2 O3 (D) MgO, CaO Am¡a Al 2 O3

1-AA ] [ 14 ] [ Contd...
Titration curve if a strong base is titrated UU
061. 061. gmÝÐ ~og (jma) d gmÝÐ Aåb Ho$ AZw‘mnZ UU
with strong acid is H$m J«m’$ hmoJm& UU
(A) (A) UU
(B) (B) UU

(C) (C)

(D) (D)

062. Kelvin equation is related to 062. Ho$pëdZ g‘rH$aU {ZåZ ‘| {H$g go gå~pÝYV h¡&
(A) Vapour pressure of droplets of (A) Ðdm| H$s ~y§Xm| Ho$ ~mîn Xm~
(B) Ðd Ho$ Vmn
(B) Temperature of a liquid
(C) R>mog na Ðd Ho$ A{YemofU
(C) Adsorption of liquid on solids
(D) None of the above (D) Cnamo³V ‘| go H$moB© Zht

063. Nylon 66 is formed by 063. ZmBbm°Z 66 ~ZVm h¡

(A) Free radical addition polymer (A) ‘w³V‘ybH$ ¶moJmË‘H$ ~hþbrH$aU
(B) Ionic addition polymerization (B) Am¶{ZH$ ¶moJmË‘H$ ~hþbrH$aU
(C) Condensation polymerization (C) g§KZZ ~hþbrH$aU
(D) All of the above (D) Cnamo³V ‘| g^r g˶ h¡&

064. Which of the following is the correct 064. {ZåZ{b{IV g§aMZm H$m ghr IUPAC Zm‘ {ZåZ
IUPAC name of the following structure {dH$ënm| ‘| go H$m¡Zgm h¡

Cl Cl
(A) 3 - chloro - 2 methyl cyclohexanol (A) 3 - ³bmoamo - 2 {‘WmBb gmB³bmoho³goZm°b
(B) 2 - methyl - 5 chloro cyclohexanol (B) 2 - {‘WmBb - 5 ³bmoamo gmB³bmoho³goZm°b
(C) 1 - chloro - 4 methyl cyclohexanol (C) 1 - ³bmoamo - 4 {‘WmBb gmB³bmoho³goZm°b
(D) 5 - chloro - 2 methyl cyclohexanol (D) 5 - ³bmoamo - 2 {‘WmBb gmB³bmoho³goZm°b

1-AA ] [ 15 ] [ P.T.O.
UU 065. Average atomic weight of an element M is 065. EH$ VËd M H$m Am¡gVZ² AUw^ma 51.7 h¡ ¶{X
UU 51.7. If two isotopes of M, M50 and M52 M, Ho$ Xmo g‘ñWm{ZH$ M50 Am¡a M52 nm¶o
UU are present, then percentage of occurrence OmVo h¡§ V~ M50 H$m àH¥${V ‘| nm¶o OmZo H$m
UU of M50 in nature will be. à{VeV hmoJm&
UU (A) 85% (B) 15% (A) 85% (B) 15%
UU (C) 50% (D) 100% (C) 50% (D) 100%
UU 066. The following graph shows how a t k (half
1 066. EH$ A{^H$‘©H$ R AnZr àma§{^H$ gmÝÐVm a0
UU 2

life) of a reactant R changes with the initial Ho$ gmW AY©Am¶w a t k Ho$ n[adV©Z H$s {ZåZ

reactant concentration a0. The order of the J«m’$ Ûmam àX{e©V H$aVm h¡, A{^{H«$¶m H$s
reaction will be H$mo{Q> H$m ‘mZ hmoJm&

t1t t1t
12 12
2 2

11 ao 11 ao
a0 a0

(A) 0 (B) 1 (A) ewݶ (B) EH$

(C) 2 (D) 3 (C) Xmo (D) VrZ

067. Which of the following is not permissible 067. {ZåZ ‘| go H$m¡Z gm EH$ AUw Ho$ Bbo³Q´>mZm|
arrangement of electrons in an atom. H$m C{MV {dݶmg Zhr h¡&
(A) n = 3, l = 2, m = - 2, s = - 1 2 (A) n = 3, l = 2, m = - 2, s = - 1 2
(B) n = 4, l = 0, m = 0, s = - 1 2 (B) n = 4, l = 0, m = 0, s = - 1 2
(C) n = 5, l = 3, m = 0, s = + 1 2 (C) n = 5, l = 3, m = 0, s = + 1 2
(D) n = 3, l = 2, m = - 3, s = - 1 2 (D) n = 3, l = 2, m = - 3, s = - 1 2

068. The molecules of which of the following 068. {ZåZ ‘| go {H$g J¡g Ho$ AUwAm| Ho$ doJ H$m
gases has the highest speed? ‘mZ A{YH$V‘ hmoJm&
(A) O2 at 0°C (A) 0°C na O2
(B) N2 at 1000°C (B) 1000°C na N2
(C) CH4 at 298K (C) 298K na CH4
(D) H2 at –50°C (D) –50°C na H2

069. The vapour density of a mixture containing 069. NO2 Ed§ N2O4 Ho$ {‘lU H$m dmîn - YZËd
NO2 and N2O4 is 38.3 at 27°C. What will 27°C Vmn na 38.3 h¡ 100 ‘mob {‘lU ‘| NO2
be the mole of NO2 in 100 mole mixture. Ho$ {H$VZo ‘mob CnpñWV hmoJ|&
(A) 76.6 mole (B) 33.48 mole (A) 76.6 ‘mob (B) 33.48 ‘mob
(C) 50 mole (D) 46 mole (C) 50 ‘mob (D) 46 ‘mob

1-AA ] [ 16 ] [ Contd...
070. The enthalpy change of a reaction does not UU
070. EH$ A{^{H«$¶m H$s Vmnr¶ Ym[aVm H$m n[adV©Z UU
depend on {ZåZ ‘| go {H$g na {Z^©a Zht H$aVm h¡& UU
(A) State of reactants and products (A) A{^H$‘©H$m| d CËnmXm| H$s AdñWm UU
(B) Nature of reactants and products (B) A{^H$‘©H$m| d CËnmXm| H$s àH¥${V UU
(C) Different intermediate reactions (C) {d{^ÝZ ‘ܶdVu A{^{H«$¶m¶| UU
(D) Initial and final enthalpy of a reaction. (D) A{^{H«$¶m H$s àma§{^H$ d ApÝV‘ Vmnr¶ UU
Ym[aVm UU
071. In the following sequence of reactions, the 071. {ZåZ{b{IV A{^{H« $ ¶m H« $ ‘ ‘| CËnmX Y UU
product Y will be hmoJm&
O 1. OH - SOCl2 (2eq.) O 1. OH - SOCl2 (2eq.)
O 2. H
O 2. H+

(A) (B)


