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S irius Black (3
November, 1959 A fter leaving school,
S i r-
the chase started off as car that had been chasing Azkaban. After several of animals, he was
t h e m , trying years in Azka- able to remain relatively A lastor ‘Mad-
Eye’”’ Moody (d.
also unknown
Voldemort’s command. ensured half the cells in some of Voldemort’s part of the Advance
He was an important Azkaban were filled followers (including Guard that took Harry
– 18 June, 1996),
also known as Padfoot
ius fought
against Lord Sirius Black and their ban, he regained enough unaffected as a dog. Af-
attackers strength to transform ter receiving an issue of
27 July, 1997) was
a pure-blood Scottish Alastor ‘Mad-Eye’ Moody E v a n from 4 Privet Drive
R o s i e r ) to the Order of the
or Snuffles (in his the Daily Prophet from wizard, considered to be Phoenix’s Headquarters
Animagus form) was a Cornelius Fudge during the most famous Auror in 12 Grimmauld Place.
pure-blood wizard, the an inspection, Sirius of modern time. He was He later showed up
older son of Orion and discovered that Pettigrew also a pivotal member of for the party Molly
Walburga Black, and was still alive and in the Order of the Phoe- Weasley threw for
the brother of Regulus hiding in his Animagus nix during the First Ron and Hermione to
Black. Although he was form as Ron Weasley’s and Second Wizarding celebrate their becoming
the heir of the House of pet rat. Filled with the Wars. Moody served prefects, mentioning that
Black, Sirius disagreed desire for revenge, Sir- with distinction during Albus Dumbledore must
with his family’s belief in ius took his Animagus the first conflict, gaining have assumed Ron was
blood purity and defied form and, thinned from a considerable reputation, good at resisting spells
tradition when he was malnourishment, was as well as losing an or he would not have
Sorted into Gryffin- able to slip through the eye, leg, and part of put him in authority. He
dor House instead of bars of his cell and past his nose while fighting checked that something
Slytherin at Hogwarts the Dementors. He the Dark Arts. He inside a writing case
School of Witchcraft swam across the North was also responsible was indeed a boggart.
and Wizardry, which
he attended
1971-1978. As the
Sea to freedom, though
the journey nearly killed
him. He made his way
for many of the inhabited
cells in Azkaban, having
caught innumerable
showed Harry

an old picture of the orig-

rest of his family had to Little Whinging to Dark Wizards. As a inal Order of the Phoe-
been in Slytherin, he catch a glimpse of his result, Moody became nix and described the
was the odd one out. godson as a teenager, overly-cautious and par- members. He seemed to

S irius was sent to

Azkaban, and after
twelve years became the
where his appearance
startled Harry before
the Knight Bus
anoid about his security.

A lastor was born

into the pure-
think it was very inter-
esting, although Harry
was a little disturbed.
only known person to turned up. As news of blood Moody family. Later on in the summer
escape the prison un- Sirius muttering “he’s His father and mother Moody was one of the
assisted by transforming at Hogwarts” in his were both Aurors, as guards that was tasked
into his Animagus form sleep, and subsequently were many of his pre- with escorting Harry
of a massive black dog escaping, was released, vious ancestors, to the Potter to the Hog-
confused with a “Grim”, the wizarding community point that the Moody warts Express along
an omen said to cause went on high alert, family was known for with Tonks in order to
death. Sirius exposed believing that he planned producing a “long line ensure Harry’s safety,
Pettigrew’s treachery to to murder Harry in a of renowned Aurors.” as Lord Voldemort
his old friend Remus
and his godson. After
mad attempt to bring
Lord Voldemort back. M oody
had returned to power.

a d - E y e’ s
returned in 1995,

Sirius rejoined the Or-

W Lord
Vo l d e m o r t
restored to his physical
his wand at some point
before he was educated
in magic. He attended
magical eye was
salvaged by the Death
Eaters and then, after
der. He was murdered form, Dumbledore rein- Hogwarts School of the fall of the Ministry,
by his cousin Bellatrix stated the Order of the Witchcraft and Wiz- given to the Mug-
Portrait by upthehill Portrait by upthehill
Lestrange during the crashed into it. It into his P h o e n i x , send- ardry, where he finished with fugitive Death although he gle-Born R e g -
Battle of the Depart- Voldemort, eventually a bit of fun, it turned is un- Animagus ing Sirius to his education earning at member of the Order of E a t e r s . never killed if i s t r a - tion
ix M ix
Phoen Phoen
ment of Mysteries and joining the Order of the slightly more form. gather the old least five N.E.W.T.s, oody, during the Phoenix, it could be Commission’s
subsequently clearedPhoenix. Around Since crowd with nothing under his time as avoided. Head,
he he I
r of t r of t
of all charges by the known whether D e - the ‘Exceeds Ex- a n During the war n
Ministry of Magic, s e r i o u s they got into trouble with mentors pectations’ mark. s e r v i n g and in efforts to round up 1995,

rde rde
Th e O Th e O
when the pair were the Ministry of Magic. h a v e under Albus Dumb- Death Eaters after its M o o d y
1977, he and attacked by three men
James were involved in on broomsticks. Sirius I
n 1993, Sirius be- d i f f i c u l t y
came the first known s e n s i n g
though he was too a motorbike chase with and James used their person ever to escape the less
i n -
f o r m
Auror, served ledore, in the struggle conclusion, Aurors were joined the
Ministry of to defeat the most granted the power to use r e f o r m e d
The House that Magic and fought the infamous Dark Wizard the Unforgivable Curses; Order of the
late to enjoy his freedom. two policemen. Although wands to raise the police from the wizard prison of complex emotions them of he belonged to was Death Eaters under of all time, and personally as such, Moody killed Phoenix and was Umbridge,

Your Your Your

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M inerva Mc-
Gonagall was T he two parents
remained together
conceal from her father the Ministry of Magic ration, under the head
the accidents and em- for two years after grad- of department, Albus A s a
was S everus Snape
was born 9 Jan-
were so mismatched that
it looked deliberate”. As S everus Snape about the prophecy
eventually joined the foretelling his downfall.
Inn. In the course of
the interview, Trelawney
for her own safety). At
that time it was not clear A rthur was born
on 6 February,
1978 (Fred was later
killed in an explosion
war ended soon after Eaters, such as Lucius
Ginny’s birth, but not Malfoy, were able to I
n 1995, Arthur
learned about the re-
recently been promoted
to Junior Assistant to
born on the outskirts
of Caithness in the
despite the
shocking Minerva McGonagall Dumbledore. a strict disciplinarian,
She later re- maintaining control of
uary, 1960 to Eileen
Prince, a pure-blood
Severus Snape In early
1980, Snape
prophesied that at the
end of July, a child
who was meant by the
prophecy. Two children
1950 to Septimus and
Cedrella Weasley (née Arthur Weasley get off turn of Lord Voldemort
scot-free and joined the second
the Minister, working
directly for Cornelius
Scottish Highlands, on her students with a witch, and Tobias of prominent wizarding Black). His mother was Fudge; he had hoped his
4 October, 1935 to stern hand that made Snape, a Muggle, families were born disowned for marrying family would be pleased,
Robert McGonagall, her someone not to be making him a half-blood that year at the end of a “blood traitor,” as her but Arthur suspected
a Muggle Presbyte- crossed. Later on in wizard. Severus, whose July: Harry Potter and family believed strongly in it was a move by the
rian minister, and his her career, Minerva father was neglectful and Neville Longbottom. the notion of pure-blood Ministry to put a spy
wife, Isobel Ross, a
witch. She was the
couple’s first child, and
was also be appointed
the position of Head of
Gryffindor House, the
possibly even violent,
began to identify with
his mother’s family and
D umbledore reported
at the Wizengamot
trial of Igor Karkaroff
supremacy. Arthur had
at least two brothers.
He attended Hogwarts
in the Weasley family.
Percy insulted his father,
claiming that ever since
was named after her house in which she used created a secret nickname that Severus had come School of Witchcraft he started at the Min-
mother’s grandmother, to reside whilst studying from his mother’s maiden to him and explained that and Wizardry from istry he had to struggle
a very talented witch. at Hogwarts. Albus name, calling himself “the he had been the one to 1961-1968 and was against Arthur’s repu-

