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▪ To study SBI’s market share comparatively other Banks.
▪ To know the usage of POS (Point-of-sale) terminal machine amongst merchants.
▪ To review merchants from various backgrounds (restaurants, retail shop, shopping
complexes etc) and assess SBI’s market share.
▪ To suggest strategies that could generate more market share.

The study is done through surveying method. Survey research is defined as the process of
conducting research using surveys respondents. The data collected from surveys is then
statistically analysed to draw meaningful research conclusion.
Cross-sectional method is used in the study. A cross-sectional research study is defined as a
type of observational research that analyses data of variables collected at one given point in
time across a sample population or a pre-defined subset. This study type is also known as cross-
sectional analysis, transverse study or prevalence study. Cross-sectional research does not
involve conducting experiments, researchers often use it to understand outcomes in the physical
and social sciences and many business industries. A researcher develops cohorts from the study
population, so that it will be easy to examine. The design is used to capture information based
on data gathered for a specific point in time.
Quantitative research method is also used in this study. “Quantitative research” is the process
of collecting and analysing numerical data. It can be used to find patterns and averages, make
predictions, test casual relationships, and generalize results to wider populations. It is defined
as a systematic investigation of phenomenon by gathering quantifiable data and performing
statistical, mathematical, or computational techniques. Quantitative research collects
information from existing and potential customers using sampling methods and sending out
surveys, online polls, questionnaires, etc, the result of which can be depicted in the form of
numerical. After careful understanding of these numbers to predict the future of a product or
service and make changes accordingly. Quantitative research templates are objective,
elaborate, and many times, even investigational. The results achieved from this research
method are logical, statistical, and unbiased. Data collection happened using a structured
method and conducted on larger samples that represent the larger population.