(C) Cl (D) Cl (C) Cl (D) Cl

072. The reaction of P4 with X leads selectively 072. P4 H$s X Ho$ gmW A{^{H«$¶m nyU©V¶m P4O6.
to P4O6. The X is ~ZmVm h¡& X h¡
(A) dry O2 (A) ewîH$ O2
(B) a mixture O2 and N2 (B) O2 Am¡a N2 H$m {‘lU
(C) moist O2 (C) AmX© O2
(D) O2 in the presence of aqueous NaOH (D) Obr¶ NaOH H$s CnpñWVr ‘| O2

073. Bleaching powder contains a salt of an 073. ãbrqMJ nmCS>a ‘| EH$ Am³gmoE{gS> H$m bdU
oxoacid as one of its components. The g§JT>H$ Ho$ ê$n ‘| hmoVm h¢, Cg Am³gm°E{gS>
anhydride of that oxoacid is H$m EZhmBS´>mB‹S> hmoJm&
(A) Cl2O (B) Cl2O7 (A) Cl2O (B) Cl2O7
(C) ClO2 (D) Cl2O6 (C) ClO2 (D) Cl2O6

074. Which is the following is correct statement: 074. {ZåZ ‘| H$m¡Z gm V϶ g˶ h¡
(A) Starch is polymer of 2-glucose (A) ñQ>mM© 2-½byH$mog H$m ~hþbH$ h¡
(B) Amylose is a component of cellulose (B) E‘mBboO gobybmog H$m EH$ Ad¶d h¢
(C) Proteins are composed of only one (C) àmoQ>rZ Ho$db EH$ àH$ma Ho$ A‘rZmo Aåb
type of amino acid. go ~ZVm h¡&
(D) In cyclic structure of fructose, there (D) ’«$H$Q>mog H$s MH«$s¶ g§aMZm ‘| Mma H$m~©Z
are four carbons and one oxygen atom. Am¡a EH$ Am³grOZ AUw hmoVo h¢&

1-AA ] [ 17 ] [ P.T.O.
UU 075. The correct composition of malachite is
UU 075. ‘oboH$mBQ> H$m ghr g§JR>Z h¡ -
(A) Cu Fe S2 (A) Cu Fe S2
UU (B) Cu CO3 (B) Cu CO3
UU (C) Cu CO3 . Cu (OH)2 (C) Cu CO3 . Cu (OH)2
UU (D) Cu (OH)2 (D) Cu (OH)2
UU 076. IUPAC name of the compound 076. ¶m¡{JH$
UU C2H5 – O C2H5 – O
UU C = O is C = O H$m IUPAC Zm‘ h¡&
UU CH3 – CH CH3 – CH
| |
(A) ethoxy - methanone (A) BWmo³gr - {‘WoZm°Z
(B) ethyl - 2 - methyl propanoate (B) B©WmBb - 2 - {‘WmBb àmonoZmoEQ>
(C) ethoxy - propanone (C) BWmoÝgr àmonoZmoZ
(D) 2 - methyl - ethoxy propanone (D) 2 - {‘WmBb - BWmo³gr àmonoZm°Z

077. Which shows highest magnetic moment? 077. {ZåZ ‘| go H$m¡Z A{YH$V‘ Mwå~H$s¶ AmKwU©
aIVm h¡&
(A) Cr2+ (B) Mn2+ (A) Cr2+ (B) Mn2+
(C) Cu2+ (D) CO2+ (C) Cu2+ (D) CO2+

078. In the Sandmeyer’s reaction – N = N – X 078. S>mB©EOmo{Z¶‘ gm°ëQ> H$m – N = N – X g‘yh

group of diazomium salt is replaced by goÝS>‘o¶a A{^{H«$¶m ‘| {H$g g‘yh go à{VñWm{nV
hmoVm h¡&
(A) Halide group (A) hobmBS> g‘yh
(B) Nitro group (B) ZmBQ´>mo g‘yh
(C) – OH group (C) – OH g‘yh
(D) – NHNH2 group (D) – NHNH2 g‘yh

079. Which of the following carbohydrates are 079. {ZåZ ‘| go H$m¡Z gr eH©$am ½byH$mog H$m em{IV
branched polymer of glucose ~hþbH$ h¡&
(A) Amylase (B) Amylopectin (A) E‘mBboµO (B) E‘mBbmono{³Q>Z
(C) Cellulose (D) Glyeogen (C) gobyOmoO (D) ½bmBH$moOZ

080. Which of the following acid has the lowest 080. {ZåZ ‘| go {H$g Aåb H$s PKa H$m ‘mZ
PKa value. ݶyZV‘ h¡&
Cl Cl
| |
- (A) CH3 - CH - COOH

(B) Cl - CH 2 - CH 2 - COOH (B) Cl - CH 2 - CH 2 - COOH


1-AA ] [ 18 ] [ Contd...
Which of the following alcohol is dehydrated UU
081. 081. {ZåZ ‘| go H$m¡Zgm EoëH$mohm°b gmÝÐ H2 SO 4 UU
most easily by concentrated H 2 SO 4 Ho$ gmW gdm©{YH$ AmgmZr H$mo {ZO©br H¥$V hmo UU
OmVm h¡& UU
(A) p – O2NC6 H4 CH (OH) CH3 (A) p – O2NC6 H4 CH (OH) CH3 UU
(B) p – ClC6 H4 CH (OH) CH3 (B) p – ClC6 H4 CH (OH) CH3 UU
(C) p – CH3 OC6 H4 CH (OH) CH3 (C) p – CH3 OC6 H4 CH (OH) CH3 UU
(D) C6 H5 CH (OH) CH3 (D) C6 H5 CH (OH) CH3 UU
082. Which of the carbonyl compound will be 082. {ZåZ ‘| go H$m¡Zgm H$m~m}{Zb ¶m¡{ZH$ gdm©{YH$
most polar Y«wdr¶ hmoJm&
|| ||
(A) C 2 H5 - C - C 2 H5 (A) C 2 H5 - C - C 2 H5

|| ||
(B) CH3 - C - CH3 (B) CH3 - C - CH3
|| ||
(C) CH3 - C - H (C) CH3 - C - H
|| ||
(D) H - C - H (D) H - C - H

083. The product (C) obtained from sequence 083. A{^{H«$¶m H«$‘ ‘| àmá ApÝV‘ CËnmX (C)
of reaction will be h¡ -
PCl3 C6 H6 NH2 NH2 PCl3 C6 H6 NH2 NH2
CH3 CH2 COOH (A) AlCl3
(B) Base, D
(C) CH3 CH2 COOH (A) (B) (C)
AlCl3 Base, D

|| ||
(A) – C – OCH2CH3 (A) – C – OCH2CH3

|| ||
(B) – C – CH2CH3 (B) – C – CH2CH3

(C) – CH2CH2CH3 (C) – CH2CH2CH3

| |
(D) – CH – CH2CH3 (D) – CH – CH2CH3

1-AA ] [ 19 ] [ P.T.O.
UU 084. Which one of the following is most stable
UU 084. {ZåZ ‘| go H$m¡Z gdm©{YH$ ñWm¶r h¡ &
UU (A) CH / C (A) CH / C
UU (B) CH 2 = CH 2 (B) CH 2 = CH 2
(C) CH3 - CH 2 (C) CH3 - CH 2
UU (D) CH3 - O
(D) CH3 - O
085. Liquid hydrocarbons can be converted to 085. Ðdr¶ hmBS´>moH$m~©Z H$mo J¡gr¶ hmBS´>moH$m~©Zm| Hoo$
a mixture of gaseous hydrocarbons by - {‘lU ‘| {ZåZ {H$gHo$ Ûmam n[ad{V©V {H$¶m Om
(A) Oxidation gH$Vm h¡&
(A) Am°³grH$aU
(B) Distillation under reduced pressure
(B) H$‘ Xm~ na AmgdZ
(C) Cracking (C) ^§OZ
(D) Vaporization (D) dmînrH$aU

