Mubashir Personal Assessment

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Personal Assessment

Number Strengths Weaknesses

1 Never give up attitude Over sleeping
2 Able to form and run a team Very weak time management in
effectively studies
3 Able to memorize stuff soon Very lazy
4 Good writer Weak in Maths
5 Very punctual Have a lot of ideas in mind but
fear overshadows to initiate those
6 Sound knowledge in IT & Weak in Uridu and Pashto
7 Good listener Wasting a lot of time in social
8 Able to present stuff creatively Take too much time in planning
9 Love to accept challenges Easily distracted
10 Will accept defeat without Weak in multitasking
blaming others
11 Love to explore opportunities and Impulsive
try them
12 Easy going and very open to

1. The time of food delivery must be extended or the cafeteria should be opened till mid
2. The gym being shifted to the hostel 3 bring in a lot of noise which distracts students and
brings in lots of safety issues of belongings.
3. The duration of the meal time is not enough.
4. The gate closing time at night must be atleast extended on weekends.
5. The cafeteria has expensive food with less quality.
6. All the washrooms in the ground floor of hostel 3 must be open because one washroom
is not enough for many students.
7. The wifi speed is very slow at many times.
8. The basketball court’s floor must be changed because it is slippery and it will cause
serious injuries to players.
9. There must be washing machine in every hostel.
10. A proper organized system must be followed in the cafeteria while ordering and
distributing food.

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