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University of Agriculture Faisalabad

Submitted By:

Name: Kanza Arshad

Assignment: 1st

Course Name: Business Management (723)

Submitted to:

Professor Dr Saqia

MS.SE 3rd

Department of Computer Science

Faculty of Sciences
Artificial intelligence

Author &year Purpose of the Methodology Finding and Future

study adopted conclusion recommendations
Anthony C.ChangMD The COVID-19 Several important The quote from
The present state of
artificial intelligence takeaways in
December 2020 pandemic has the venerable Dr.
lead to reflecting about the Anthony Fauci:
and COVID-19
Artificial intelligence role of artificial
catastrophic “You don’t make
number of intelligence in the timeline, the
and its panoply of
methodologies were global health crises
deaths and virus makes the
rendered only partly such as the
revealed that timeline” should
much work still COVID-19 be challenged this
effective during the
remains with pandemic: coming decade by
pandemic ([2]). The
mankind taking
data and following not an
1) control of the
artificial exhaustive review
This human vs virus
intelligence. To but rather a summary
pandemic eternal struggle.
fully of some of the
exposed the Let’s imagine our
comprehend the activities in using
myriad of strategy against a
dynamics of a artificial intelligence
inadequacie future “COVID-
pandemic with in the 1)
s of 29” in the near
relevance to epidemiology, 2)
healthcare future and how
artificial diagnosis, and 3)
data as well artificial
intelligence, a
therapy during the
as the lack intelligence can be
pandemic, with each
primer on global a tour de force in
section followed by a of sharing
health concepts of this data; the future
short personal
is first management of
presented. 2) pandemics:
Following this, The dire A novel
various aspects need for an coronavirus
y of COVID-
of diagnosis and agile outbreak is
therapy and the clinical detected in
relationship to Prediction Models. science southern France
artificial The two types of approach with clinical
intelligence are models are statistical with real- manifestation of
and mechanistic: time data bleeding and
presented along
while the former uses science to seizures with an
with a future
machine learning for providing R0 of 7.5 and a
projection of an
short-term caretakers case fatality of
ideal greater than 50%.
forecasting, the latter the
deployment of The AI-enabled
takes into account information
artificial MRI scans of the
future transmission they so
intelligence in a brain revealed an
scenarios. Although badly need
pandemic. Final unusual pattern of
thoughts are the IHME model, a to care for brain
made about statistical model, those inflammation and
lessons learned won early praise for afflicted convolutional
and what lies its more accurate with the neural network
ahead. Camus predictions, it infection; and natural
was prescient as appears that it is language
the world has simply very difficult 3) processing using
seen the ravages for any model to be The GPT-7 as well as
the continual mismatch unsupervised
of the novel
preferred oracle for between learning (cluster
coronavirus and
accurately predicting data science analysis) are used
deaths and spread of approach to to collect data on
through most of epidemiolog
the disease. This is in these patients
this year with no y and the
part due to the using their ICU
immediate relief complex
differences in data. Zero-shot
in sight. The assumptions amongst nature of learning with
Canadian models: while the pandemics transfer learning
company IHME model with its high are deployed for
BlueDot was currently utilizes degree of ICUs around the
purported to be anonymized mobile human world as an alert
the first phone data and social behavior for these cases. In
organization to distancing policies to and pursuit of an
disclose the estimate degree of biomedical effective
possibility of an contact (changed uncertainty. anticipation and
outbreak back in since early May), containment
other models assume Viruses are the near strategy of the
December by
other elements (such perfect complex novel virus,
using machine
as stay-at-home adaptive system mandatory daily
learning and
orders) for various (CAS) as these testing at home
natural language
decreases in contact machine-like (15 s for results)
between people. automata self- with wirelessly
organize, pursue a automated data
2) common goal entry is
since then, Diagnosis of (finding a live host to immediately
however, has COVID-19 replicate), and do this started for all of
been somewhat France and its
without a central
under-leveraged Medical Image surrounding
leader. Albert Camus
as a valuable Interpretation. There countries. Edge
described a pandemic
resource to are many reports of computing is used
s as “a shrewd,
mitigate the artificial intelligence to complement the
used in COVID-19 in unflagging adversary;
stress and digital technology
radiologic imaging a skilled organizer,
burden of for relevant data
of COVID-19 with doing his work
frontline entry into the data
the deployment of thoroughly and well.”
healthcare repository.
deep learning and Future pandemics
workers in the
convolutional neural (including a second
tenacious fight
network (CNN) of wave of COVID-19
against the virus  chest X-rays and CT later this year and
or MRI lung images early next year) may
very well be even
more dangerous
adversaries as these
become even more
contagious and lethal.
We can, however,
surpass their
capabilities with
passion, inspiration,
and creativity but we
humans also have
greed, selfishness,
and independence.
SamuelLalmuanawm During the A selective assessment The ongoing This review shows
a recent global of information on the development in AI that the use of
 October 2020 urgency, research article was and ML has modern technology
scientists, executed on the significantly with AI and ML
clinicians, and databases related to the improved treatment, dramatically
healthcare application of ML and medication, improves the
experts around AI technology on screening, prediction, screening,
the globe keep Covid-19. Rapid and forecasting, contact prediction, contact
on searching for critical analysis of the tracing, and tracing, forecasting,
a new three crucial drug/vaccine and drug/vaccine
technology to parameters, i.e., development process development with
support in abstract, methodology, for the Covid-19 extreme reliability.
tackling the and the conclusion was pandemic and reduce Majority of the
Covid-19 done to relate to the the human paper employed
pandemic. The model's possibilities intervention in deep learning
evidence of for tackling the SARS- medical practice. algorithms and is
Machine CoV-2 epidemic However, most of the found to have more