086. Tautomerism is exhibited by - 086. Mbmd¶dVm Xem©Vm h¡ -


CH3 (A) CH
(A) CH3
CH3 CH3 3

(B) CH3 – CH2 – N (B) CH3 – CH2 – N
(C) (C)


CH = O CH = O
(D) (D)

087. Most hazardous metal pollutants of 087. dmhZm| go {ZH$bZo dmbo YwE± ‘| gdm©{YH$
automobile exhaust is hm{ZH$maH$ YmVw àXÿfH$ h¡-
(A) Hg (B) Cd (A) Hg (B) Cd
(C) Pb (D) Cu (C) Pb (D) Cu

1-AA ] [ 20 ] [ Contd...
The wavelength associated with a golf ball UU
088. 088. 200 J«m‘ ^ma H$s EH$ Jmoë’$ ~m°b Omo {H$
weighing 200g and moving with a speed 5 m/h go Am ahr h¡, go gå~pÝYV Va§JX¡Ü¶© UU
of 5 m/h is of the order H$m H«$‘ hmoJm& UU
(A) 10 -10 m (B) 10 -20 m (A) 10 -10 m (B) 10 -20 m UU
(C) 10 -30 m (D) 10 -40 m (C) 10 m -30
(D) 10 m -40 UU
089. Silicones are - 089. {g{bH$m°Ýg h¡ - UU
(A) Organometallic compound (A) H$m~©-KmpËdH$ ¶m¡{JH$
(B) Compounds obtained from silica (B) {g{bH$m go àmßV ¶m¡{JH$
(C) Compounds obtained by hydrolysis of (C) H$m~©³bmoamo {PboZ Ho$ ObAnKQ>Z go àmßV
organo chloro silance ¶m¡{JH$
(D) Mocromolucules prepared from silicates (D) {g{bHo$Q>mo Ûmam V¡¶ma ~¥hXUw

090. 10% solution of urea is isotonic with 6% 090. ¶y[a¶m H$m 10% {~b¶Z, A~mînerb {dbo¶
solution of nonvolatile solute ‘x’. What will ‘x’ Ho$$ 6% {~b¶Z Ho$ gmW g‘namgar hmoVm
be the atomic mass of solute ‘x’. h¡ {dbo¶ ‘x’ H$m AmpÊdH$ Ð춑mZ ³¶m h¡&
(A) 6 g mol -1 (B) 60 g mol -1 (A) 6 g mol -1 (B) 60 g mol -1
(C) 36 g mol -1 (D) 32 g mol -1 (C) 36 g mol -1 (D) 32 g mol -1

091. Which is the correct order of size of O, 091. O, O 2 , F – Ed§ F Ho$ AmH$mam| H$m ghr H«$‘
2– –
O , F and F. h¡&
2– –
(A) O 2O2F 2F –
(A) O 2 2 O 2 F – 2 F

(B) O 2 O 2 2 F 2 F – –
(B) O 2 O 2 2 F 2 F –

(C) O 2 2 F – 2 F 2 O –
(C) O 2 2 F – 2 F 2 O

(D) O 2 2 F – 2 O 2 F –
(D) O 2 2 F – 2 O 2 F

092. Covalent molecules are usually held in a 092. EH$ {H«$ñQ>br¶ g§aMZm ‘| ghg§¶moOH$ AUw ~hþYm
crystal structure by {H$gHo$ Ûmam ~§Y| ahVo h¢&
(A) Dipole-dipole attraction (A) {ÛYw«d - {ÛYw«d AmH$f©U
(B) Electrostatic attraction (B) {dÚwËñW¡{VH$ AmH$f©U
(C) Van-der Waal's attraction (C) dÝS>a ~m°b AmH$f©U
(D) Hydrogen bond (D) hmBS´>moOZ ~ÝY

1-AA ] [ 21 ] [ P.T.O.
UU 093. The normal dehydrating agent, used in a
UU 093. à¶moJembm ‘§o à¶w³V gm‘mݶ {ZO©brH$maH$ nXmW©
UU laboratory is h¡-
UU (A) MgCO3 (B) CaF2 (A) MgCO3 (B) CaF2
(C) NaCl (D) CaCl2 (C) NaCl (D) CaCl2
UU 094. B2H6 reacts with (CH3)3N to produce 094. B2H6,(CH3)3N go {H«$¶m Ûmam CËnmX ~ZmVm h¡
UU (A) BH +3 N - (CH3) 3 (A) BH +3 N - (CH3) 3
(B) B 2 H +6 N - (CH3) 2 CH3 $ BH3 (B) B 2 H +6 N - (CH3) 2 CH3 $ BH3
(C) (CH3) 3 N + BH3 (C) (CH3) 3 N + BH3
(D) BH3 N + (CH3) 2 CH3 BH3 (D) BH3 N + (CH3) 2 CH3 BH3

095. What is ‘A’ in the following reaction 095. {ZåZ A{^{H«$¶m ‘| ‘A’ CËnmX h¡&
CH2 – CH = CH2 CH2 – CH = CH2
+ HCl A + HCl A

CH2 – CH = CH2 CH2 – CH = CH2

Cl Cl
(A) (A)

CH2 – CH2 – CH2 – Cl CH2 – CH2 – CH2 – Cl

(B) (B)

CH2 – CH – CH3 CH2 – CH – CH3

(C) Cl (C) Cl
Cl Cl
CH – CH2 – CH3 CH – CH2 – CH3
(D) (D)

096. The number of structural isomers for C6 H14 096. C6 H14 Ho$ g§aMZmË‘H$ g‘md¶dm| H$s g§»¶m
is h¡
(A) 3 (B) 4 (A) 3 (B) 4
(C) 5 (D) 6 (C) 5 (D) 6