H er birth proved
both a joy and a
crisis: Isobel had given
Dumbledore would
later on in his career
also trust her enough
Half-Blood Prince.”
His unhappy relationship
with his father may have
overhear the prophecy,
and reported it to Volde-
mort. However, Snape
sorted into Gryffindor
House. In his third
year in 1963, he
tation and that Arthur
had no ambition, which
was, in Percy’s eyes, the
up the use of her magic to allow her to become been the origin of his did not hear the entire probably chose to take reason behind the family’s
for her love of Robert, Deputy Headmistress disdain for Muggles. It prophecy, as the barman Muggle Studies, due to poor economic status.
and never told him about of the school and fill in is implied that Severus caught him eavesdropping his interest in Muggles. Percy continued by
her magical abilities as for him on the occasions was friendless and un- and threw him out. While at school, he saying that Arthur was
she was afraid to mar
the bliss of their wed-
ding. Minerva, however,
of his absence. Her
lessons consisted of
but were not limited to
cared for by his parents.
This lack of care largely
shaped Severus’s bitter
D uring the 1995-
year, with Voldemort
met and began dating
fellow Gryffindor Molly
Prewett. Arthur got
an idiot to align himself
with Albus Dumbledore
and Harry Potter, that
displayed small but match to needle, animal disposition and cruel having returned to his caught out of bed by Percy’s own loyalty lay
noticeable signs of magic to water goblet, beetle behaviour later in his life. body, Snape carried the school caretaker with the Ministry of
from her earliest hours.
As an infant, Minerva
had no control of her
to button, and mouse
to snuffbox transfor-
mations, as well as
S everus grew up at
Spinner’s End, a
shabby suburb of Coke-
on with his work as
a re-doubled agent for
Dumbledore. During
Apollyon Pringle after
he and Molly went
for a night-time stroll
Magic. Percy soon
moved out and found a
flat in central London.
magic, and thus she
inadvertently summoned
Vanishing, Conjuring,
and Switching Spells.
worth. This area of town
was near a dirty river
the summer, he was
seen at Number 12,
one evening and was
severely punished. W hen
toys that had been left
on upper shelves to her
cot, made the family cat
nce the Second
Wizarding War
had begun, Minerva
and full of dilapidated
houses, disused factories
and broken down street
Grimmauld Place giving
reports to the Order
of the Phoenix. Snape
S hortly
Hogwarts, Arthur and
International Statute of
Secrecy by defending
himself and his cousin
do her bidding, and made rejoined the Order of lamps. Through the rest frequently taunted Sirius Molly married. Their Dudley against two De-
her father’s bagpipes play the Phoenix and spent of his life, Severus con- about the latter not being marriage was rather mentors on 2 August,
themselves which would much of the summer of tinued to return able to take an active role rushed, as Lord Volde- Arthur escorted him to
cause baby Minerva to 1995 doing work for the there when in the Order’s missions mort was gaining power his hearing before the
chuckle happily. Isobel Order. She would come h e w a s due to his fugitive status. during that time and the Wizengamot on the
knew she must confess
to her husband about
their daughter’s wizard-
and go from 12 Grim-
mauld Place wearing a
Muggle dress rather
not a t
A t the start-of-term
feast at Hogwarts,
Dumbledore announced
First Wizarding War
began. Arthur was not
a member of the first
12th. While he normally
Apparated to work,
Arthur felt arriving in
ing abilities and so she than her robes, which he had finally appointed Order of the Phoenix; a non-magical fashion
did, explaining everything Harry thought made Snape as Professor it is unknown if he was would make a better im-
Portrait by upthehill Portrait by upthehill Portrait by upthehill
to Robert and telling him uation. Dissatisfied placed Dumb- her look o d d . eavesdropped on an would be born of De- f e n c e otherwise involved in the by claiming that they Order of the pression, given for
that they were bound revelation and had two barrassments the young with her ledore as Though these scho ol. T h e was neglected and his ranks of Lord Volde- i n t e r v i e w who would Against the war. During the course during the Battle of before Arthur’s broth- had been Phoenix. what Harry was
x nif x ix Ainto
eni Phoen
by the International other sons, Malcolm wizards’ magic Head of duties took up young parents often fought mort’s Death cause the Dark Arts, of the war, he and Molly Hogwarts), Ron in ers-in-law week being disci-

e Pho heE a t eP hoDei v i n a Sybill

Statute of Secrecy, and and Robert Jr. Both j o b Depart- much of Sever- with one another. He o r destruction much had seven children: Bill 1980, and the first un- the plined

of th t f the
that they must conceal re- at the Minis- m e n t u s i s could t i o n of Lord in late 1970, Charlie der the Im- summer
o f
r r er toobe
the truth about their s o m e - try, in December 1956, after he depicted as b e i n g r s , Professor Voldemort to in 1972, Percy in F a b i a n perius Curse. Arthur h o l i d a y,
e rdneo t
Th e O heand O O
rd ddaughter
times caused. Minerva returned to ascended a n d Trelawney and Albus ( w h i c h and Gideon Prewett, believed they were lying, Arthur

u n - wait to leaveThe Death E

M Twashed The born into the Weasley
vealed magical inerva worked Hogwarts School of to the her prompted both Order members, and he and Lucius got into (un-

ability in due course. in the De- Witchcraft and Wizard- position of
abilities. Minerva then, as a partment of Magical ry, this time not to learn Headmaster
Min- wear- for Hogwarts at the was the spy responsible Dumb-
at ers Dumb- Har-
r y ’ s 1976, twins family in generations,
were killed by Death were hostile towards
Eaters. Arthur was one another whenever
an argument
with his son
child, helped her mother Law Enforcement at but to teach Transfigu- of the school. e r v a ing ill-fitting clothes “that end of the summer. for informing Voldemort ledore at the Hog’s Head ledore to hire her, partly shock and Fred and George in Ginny, in 1981. The upset when some Death they crossed paths. Percy. Percy had He was

Your Your Your

Subject to the International Statute of Secrecy! Not to be revealed under any circumstance! Subject to the International Statute of Secrecy! Not to be revealed under any circumstance! Subject to the International Statute of Secrecy! Not to be revealed under any circumstance!

R emus was born

on 10 March,
affliction as a werewolf.
However, James
for the other side. Thus, in the plan to keep the
when a prophecy was Potters safe, though
Pettigrew instead, who
would be a nearly unpre-
and James’s death,
Lupin was in the north N ymphadora
Tonks was born
Order information.
Tonks had to be careful
shifts guarding Harry and depressed. The ade and “come bursting
Potter’s prophecy in the change in personality in to see Dumbledore, if
went physical changes,
including her hair L ittle has been
revealed about
Order’s Headquarters
at 12 Grimmauld Place
hearing to answer the was asking questions. the party at Grimmauld
charge of using a Pa- During the argument, Place to celebrate Ron
John Dawlish, and

1960 to Lyall and

Hope Lupin. His
wealth to
Remus Lupin he was
dictable move, him being
known for his “measly
of the country on Order
of the Phoenix business
sometime in 1973
to Edward Tonks, a
around the
Ministry, Nymphadora Tonks that’s really why
she was here”.
becoming mousy brown
and lank, and she also
Kingsley’s life before
becoming an Auror. All
in London.
Kingsley Shacklebolt Weasley and
Fudge’s assistant Percy
Weasley to Hogwarts
father worked at the when he discovered Muggle-born wizard became thinner. Some, that is known is that School of Witchcraft
Ministry of Magic and what had, apparently, and Andromeda including Hermione he attended Hogwarts and Wizardry to
encountered the werewolf happened. This was Tonks (née Black), a and Harry, thought the School of Witchcraft confront Albus Dumb-
Fenrir Greyback, whom one of the most traumatic pure-blood witch and change in her mood and and Wizardry in his ledore over Dolores
he believed deserved events of Remus’s life, former member of the appearence was caused youth, although it is Umbridge’s discovery
nothing but death. This especially since, within noble House of Black by the death of her unknown into which of Dumbledore’s Army.
opinion cost the Lupin the next day, he would although she was burned cousin, Sirius, since House he was sorted. Despite his loyalty to
family dearly, as Grey- also be losing his off the family tree after she had been fighting He also apparently met the Order, Kingsley was
back decided to revenge other two best friends. marrying a muggle-born, his murderer, Bellatrix, with James Potter, as forced to play along with
himself upon Lyall by
targeting his son. As W hen Lord
Vo l d e m o r t
which was considered
a betrayal to the family.
and had failed to stop
her, and thus might be
he saw the physical
similarities between him
the Minister, although
he was able to place
the nearly five-year-old
Remus slept peacefully in
his bed, Greyback forced
rejoined the Order
of the Phoenix. He
U ndergoing
years of Auror
training under

feeling guilty. However,
there was more than
one reason for it, and
and his son Harry.

K ingsley worked
as a high-ranking
a Memory Charm on
Marietta Edgecombe
to stop her divulging any
his way in through the was a member of the tutelage of Alastor yet another cause of Auror in the Ministry more secrets regarding
window. Though Lyall Advance Guard that Moody, Tonks’s natural her depression was her of Magic, and was Dumbledore’s Army, and
was able to get there in escorted Harry Potter metamorphic abilities love for Remus Lupin. assigned to lead the task to agree with Dumble-
time to drive Greyback from 4 Privet Drive allowed her to easily He felt a relationship force for the recapture dore’s version of events;
off with powerful spells, to 12 Grimmauld Place. pass the Concealment with her would be of the Azkaban-escapee upon Umbridge attacking
he was unable to prevent Lupin lived for some and Disguise portion disastrous for her; he Sirius Black. When Marietta for her sudden
him from completing his time at Sirius’s house, of the training without was too dangerous as rumour of Lord Volde- change in testimony,
evil goal. Remus became but he was not around doing any work for it a werewolf, too old for mort’s return was denied Kingsley stood forward
infected with lycanthropy very often as he was at all. However, her her, and too poor. Tonks by the Ministry, King- to warn Umbridge.
and he became a were- usually sent on many clumsiness gave her confided her feelings to sley was convinced of his During Dumbledore’s
wolf himself. His parents missions for the Order. trouble with the Stealth Molly Weasley, and return, and subsequently escape, Kingsley was in-
took him to various heal-
ers and tried their best
to make him a normal
R emus was one of
the many Order
members who answered
and Tracking portion of
the course, which she
admitted to Harry Pot-
was often at the Burrow
for “tea and sympathy”.
Her feelings also caused
joined the Order of the
Phoenix. Along with
Nymphadora Tonks, he
capacitated along with the
Minister, Dawlish, and
Umbridge to maintain
boy, but there was no Neville Longbottom’s ter that she almost failed. her Patronus to change worked as a covert oper- his cover, an action that
cure for his condition. call to arms on 1 May, Tonks qualified fully as its form to that of a ative, keeping the Order Dumbledore regretted
But Headmaster Albus 1998, when Harry, an Auror in 1994. wolf, although its large, supplied with information. but deemed necessary.
Dumbledore made special
accommodations allowing
Remus to attend Hog-
Hermione, and Ron
returned to Hogwarts
and Lord Voldemort
W ith the return
Voldemort in 1995,
shaggy intermediate
form only reinforced
Harry’s “Sirius” theory.
In addition, since joining
the reactivated Order,
Kingsley was informed
Kingsley was eventu-
ally made permanent
Minister for Magic,
warts School of Witch-
craft and Wizardry.
gathered his army to
attack the school. He
Tonks was one of the
few Ministry employ- W ith the news
that Lord
of Black’s innocence
as a fellow member of
and set about ridding the
Ministry of corruption

