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8 Ways to Power Your Home with Renewable Energy

(Power your home, save money, and help the environment)

By Avery Thompson And Joseph Truini
Nov 19, 2019


It wasn’t long ago that the idea of producing energy to power your home was considered
crazy talk. But, technological advancements over the past decade or so have produced both
active and passive ways to create renewable energy.

Now, you might not be able to power your entire home, especially if you live in an extremely
hot or cold climate or own a massively large home. But, by employing one or more of the
eight systems outlined below, you’ll certainly be able take a huge bite out of your monthly
energy bills.
Rooftop Solar Panels

One of the most popular and effective ways to produce renewable energy is with photovoltaic
(PV) panels. The panels are typically placed on the roof or in the yard where they capture the
sun’s energy and convert it into electricity. And depending on your latitude and the
orientation of the panels, you could generate 10 or more watts per square foot.
When calculating the right size solar system for your home, keep in mind that the average
American household consumes about 900 kilowatt-hours (kWh) of electricity per month,
according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration.

There are two common ways to get a PV solar system: solar leasing and outright ownership.
You may have received mailings from companies offering free solar leasing systems. And,
although it sounds too good to be true, the systems are free, including the solar panels and
installation. These deals are known as Power Purchase Arrangements (PPA), and here’s how
they work: A third party hires the installation crew and covers the cost of the solar system. It
then charges you only for the solar energy produced by the system. The rate is locked in for a
specific period of time, and is typically much lower than what you’re currently paying the
utility company. The key benefit, as mentioned earlier, is that you pay nothing for installation
or maintenance. However, you also don’t qualify for any tax credits or rebates; those go
directly to the leasing company.

With outright ownership, you receive 100 percent of the solar energy produced by the system,
and you qualify for all state and federal tax credits, rebates and incentives. The downside is
that you must pay for the entire system, including the panels, installation and maintenance.
However, most homeowners recoup the cost within a few years through lower electric bills,
and even sooner if the system produces an excess of electricity that can be sold back to the
utility company.

Here’s an alternative to roof-mounted solar panels: If your current roof is nearing the end of
its life, you might want to consider investing in solar shingles. Solar shingles, which are also
known as building-integrated photovoltaics (BIPV), are thin, flat solar panels that replace
many of the existing shingles on the roof. As a result, BIPV are less obtrusive and sleeker
looking than traditional PV panels, which are mounted on top of your current roof. Solar roof
shingles are currently available from several companies, including CertainTeed, Tesla Solar
Roof, and SunTegra.
Of course, the drawback to solar power is that it only works when the sun is up. If you want
to power your home when the sun is down, you'll need to pay for grid electricity or invest in a
second type of renewable energy.

Wind Turbines

Wind turbines are most commonly found on large tracts of open land, called wind farms, or
floating offshore. But, if you have enough real estate you can install a small wind turbine on
your property to power your home.

There are a few downsides to a wind turbine that make them less popular in residential areas.
First, they’re not all that attractive and some can be pretty noisy. Plus, depending on where
you live, local laws, HOAs, and zoning regulations may outright forbid wind turbines.

But if these disadvantages don't apply to you, wind power can be a great asset. Wind power is
more stable than solar, and a properly sized wind turbine can easily generate most or all of
your electricity needs. And in some areas, wind might be a better renewable energy source
than solar panels.

Generally speaking, you need sustained winds of at least 10 miles per hour (MPH) to produce
a significant amount of power. And, of course, energy production increases with wind speed.
A 12-MPH wind will generate about 70% more energy than a 10-MPH wind. And wind
speeds are also affected by the height of the turbine. A 10 kW wind turbine mounted on a
100-foot tower generates 30% more power than a 60-foot tower.

Solar Oven

Perhaps you're not ready to invest in producing enough renewable energy to power your
entire home. Or, maybe solar and wind just aren’t feasible for any number of reasons. That’s
okay you can still power part of your home with a solar oven.

Solar ovens work by trapping sunlight to heat food. You can buy a solar oven or build your
own out of some cardboard, insulation and aluminum foil. Solar ovens make sense because
the typical household electric oven uses quite a bit of energy. And harnessing the sun’s
energy to passively cook food is a great way to get started in the world of renewable energy.

A solar oven has several benefits: it cooks food for free and it works virtually anywhere, even
during a power outage or emergency. All you need is some sunshine and you'll never have to
have to eat a cold meal due to a lack of power.
Hydro Power

Now this option won't work for most people, but if your property contains a source of
flowing water, you're in luck. You can divert some or all of the stream or river to flow
through a hydroelectric generator to create electricity for your home.