1-AA ] [ 22 ] [ Contd...
Find the major product (Considering E UU
097. 097. O~ {ZåZ nXmW© H$m Bbo³Q´>mZñZohr Eoamo‘o{Q>H$ UU
as the electrophile) when the following à{VñWmnZ H$am¶m OmVm h¡, ‘w»¶ CËnmX hmoJm UU
substrate is subjected to electrophilie aromatic (E EH$ Bbo³Q´>mZñZohr g‘wh h¡) UU
substitution UU
|| || UU
– C – O – – C – O – UU
|| E || E
(A) – C – O – (A) – C – O –
|| ||
(B) – C – O – (B) – C – O –
|| ||
– C – O – E – C – O – E
(C) (C)
|| ||
(D) – C – O – (D) – C – O –

098. The second order Bragg diffraction of 098. ¶{X EH$ {H«$ñQ>b Ho$ g‘mZmÝVa Vbm| Ho$ EH$
X-rays with wavelength of 2.00 A c from a ¶w½‘ go 2.00 Ac Va§JX¡¿¶© H$s X-{H$aUm| H$m
set of parallel planes in a crystal occurs {ÛVr¶ H$mo{Q> H$m ~¡«J àH$sU©Z 60° na hmoVm
at 60°. The distance between the scattering h¡, V~ {H«$ñQ>b Ho$ àH$sU©Z VËdm| Ho$ ~rM Xÿar
planes in the crystal is hmoJr&
c c c
(A) 5.75 A c
2.00 A
(A) 5.75 A (B) 2.00 A (B)
c c c
(C) 4.00 A c
2.30 A
(C) 4.00 A (D) 2.30 A (D)

099. Gold sol is not 099. JmoëS> gm°b Zht h¡

(A) a macromolecular colloid (A) EH$ d¥hX²AmpÊdH$ H$mobm°BS>
(B) a lyophobie colloid (B) EH$ Ðd {damoYr H$mobm°BS>
(C) a multimolecular colloid (C) EH$ ~hþAmpÊdH$ H$mobm°BS>
(D) negatively charged colloid (D) G¥$UAmdo{eV H$mobm°BS>

100. Carbon monoxide forms volatile compound 100. H$m~©Z‘moZm°³gmBS> {ZåZ ‘| {H$g Ho$ gmW dmînerb
with nXmW© ~ZmVr h¡&
(A) Ni (B) Cu (A) Ni (B) Cu
(C) Al (D) Si (C) Al (D) Si

1-AA ] [ 23 ] [ P.T.O.
101. If the parabola y =- x 2 - 2x + k touches 101. ¶{X nadb¶ (parabola) y =- x 2 - 2x + k EH$
UU 1
the parabola y =- x 2 - 4x + 3, then the nadb¶ y =- 12 x 2 - 4x + 3, H$mo ñne© H$aVm
UU value of k is h¡, V~ k H$m ‘mZ h¡
UU (A) 1 (B) 2 (A) 1 (B) 2
(C) 3 (D) 4 (C) 3 (D) 4
1 x -1 1 x -1
102. If f (x) = & g (x) = , then 102. ¶{X f (x) =
x -1
Am¡a g(x) =
x +1
, V~
x -1 x +1
the domain of ( f ° g) (x) is ( f ° g) (x) H$m àm§V (domain) h¡&
(A) " x ! R x ! - 1} (A) " x ! R x ! - 1}

(B) " x ! R x ! 1} (B) " x ! R x ! 1}

(C) " x ! R x ! 1, - 1} (C) " x ! R x ! 1, - 1}

(D) " x ! R x ! 0, - 1, 1} (D) " x ! R x ! 0, - 1, 1}

103. If x = 3 - 2 2 then the value of 103. ¶{X x = 3- 2 2, V~ x- H$m ‘mZ
1 h¡
x- is
(A) 2 (B) - 2
(A) 2 (B) - 2
(C) 1 (D) −2
(C) 1 (D) −2

104. Let z = x + iy be a complex number 104. {X¶m h¡ {H$ z = x + iy EH$ gpå‘l g§»¶m
satisfying the following equation (complex number) h¡ Omo g‘rH$aU
z - (2 + i) = Re (z) - 4 z - (2 + i) = Re (z) - 4 H$mo g§Vwï> H$amVr
Which of the following options describes h¡& {ZåZ ‘| go H$m¡Z gm {dH$ën D$na Xr J¶r
the above equation? g‘rH$aU H$mo {Zé{nV H$aVm h¡?
(A) y = 1 ! 2 3 - x (A) y = 1 ! 2 3 - x
(B) y = 2 ! 3 - x (B) y = 2 ! 3 - x
(C) y = 1 ! 3 2 - x (C) y = 1 ! 3 2 - x
(D) y = 3 ! 2 - x (D) y = 3 ! 2 - x

1-AA ] [ 24 ] [ Contd...
105. Let z = x + iy be a complex number. The 105. ‘mZm {H$ z = x + iy EH$ gpå‘l g§»¶m (complex UU
number) h¡ & g‘rH$aU arg `
z+1 j= r
equation arg `
z+1 j= r UU
represents z 4
z 4 UU
{Zé{nV H$aVr h¡
(A) x 2 + x + y + y 2 = 0 UU
(A) x 2 + x + y + y 2 = 0 UU
(B) x 2 - x + y + y 2 = 0 2
(B) x - x + y + y = 02 UU
(C) x 2 + x - y + y 2 = 0 UU
(C) x 2 + x - y + y 2 = 0
(D) x 2 + x + y - y 2 = 0 UU
(D) x 2 + x + y - y 2 = 0 UU

The imaginary part of ` + i j

1 1 10
gpå‘l g§»¶m ` 12 + 12 i j H$m H$mën{ZH$ ^mJ
106. is 106.
2 2
1 (imaginary part) h¡
(A) 0 (B)
30 1
(A) 0 (B)
1 1 30
(C) (D) 1 1
31 32 (C) (D)
31 32

107. Let x be an n × 1 matrix. Let O and I 107. ‘mZm {H$ x EH$ n × 1 Amì¶yh (matrix) h¡&
be the zero, and identity matrices of order O VWm I VËg‘H$ (identity matrix) h¢& n[a^m{fV
xx T H$a||
n, respectively. Define P = - T is the
x x xx T
transpose of x. P = - T , x H$m n[adV© x T h¡
x x
Then which of the following options is V~ {ZåZ {dH$ënm| ‘| go H$m¡Zgm gX¡d g˶
always CORRECT? h¡?
(A) P2 −  P  =  O   (B) P2  −  P  =  I   (A) P2 −  P  =  O   (B) P2  −  P  =  I  
(C) P2  +  P  =  O    (D) P2  +  P  =  I (C) P2  +  P  =  O    (D) P2  +  P  =  I