S hortly
organised and led groups
to fight Death Eaters
on the school grounds,
ees to be convinced of
the truth, rather than
accepting the Ministry
Voldemort had returned
being confirmed by the
Ministry, Hogwarts
the Order, and so he
sidetracked the inves-
tigation by feeding the
and discrimination.
He banned the use of
Dementors to guard
joined the Order of along with Kingsley lie that He-Who- received a team of Ministry disinformation Azkaban, and made sure
the Phoenix along with Shacklebolt and Arthur Must-Not-Be-Named Aurors to help protect that indicated Black was they would not be used to
Portrait by upthehill Portrait by upthehill Portrait by upthehill
Sirius, James, Peter, that they used the empty-head- Weasley. His wife had not returned. She — and her seeming This may the castle from any hiding in Tibet. In the he slipped Arthur Grang- torment the opponents

and Lily Evans, stand- financially support him. made about a child who F i d e l i u s edness.” initially agreed joined the reconstituted though, as indiscreet Department of Mys- dif ficulties have been threats. Summer of 1995, after ingsley was also tronus Charm in front a copy of e r ’s a p - of the M i n -

B enJames ix Neither x linked to

enii hern ww eor el -f ix
ing up against Lord y the height of the would have the not to partic- ipate Order of the Phoenix, actions would have seen teries, along a Tonks was Harry Potter was at- present at many of his Muggle point- ment istry. He ap-
Voldemort and his war, Remus’s
fdefeattthehDarkepowerLord,to andto useLilySirius
Dumb- i n the and, alongside Kingsley

thewith otherPhmetamorphic
her lose her position
ocontrolling part of the tacked by two dementors dinners that took
The a s pointed Harry

r of t
Death Eaters. Remus ledore Shacklebolt, worked a s task Kingsley volunteered to Quibbler con- Pre- Potter
failed to find employ-
r o Potter wanted or Lu- Bat- as a covert oper-
r o fmembers abilities a t t a c k force be a member of the c o u s i n , taining an article that he fects. as the
e Sirius and Dumbledore identi- Secret-Keeper, theirbut pinof knewthis
Th e O r dfriend
Black had come to

fied infant Harry Potter Sirius thought that would s w i t c h .

tle of
Th e Ordane Auror. onks continued to around her. Harry once onfive yeara
She was considered a
of the Order. — was

noted by those

serve the Order met her in the halls after old boy.
a n d
w a s
Th e O
rdplacee at Grim-
mauld place. He was
and staged an argument thought Sirius would find
with fellow Order mem- amusing — an article
ber Arthur Weasley that claimed Sirius was
I n

h e a d

A u r o r

ment following his distrust him, suspecting

education because of his that he might be a spy
as a possible target, be too obvious, and
Remus was not included thus suggested Peter A t the
time of Lily
instead stay-
ing with their infant
ative inside the considerable asset to the
Ministry, feeding the Order. She also took
of the Phoenix, but she she had abandoned her
had become withdrawn guard post in Hogsme- T
o n k s
also under-
in Hog-
smeade. On 1
Advance Guard, also at the Ministry
to escort Harry to the on the day of Harry’s
to protect their covers actually Stubby Board-
as Rufus Scrimgeour man. He later attended
and made Percy

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Your Your

Your Your Your

Your Your Your

Your Your Your

Subject to the International Statute of Secrecy! Not to be revealed under any circumstance! Subject to the International Statute of Secrecy! Not to be revealed under any circumstance! Subject to the International Statute of Secrecy! Not to be revealed under any circumstance!

B ellatrix was born

W hen Voldemort in a romantic manner
W hen the First
A fter the Dark Frank Longbottom, just
T om Marvolo Voldemort, which was nearly succeeded and on attempting to kill Harry was finally killed by his then trapped in Limbo
L ucius Malfoy destroyed, and Lucius with disdain. Lucius and doned for their crimes old, wealthy and gentry a pure-blood, and thirdly

Lord Voldemort Lucius Malfoy

in 1951 to Cygnus first rose to and showed concern for. Wizarding Lord’s fall on 31 new parents to Neville Riddle (31 De- an ana- o w n for eternity, unable to (b. 1954) was and his wizarding family, and as Malfoy, whose family
Black III and Druella
Black (née Rosier), who
raised her to be proud of
p o w e r,
Bellatrix Bellatrix Lestrange O c - Longbottom. Bellatrix
t o - and her partners used
the Cruciatus Curse
cember, 1926 – 2
May, 1998), later and
better known as Lord
gram of
his birth
b a c k - move on to the afterlife
f i r i n g or even return as a
disembodied spirit.
a pure-blood wizard,
and son of Abraxas
Malfoy, husband of
w e r e
raised in the lap of luxu- name alone commanded
ry at the family estate, a respect due to the con-
siderable influence in the
her pure-blood heritage.
She was the elder sister
of Andromeda and Nar-
to torture Alice and
Frank for information
on Voldemort’s where-
Voldemort, was a half-
blood wizard who was
considered to have been
U nknown to most
Voldemort’s legacy and
Narcissa Black and the
father of Draco Malfoy.
Lucius was educated
Ministry of Magic due
to their substantial wealth
and social standing in
cissa Black, though Bel- abouts, until the two the most powerful and blood would live on at Hogwarts, where he the magical community
latrix cut off contact with captives were driven dangerous Dark wizard through his daughter was made a prefect in in general. As such,
Andromeda when she into insanity when they of all time. The son Delphini, whom he Slytherin House. As his father, who was
married Muggle-born refused to divulge any- of the wealthy Muggle conceived with his an adult, Lucius was an known to possess many
wizard Ted Tonks and thing. This crime caused Tom Riddle Senior loyal follower Bellatrix aristocratic wizard and of the qualities that have
was disowned from the a wave of fury upon the and the witch Merope Lestrange. Delphini patriarch of the Malfoy distinguished so many
House of Black, as she wizard community of Gaunt, he was orphaned was conceived sometime family, believing strongly of Lucius’s ancestors,
told Voldemort in 1997 such ferocity that the and raised in a Mug- after the Battle of in notions of blood purity taught his son about the
that neither she or Ministry were critically gle orphanage, which the Department of and the superiority of prudence of maintaining
Narcissa had “set eyes pressured to find the remained his permanent Mysteries in 1996 pure-blood wizards. an appearance of respect-
on Andromeda since she culprits, and when the residence through his and before Voldemort’s He joined the Death ability to preserve their
married the Mudblood four were captured they 1938-1945 attendance death at the hands of Eaters, who shared his status of prominence
Tonks”. Bellatrix also were tried before the at Hogwarts School of Harry Potter in 1998. views on blood purity, among their kind, as well
held her cousin Sirius
Black in contempt
Council of Magical Law
and sentenced to life
Witchcraft and Wizard-
ry. He was a member T om’s family on his
mother Merope’s
and participated in the
First Wizarding War.
as the importance of re-
taining the goodwill of the
for being a “blood
traitor” for his different
opinions on Muggles
imprisonment in Azka-
ban. As a result of the
torture Alice and Frank
of Slytherin house.