There are a number of ways to go about doing this, but at its most basic, you'll want to find
the largest vertical distance the water will travel, and divert that water so it flows through the
generator in a controlled manner. Depending on the amount of water and vertical distance,
you can produce a substantial amount of power this way. Setting up a hydroelectric generator
isn’t easy, and you may need to have a professional install it for you. If you have some
engineering knowledge, though, you could even build it yourself from scratch.

And the advantages to hydropower are immense. Unlike solar and wind, hydro is relatively
stable and continuous, which means you'll always get the same input no matter what. As long
as the water is flowing, you'll never have to worry that your generator won't be able to power
your home. That piece of mind might be worth undertaking a little engineering project.

Solar Water Heating

Solar-powered water heaters are similar to PV solar panels, except that instead of producing
electricity, they heat water. And it doesn’t take many solar water panels to dramatically
reduce or even eliminate the energy used by a traditional gas or electric water heater.

Solar water heaters use the sun to heat a reserve of water, which can then be pumped through
your radiators or out your faucets and showerheads. This system is much cheaper than using
gas or electricity to heat your water, and is easier to install than solar panels. If you're not
willing to completely commit to powering your entire home with renewable energy, solar
water heating is a good alternative to help slash your monthly energy bill.

Solar Air Conditioning

It might seem strange to use heat from the sun to cool your home, but that's exactly what
solar air conditioning does. Solar air conditioning employs the same principles of a solar
water heater, but uses that hot water in an air conditioning system.

Traditional air conditioners use more electricity than any other mechanical system or
appliance in the home, especially if you have central air and you live in a hot climate. Solar
air conditioning can cut cooling costs, saving you a substantial amount of money each year.
And many solar AC systems can also be configured to heat the home and produce domestic
hot water.

Tesla Powerwall

Technically, the Tesla Powerwall (and other similar large rechargeable battery) isn't exactly
renewable energy, but it does work well with any home renewable generator and can even
save you money without any other renewable systems.

Introduced in 2015, the Powerwall is a large rechargeable lithium-ion battery that can store
several kilowatt-hours of electricity. On its own, it can be programmed to charge itself from
the grid when electricity prices are low, and discharge when prices are high, to save you
money during peak hours. However, Powerwall can also be used in conjunction with a source
of renewable energy, such as solar or wind power.
The Powerwall stores excess electricity that you don't use right away, so you can always use
renewable solar or wind energy, even when the sun is down or the wind's not blowing. The
Powerwall can smooth out fluctuations in your renewable energy generation, eliminating one
of the main disadvantages of renewable energy. Plus, thanks to upcoming legislation you may
be able to receive a tax credit for connecting your Powerwall to the grid.

Tubular Skylights

Although tubular skylights don’t actually create electricity, they do produce free natural light
for your home, which can slash your electric-light bill. A tubular skylight, which is often
called a Sun Tunnel, consists of a clear roof-mounted dome, round metal tube, and ceiling
diffuser. The metal tube runs between the dome on the roof and the diffuser mounted to the
ceiling. The inside surface of the tube has a highly reflective, mirror-like coating that reflects
over 90% of sunlight and delivers it through the diffuser, which produces a soft, radiant glow
of natural light.

Tubular skylights have many advantages over traditional skylights: they’re much quicker,
easier and cheaper to install; there’s no need to build a light shaft down from the roof; and
tubular skylights come with either rigid or flexible tubes, which can fit into small spaces and,
when necessary, snake around obstacles in the attic. The downside of tubular skylights, of
course, is that they don’t work at night. Although some tubular skylight manufacturers do
offer an optional light kit, which fits inside the tube for night-time use.
11 Different Sources of Alternative Energy
 By Renewable Resources Co | (Last Updated: November 15, 2016)
The Best Examples of Alternative Energy Sources

11. Hydrogen Gas

Unlike other forms of natural gas, hydrogen is a completely clean burning fuel. Once
produced, hydrogen gas cells emit only water vapor and warm air when in use.
The major issue with this form of alternative energy is that it is mostly derived from
the use of natural gas and fossil fuels. As such, it could be argued that the emissions created
to extract it counteract the benefits of its use.
The process of electrolysis, which is essential for the splitting of water into hydrogen
and oxygen, makes this less of an issue. However, electrolysis still ranks below the
previously mentioned methods for obtaining hydrogen, though research continues to make it
more efficient and cost-effective.