108. Let P be a 2 × 2 matrix such that 108. ‘mZm {H$ P EH$ 2×2 Eogm Amì¶yh h¡ Vm{H$
61 0 @ P =- 1 61 1 @ and 61 0 @ P =- 1 61 1 @ VWm
2 2
6 0 1 @ P = 1 6 -1 1 @ 6 0 1 @ P = 1 6 -1 1 @ h¡&
2 2
If 0 and I denote the zero and identity ¶{X 0 Am¡a I H«$‘e… 2 H$mo{Q> (order) Ho$ eyݶ
matrices of order 2, respectively, then which Amì¶yh (zero matrix) VWm VËg‘H$ (identity
matrix) h¢, V~ {ZåZ {dH$ënm| ‘| go H$m¡Zgm
of the following options is CORRECT ?
g˶ h¡?
(A) P 8 − P 6 + P 4 + P 2 = 0 (A) P 8 − P 6 + P 4 + P 2 = 0
(B) P 8 + P 6 − P 4 + P 2 = I (B) P 8 + P 6 − P 4 + P 2 = I
(C) P 8 + P 6 + P 4 − P 2 = 2I (C) P 8 + P 6 + P 4 − P 2 = 2I
(D) P 8 − P 6 − P 4 − P 2 = 0 (D) P 8 − P 6 − P 4 − P 2 = 0

1-AA ] [ 25 ] [ P.T.O.
If det > 2 4 9 H = 0, then the values det > 2 4 9 H = 0,
1 1 2 1 1 2
UU 109. 109. ¶{X V~ t Ho$ ‘mZ h¢&
UU t t2 1+ t3 t t2 1+ t3
UU of t are
UU 1 1 (A) 1, 2,
(B) – 1, 2,
(A) 1, 2, (B) – 1, 2, 2 2
UU 2 2
UU 1 1 1 1
(C) 1, – 2, (D) 1, 2, – (C) 1, – 2, (D) 1, 2, –
UU 2 2 2 2
UU 110. Let x 2 + ax + b = 0 be the equation whose 110. ‘mZm {H$ x 2 + ax + b = 0 EH$ Eogm g‘rH$aU h¡
roots are the negatives of the roots of {OgHo$ ‘yb (roots) g‘rH$aU x 2 + 7x - 2 = 0
x 2 + 7x - 2 = 0 then the value of a + b is Ho$ ‘ybm| Ho$ F$UmË‘H$ (negatives) h¢, V~
(A) 5 (B) − 5 a + b H$m ‘mZ h¡&
(A) 5 (B) − 5
(C) 9 (D) − 9
(C) 9 (D) − 9

111. If the roots of 4k 2 - (5k + 1) x + 5k = 0 111. ¶{X 4k 2 - (5k + 1) x + 5k = 0 Ho$ ‘yb BH$mB©
differ by unity then the sum of all possible (unity) go {^Þ hmoVo h¢ Vmo k Ho$ g^r g§^m{dV
values of k is ‘mZm| H$m ¶moJ h¡&
11 12 11 12
(A) (B) (A) (B)
5 5 5 5
13 14 13 14
(C) (D) (C) (D)
5 5 5 5

112. Let a1, a 2 , a 3 , ... be an arithmetic 112. ‘mZm {H$ a1, a2, a3, ... EH$ g‘m§Va loUr ‘|
prog ression w it h non zero com mon h¢ {OgH$m gmd© A§Va (common difference)
difference. It is given that / ai = 63 Aeyݶ (nonzero) h¡& {X¶m J¶m h¡ {H$
/ ai = 63 Am¡a {H$gr Ho$ k {bE ak = 7 V~
and ak = 7 for some k. Then the value i=4
of k is k H$m ‘mZ h¡&
(A) 6 (B) 7 (A) 6 (B) 7
(C) 8 (D) 9 (C) 8 (D) 9

113. Let S be the set of all right angled triangles 113. ‘mZm {H$ S CZ g‘H$moU {Ì^wOm| (right angled
with integer sides forming consecutive
triangles) H$m EH$ gå‘wM¶ h¡ {OZH$s ^wOmE§
EH$ g‘m§Va loUr Ho$ bJmVma nX (consecutive
terms of an arithmetic progression. The
terms) ~ZmVo h¢& gå‘wM¶ S Ho$ CZ {Ì^wOm|
number of triangles in S with perimeter {H$ g§»¶m {OZH$s n[a{Y (perimeter) 30 go
less than 30 is H$‘ h¡, h¡&
(A) 0 (B) 1 (A) 0 (B) 1
(C) 2 (D) 3 (C) 2 (D) 3

1-AA ] [ 26 ] [ Contd...
lim e ax - bx - 1 = lim e ax - bx - 1 =
114. It is given that x " 0 2 114. {X¶m J¶m h¡ {H$ x " 0 2 V~ UU
x2 x2
Then the value of a + b is a + b H$m ‘mZ h¡ UU
(A) 1 (B) 2 (A) 1 (B) 2 UU
(C) 3 (D) 4 (C) 3 (D) 4 UU
115. The sum of intercepts on the axes of the 115. dH«$ x + y = 3 H$s (4, 1) na ñne©aoIm UU
tangent to the curve x + y = 3 at (4, 1) (tangent) Ho $ Ajm| (axes) na A§ V :I§ S > UU
is (intercepts) H$m ¶moJ h¡&
(A) 3 (B) 5 (A) 3 (B) 5
(C) 7 (D) 9 (C) 7 (D) 9

116. If f (x) = (x - 1) 2 (x + 1) 3, then the function 116. ¶{X f (x) = (x - 1) 2 (x + 1) 3, V~ ’$bZ

(function) f H$m
f has 1
(A) x =
na EH$ ñWmZr¶ CƒV‘ (local
(A) a local maximum at x =
5 maximum) h¡
1 (B) x =
na EH$ ñWmZr¶ ݶyZV‘ (local
(B) a local minimum at x =
5 minimum) h¡
(C) x = −1 na EH$ ñWmZr¶ ݶyZV‘ (local
(C) a local minimum at x = −1
minimum) h¡
(D) x = −1 na EH$ ñWmZr¶ CƒV‘ (local
(D) a local maximum at x = −1 maximum) h¡

117. If the function 117. ¶{X ’$bZ (function)

Z ] x + 2; if x < 2
] x + 2; if x < 2
f (x) = [ ax + bx + 3; if 2 # x < 3
f (x) = [ ax + bx + 3; if 2 # x < 3
] 2x + a + b; if x $ 3
] 2x + a + b; if x $ 3 \
\ g§VV (continuous) h¡, V~ ^ a 2 + b 2 h H$m
is continuous, then the value of ^ a 2 + b 2 h is
‘mZ h¡
1 1 1 1
(A) (B) (A) (B)
2 3 2 3
1 1 1 1
(C) (D) (C) (D)
6 9 6 9
118. Suppose f is differentiable function such 118. ‘mZm {H$ f EH$ Eogm AdH$bZr¶ ’$bZ h¡
that f (g (x)) = x2 and f l (x) = 1 + ^ f (x) h2
{H$ f (g (x)) = x2 Am¡a f l (x) = 1 + ^ f (x) 2 h
Then the value of g' (2) is V~ g' (2) H$m ‘mZ h¡&
1 2 1 2
(A) (B) (A) (B)
17 17 17 17
3 4 3 4
(C) (D) (C) (D)
17 17 17 17