H is accomplishments
included the open-
side were the last of
the House of Gaunt;
an ancient and formerly
A fter Lord
Voldemort’s first
defeat, Lucius managed
ruling class from which
the family could benefit.
Taught to take great
and Muggle-borns. spent the rest of their ing of Salazar Slytherin’s wealthy wizarding to avoid imprisonment pride in his heritage,

B ellatrix came from

the pure-blood
Black family, and as
lives at St Mungo’s
Hospital for Magical
Maladies and Injuries
Chamber of Secrets and
the use of its monster to
attack Muggle-born stu-
family that was noted
for producing individuals
with violent and unstable
by claiming that he had
been acting under the
Imperius Curse. He
Lucius was encouraged
to mainly associate him-
self with the pure-blood
such she was given a and were unaware that dents; several months’ personalities due to gen- and his family remained children of other wealthy
rich lifestyle. Bellatrix they had a son together. service as a purchasing erations of inbreeding. members of the social families who shared
attended Hogwarts
School of Witchcraft
and Wizardry and was
A fter the fall of
the Dark Lord
Bellatrix stood trial for
agent for the Dark
artefacts shop Borgin
and Burkes; the ability
Because of the family’s
liking for grandeur in
tandem with little sensi-
elite, though Lucius con-
tinued to demonstrate his
prejudice. He attempted
their cast-iron belief in
the inherent superior-
ity of purity of blood.
sorted into Slytherin
House. She eventually
married Rodolphus
her crimes. Unlike many
other Death Eaters,
she did not lie about her
to speak Parseltongue;
and the attainment of
immortality between
bility at their indulgences
meant the family gold was
left in ashes long before
to sabotage Arthur
by slipping Arthur’s
career I
t is often said of the
Malfoy family that
one will never find one
Lestrange, a fellow loyalty — she proudly the years of 1942 the last of the lineage daughter an old school at the scene of the crime,
wealthy pure-blood and claimed that she was loy- and 1998, a process was born. His grandfa- diary of Tom Riddle’s, though their fingerprints
Slytherin. Although they al to Voldemort and that begun upon the creation ther Marvolo Gaunt and opening the Chamber of might be all over the
would later work together she would wait for his of his first Horcrux at his uncle Morfin Gaunt Secrets in 1992, and guilty wand. This also
well in their service to return. Indeed, Bellatrix the age of 16. Splitting were two of the last in 1994, he participated proved true for the
Lord Voldemort, the was so proud of her loy- his own spirit into a known male descendants in the humiliation of a family’s patriarch of the
marriage appeared to be alty to Voldemort that, total of eight fragments, of Salazar Slytherin. Muggle family after the day. At some point in
Portrait by upthehill Portrait by Hersson Piratoba Portrait by upthehill
nothing more than an
obligatory fulfilment of
her family’s pure-blood
and Rodolphus joined
the Death Eaters.
However, he never re-
turned her feelings as he
War broke out, Bel-
latrix and her husband
Rodolphus both fought
ber, 1981, Bellatrix
and a group of
Voldemort’s fol-
during her trial before
the Council of Mag-
ical Law, she was
Lord Voldemort created
seven Horcruxes; one
a later Potter, and though unable curse, after Albus
name. He commanded a occasion did succeed in to die, was not able to Dumbledore, and
veritable army of wizards taking over the Ministry regain a permanent and then Harry
Quidditch World Cup.

W hen Voldemort
returned, Lu-
his family finally had after Voldemort’s final magnificent mansion
imprisoned in Azkaban enough and defected at defeat and did not serve in
in 1996. Although the end of the Second a stint in Azkaban. He which had been
his third year at the
marriage tradi-
The Death Ea
Vo l d e m o r t was incapable of under-
for Voldemort’s Death
Eaters, and remained
lowers, including
Rodolphus, her
said to have sat
upon the chair she
He Who Must
a n d of Magic by installing a physical body until 1995, Potter after
thus spending the inter- D u m b l e d o r e’s
wealthy Muggle
living in the
cius once again
served him as The Deat V o l d e - Wizarding War. and Narcissa later had in his family’s
a grandson, Scorpius possession for
suspected to have
had a hand in the
Narcissa and
Andromeda, Bellatrix gave Bellatrix ters
loyal to Voldemort
Rabastan, and
was chained to as
if it were a throne. and without his knowl- Dark creatures, Not Be
death, succeeded
in destroying all
village of Little
Hangleton, near
a Death Eater,
leading the efforts to mort broke them out h Eater Malfoy, after Draco many centuries.
married Astoria From a very young
mysterious illness
which had befallen
displayed no affection for additional training in love and disliked the the wiz- Barty Crouch Jr,
S he would edge - Harry Potter. committed numerous puppet Minister. of his Horcruxes. the Gaunt shack, obtain the prophecy of prison in 1997, he
B ecause sGreengrass. age, Lucius was Nobby Leach,
her husband whatsoever,
never even mentioning
him in conversations.
the Dark Arts. He
was her true love, the
one to whom she spoke
idea of being emotionally arding war and even
attached to anyone. after he was defeated
by Harry Potter.
kidnapped Aurors and
Order of the Phoenix
members Alice and
later describe
herself as the Dark
Lord’s most loyal
Abandoning his ‘Mug-
gle’ name, he became the
self-proclaimed Lord
murders personally and
through his followers, V oldemort was vening 14 years “a shell,
ripped from his less than the meanest
and on one occasion body in 1981, after ghost”, but alive. He mutilated soul was
who was tricked into
a relationship with
Merope through
Voldemort sought. In
the battle that ensued,
the prophecy was
was displeased with he and his family
Lucius for his failures defected from the Death L u c i u s taught that he was
Malfoy special: Firstly as a
and treated the Malfoys Eaters they were par- was born into a very wizard, secondly as
the first Muggle-born
Magic to ever

Your Your Your

Subject to the International Statute of Secrecy! Not to be revealed under any circumstance!
“They were a motley collection; a mixture of the weak seeking protection, the ambitious “They were a motley collection; a mixture of the weak seeking protection, the ambitious
seeking some shared glory, and the thuggish gravitating toward a leader who could show seeking some shared glory, and the thuggish gravitating toward a leader who could show
P eter Pettigrew, by Sirius and Remus in Voldemort’s rebirth tated to strangle Harry. Phoenix and fought opposing him. Despite

Peter Pettigrew
O.M. (Third 1994, and against being considered a them more refined forms of cruelty.” them more refined forms of cruelty.”
Class), (c. 1960 – Pettigrew, L o r d low-ranking soldier for

March, 1998), also with no- Vo l d e - his cowardice and gen- he Death Eaters ccording to House boasted of wider wizard com- Sybill Trelawney, which thing present within he Death Eaters ccording to House boasted of wider wizard com- Sybill Trelawney, which thing present within
known by his nickname eral lack of usefulness, was the name given former Hogwarts being the only munity, but the predicted that either the cottage, giving the was the name given former Hogwarts being the only munity, but the predicted that either the cottage, giving the
“Wormtail,” was a Pettigrew was given to followers of Lord headmaster Albus house never Death Eaters Harry Potter (son of boy a scar in the form to followers of Lord headmaster Albus house never Death Eaters Harry Potter (son of boy a scar in the form
wizard and son of Mr the Dark Mark and Voldemort. The group Dumbledore, they were to produce remained Order members James of a lightning bolt and Voldemort. The group Dumbledore, they were to produce remained Order members James of a lightning bolt and
and Mrs Pettigrew. accepted into the ranks primarily consisted of a mixture of the weak any Dark opposed by and Lily Potter) or thus sealing his fate as primarily consisted of a mixture of the weak any Dark opposed by and Lily Potter) or thus sealing his fate as
He began attending of the Death Eaters. wizards and witches seeking protection, the Wizards). the Order of Neville Longbottom the “Boy Who Lived” wizards and witches seeking protection, the Wizards). the Order of Neville Longbottom the “Boy Who Lived”
Hogwarts School of After a prophecy was who were radical pure ambitious seeking glory, Actively the Phoenix, (son of Order mem- and the start of the who were radical pure ambitious seeking glory, Actively the Phoenix, (son of Order mem- and the start of the
Witchcraft and Wiz- made regarding Harry blood supremacists, who and the thuggish seeking gathering founded by bers Alice and Frank destiny forced upon him. blood supremacists, who and the thuggish seeking gathering founded by bers Alice and Frank destiny forced upon him.

ardry in 1971 and was Potter and the Dark practised the Dark Arts a leader who could show a n Albus Longbottom) would ith their leader’s practised the Dark Arts a leader who could show a n Albus Longbottom) would ith their leader’s
sorted into Gryffindor Lord, James and Lily with reckless abandon them more refined cruel- army be the one to destroy disappearance, with reckless abandon them more refined cruel- army be the one to destroy disappearance,
House after the Sorting Potter took their son and without regard to ty, and were considered o f Voldemort. Voldemort the Death Eaters and without regard to ty, and were considered o f Voldemort. Voldemort the Death Eaters
Hat pondered over which and went into hiding. In or fear of wizarding law. to be forerunners of chose to attack the largely fell into chaos. or fear of wizarding law. to be forerunners of chose to attack the largely fell into chaos.