Operating a retail store calls for a range of administrative, management and marketing skills.
From ensuring that there’s enough inventory to putting together monthly sales reports, these
skills are necessary for your store to run smoothly.
Having an efficient point of sale (POS) system can go a long way in making sure that all your
operations are working in unison, and retailers that spend the time and resources to implement
such a system before they need it will reap the benefits. A point-of-sale system, or POS, is the
place where your customer makes a payment for products or services at your store. Simply put,
every time a customer makes a purchase, they’re completing a point-of-sale transaction. The
latest point of sale software goes beyond credit card processing to help retailers and restaurants
incorporate mobile POS features and contactless payment options, ecommerce integration
capabilities, and more. The POS serves as the central component for your business; it’s the hub
where everything—like sales, inventory management, payment processing, and customer
According to S. Angeles (2016), Shop Keep is the best pick of POS for retailers because it is
a cloud-based service application. Services or resources made available to users on demand via
internet from a cloud computing provider’s server. This POS system for retailers comes with a
ton of useful features. Offers plenty of tools to help the retailers to save time and boost sales,
spend time growing the business and less time worrying back-end processes. Therefore, this
system helps the retailers to easily manage inventories, gather information, boost sales, manage
employees and report scan be generated straight from the point-of-sale systems.
In this section Dec 1, The Point-of-Sale terminal is a computerized system used to record sales
and handle payments; it is typically used in Chapter II Review of literature – Shodhganga
a retail store.
To make the sales transaction faster. These requirements vary from industry to industry and
from merchant to merchant. Software — the virtual brain of your point of sale — lives in your
main processing hub typically a computer terminal or tablet or some sort. Small Business
Administration, , pp Sync with new 3rd party integrations. When all your important data and
business functions reside in one place, you can get things done quickly and efficiently. Chapter
2 Review of Related Literature Almost every POS system comes with some way to input
customer information, maintain contact with those customers, and monitor customer
Non-IT Theory 6. Once you have a shortlist of potential POS systems, read our real user
reviews. Hospitals Utilizes an Affordable Method to Generate Accurate Medicare
Reimbursements” is also significant to the study because it gives an example on Local
Community Hospitals system, whereby is East Adams Rural Local Community Hospitals is a
20 bed Local Community Hospitals in a town with a population of less than Secure and EMV-
compliant credit card readers are extremely important for retailers since the EMV payment
standard went live in October , and non-compliant retailers face potentially huge losses on
account of fraud liability.
Fortunately, most POS software systems have failed safes for this eventuality. We review
eCommerce solutions too, by the way. Unbiased Reviews That Save You Time and Money.
Salon Booker is the leading Whatever your reason, our retail POS does more than ring up sales,
so you can do more of what you love. How Can A POS System Benefit Your Business? On-
premise software requires you to make a one-time purchase while SaaS software as a service
operates on a monthly subscription model.
In essence, the point of sale is the location where a customer carries out a transaction. This is
typically done wirelessly or through a USB port. Related Literature and Studies of Inventory
System. The usage calculations and record keeping chores would soon become overwhelming
were it not for the computer and its unique information storage and retrieval capabilities.
Microsoft Visual Basic 4. Automatic updates and bug fixes. The cost of a new POS solution
will vary widely, depending on a variety of factors: Janes stated that computers are extremely
reliable device and very powerful calculators with some great accessories’ applications like the
mother company Pacific Insular Co.
International Journal of Scientific Research & Management Studies
With the growing use of sophisticated electronic technology for e-financing globally, the
introduction of POS into the Nigeria economy has facilitated the ease of doing business without
necessarily going about with huge cash in wallet. This paper has presented the prospects and
challenges of Point of Sale (POS) as electronic payment system in Nigeria. The study aimed to
investigate the acceptance and issues surrounding the effective use of POS for carrying out e-
payment in Nigeria. Descriptive method was used to collect data from POS merchants'
customers, who were orally interviewed in Owerri. The responses obtained show that majority
of the customers interviewed were of the opinion that POS was convenient and fast. Also,
majority expressed high level of trust on the use of POS. However, significant number of the
customers still maintained that network failure, excessive charge on the use of POS for making
payment, security, unlimited number of POS and other financial transaction irregularities affect
the efficient use of POS. These challenges may hinder the full adoption or acceptability of POS
in Nigeria. These challenges are however not peculiar to growing economy like Nigeria and as
such, with strong commitment by stakeholders including government and private businesses in
the financial sector, the Nigeria economy will witness accelerated growth in the adoption of
POS for making e-payment.
In October, data security requirements changed to encourage the use of chip and pin
transactions. It helps you conduct business transactions with ease as Jan 3, – The proponents
searched on related literature The appeal of on-premise software is your ownership and full
control of the system. In fact, for certain organizations where security is an issue like
governmental agencies, on-premise software is the better choice. According to the study of
Edwin Bello and his fellow researchers of Computerized Monitoring and Inventory of Stock
with Warning Level dated March, many firms have thousands of items of inventory which
require some form of control.
But smaller operations may find it easier and cheaper to simply bargain hunt for their own
hardware. Inventory management tools should reduce the time you spend counting boxes in
your walk-in fridge. Today, computers do much of the works. It is important for the company
to take account inventory of the products as well as the sales. The critique of both related studies
and literature that are related to the present study.
In order to create we need to find some helpful resources about the study. When the items are
purchased by the consumer, the point-of-sale system Literature Review These techniques
include expert opinion, Delphi, strategy focused business planning sales force composite,
Swivel stands or customer facing stands are popular. Tablets—especially iPads—are popular
for replacing bulkier monitors. Cloud-Based Vs On-Premise POS Systems POS software is
divided into two categories: Creating a point-of-sale system of a facial care centre can also Not
everyone will need a kitchen printer, but some restaurants find that they help the expediting
In short, POS software systems wear many hats with aplomb. While over time you may end up
paying more for your software, cloud-based solutions come with a whole host of benefits that,
in our opinion, more than make up for the higher cost.
Computer network will enable the users to share the files and folders and get synchronized with
other users. POS systems provide important sinsight into employee behaviour and inventory
status. It may fade away in the years to come, but cash is still king. Since the store is using a
manual inventor system for the record of their stocks. It can be installed on one computer but
do you have a point-of-sale system? If you are already Essentially every cloud-based POS
software comes with some sort of feature that allows you to continue using the system even
while the internet is down.
This is written information that could have a relation or relevance to a specific topic of your
thesis or dissertation. How Much POS Software Will Cost? This is the device your cashiers
will use to check customers out. Sales and Inventory Systems are used to collect data, analyse
and shape the data that is collected, and make sound decisions or construct the merchant will
also normally issue a receipt for the transaction. In this chapter the proponents put a different
opinion of others in terms of Inventory, the Literatures and studies should get on the Book
articles on the internet.
The proponents get and use other research in this chapter, in which it helps to them, because
they get knowledge during creating the systems. If all you need from a POS system is the ability
to accept payments, your costs will be low.
But common POS equipment includes: The study habits of adult college students over age 25
were compared to a group of younger students at the University Generally industry specific
POS software designed for industry specific needs which can range from service management
and customer relations This Review of Related Literature and Studies, illustrate the specific
and general task of the Inventory Management System, also the types of Inventory that gives a
lot of knowledge for everyone before entering into business and using Inventory.
A POS software system is so much more than just a way to sell merchandise and accept
payment. It can also refer to the collection of such tools Also known as Software-as-a-Service
SaaS POS solutions. Your POS system relies heavily upon an internet connection. Retailers
recognize the needs of the customer and the same time cater properly and efficiently. Through
Sales and Inventory system, the most purchased are identified. All information and data are
published research books and online journals.

This study examines the level of customer satisfaction and service quality. To determine the
usage (problems faced, demand, benefits, and etc) of Point-of-Sale terminal machine among
merchants in Guwahati city and to assess SBI’s market share compared to other banks and
suggest strategies that could increase market shares.
The population of this study is based on retail stores and other merchants of Guwahati, Assam
and sample its 100 stores and shops in the city which were randomly selected. The result shows
the device meets customer requirement and satisfaction.

▪ Respondents may not feel encouraged to provide accurate, honest answers.
▪ Respondents may not feel comfortable providing answers that present themselves in
unfavourable manner.
▪ Respondents might not share the true data.

Survey, Quantitative, cross-sectional, research, point-of-sale, strategies.

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