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Activating the Divine Feminine: The Path to Wholeness

Day 1 - Explore the Hidden Feminine Power

Centering Thought: The divine feminine brings me peace and healing
Mantra: Om Shanti
Meaning: I radiate peace

• Write down three things that bring you joy.

• For each thing you wrote down, think of two ways that you could increase the joy you receive
from each.
• Write down two things you’d like to pursue that you believe would increase your sense of joy.

Day 2 - Cultivate Power through Presence

Centering Thought: Feminine power lls my being
Mantra: So Hum
Meaning: I am

• To evaluate the story you are living, write down the words love, compassion, nurturing, healing,
and joy.
• For each word, looking at your life right now, write a score from 1 (I never experience) to 10 (I
experience every day) for each word.
• Looking at your two lowest scores, write down ways to improve this area of your life.

Day 3 - Meet Your True, Whole Self

Centering Thought: My true self is perfect wholeness
Mantra: Sat Chit Ananda
Meaning: I am pure existence, knowledge, and joy

• Look at the following words. Put a plus (+) beside the words you feel are a strong part of you
and a minus (-) beside a word that feels untapped in you: beautiful, lovable, powerful, con dent,
caring, nurturing, carefree, intimate, nurturing, competitive, winner, provider, sensuous, erotic.
• Take two traits from this list you feel are untapped within you and write down in a few words
why you feel this way about them.
• Write down two ways you can become stronger in these areas.

Day 4 - Unify Your Polarities

Centering Thought: I embrace the union of energies within
Mantra: Om Namah Shakti Shivai
Meaning: My awareness is a perfect balance of silence and motion

• Write down three negative traits you associate with the word feminine. For each word,
substitute a positive replacement.
• Having learned how to do this replacement, write down three traits you don’t like in yourself and
nd a positive replacement.
• Re ect on how you can take steps to move from the negative word to the positive one in your

Day 5 - Heal the Divided Self

Centering Thought: My awareness is in harmony with itself
Mantra: Aham Prema
Meaning: My nature is pure love
• Write down three or four negative feelings that your bad memories bring up.
• For each word, score from 1 (fearful, always avoid) to 10 (just a passing feeling) how strongly
you react to the word.
• Write down ways you feel comfortable with that can improve your most negative reactions.

Day 6 - Change Your Beliefs, Change Your Reality

Centering Thought: I accept myself without judgment
Mantra: Hrim Shrim Kleem
Meaning: I open my awareness to wisdom, love, and generosity

• Look at the following core beliefs and mark each one Yes, No, or Maybe as it applies to you: I
am lovable, I am safe and secure, I am supported, I am worthy, I am in touch with my soul.
• For any belief you marked as No or Maybe, write down two reasons you believe this.
• Take one No or Maybe and write down two ways you can get to Yes.

Day 7 - Discover the Voice of the Divine Feminine

Centering Thought: The Divine Feminine inspires me always
Mantra: Om Shrim Namah
Meaning: My awareness expresses the essence of beauty, gratitude, and generosity

• What does your inner voice inspire you with? Write down two or three examples.
• Write down two ways you can nd even more inspiration from the things you wrote down.
• Write down two names of people in your life who inspire you. Take the time to tell them how
they inspire you as soon as you can.

Day 8 - Access the Divine Connection Within

Centering Thought: The energy of the divine feminine is with me always
Mantra: Om Adi Shakti Namah
Meaning: My essential nature is pure life-giving energy

• Write down the qualities of the Divine Feminine in you that are strong motivators. For example,
love, nurturing, creativity, compassion, mothering, emotional bonding, empathy, and caring.
• Select one or two qualities and write down how you can express them even more strongly. For
example, you may meditate on the quality, seek friends who are strong in the same way, or nd
those in need of the quality you possess.
• Look at the list of qualities again. List the ones you feel weakest in. Find ways to strengthen
these qualities, as suggested above.

Day 9 - Trust Your Inner Knowing

Centering Thought: Inner wisdom is part of my being
Mantra: Om Shrim Aieem Namah
Meaning: My consciousness radiates divine wisdom and truth

• Look at the following words: intuition, insight, self-awareness, or wisdom. Which one describes
a quality of consciousness you’d most like to have?
• Taking that one quality, write down how you can strengthen it. For example, stop yourself from
overthinking, be more patient in awaiting inner answers, or ask for inner guidance in meditation.
• Re ecting on the story you are currently living, write down two or three things you’d like to focus
on to upgrade and renew your story. For example, you may wish to boost your con dence,
learn a new skill, pursue creative outlets, improve relationships, cultivate a positive outlook, or
be more involved in your community.

Day 10 - Embrace the Energy of the Divine Mother

Centering Thought: The energy of mothering loves and supports me
Mantra: Om Durgayei Namah
Meaning: My inner nature is nurturing and supportive love

• Look at the following qualities of mothering and write down two or three that you most desire to
have in your life: affection, attention, appreciation, protection, support, love, emotional
closeness, sympathy, and understanding.
• Take one quality of mothering you most desire to receive in your life, and list one or two ways to
go about this. For example, openly express your desire to someone who can ful ll it, or nd a
trusted con dant who has worked on the same issue.
• Take the same quality of mothering you desire and write down how you can give it to others.

Day 11 - Return to Peace

Centering Thought: I access deep peace from within
Mantra: Om Shanti
Meaning: I radiate perfect peace

• Consider a troubling situation you are experiencing or have previously experienced with
someone else. What might happen if you bring peace to the situation – through kindness,
goodwill, and compassion? Write down how you might give and receive at the level of peace
that bene ts both people at the same time.
• Write down how you access deep peace in your life. For example, you may practice meditation,
spend time in nature, or practice compassion with others.
• Write down how you will incorporate more practices that promote peace in your daily life.