1-AA ] [ 27 ] [ P.T.O.
UU 119. The area bounded by the graphs of 119. ’$bZ f (x) = x 4 - 2x 2 Am¡a g (x) = 2x2 Ho$
UU functions f (x) = x 4 - 2x 2 and g (x) = 2x2 is AmboIm| go {Kam joÌ’$b h¡&
UU 121 124 121 124
UU (A) (B) (A) (B)
15 15 15 15
UU 128 131
(C) (D) 128 131
UU 15 15 (C)
UU 120.
If the line y = b divides the region bounded 120. ¶{X aoIm y = b dH«$m| (curves) y = x 2 Am¡a
by the curves y = x 2 and y = 9 into regions y = 9 go {Kao hþE joÌ (region) H$mo g‘mZ
of equal area, then the value of b is joÌ’$b (area) dmbo joÌ ‘| {d^m{OV H$amVr
h¡ V~ b H$m ‘mZ h¡&
3 5
(A) 3
(B) 3 3 5
4 4 (A) 3
(B) 3
4 4
7 9
(C) 3
(D) 3 7 9
4 4 (C) 3
(D) 3
4 4

121. If [y] denotes the greatest integer less than 121. ¶{X y ! R, go H$‘ ¶m y Ho$ ~am~a ‘hÎm‘
or equal to y for all y ! R, then nyUmªH$ J«hU H$aZo dmbo ’$bZ H$mo [y] go {Zé{nV
13/2 {H$¶m J¶m hmo Vmo g‘mH$bZ (integral)
the value of the integral w6 x @ dx is 13/2
1/2 w6 x @ dx H$m ‘mZ h¡&
(A) 8 (B) 9
(A) 8 (B) 9
(C) 10 (D) 11
(C) 10 (D) 11

w 1 r/3
122. If . = dx then 1
cos x + sin x 122. ¶{X .= w dx V~
cos x + sin x
w x r/3
dx equals x
cos x + sin x w dx ~am~a h¡
cos x + sin x
r r
(A) . (B) . r r
6 3 (A) . (B) .
r 6 3
(C) . (D) r. r
4 (C) . (D) r.

1-AA ] [ 28 ] [ Contd...
123. The differential equations representing UU
123. y -Aj na H|$Ð (center) Am¡a {ÌÁ¶m (radius)
a family of circles having center on the 4 dmbo d¥Îmm| (circles) Ho$ Hw$b (family) UU
y - axis and radius 4 is H$mo {Zé{nV H$aZo dmbm AdH$bZ g‘rH$aU UU
(differential equations) h¡& UU
dy 2 2
(A) c m + 2x UU
2 2
(A) c m + 2x
=0 dy
dx (x - 2) =0
dx (x - 2) UU
dy 2 2 UU
(B) c m + 2x dy 2 2
dx (x - 4)
=0 (B) c m + 2 x =0 UU
dx (x - 4)
dy 2 dy 2
(C) x 2 c m + (x 2 - 4 ) = 0 (C) x 2 c m + (x 2 - 4 ) = 0
dx dx
y2 dy 2 y2
(D) c m + 2
dy 2
(D) c m + 2 =0 dx
dx (y - 4) (y - 4)

124. If y (x) satisfies equations 124. ¶{X y (x) g‘rH$aU

dy dy
( 1 + x 2) + 2xy - 4x 2 = 0 and y (0) = 0, ( 1 + x 2)
+ 2xy - 4x 2 = 0 Am¡a y (0) = 0,
then y(1) is H$mo g§Vwï> H$aVm h¡ Vmo y(1) h¡
2 2
(A) (B) 1 (A) (B) 1
3 3
4 5 4 5
(C) (D) (C) (D)
3 3 3 3

125. If y (x) satisfies equations 125. ¶{X g‘rH$aU (1 + e x) dx + ye x = 1 Am¡a
y (x)
(1 + e x) + ye x = 1 and y (1) = 3
y (1) =
H$mo g§Vwï> H$aVm h¡ Vmo y(x) H$m
dx 1+e
then maximum value of y(x) is CƒV‘ ‘mZ h¡
(A) 1 (B) 2 (A) 1 (B) 2
(C) 3 (D) 4 (C) 3 (D) 4

126. The equation 126. g‘rH$aU 6x 2 + xy - 12y 2 - 13x + 6y + 6 = 0

6x 2 + xy - 12y 2 - 13x + 6y + 6 = 0 represents {Zé{nV H$aVr h¡
(A) a pair of straight lines through the (A) ‘yb q~Xþ (origin) go JwOaZo dmbr gab
aoImAm| (straight lines) H$m Omo‹S>m
(B) bå~dV gab aoImAm| (perpendicular
(B) a pair of perpendicular straight lines straight lines) H$m Omo‹S>m
(C) a pair of parallel straight lines (C) g‘mZm§Va gab aoImAm| (parallel straight
(D) a pair of straight lines not passing lines) H$m Omo‹S>m
through the origin, neither parallel nor (D) gab aoImAm| (straight lines), Omo ‘yb q~Xþ
(origin) go Zht JwOaVr h¢ VWm g‘mZm§Va
Am¡a b§~dV ^r Zht h¢, H$m Omo‹S>m

1-AA ] [ 29 ] [ P.T.O.
UU 127. The normal at the point (2,3) to the circle
UU 127. d¥Îm x 2 + y 2 - 2x - 4y + 3 = 0 H$m q~Xþ (2, 3)
x 2 + y 2 - 2x - 4y + 3 = 0 intersects the na A{^bå~ d¥Îm x 2 + y 2 = 1 H$mo q~Xþ P Am¡a
UU circle x 2 + y 2 = 1 at points P and Q. The Q. na à{VÀN>oX H$aVm h¡& ì¶mg PQ dmbo d¥Îm
UU area of the circle with PQ as diameter is H$m N>oÌ’$b h¡
UU r r
(A) (B) r r
UU 2 (A)
UU 3r 3r
(C) 2r (D) (C) 2r (D)
UU 2
128. The circles x 2 + y 2 + kx + 4y = 20 128. d¥Îm x 2 + y 2 + kx + 4y = 20 Am¡a
and x 2 + y 2 + 6x - 8y + 10 = 0 intersect x + y + 6x - 8y + 10 = 0 bå~dV à{VÀN>oX
2 2

orthogonally. Also circles H$aVo h¢& d¥Îm x 2 + y 2 - p (x - y) + 1 Am¡a

x 2 + y 2 - p (x - y) + 1 = 0 and p (x 2 + y 2) + x - y = 1 ^r bå~dV à{VÀN>oX
p (x 2 + y 2) + x - y = 1 intersect orthogonally. H$aVo h¢& V~ k/p ~am~a h¡
Then k/p equals
1 1
1 1 (A) (B)
(A) (B) 4 2
4 2
(C) 2 (D) 4
(C) 2 (D) 4

