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House of the Beast

- The party, on the hunt for lich Acererak’s phylactery, split up to travel the world for clues to its
location. Now, two years since the events of the Tomb of Annihilation, the party has reunited in
the far-off land of Zakhara.
- The rumors that led the party hear tell a tale of an item called the Scroll of Kakishon, an item
with many disputing tales. Here are the stories that the party learned;
o The item was made by an extraordinary wizard millennium ago.
o The scroll is both a map and portal to an oasis on another plane of existence.
o A powerful efreeti and his army were imprisoned within this scroll.
o An ancient lich placed his phylactery somewhere within the oasis named Kakishon.
o The scroll is believed to be buried in the ruined fortress called the House of the Beast, in
the land of Zakhara.
o Gnoll activity in the region has increased lately, and the monsters seem to grow bolder
with their attacks.
o A man by the name Zayifid claims to have some knowledge of the scroll and would meet
the party in the largest tavern in Fabada.
- The House of the Beast is found in the Mountains of Forgotten Dreams. The closest settlement is
Fabada, where the party reunites.
- The party is traveling with a convoy of merchants, when a band of gnolls attacks.
o 1 flind, 4 gnolls, 10 gnoll witherlings.
- The party will eventually reach the town of Fabada, and the tale of the gnoll attack spreads.
- When Zayifid meets the party, he says this;

“I do not belong to a single church. I do not mock those priests who choose to remain in one
location and tend to one building— not at all, for they provide a needed service. But I am not at ease if I
stay in one location. I am a traveler, as I have said, and have walked the billowing sands of Osirion, the
westernmost veldt of Nex, and much of our own beloved Katapesh in between. I have seen much in my
travels, and have brought the word and redemption of the Dawnflower to many. Yet also have I seen
much in the way of cruelty and war in those travels, and it is a warning of such I bring to you today.

“You have distinguished yourselves by defeating the gnolls raiding the trade route. Know that word
of the flind’s death will reach all the way to the coast in time, and you will enjoy the fruits of that
success in the form of trade and tax. Yet word spreads not only to friends, but also to enemies. The
Carrion King will know of what you’ve done to his subordinates, and though he will not reply in kind at
once, I have heard dire rumors in my travels. Rumors of gnoll tribes gathering on the far slopes of Pale
Mountain, tribes united under one banner — the sign of the Carrion King!

“My path is not one of war. Sarenrae teaches redemption and forgiveness, but I know well that
many do not seek these ends, and that war is often inevitable. Yet sometimes, there are other ways. The
gnolls are ever a bickering lot, and if the Carrion King has managed to unite these tribes, then his word is
mighty indeed. And although I despair to think on the death of any living creature, if the Carrion King’s
death would mean that the gnoll tribes would stand down—a war could be averted.

“And so I bring this news to you. I shall not stay long, for I have no desire to be caught up in the folly
of battle. But you would do well, heroes, to take my warning to heart. Seek out the Carrion King and
bring him low before he raises high the flags of war. You will find him in the House of the Beast, the
rumors say, an ancient temple upon the far side of Pale Mountain from which he has long ruled. May
your efforts be swift and just, that needless suffering be averted.”

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