house he belonged in an attempt at misdirec- ord Voldemort the Death Eaters Potters, seeing Harry Many were rounded up ord Voldemort the Death Eaters Potters, seeing Harry Many were rounded up
for over five minutes, a tion, they were convinced used this select since most (if not all) as a greater danger and imprisoned without used this select since most (if not all) as a greater danger and imprisoned without
true Hatstall. During to select Pettigrew as group of wizards and indeed became the first Dark Dumb- to him. Despite being trial, as part of the hard group of wizards and indeed became the first Dark Dumb- to him. Despite being trial, as part of the hard
his years at Hogwarts, their Secret-Keeper witches during both Death Eaters. He Wiz- ledore. under the protection of line taken by Ministry witches during both Death Eaters. He Wiz- ledore. under the protection of line taken by Ministry
he became one of the by Sirius Black. On the First and Second manipulated them to do ards and T h e the Fidelius Charm, official Barty Crouch the First and Second manipulated them to do ards and T h e the Fidelius Charm, official Barty Crouch
Marauders; he was Hallowe’en night 1981, Wizarding Wars, his bidding, and though creatures, Voldemort was able Snr[3] Sirius Black, Wizarding Wars, his bidding, and though creatures, Voldemort was able Snr[3] Sirius Black,
best friends with Sirius Pettigrew betrayed his employing them as his this led to several nasty with the to gain entry into their whom Pettigrew framed employing them as his this led to several nasty with the to gain entry into their whom Pettigrew framed
Black, James Potter, friends, and Voldemort elite force. They often incidents over the years, belief that home because James for his crimes, was elite force. They often incidents over the years, belief that home because James for his crimes, was
and Remus Lupin, and murdered James and wore black hoods and with Riddle’s strategic his hidden Min- had entrusted his old among those imprisoned wore black hoods and with Riddle’s strategic his hidden Min- had entrusted his old among those imprisoned
together they created the Lily, but was unable to masks with snake-like discretion, none was Horcruxes istry, in friend Peter Pettigrew in Azkaban without a masks with snake-like discretion, none was Horcruxes istry, in friend Peter Pettigrew in Azkaban without a
Marauder’s Map. do the same to their son eye slits to cover their linked back to the group, granted him retaliation to be Secret-Keeper, trial.[4] Soon after- eye slits to cover their linked back to the group, granted him retaliation to be Secret-Keeper, trial.[4] Soon after-

D uring the First

Wizarding War,
when his Killing Curse
rebounded, destroying
faces. Only the members
of the inner circle of
much less the model
student Riddle himself.
immortality, Voldemort
and his followers
and spearheaded
by the head of
and Pettigrew subse-
quently betrayed the
ward, Bellatrix, Rodol-
phus, and Rabastan
faces. Only the members
of the inner circle of
much less the model
student Riddle himself.
immortality, Voldemort
and his followers
and spearheaded
by the head of
and Pettigrew subse-
quently betrayed the
ward, Bellatrix, Rodol-
phus, and Rabastan

Peter was a member his physical form. Upon the Death Eaters had y 1970, the planned to over- the Department of secret to Voldemort. Lestrange, and Barty the Death Eaters had y 1970, the planned to over- the Department of secret to Voldemort. Lestrange, and Barty

of the Order of the arriving at the wreckage Dark Marks burned Knights of Wal- throw the Min- Magical Law En- nape failed to Crouch Jr tortured the Dark Marks burned Knights of Wal- throw the Min- Magical Law En- nape failed to Crouch Jr tortured the
Phoenix, but became a of the Potters’ house, into their left forearms. purgis (later renamed istry of Magic. forcement overhear the en- Longbottoms into insan- into their left forearms. purgis (later renamed istry of Magic. forcement overhear the en- Longbottoms into insan-

spy when he defected Pettigrew deduced what When Voldemort the “Death Eaters”) eath Eater Barty tire prophecy, including ity while trying to procure When Voldemort the “Death Eaters”) eath Eater Barty tire prophecy, including ity while trying to procure
to Lord Voldemort. had happened, took touched one of them, was an organisation activity Crouch the announcement that information about Volde- touched one of them, was an organisation activity Crouch the announcement that information about Volde-
He was made Se- Voldemort’s wand, each of the Death that included people that during the First Snr, le- Voldemort himself would mort’s whereabouts: this each of the Death that included people that during the First Snr, le- Voldemort himself would mort’s whereabouts: this
cret-Keeper for the which was left among Eaters felt it, signalling Tom Marvolo Riddle, Wizarding galised the mark his own equal. attack was considered Eaters felt it, signalling Tom Marvolo Riddle, Wizarding galised the mark his own equal. attack was considered
Potters when they went the rubble, fearing the for them to Apparate who became Voldemort, War consisted usage of the Although Voldemort one of the most atrocious for them to Apparate who became Voldemort, War consisted usage of the Although Voldemort one of the most atrocious
into hiding with the use Ministry would discover to their leader’s side. knew from his time at of attacks on wiz- U n f o rg i v a b l e killed James and, acts in history. They to their leader’s side. knew from his time at of attacks on wiz- U n f o rg i v a b l e killed James and, acts in history. They

of the Fidelius Charm, his treason through in- efore the Death Hogwarts School of ards, witches, and large Curses against despite Snape’s pleas were captured and efore the Death Hogwarts School of ards, witches, and large Curses against despite Snape’s pleas were captured and
and betrayed James, his specting it, and hid it in Eaters themselves Witchcraft and Wiz- numbers of Muggles. suspects, and ordered that she be spared, sentenced to Azkaban, Eaters themselves Witchcraft and Wiz- numbers of Muggles. suspects, and ordered that she be spared, sentenced to Azkaban,
wife Lily, and their son an undisclosed location. came to be, Tom Riddle, ardry. Nearly all of These were initiated kill rather than capture, Lily, the Killing Curse but Bellatrix proudly came to be, Tom Riddle, ardry. Nearly all of These were initiated kill rather than capture, Lily, the Killing Curse but Bellatrix proudly
Harry to Lord Volde-
A part from James

The Death Eate The Death Eate

a s those by the Death Eaters, attack first and question rebounded off Harry proclaimed that the Dark a s those by the Death Eaters, attack first and question rebounded off Harry proclaimed that the Dark
mort. After Voldemort’s and Lily, Sirius l a t e r, and hit Voldemort, de- Lord would rise again. l a t e r, and hit Voldemort, de- Lord would rise again.
fall, he faked his own Black was the only On the On the

rs rs
death and framed Sirius person who knew that oth- oth-
for betraying James and Pettigrew had been e r e r
Portrait by upthehill
Lily, as well as for his The silver hand Lord mort and the Death their Secret-Keeper. Voldemort was known recruited Voldemort was known recruited
own murder and those where else to go, sought and continued to serve Voldemort had given Eaters during the When he realised in his childhood and were from Slytherin often, but not always, on and im- in his childhood and were from Slytherin often, but not always, on and im-
of the twelve Muggles protection in returning to him during the Second Pettigrew interpreted his First Wizarding what Pettigrew had early adulthood, gathered House. However the orders of Voldemort. prison without trials. stroying his living body. hand, early adulthood, gathered House. However the orders of Voldemort. prison without trials. stroying his living body. hand,

The Death E A A
he killed during the service Wizarding War. In hesitation as weakness War. However, done, as his hiding a gang of Slytherin there may have been When the Ministry did t the height of However, due to his Barty Crouch Jr a gang of Slytherin there may have been When the Ministry did t the height of However, due to his Barty Crouch Jr
his escape. the spring and/or disloyalty, and at some point, place was empty students who considered recruits from Gryffindor, not suffer an ostensible the war, Severus extensive performance pleaded to his father students who considered recruits from Gryffindor, not suffer an ostensible the war, Severus extensive performance pleaded to his father

P eter spent
twelve years living
in his Animagus form as
of Lord Voldemort,
whom he found in the
aters A
of 1998, during the
strangled him to death.
f t e r
Pettigrew began
working as a spy
for Voldemort,
with no signs
of a struggle, he
tracked him down
themselves his friends,
though in truth, he felt no
Ravenclaw, and even
from foreign schools
collapse in the eleven
years of Voldemort’s
Snape reported to Lord
Voldemort the part
of Dark magic, Volde-
mort’s soul survived
of his own innocence,
that he was merely at
themselves his friends,
though in truth, he felt no
Ravenclaw, and even
from foreign schools
collapse in the eleven
years of Voldemort’s
Snape reported to Lord
Voldemort the part
of Dark magic, Volde-
mort’s soul survived
of his own innocence,
that he was merely at
real attachments to any of within the ranks as well. reign, the Death Eaters of a prophecy he had and escaped. While a the wrong place at the real attachments to any of within the ranks as well. reign, the Death Eaters of a prophecy he had and escaped. While a the wrong place at the
the Weasley family’s pet forests of Albania. Skirmish at Malfoy uating from Hogwarts, having come to the hoping to avenge his them due to his lack of There were presumably began to attack prominent heard, while listening bit of his soul attached wrong time, and that them due to his lack of There were presumably began to attack prominent heard, while listening bit of his soul attached wrong time, and that
rat, Scabbers. However,
his identity was exposed P ettigrew played
a key role in
Manor, in a moment Pettigrew and his friends
of rare mercy, he hesi- joined the Order of the
belief that nothing
could be gained from
friends. When he
closed in on him,
desire for a true friend. no Hufflepuff Death
Eaters (Hufflepuff
wizarding families. As a
result, fear gripped the
in on a conversation
between Dumbledore and
its self to Harry, as he
was the only other living
evidence of his crimes
were at best very vague:
desire for a true friend. no Hufflepuff Death
Eaters (Hufflepuff
wizarding families. As a
result, fear gripped the
in on a conversation
between Dumbledore and
its self to Harry, as he
was the only other living
evidence of his crimes
were at best very vague:

Your Your Your

“They were a motley collection; a mixture of the weak seeking protection, the ambitious “They were a motley collection; a mixture of the weak seeking protection, the ambitious “Time is short, and unless the few of us who know the truth stand united,
seeking some shared glory, and the thuggish gravitating toward a leader who could show seeking some shared glory, and the thuggish gravitating toward a leader who could show there is no hope for any of us.”
them more refined forms of cruelty.” them more refined forms of cruelty.”