10. Tidal Energy

While tidal energy uses the power of water to generate energy, much like with
hydroelectric methods, its application actually has more in common with wind turbines in
many cases.
Though it is a fairly new technology, its potential is enormous. A report produced in
the United Kingdom estimated that tidal energy could meet as much as 20% of the UK’s
current electricity demands.
The most common form of tidal energy generation is the use of Tidal Stream
Generators. These use the kinetic energy of the ocean to power turbines, without producing
the waste of fossil fuels or being as susceptible to the elements as other forms of alternative

9. Biomass Energy

Biomass energy comes in a number of forms. Burning wood has been used for

thousands of years to create heat, but more recent advancements have also seen waste, such
as that in landfills, and alcohol products used for similar purposes.
Focusing on burning wood, the heat generated can be equivalent to that of a central
heating system. Furthermore, the costs involved tend to be lower and the amount of carbon
released by this kind of fuel falls below the amount released by fossil fuels.
However, there are a number of issues that you need to consider with these systems,
especially if installed in the home. Maintenance can be a factor, plus you may need to acquire
permission from a local authority to install one.

8. Wind Energy

This form of energy generation has become increasingly popular in recent years. It
offers much the same benefits that many other alternative fuel sources do in that it makes use
of a renewable source and generates no waste.
Current wind energy installations power roughly twenty million homes in the United
States per year and that number is growing. Most states in the nation now have some form of
wind energy set-up and investment into the technology continues to grow.
Unfortunately, this form of energy generation also presents challenges. Wind turbines
restrict views and may be dangerous to some forms of wildlife.

7. Geothermal Power

At its most basic, geothermal power is about extracting energy from the ground
around us. It is growing increasingly popular, with the sector as a whole experiencing five
percent growth in 2015.
The World Bank currently estimates that around forty countries could meet most of
their power demands using geothermal power.
This power source has massive potential while doing little to disrupt the land.
However, the heavy upfront costs of creating geothermal power plants has led to slower
adoption than may have been expected for a fuel source with so much promise.

6. Natural Gas

Natural gas sources have been in use for a number of decades, but it is through the
progression of compression techniques that it is becoming a more viable alternative energy
source. In particular, it is being used in cars to reduce carbon emissions.
Demand for this energy source has been increasing. In 2016, the lower 48 states of the
United States reached record levels of demand and consumption.
Despite this, natural gas does come with some issues. The potential for
contamination is larger than with other alternative fuel sources and natural gas still emits
greenhouse gases, even if the amount is lower than with fossil fuels.

5. Biofuels

In contrast to biomass energy sources, biofuels make use of animal and plant life to
create energy. In essence they are fuels that can be obtained from some form of organic
They are renewable in cases where plants are used, as these can be regrown on a
yearly basis. However, they do require dedicated machinery for extraction, which can
contribute to increased emissions even if biofuels themselves don’t.
Biofuels are increasingly being adopted, particularly in the United States. They
accounted for approximately seven percent of transport fuel consumption as of 2012.

4. Wave Energy

Water again proves itself to be a valuable contributor to alternative energy fuel

sources with wave energy converters. These hold an advantage over tidal energy sources
because they can be placed in the ocean in various situations and locations.
Much like with tidal energy, the benefits come in the lack of waste produced. It is also
more reliable than many other forms of alternative energy and has enormous potential when
used properly.
Again, the cost of such systems is a major contributing factor to slow uptake. We also
don’t yet have enough data to find out how wave energy converters affect natural ecosystems.

3. Hydroelectric Energy

Hydroelectric methods actually are some of the earliest means of creating energy,
though their use began to decline with the rise of fossil fuels. Despite this, they still account
for approximately seven percent of the energy produced in the United States.
Hydroelectric energy carries with it a number of benefits. Not only is it a clean source
of energy, which means it doesn’t create pollution and the myriad issues that arise from it, but
it is also a renewable energy source.
Better yet, it also offers a number of secondary benefits that are not immediately
apparent. The dams used in generating hydroelectric power also contribute to flood control
and irrigation techniques.

2. Nuclear Power

Nuclear power is amongst the most abundant forms of alternative energy. It creates a
number of direct benefits in terms of emissions and efficiency, while also boosting the
economy by creating jobs in plant creation and operation.
Thirteen countries relied on nuclear power to produce at least a quarter of their
electricity as of 2015 and there are currently 450 plants in operation throughout the world.
The drawback is that when something goes wrong with a nuclear power plant the
potential for catastrophe exists. The situations in Chernobyl and Fukushima are examples of

1. Solar Power

When most people think of alternative energy sources they tend to use solar power as
an example. The technology has evolved massively over the years and is now used for large-
scale energy production and power generation for single homes.
A number of countries have introduced initiatives to promote the growth of solar
power. The United Kingdom’s ‘Feed-in Tariff’ is one example, as is the United States’ ‘Solar
Investment Tax Credit’.
This energy source is completely renewable and the costs of installation are
outweighed by the money saved in energy bills from traditional suppliers. Nevertheless, solar
cells are prone to deterioration over large periods of time and are not as effective in unideal
weather conditions.