129. The common tangent to the parabolas 129. nadb¶ (parabola) y2 = 32x Am¡a x2 = 108y
y 2 = 32x and x 2 = 108y intersects the H$s C^¶{Zð> ñne© aoIm (common tangent)
coordinate axes at points P and Q {ZX}em§H$ Ajm| (coordinate axes) H$mo H«$‘e…
respectively. Then length of PQ is q~Xþ P Am¡a Q na H$mQ>Vr h¡& V~ PQ H$s
bå~mB© h¡
(A) 2 13 (B) 3 13 (A) 2 13 (B) 3 13
(C) 5 13 (D) 6 13 (C) 5 13 (D) 6 13

x2 + 2 = x2 + 2 =
130. Tangent to the ellipse
y 1 at 130. XrK©d¥Îm (ellipse)
y 1 H$s q~Xþ
the point P c 2 , m touches a circle
Pc 2 , m na ñne© aoIm (tangent)
x 2 + y 2 = r 2 at the point Q. Then the length (circle) x 2 + y 2 = r 2 H$mo q~Xþ Q na ñne©
of PQ is H$aVr h¡& V~ PQ H$s bå~mB© h¡.
1 3 1 3
(A) (B) (A) (B)
10 10 10 10
7 11 7 11
(C) (D) (C) (D)
10 10 10 10

1-AA ] [ 30 ] [ Contd...
131. If the line 3x + 4y = 7 is a normal at a point 131. ¶{X aoIm 3x + 4y = 7 XrK©d¥Îm (hyperbola) UU
P = ^ x1, y1 h of the hyperbola 3x - 4y = 1,
2 2 3x 2 - 4y 2 = 1 Ho$ q~Xþ P = ^ x1, x1 h, na A{^b§~ UU
(normal) h¡, V~ P H$s ‘yb q~Xþ (origin) go UU
then the distance of P from the origin
Xÿar h¡ UU
319 337 319 337 UU
(A) (B) (A) (B)
12 12 12 12 UU
423 527 423 527 UU
(C) (D) (C) (D) UU
12 12 12 12
132. Let p, q, r be all distinct real numbers 132. ‘mZm {H$ p, q, r {^Þ dmñV{dH$ g§»¶mE±
a nd t he ve c t or s pit + p 2 tj + (1 + p 3) kt, (distinct real numbers) h¢ VWm g{Xe
(vectors) pit + p 2 tj + (1 + p 3) kt,
qit + q 2 tj + (1 + q 3) kt and rit + r 2 tj + (1 + r 3) kt
qit + q 2 tj + (1 + q 3) kt Am¡a rit + r 2 tj + (1 + r 3) kt
are coplanar. Then pqr equals g‘Vbr¶ (coplanar) h¢& V~ pqr ~am~a h¡
(A) 2 (B) 1 (A) 2 (B) 1
(C) −1 (D) −2 (C) −1 (D) −2

133. Let a , b , c be three unit vectors such 133. ‘mZm {H$ a, b, c Eogo VrZ EH$H$ g{Xe (unit

that b # ^ c # a h =
If a and c are vectors) h¢ Vm{H b # ^ c # a h = c2 ¶{X a
non-parallel, then the angles which b makes Am¡a c g‘mZm§Va Zht (non-parallel) h¢, V~ b
with c and a are respectively Omo H$moU c Am¡a a go ~ZmVm h¡ dmo H«$‘e… h¢
(A) 30° & 60° (A) 30° & 60°
(B) 60° & 45° (B) 60° & 45°
(C) 30° & 90° (C) 30° & 90°
(D) 90° & 60° (D) 90° & 60°

134. Let a = - it + tj and b = it + 3tj . T hen 134. a = - it + tj Am¡a b = it + 3tj

‘mZm {H$ V~ g{Xe
4a + b Am¡a ^ 7b - a h Ho$ ~rM
angle between the vectors 4a + b and 4
H$m H$moU
1^ - h h¡
7b a is
(A) 30° (B) 45° (A) 30° (B) 45°
(C) 60° (D) 90° (C) 60° (D) 90°

135. Let a and b be two vectors with 135. a Am¡a b Xmo g{Xe h¡ VWm a = 13,
‘mZm {H$
a = 13, b = 19 and a - b = 22 . The b = 19 Am¡a a - b = 22 . h¡& V~ a + b
value of a + b is H$m ‘mZ h¡
(A) 16 (B) 18 (A) 16 (B) 18
(C) 20 (D) 24 (C) 20 (D) 24

1-AA ] [ 31 ] [ P.T.O.
21! + 22! + + 60! 21! + 22! + + 60!
UU 136. The value of 20! +
1! 2!
136. 20! +
1! 2!
H$m ‘mZ h¡
UU is
UU (A) 20! 61 C20 (B) 21! 60 C20 (A) 20! 61 C20 (B) 21! 60 C20
UU (C) 20! 61 C21 21! 60 C19
(C) 20! 61 C21 (D) 21! 60 C19 (D)
UU 137. The ratio of coefficients of 9th and 7th 137. ^1 + x hn Ho$ àgma ‘| 9 d| Am¡a 7 d| nXm|
UU terms in the expansion of ^1 + x hn is Ho$ JwUm§H$m| H$m AZwnmV 9 : 7 h¡& V~ 4 d|
UU 9 : 7. Then the coefficient of 4th term is nX (4th term) H$m JwUm§H$ (coefficient) h¡
(A) 395 (B) 455 (A) 395 (B) 455
(C) 530 (D) 645 (C) 530 (D) 645

138. Six balls are placed randomly into six cells. 138. N>h J|Xm| H$mo N>h S>ã~m| ‘| ¶mÑpÀN>H$ ê$n go
Then the probability that exactly one cell (randomly) aIm OmVm h¡& V~ Ho$db EH$ S>ã~o
remains empty is Ho$ Imbr hmoZo H$s àm{¶H$Vm (probability) h¡
29 35 29 35
(A) (B) (A) (B)
216 216 216 216
25 31 25 31
(C) (D) (C) (D)
108 108 108 108

139. A pair of fair dice is tossed repeatedly 139. {Zînj nmgm| H$m EH$ Omo‹S>m ~ma-~ma V~ VH$
until a sum of four or an odd sum appears. CN>mbm OmVm h¡ O~ VH$ {H$ Mma ¶m {df‘
Then the probability that a sum of four am{e H$m ¶moJ Z AmE& V~ Mma H$m ¶moJ
appears first is nhbo AmZo H$s àm{¶H$Vm h¡
1 2 1 2
(A) (B) (A) (B)
3 5 3 5
3 1 3 1
(C) (D) (C) (D)
8 7 8 7