T he Death Eaters
was the name given A ccording
former Hogwarts
to House boasted of
being the only
wider wizard com-
munity, but the
Sybill Trelawney, which
predicted that either
thing present within
the cottage, giving the T he Death Eaters
was the name given A ccording
former Hogwarts
to House boasted of
being the only
wider wizard com-
munity, but the
Sybill Trelawney, which
predicted that either
thing present within
the cottage, giving the
T he Order of the
Phoenix was a
secret society founded
The Order remained an
underground resistance,
trying to protect Mug-
rise to power in the
1970s. Dumbledore
formed the Order to
Prewett were murdered
by a group of six Death
Eaters led by Antonin
defeat the Dark Lord.
Then Death Eater
Severus Snape heard
He summarily murdered
James, but offered Lily
a chance to live, as
to followers of Lord headmaster Albus house never Death Eaters Harry Potter (son of boy a scar in the form to followers of Lord headmaster Albus house never Death Eaters Harry Potter (son of boy a scar in the form by Albus Dumbledore to gles and broadcast the combat Voldemort’s Dolohov. Caradoc Dear- part of the prophecy and requested by Severus
Voldemort. The group Dumbledore, they were to produce remained Order members James of a lightning bolt and Voldemort. The group Dumbledore, they were to produce remained Order members James of a lightning bolt and oppose Lord Voldemort truth during the worst increasing threat and born disappeared, the reported it to Volde- Snape. She rejected
primarily consisted of a mixture of the weak any Dark opposed by and Lily Potter) or thus sealing his fate as primarily consisted of a mixture of the weak any Dark opposed by and Lily Potter) or thus sealing his fate as and his Death Eaters. days of the Second power. Aurors from the Bones family was almost mort, who believed it re- the offer, begging for her
wizards and witches seeking protection, the Wizards). the Order of Neville Longbottom the “Boy Who Lived” wizards and witches seeking protection, the Wizards). the Order of Neville Longbottom the “Boy Who Lived” The original Order was Wizarding War. They Ministry completely destroyed, ferred to Harry Potter. son’s life, and Voldemort
who were radical pure ambitious seeking glory, Actively the Phoenix, (son of Order mem- and the start of the who were radical pure ambitious seeking glory, Actively the Phoenix, (son of Order mem- and the start of the created in the 1970s. answered the call t o o f Magic also Benjy Fenwick was He decided to hunt down used the Killing Curse
blood supremacists, who and the thuggish seeking gathering founded by bers Alice and Frank destiny forced upon him. blood supremacists, who and the thuggish seeking gathering founded by bers Alice and Frank destiny forced upon him. It was constructed after arms by Dumb- joined the Order brutally murdered, and t h e Potters, choos- against her and then on
practised the Dark Arts
with reckless abandon
and without regard to
a leader who could show
them more refined cruel-
ty, and were considered
o f
n Albus Longbottom) would
be the one to destroy
Voldemort. Voldemort
W ith their leader’s
the Death Eaters
practised the Dark Arts
with reckless abandon
and without regard to
a leader who could show
them more refined cruel-
ty, and were considered
o f
n Albus Longbottom) would
be the one to destroy
Voldemort. Voldemort
W ith their leader’s
the Death Eaters
Voldemort returned to
England from abroad
and started his campaign
ledore’s Army o n
2 May,
1998, fighting
to participate in
more secretive, sudden
assaults aimed to crush
Marlene McKinnon
and her family were mur-
dered by Death Eaters,
ing the h a l f - b l o o d
H a r r y,
l i k e
Harry. Because Lily
had willingly sacrificed
herself out of love for
or fear of wizarding law. to be forerunners of chose to attack the largely fell into chaos. or fear of wizarding law. to be forerunners of chose to attack the largely fell into chaos. to take over the Minis- the Dark Rebellion. including Travers. Even as opposed her son, Harry was

L ord Voldemort
used this select
group of wizards and
the Death Eaters
since most (if not all)
indeed became the first Dark Dumb-
Potters, seeing Harry
as a greater danger
to him. Despite being
Many were rounded up
and imprisoned without
trial, as part of the hard
L ord Voldemort
used this select
group of wizards and
the Death Eaters
since most (if not all)
indeed became the first Dark Dumb-
Potters, seeing Harry
as a greater danger
to him. Despite being
Many were rounded up
and imprisoned without
trial, as part of the hard
try of Magic and per-
secute Muggle-borns.
The Order worked with
m o r t
Dumbledore created a
method of communication
among Order members
as the Order suffered
great losses, they contin-
ued to fight, and four of

shielded from the spell,
and the curse backfired.
Because Voldemort had
witches during both Death Eaters. He Wiz- ledore. under the protection of line taken by Ministry witches during both Death Eaters. He Wiz- ledore. under the protection of line taken by Ministry the Ministry to oppose by inventing their members — James made Horcruxes, he
the First and Second manipulated them to do ards and T h e the Fidelius Charm, official Barty Crouch the First and Second manipulated them to do ards and T h e the Fidelius Charm, official Barty Crouch the Dark Lord and his a way to make Potter, Lily Potter, did not die, but he lost
Wizarding Wars, his bidding, and though creatures, Voldemort was able Snr[3] Sirius Black, Wizarding Wars, his bidding, and though creatures, Voldemort was able Snr[3] Sirius Black, followers, and played a Pa t r o n u s e s Frank Long- his own physical form.
employing them as his this led to several nasty with the to gain entry into their whom Pettigrew framed employing them as his this led to several nasty with the to gain entry into their whom Pettigrew framed crucial role in the First speak. bottom, He also inadvertently
elite force. They often incidents over the years, belief that home because James for his crimes, was elite force. They often incidents over the years, belief that home because James for his crimes, was Wizarding War. Vic- made Harry himself a
wore black hoods and with Riddle’s strategic his hidden Min- had entrusted his old among those imprisoned wore black hoods and with Riddle’s strategic his hidden Min- had entrusted his old among those imprisoned tory came in 1981, with Horcrux, as a piece of
masks with snake-like discretion, none was Horcruxes istry, in friend Peter Pettigrew in Azkaban without a masks with snake-like discretion, none was Horcruxes istry, in friend Peter Pettigrew in Azkaban without a Voldemort’s first defeat his soul embedded itself
eye slits to cover their linked back to the group, granted him retaliation to be Secret-Keeper, trial.[4] Soon after- eye slits to cover their linked back to the group, granted him retaliation to be Secret-Keeper, trial.[4] Soon after- at the hands of Harry into a scar on Harry’s
faces. Only the members much less the model immortality, Voldemort and spearheaded and Pettigrew subse- ward, Bellatrix, Rodol- faces. Only the members much less the model immortality, Voldemort and spearheaded and Pettigrew subse- ward, Bellatrix, Rodol- Potter. Victory came and forehead. Pettigrew fled
of the inner circle of student Riddle himself. and his followers by the head of quently betrayed the phus, and Rabastan of the inner circle of student Riddle himself. and his followers by the head of quently betrayed the phus, and Rabastan with the high cost of his The the scene and faked his
the Death Eaters had
Dark Marks burned
into their left forearms.
B y 1970, the
Knights of Wal-
purgis (later renamed
planned to over-
throw the Min-
istry of Magic.
the Department of
Magical Law En-
secret to Voldemort.

S nape failed to
overhear the en-
Lestrange, and Barty
Crouch Jr tortured the
Longbottoms into insan-
the Death Eaters had
Dark Marks burned
into their left forearms.
B y 1970, the
Knights of Wal-
purgis (later renamed
planned to over-
throw the Min-
istry of Magic.
the Department of
Magical Law En-
secret to Voldemort.

S nape failed to
overhear the en-
Lestrange, and Barty
Crouch Jr tortured the
Longbottoms into insan-
many of their members.

T he Order disband-
ed, but was re-
for the
t e r s ,
who were
own death by hiding in
his Animagus form
(a rat) and cutting off
When Voldemort
touched one of them,
each of the Death
the “Death Eaters”)
was an organisation
that included people that
D eath Eater
during the First
Snr, le-
tire prophecy, including
the announcement that
Voldemort himself would
ity while trying to procure
information about Volde-
mort’s whereabouts: this
When Voldemort
touched one of them,
each of the Death
the “Death Eaters”)
was an organisation
that included people that
D eath Eater
during the First
Snr, le-
tire prophecy, including
the announcement that
Voldemort himself would
ity while trying to procure
information about Volde-
mort’s whereabouts: this
convened in 1995 after
Harry Potter informed
Dumbledore of Lord
final time

Fidelius Charm,
his own finger, while
murdering many innocent
muggles with one spell,
Eaters felt it, signalling Tom Marvolo Riddle, Wizarding galised the mark his own equal. attack was considered Eaters felt it, signalling Tom Marvolo Riddle, Wizarding galised the mark his own equal. attack was considered Voldemort’s return. of Witchcraft and caused Snape to thus Sirius Black
for them to Apparate who became Voldemort, War consisted usage of the Although Voldemort one of the most atrocious for them to Apparate who became Voldemort, War consisted usage of the Although Voldemort one of the most atrocious The Ministry refused Wizardry. The Battle change his side, since was blamed for his

to their leader’s side. knew from his time at of attacks on wiz- U n f o rg i v a b l e killed James and, acts in history. They to their leader’s side. knew from his time at of attacks on wiz- U n f o rg i v a b l e killed James and, acts in history. They to admit that the Dark of Hogwarts ended and Alice he had always been in crimes, and thrown into

B efore the Death

Eaters themselves
Hogwarts School of
Witchcraft and Wiz-
ards, witches, and large Curses
numbers of Muggles. suspects, and ordered
against despite Snape’s pleas
that she be spared,
were captured
sentenced to Azkaban,
B efore the Death
Eaters themselves
Hogwarts School of
Witchcraft and Wiz-
ards, witches, and large Curses
numbers of Muggles. suspects, and ordered
against despite Snape’s pleas
that she be spared,
were captured
sentenced to Azkaban,
and Lord had returned,
thus the Order alone
worked to protect Harry
death at
Potter’s hands and a
the Death Eaters had
— love with Lily Potter.
t was not enough to
Azkaban without a trial.