In Conclusion

As the issues that result from the use of traditional fossil fuels become more
prominent, alternative fuel sources like the ones mentioned here are likely to gain further
Their benefits alleviate many of the problems caused by fossil fuel use, particularly
when it comes to emissions. However, the advancement of some of these technologies has
been slowed down due to the amount of investment needed to make them viable.
Through combining them all we may be able to positively affect issues like climate
change, pollution and many others.
5 Home Renewable Energy Options You've Never Heard Of
By Janelle Sorensen; (Updated 11/03/19)

1. Residential Wind Power

We’ve seen those massive wind turbines, but it's also possible to use wind energy on a smaller
scale to power your home. Small wind energy is renewable, clean, and cost-effective.
Depending on your location and the type of home wind system installed, you’ll typically see a
return on investment anywhere from six to 30 years. After that, the electricity the turbine
produces will be virtually free.

If your main goal is to lower your electric bill, a grid-connected wind system might be ideal for
you. Grid-connected systems are cheaper because you can install a smaller system that doesn't
necessarily have to meet all of your home's power needs. When your energy demands are too
high for your wind turbines, the extra power you need is drawn from the grid. And if you
consistently generate more electricity than you need, you could find yourself getting cash back
from your utility company.

Additionally, the investment can increase the value of your home, and you might be eligible for
some tax incentives. Like many other renewable energy options, small wind turbines qualify
for a federal tax credit of 30 percent in the United States. Other financial incentives might be
available through your state or individual utilities, some of which you can find via the Database
of State Incentives for Renewables and Efficiency.

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Watch Now: Live Off The Grid In Luxury with This Eco House
2. Hybrid

If off-grid living is your ideal scenario, many renewable energy experts recommend a hybrid
system of wind and solar energy. Hybrid systems feature both wind turbines and solar panels to
double up on the generative power. These systems are the most efficient and reliable, as wind
and solar energy tend to be most available at different times.

Depending on the location, wind speeds tend to be lower in the summer when the sun shines
brightest and longest, and they're higher in the winter when less sunlight is available. Because
peak generation for wind and solar systems often occurs at different times, a hybrid system is
more likely to consistently produce the energy your home needs.

3. Geothermal

Geothermal energy is derived from the heat below the earth’s surface. This clean energy source
supplies renewable power around the clock and emits little to no greenhouse gases—all while
requiring a small environmental footprint to develop.

Geothermal heat pumps use 25 percent to 50 percent less electricity than conventional HVAC
systems, and they can be retrofitted onto existing systems. Plus, because the hardware requires
less space than a typical HVAC system, equipment rooms can be smaller. And the components
often come with warranties lasting 20 years or longer.

Moreover, a geothermal heat pump doesn't have a condensing unit like an air conditioner, so

noise outside the home isn't a factor. The system sometimes is so quiet that residents can't even
tell it’s running. It's also adept at keeping a home comfortable, as a unit maintains about 50
percent relative indoor humidity.

Shallow ground temperatures are pretty consistent throughout the U.S., so geothermal heat
pumps can be installed in most places. Your installer will determine what's best for your home
based on the specific geological, hydrological, and spatial characteristics of your land.

4. Microhydropower

For those who have flowing water on their property, the affordability and major returns from a
microhydro generator make it a total no-brainer. Even a small stream can generate consistent,
clean, dam-free, renewable electricity at a price lower than solar or wind.

A microhydropower system needs a waterwheel, turbine, or pump to convert the power of

water into electricity. First, water is diverted to a water conveyance—usually a pipeline—that
delivers it to a waterwheel (or another similar component). The moving water rotates the wheel,
and this motion powers the alternator or generator to create electricity. The system can be on-
or off-grid and should be able to power a typical large house.

5. Solar Shingles

Say goodbye to giant, cumbersome solar panels. Photovoltaic roof tiles, or “solar shingles,”
have become a great option for homeowners looking to lower their electric bills without
sacrificing the aesthetic value of their homes.

These shingles are much easier to install than traditional bolt-on solar panels, and they’re
certainly more pleasing to the eye. Solar shingles blend with conventional shingles almost
seamlessly, and they do their part to protect the roof from the elements. In fact, Tesla says its
solar shingles are three times stronger than traditional shingles, and the company guarantees
them for the lifetime of your house.

Solar shingles cost roughly a third more than the average solar panel installation, but there
are tax incentives to help offset the price. A similar, less expensive option could be to install
solar skylights. These are see-through solar panels that have the appearance of traditional
skylights but generate some energy for your home.

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