140. Let A and B be t wo events with 140. ‘mZm {H$ A Am¡a B Eogr Xmo KQ>ZmE± h¢ Vm{H$
P(Ac ) = 0.55, P(B ) = 0.36, P(A , B) = 0.60. P(Ac ) = 0.55, P(B ) = 0.36, P(A , B) = 0.60.
Then P (A | Bc ) is V~ P (A | Bc ) H$m ‘mZ h¡
1 3 1 3
(A) (B) (A) (B)
4 8 4 8
1 5 1 5
(C) (D) (C) (D)
2 8 2 8

1-AA ] [ 32 ] [ Contd...
141. Rural and urban students are equally 141. J«m‘rU Am¡a ehar N>mÌm| H$mo g‘mZ ê$n go UU
likely to get admission in a college. If 100 EH$ H$m°boO ‘| àdoe {‘bZo H$s g§^mdZm h¡& UU
students get admission, then the probability ¶{X 100 N>mÌm| H$mo àdoe {‘bVm h¡, Vmo ehar UU
that more rural students get admission than N>mÌm| H$s VwbZm ‘| A{YH$ J«m‘rU N>mÌm| H$mo UU
urban students is àdoe {‘bZo H$s àm{¶H$Vm h¡ UU
(A) ` j
100 100
(A) ` j
1 100 100 1 UU
P50 2 P50
(B) ` j (B) ` j
1 100 100 1 100 100
2 C50 2 C50 UU
(C) 1 - ` j
1 100 100
(C) 1 - ` j
C50 1 100 100
2 C50
(D) c 1 - ` j C50 m
1 1 100 100
(D) c 1 - ` j C50 m
1 1 100 100
2 2 2 2

142. The value of sin20°sin40°sin80° equals 142. sin20°sin40°sin80° H$m ‘mZ h¡

3 3 3 3
(A) (B) (A) (B)
2 4 2 4
3 1 3 1
(C) (D) (C) (D)
8 8 8 8

143. The sum of all solutions of the equation 143. g‘rH$aU cos 3i = sin 2i Ho$ A§Vamb 8- r2 , r2 B
cos 3i = sin 2i in the interval 8- , B is
r r
2 2
‘| g^r ‘ybm| H$m ¶moJ h¡
r r r -r
(A) - (B) - (A) - (B)
5 3 5 3
r 3r r 3r
(C) (D) (C) (D)
4 10 4 10

144. I n D ABC, + B = 90° and perpendicular 144. D ABC ‘| B = 90° VWm B go AC na S>mbm
from B on AC intersects it at D. If J¶m bå~ (perpendicular) BgH$mo D na
AC = 4 BD, then the smallest angle of à{VÀN>oX H$aVm h¡& ¶{X AC = 4 BD, V~
Δ ABC is Δ ABC H$m g~go N>moQ>m H$moU h¡&
r r r r
(A) (B) (A) (B)
12 8 12 8
r r r r
(C) (D) (C) (D)
6 5 6 5

145. A solution of the equation 145. g‘rH$aU

r r
tan -1 2x + tan -1 3x = is tan -1 2x + tan -1 3x =
H$m EH$ hb h¡
1 1
(A) 1 (B) (A) 1 (B)
3 3
1 1 1 1
(C) (D) (C) (D)
2 6 2 6

1-AA ] [ 33 ] [ P.T.O.
UU 146. The angle of elevation from a window to
UU 146. EH$ pIS>H$s go {H$gr P§S>o Ho$ {eIa H$m CÞ¶Z
the top of a flag is 60° and the angle of
UU H$moU 60° Am¡a CgHo$ AmYma H$m AdZ‘Z H$moU
depression to the base of the flag is 30°.
UU 30° h¡& pIS>H$s go P§S>o H$s Xÿar 6 ‘rQ>a h¡&
The horizontal distance of the window from
UU the flag is 6 meters. Then the height of V~ P§S>o H$s D$±MmB© h¡
the flag is
UU (A) 2 3 ‘rQ>a (B) 4 3 ‘rQ>a
UU (A) 2 3 meters (B) 4 3 meters
UU (C) 8 3 meters (D) 16 3 meters (C) 8 3 ‘rQ>a (D) 16 3 ‘rQ>a
147. A car travels 200 km in 2 hours and travels 147. EH$ H$ma àW‘ Xmo K§Q>o ‘| 200 km OmVr h¡
240 km in next 3 hours. If the acceleration Am¡a AJbo VrZ K§Q>o ‘| 240 km OmVr h¡&
is constant then the distance it will travel ¶{X ËdaU (acceleration) EH$ g‘mZ hmo Vmo
in the next one hour is AJbo EH$ K§Q>o ‘| V¶ H$s OmZo dmbr Xÿar h¡
(A) 48 km (B) 64 km (A) 48 km (B) 64 km
(C) 72 km (D) 84 km (C) 72 km (D) 84 km

148. A ball is thrown vertically upwards. It is 148. EH$ J|X D$na H$s Amoa (vertically upwards)
at the same height ℎ after 10 seconds and ’|$H$s OmVr h¡& dh 10 goH§$S> Ed§ 20 goH§$S>
20 seconds. Then the value of ℎ is (assume Ho$ nümV² EH$ hr D$§MmB© ℎ na h¡& V~ ℎ H$m
g = 9.8 m/s2) ‘mZ h¡ (‘mZm {H$ g = 9.8 m/s2)
(A) 270 meters (B) 360 meters (A) 270 ‘rQ>a (B) 360 ‘rQ>a
(C) 490 meters (D) 980 meters (C) 490 ‘rQ>a (D) 980 ‘rQ>a

149. Two forces P and 2P are inclined at 120° 149. Xmo ~b (forces) P Am¡a 2P EH$ Xÿgao Ho$ gmW
with each other. If their resultant makes an 120° na PwH$o h¢& ¶{X CZH$m n[aUm‘r ~b
angle a with their bisector then the value (resultant) CZHo$ {Û^mOH$ (bisector) Ho$ gmW
of a (in degree) is a H$moU ~ZmVm h¡ Vmo a ({S>Jr« ‘|) H$m ‘mZ h¡
(A) 15° (B) 30° (A) 15° (B) 30°
(C) 45° (D) 60° (C) 45° (D) 60°

150. Two forces, of equal magnitude P, are 150. g‘mZ n[a‘mU (equal magnitude) P Ho$ Xmo
inclined at angle a with each other. If the ~b EH$ Xÿgao Ho$ gmW a H$moU na PwHo$ h¢&
resultant is also P, then the angle a (in ¶{X CZH$m n[aUm‘r ~b (resultant) ^r P h¡,
degree) is Vmo H$moU a ({S>J«r ‘|) h¡
(A) 30° (B) 45° (A) 30° (B) 45°
(C) 60° (D) 120° (C) 60° (D) 120°

1-AA ] [ 34 ] [ Contd...

1-AA ] [ 35 ] [ P.T.O.

1-AA ] [ 36 ]

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