T he First
came to be, Tom Riddle, ardry. Nearly all of These were initiated kill rather than capture, Lily, the Killing Curse but Bellatrix proudly came to be, Tom Riddle, ardry. Nearly all of These were initiated kill rather than capture, Lily, the Killing Curse but Bellatrix proudly been attacking mostly himself three times. W i z -

The Death Eate The Death Eate OF

a s those by the Death Eaters, attack first and question rebounded off Harry proclaimed that the Dark a s those by the Death Eaters, attack first and question rebounded off Harry proclaimed that the Dark Potter and the prophecy decisive victory for the arding War
l a t e r, and hit Voldemort, de- Lord would rise again. l a t e r, and hit Voldemort, de- Lord would rise again. concerning him and ended with a
On the On the Voldemort in the victory for the

rs rs
oth- oth- Department of Mys- Order and the

e r e r teries. After an intense Ministry, but the
Voldemort was known recruited Voldemort was known recruited battle occurred there on Death Eaters were
in his childhood and were from Slytherin often, but not always, on and im- in his childhood and were from Slytherin often, but not always, on and im- 18 June, 1996 between still a danger. Four
early adulthood, gathered House. However the orders of Voldemort. prison without trials. stroying his living body. hand, early adulthood, gathered House. However the orders of Voldemort. prison without trials. stroying his living body. hand, the Order, Dumbledore’s of them — the
a gang of Slytherin
students who considered
themselves his friends,
there may have been
recruits from Gryffindor,
Ravenclaw, and even
When the Ministry did
not suffer an ostensible
collapse in the eleven
A t the height of
the war, Severus
Snape reported to Lord
However, due to his
extensive performance
of Dark magic, Volde-
Barty Crouch
pleaded to his father
of his own innocence,
Jr a gang of Slytherin
students who considered
themselves his friends,
there may have been
recruits from Gryffindor,
Ravenclaw, and even
When the Ministry did
not suffer an ostensible
collapse in the eleven
A t the height of
the war, Severus
Snape reported to Lord
However, due to his
extensive performance
of Dark magic, Volde-
Barty Crouch
pleaded to his father
of his own innocence,
Jr Army, and the Death
Eaters, the Ministry
finally admitted the truth. Order and their allies.
T his defiance made
the two couples and
save them, however; the
Potters’ Secret-Keeper
Lestrange brothers;
Rabastan and Rodol-
phus, Rodolphus’ wife
and Muggle-borns
though in truth, he felt no
real attachments to any of
them due to his lack of
from foreign schools
within the ranks as well.
There were presumably
years of Voldemort’s
reign, the Death Eaters
began to attack prominent
Voldemort the part
of a prophecy he had
heard, while listening
mort’s soul survived
and escaped. While a
bit of his soul attached
that he was merely at
the wrong place at the
wrong time, and that
though in truth, he felt no
real attachments to any of
them due to his lack of
from foreign schools
within the ranks as well.
There were presumably
years of Voldemort’s
reign, the Death Eaters
began to attack prominent
Voldemort the part
of a prophecy he had
heard, while listening
mort’s soul survived
and escaped. While a
bit of his soul attached
that he was merely at
the wrong place at the
wrong time, and that
T he following year
would see the
Order losing their leader
T he Order of the
founded by Albus
to spread terror, they
soon turned to attacking
their infant sons Harry
Potter and Neville
Longbottom targets of
Peter Pettigrew
betrayed them, and
Voldemort came to their
Bellatrix, and Barty
Crouch Jr — attacked
the Longbottoms shortly
“blood traitors” such as
desire for a true friend. no Hufflepuff Death wizarding families. As a in on a conversation its self to Harry, as he evidence of his crimes desire for a true friend. no Hufflepuff Death wizarding families. As a in on a conversation its self to Harry, as he evidence of his crimes and the Ministry being Dumbledore during Order members as well. a prophecy concerning a home in Godric’s Hollow after their master’s de-
Eaters (Hufflepuff result, fear gripped the between Dumbledore and was the only other living were at best very vague: Eaters (Hufflepuff result, fear gripped the between Dumbledore and was the only other living were at best very vague: conquered by Voldemort. Lord Voldemort’s first Fabian and Gideon person with the power to on 31 October, 1981. feat. Seeking information

may be printed double-sided / duplex

Your Your Your

Your Your

Your Your Your

Your Your Your

“Time is short, and unless the few of us who know the truth stand united, “Time is short, and unless the few of us who know the truth stand united, “Time is short, and unless the few of us who know the truth stand united,
there is no hope for any of us.” there is no hope for any of us.” there is no hope for any of us.”