Learning (ML) models are not potential, robust,
and Artificial deployed enough to and advance among
Intelligence (AI) show their real-world the other learning
application on operation, but they algorithms.
the previous are still up to the However, the
epidemic mark to tackle the current urgency
encourage SARS-CoV-2 requires an
researchers by epidemic improved model
giving a new with high-end
angle to fight performance
against the novel accuracy in
Coronavirus screening and
outbreak. This predicting the
paper aims to SARS-CoV-2 with a
comprehensivel different kind of
y review the role related disease by
of AI and ML as analyzing the
one significant clinical,
method in the mammographic, and
arena of demographic
screening, information of the
predicting, suspects and
forecasting, infected patients.
contact tracing, Finally, it is evident
and drug that AI and ML can
development for significantly
SARS-CoV-2 improve treatment,
and its related medication,
epidemic. screening &
forecasting, contact
tracing, and
development for the
Covid-19 pandemic
and reduce the
human intervention
in medical practice.
However, most of
the models are not
deployed enough to
show their real-
world operation, but
they are still up to
the mark to tackle
the pandemic.
NanWei Conventional The research This paper reviews Moreover, several
October 2019 models and methodology of this the conventional suggestions for
artificial work can be models and AI-based future research are
intelligence summarized as models used in concluded as
(AI)-based follows: energy consumption follows: first, in
models have forecasting. The short-term
been widely ● classification of the forecasting, RM and
applied for
Performing a models has been TS models can
energy described in this obtain comparable
based search
consumption paper and the forecasting accuracy
forecasting over Google scholar, as a forecasting horizon, to AI-based models
the past decades. powerful paper applied area, and and more than 20%
This paper search engine, was forecasting accuracy of them are
reviews employed to perform of the models have employed in this
conventional a keyword-based also been discussed. horizon. These
models and AI- searching of Additionally, based white-box models
based models in published papers on the analysis of superior than AI-
energy from 1990 to 2019. cumulative MAPE based models in
consumption The keywords used frequency, the terms of explanation
forecasting, and in our investigation reference ranges of the relationship
include: energy
discusses the MAPE for the between
models in the models in energy consumption data
forecasting, energy
aspects of consumption and influencing
load forecasting,
forecasting forecasting are factors. Thus, these
energy demand
horizon, applied forecasting, energy summarized. models are
areas, type of consumption According to the suggested to be used
model, and prediction, energy review results, the as the model for
forecasting load prediction, major conclusions short-term
accuracy. The energy demand can be summarized forecasting. Second,
conventional prediction, and as follows: some researchers
models are consumption Conventional models indicated that DL
categorized into forecasting model. In are preferred for the models have better
time series this step, 113 yearly energy performance than
models, published papers consumption other AI-based
regression were collected. forecasting in the models in short-
models, and national level. This term forecasting. Up
gray models. Searching type of model shows to now, DL models
relevant cited
The AI-based a great experience in have been used very
models are this field; 68% of few and its
grouped into Papers, related to conventional models robustness and
artificial neural energy consumption are applied to predict performance need to
network-based forecasting, cited in yearly energy be further validated.
models and the references of consumption Lastly, a
support vector collected papers forecasting and 64% professional
regression were further of them are used in evaluation
machine-based identified as national level benchmark for
models. additional candidate AI-based models are energy consumption
Additionally, to papers robust and full-scale forecasting is
the best of our in all forecasting necessary to be
knowledge, the Screening the horizons and applied established. As
evaluation of the collected areas. Particularly, forecasting models
papers these models have a become more
performance in strong capability in accurate and robust,
There are three
different criteria for screening providing accurate conventional
forecasting the papers. First, the forecasting for the benchmarks, i.e.
horizons is a objective of paper short-term energy Lewis' benchmark,
critical issue that must involve in the consumption of are inadequate to
has not been forecasting of energy regional level. evaluate the
solved. Thus, for consumption detailed reference performance of
better evaluate range of MAPE for models in highly
the performance Reviewing evaluating the accurate level.
of forecasting
the papers performance of Additionally, some
models, a energy consumption researchers also
All the papers
detailed obtained above were forecasting is noticed that MAPE
reference range reviewed to define proposed. According may be severely
of mean their purpose of to the cumulative affected by low
absolute forecasting, frequencies of values. Thus, a
percentage error forecasting horizons, models' professional
(MAPE) in data properties, MAPEs, quartiles are forecasting
energy applied areas, data introduced to divide benchmark is
consumption preprocessing metho the highly accurate of essential to be
forecasting will ds, and forecasting Lewis's benchmark constructed based
also been methods into four sub-levels on a robust and
proposed. The Introducing reliable indicator in
review results the future researches
show that forecasting
conventional models
models are
This review paper
preferred for the
focuses on the
yearly energy
conventional models
consumption and AI-based models
forecasting in applied in energy
national level. consumption
Among forecasting.
them, nonlinear
regression Analyzing the
models can not review results
only explicitly
describe the In Section 5, the
relationship proportion of
conventional models
and AI-based models
in terms of
data and
forecasting horizon
and application area
factors but also are discussed.
obtain the
lowest average
MAPE (1.79%)
for long-term
forecasting. AI-
based models
are robust and
full-scale in all
applied areas
and forecasting
horizons. This
paper provides
suggestions for
researchers in
model selection
and serves as an
initial study of
the evaluation
construction for
Research proposal