Day 12 - Open to the Source of Abundance

Centering Thought: Nature's abundance is open to me
Mantra: Shrim Shreeyei Namah
Meaning: I open my awareness to total ful llment

• Write down your most generous source of abundance in your life.

• Write down the names of two or three people you can be more generous with, especially in the
areas you named above, where you are most generously blessed.
• Write down two ways you can show generosity of spirit.

Day 13 - Spark Your Own Sensuality

Centering Thought: I rejoice in the sensuality of life
Mantra: Om Shreem Namah
Meaning: My consciousness is open to its joyful, loving nature

• Consider what beauty means to you. What is beautiful in your life? What is beautiful within you?
• Consider the ve senses: sight, sound, touch, taste, and smell. How can you engage the
senses in your life?
• Write down examples of sensual or sensuous joy you’d like to experience more. Whatever you
choose, write down one way you can expand this experience.

Day 14 - Uncover the Secret Transformation

Centering Thought: I embrace and trust inner transformation
Mantra: Om Eem Hreem
Meaning: I am aligned with the unifying truth of life

• Write down two ways you can deepen your spiritual life.
• Write down two things that ll you with awe and wonder.
• Looking at what gives you a sense of awe and wonder, write down one or two ways you can
give yourself more of these experiences.
Day 15 - Follow Your Bliss
Centering Thought: Every day brings me an experience of bliss
Mantra: Om Lila Shakti Namah
Meaning: I am aligned with the playful, creative energy of life

• Write down three sources of bliss in your life. For example, being out in Nature, a creative
hobby, being of service, or meditation.
• Thinking about your sources of bliss, pick the one you can most comfortably expand in your life
right now. Write down two steps you can take to accomplish this.
• Look at the following words and write down the one that represents highest bliss to you: love,
compassion, creativity, service, parenting, work, discovery, inner growth, meditation. Meditate
upon this one quality for a month and see if it begins to expand in your life, following your desire
wherever it leads you.

Day 16 - Raise Your Spiritual Intelligence

Centering Thought: I devote myself to my highest values
Mantra: Om Eem Hreem
Meaning: I am aligned with cosmic wisdom

• From the following list, pick two spiritual values that you most want to expand in your life:
unconditional love, divine presence, inspiration, expanded awareness, beauty, bliss, contact
with your soul, inner peace. 
• Looking at your answers, write down the centering thought that af rms your choice, such as “I
am unconditional love,” “I feel divine presence,” or “I and my soul are one.” Pick one centering
thought to meditate on for a month, journaling about your experience every day.  
• Looking at the list again, underline one spiritual value you know you’d like to begin focusing on
in daily activity. Write down two ways you can start to express this value.

Day 17 - Express Yourself

Centering Thought: It is a joy to express my truth
Mantra: Om Kamakshi Namah
Meaning: I align with the caring and supporting power of the universe

• Contemplate what your life looks like if you feel free to joyfully express your truth. Journal about
• Write down an activity that you love, but which you are only passively observing from
the sidelines.
• Re ecting on your answer, write down two ways you can begin to participate in the things that
you are interested in and passionate about.

Day 18 - Experience the Fullness of Love

Centering Thought: The source of love is here in me
Mantra: Aham Prema
Meaning: I am divine love

• Looking at every area of love in your life, give a number to how much you feel you deserve all
this love, where 1 = Completely undeserving, 5 = Deserve about what I am experiencing now,
and 10 = Deserve unconditional love.
• Write down two areas that need strengthening and that made you score yourself less than 10.
• List changes you can make to feel more loved and lovable. For example, spend time with young
children, show more affection in your relationship, forgive old grudges, forgive yourself, and ind
activities that boost your self-worth.
Day 19 - Tap into Your Power
Centering Thought: The ow of life gives me my power
Mantra: Iccha Shaki Namah
Meaning: I align with the divine will and intention of the universe

• Write down where in your life you would like to tap into your inner power.
• What are your goals, dreams, aspirations, and talents? If you remember the power of the Divine
Feminine lies within you, what will you pursue in your life?
• The Divine Feminine power is giving, receiving, and nurturing. Write down a few ways you can
use this power to nurture yourself and others.

Day 20 - Follow the Path of Creativity

Centering Thought: Creativity allows me to give generously
Mantra: Om Shrim Aieem
Meaning: I align with the creative, abundant energy of the universe

• Write down what creativity means to you.

• Consider the ways in which you can cultivate creativity in your own life. Write down how you
can renew and refresh your well of creativity every day.
• When you remember that you have an in nite source of creativity within, you can give
generously from an over owing cup. Write down how you will share your creativity, joy,
affection, appreciation with others.

Day 21 - Release into Complete Trust

Centering Thought: I can be here now in complete safety and security
Mantra: Om Dum Durgayei
Meaning: I align with the nurturing, protective energy of the universe

• Write down what trust means to you. What would it look like in your life to release into complete
• Write down a few ways you can cultivate a sense of safety and security within.
• Imagine that you are writing a letter to yourself 10 years from now. With compassion and
encouragement, you want to share with yourself everything you’ve learned and remembered
about trusting yourself and trusting the safety and security within. What do you have to say?
Write it down.

Day 22 - Come Home to In nity

Centering Thought: I embrace my in nite possibilities
Mantra: Aham Brahmasmi
Meaning: I am the wholeness of existence

• Write down where in your life you feel constrained or limited.

• What steps can you take to improve the situation by approaching your life with openness? How
might the situation look if you approach it without judgments or expectations?
• Write down the biggest resistance in yourself to opening your mind and heart to in nite
possibilities. Write down a positive next step you can take to connect with the Divine Feminine
and move through this resistance. 

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