Game Playing

Games have over the years fascinated many people. As long as there have been computers efforts have
been made to provide them with abilities to play games. As early as in the eighteenth century Charles
Babbage considered the possibility of getting a machine to play chess. In the beginning of the 1950’s
Claude Shannon and Alan Turing made the first sketches of chess programs. Starting from Shannon and
Turing’s ideas Arthur Samuel in 1959 wrote the first program that was able to play checkers. The
program was able to learn from its errors and achieved an impressive playing strength. It was capable of
beating the world champion of checkers at that time. Chess is a more complex game than checkers. Not
until during the last decade one has succeeded in developing programs that can beat the best human chess
players. Game playing is a popular application area for artificial intelligence. There are a number of
reasons for this popularity, but probably the most import reason is that games are suitable for evaluating
some of the central techniques of artificial intelligence, such as search and use of heuristic knowledge.
Normally, a game is based on a few, simple rules, and it is easy to measure success and failure. The goal
of this project is to develop a program, which is able to play a given game. The game is assumed to have
the following two properties. It must be a two-person game, i.e., a game where two persons take turns in
making moves, and it must be a game of perfect information, i.e., a game where both players knows the
current state of the game (nothing is hidden to the players). Among games with these properties may be
mentioned: Chess, Othello, Go, Tic-Tac-Toe, and Kalaha. As a part of the project a general program
package is developed which may be used to play any two-person game of perfect information. The
package must provide a search method (for example, the so-called Alpha-Beta method) for producing a
“good“ move in a given position. The user of the package must provide information about the game to be
played, including representation of a position, a specification of legal moves, and a position evaluation
function. Use of the package is demonstrated through a game chosen by the project group. If the group
has additional resources may be provided with a graphical user interface.

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