T he Order of the
Phoenix was a
secret society founded
The Order remained an
underground resistance,
trying to protect Mug-
rise to power in the
1970s. Dumbledore
formed the Order to
Prewett were murdered
by a group of six Death
Eaters led by Antonin
defeat the Dark Lord.
Then Death Eater
Severus Snape heard
He summarily murdered
James, but offered Lily
a chance to live, as
T he Order of the
Phoenix was a
secret society founded
The Order remained an
underground resistance,
trying to protect Mug-
rise to power in the
1970s. Dumbledore
formed the Order to
Prewett were murdered
by a group of six Death
Eaters led by Antonin
defeat the Dark Lord.
Then Death Eater
Severus Snape heard
He summarily murdered
James, but offered Lily
a chance to live, as
T he Order of the
Phoenix was a
secret society founded
The Order remained an
underground resistance,
trying to protect Mug-
rise to power in the
1970s. Dumbledore
formed the Order to
Prewett were murdered
by a group of six Death
Eaters led by Antonin
defeat the Dark Lord.
Then Death Eater
Severus Snape heard
He summarily murdered
James, but offered Lily
a chance to live, as
by Albus Dumbledore to gles and broadcast the combat Voldemort’s Dolohov. Caradoc Dear- part of the prophecy and requested by Severus by Albus Dumbledore to gles and broadcast the combat Voldemort’s Dolohov. Caradoc Dear- part of the prophecy and requested by Severus by Albus Dumbledore to gles and broadcast the combat Voldemort’s Dolohov. Caradoc Dear- part of the prophecy and requested by Severus
oppose Lord Voldemort truth during the worst increasing threat and born disappeared, the reported it to Volde- Snape. She rejected oppose Lord Voldemort truth during the worst increasing threat and born disappeared, the reported it to Volde- Snape. She rejected oppose Lord Voldemort truth during the worst increasing threat and born disappeared, the reported it to Volde- Snape. She rejected
and his Death Eaters. days of the Second power. Aurors from the Bones family was almost mort, who believed it re- the offer, begging for her and his Death Eaters. days of the Second power. Aurors from the Bones family was almost mort, who believed it re- the offer, begging for her and his Death Eaters. days of the Second power. Aurors from the Bones family was almost mort, who believed it re- the offer, begging for her
The original Order was Wizarding War. They Ministry completely destroyed, ferred to Harry Potter. son’s life, and Voldemort The original Order was Wizarding War. They Ministry completely destroyed, ferred to Harry Potter. son’s life, and Voldemort The original Order was Wizarding War. They Ministry completely destroyed, ferred to Harry Potter. son’s life, and Voldemort
created in the 1970s. answered the call t o o f Magic also Benjy Fenwick was He decided to hunt down used the Killing Curse created in the 1970s. answered the call t o o f Magic also Benjy Fenwick was He decided to hunt down used the Killing Curse created in the 1970s. answered the call t o o f Magic also Benjy Fenwick was He decided to hunt down used the Killing Curse
It was constructed after arms by Dumb- joined the Order brutally murdered, and t h e Potters, choos- against her and then on It was constructed after arms by Dumb- joined the Order brutally murdered, and t h e Potters, choos- against her and then on It was constructed after arms by Dumb- joined the Order brutally murdered, and t h e Potters, choos- against her and then on
Voldemort returned to ledore’s Army o n to participate in Marlene McKinnon ing the h a l f - b l o o d Harry. Because Lily Voldemort returned to ledore’s Army o n to participate in Marlene McKinnon ing the h a l f - b l o o d Harry. Because Lily Voldemort returned to ledore’s Army o n to participate in Marlene McKinnon ing the h a l f - b l o o d Harry. Because Lily
England from abroad 2 May, more secretive, sudden and her family were mur- H a r r y, l i k e had willingly sacrificed England from abroad 2 May, more secretive, sudden and her family were mur- H a r r y, l i k e had willingly sacrificed England from abroad 2 May, more secretive, sudden and her family were mur- H a r r y, l i k e had willingly sacrificed
and started his campaign 1998, fighting assaults aimed to crush dered by Death Eaters, Voldemort himself, herself out of love for and started his campaign 1998, fighting assaults aimed to crush dered by Death Eaters, Voldemort himself, herself out of love for and started his campaign 1998, fighting assaults aimed to crush dered by Death Eaters, Voldemort himself, herself out of love for
to take over the Minis- the Dark Rebellion. including Travers. Even as opposed her son, Harry was to take over the Minis- the Dark Rebellion. including Travers. Even as opposed her son, Harry was to take over the Minis- the Dark Rebellion. including Travers. Even as opposed her son, Harry was
try of Magic and per- Dumbledore created a as the Order suffered to the shielded from the spell, try of Magic and per- Dumbledore created a as the Order suffered to the shielded from the spell, try of Magic and per- Dumbledore created a as the Order suffered to the shielded from the spell,
secute Muggle-borns. Volde- method of communication great losses, they contin- pure-blood and the curse backfired. secute Muggle-borns. Volde- method of communication great losses, they contin- pure-blood and the curse backfired. secute Muggle-borns. Volde- method of communication great losses, they contin- pure-blood and the curse backfired.
The Order worked with m o r t among Order members ued to fight, and four of Neville. Because Voldemort had The Order worked with m o r t among Order members ued to fight, and four of Neville. Because Voldemort had The Order worked with m o r t among Order members ued to fight, and four of Neville. Because Voldemort had
the Ministry to oppose by inventing their members — James made Horcruxes, he the Ministry to oppose by inventing their members — James made Horcruxes, he the Ministry to oppose by inventing their members — James made Horcruxes, he
the Dark Lord and his a way to make Potter, Lily Potter, did not die, but he lost the Dark Lord and his a way to make Potter, Lily Potter, did not die, but he lost the Dark Lord and his a way to make Potter, Lily Potter, did not die, but he lost
followers, and played a Pa t r o n u s e s Frank Long- his own physical form. followers, and played a Pa t r o n u s e s Frank Long- his own physical form. followers, and played a Pa t r o n u s e s Frank Long- his own physical form.
crucial role in the First speak. bottom, He also inadvertently crucial role in the First speak. bottom, He also inadvertently crucial role in the First speak. bottom, He also inadvertently
Wizarding War. Vic- made Harry himself a Wizarding War. Vic- made Harry himself a Wizarding War. Vic- made Harry himself a
tory came in 1981, with Horcrux, as a piece of tory came in 1981, with Horcrux, as a piece of tory came in 1981, with Horcrux, as a piece of
Voldemort’s first defeat his soul embedded itself Voldemort’s first defeat his soul embedded itself Voldemort’s first defeat his soul embedded itself
at the hands of Harry into a scar on Harry’s at the hands of Harry into a scar on Harry’s at the hands of Harry into a scar on Harry’s
Potter. Victory came and forehead. Pettigrew fled Potter. Victory came and forehead. Pettigrew fled Potter. Victory came and forehead. Pettigrew fled
with the high cost of his The the scene and faked his with the high cost of his The the scene and faked his with the high cost of his The the scene and faked his
many of their members. Death Pot- own death by hiding in many of their members. Death Pot- own death by hiding in many of their members. Death Pot- own death by hiding in

T he Order disband-
ed, but was re-
convened in 1995 after
for the
final time in
t e r s ,
who were
his Animagus form
(a rat) and cutting off
his own finger, while
T he Order disband-
ed, but was re-
convened in 1995 after
for the
final time in
t e r s ,
who were
his Animagus form
(a rat) and cutting off
his own finger, while
T he Order disband-
ed, but was re-
convened in 1995 after
for the
final time in
t e r s ,
who were
his Animagus form
(a rat) and cutting off
his own finger, while
Harry Potter informed at Hog- under the murdering many innocent Harry Potter informed at Hog- under the murdering many innocent Harry Potter informed at Hog- under the murdering many innocent
Dumbledore of Lord warts School Fidelius Charm, muggles with one spell, Dumbledore of Lord warts School Fidelius Charm, muggles with one spell, Dumbledore of Lord warts School Fidelius Charm, muggles with one spell,
Voldemort’s return. of Witchcraft and caused Snape to thus Sirius Black Voldemort’s return. of Witchcraft and caused Snape to thus Sirius Black Voldemort’s return. of Witchcraft and caused Snape to thus Sirius Black
The Ministry refused Wizardry. The Battle change his side, since was blamed for his The Ministry refused Wizardry. The Battle change his side, since was blamed for his The Ministry refused Wizardry. The Battle change his side, since was blamed for his

to admit that the Dark of Hogwarts ended and Alice he had always been in crimes, and thrown into to admit that the Dark of Hogwarts ended and Alice he had always been in crimes, and thrown into to admit that the Dark of Hogwarts ended and Alice he had always been in crimes, and thrown into
Lord had returned, with Voldemort’s lthough Longbottom — love with Lily Potter. Azkaban without a trial. Lord had returned, with Voldemort’s lthough Longbottom — love with Lily Potter. Azkaban without a trial. Lord had returned, with Voldemort’s lthough Longbottom — love with Lily Potter. Azkaban without a trial.
thus the Order alone
worked to protect Harry
death at Harry
Potter’s hands and a
the Death Eaters had defied Voldemort
been attacking mostly himself three times. I
t was not enough to
T he First
W i z -
thus the Order alone
worked to protect Harry
death at Harry
Potter’s hands and a
the Death Eaters had defied Voldemort
been attacking mostly himself three times. I
t was not enough to
T he First
W i z -
thus the Order alone
worked to protect Harry
death at Harry
Potter’s hands and a
the Death Eaters had defied Voldemort
been attacking mostly himself three times. I
t was not enough to
T he First
W i z -

Potter and the prophecy decisive victory for the arding War Potter and the prophecy decisive victory for the arding War Potter and the prophecy decisive victory for the arding War
concerning him and ended with a concerning him and ended with a concerning him and ended with a
Voldemort in the victory for the Voldemort in the victory for the Voldemort in the victory for the
Department of Mys- Order and the Department of Mys- Order and the Department of Mys- Order and the


teries. After an intense Ministry, but the teries. After an intense Ministry, but the teries. After an intense Ministry, but the
battle occurred there on Death Eaters were battle occurred there on Death Eaters were battle occurred there on Death Eaters were
18 June, 1996 between still a danger. Four 18 June, 1996 between still a danger. Four 18 June, 1996 between still a danger. Four
the Order, Dumbledore’s of them — the the Order, Dumbledore’s of them — the the Order, Dumbledore’s of them — the
Army, and the Death Lestrange brothers; Army, and the Death Lestrange brothers; Army, and the Death Lestrange brothers;
Eaters, the Ministry
finally admitted the truth. Order and their allies. and
Muggle-borns T his defiance made
the two couples and
save them, however; the
Potters’ Secret-Keeper
Rabastan and Rodol-
phus, Rodolphus’ wife
Eaters, the Ministry
finally admitted the truth. Order and their allies. and
Muggle-borns T his defiance made
the two couples and
save them, however; the
Potters’ Secret-Keeper
Rabastan and Rodol-
phus, Rodolphus’ wife
Eaters, the Ministry
finally admitted the truth. Order and their allies. and
Muggle-borns T his defiance made
the two couples and
save them, however; the
Potters’ Secret-Keeper
Rabastan and Rodol-
phus, Rodolphus’ wife

T he following year
would see the
Order losing their leader
T he Order of the
founded by Albus
to spread terror, they
soon turned to attacking
their infant sons Harry
Potter and Neville
Longbottom targets of
Peter Pettigrew
betrayed them, and
Voldemort came to their
Bellatrix, and Barty
Crouch Jr — attacked
the Longbottoms shortly
T he following year
would see the
Order losing their leader
T he Order of the
founded by Albus
to spread terror, they
soon turned to attacking
their infant sons Harry
Potter and Neville
Longbottom targets of
Peter Pettigrew
betrayed them, and
Voldemort came to their
Bellatrix, and Barty
Crouch Jr — attacked
the Longbottoms shortly
T he following year
would see the
Order losing their leader
T he Order of the
founded by Albus
to spread terror, they
soon turned to attacking
their infant sons Harry
Potter and Neville
Longbottom targets of
Peter Pettigrew
betrayed them, and
Voldemort came to their
Bellatrix, and Barty
Crouch Jr — attacked
the Longbottoms shortly
“blood traitors” such as “blood traitors” such as “blood traitors” such as
and the Ministry being Dumbledore during Order members as well. a prophecy concerning a home in Godric’s Hollow after their master’s de- and the Ministry being Dumbledore during Order members as well. a prophecy concerning a home in Godric’s Hollow after their master’s de- and the Ministry being Dumbledore during Order members as well. a prophecy concerning a home in Godric’s Hollow after their master’s de-
conquered by Voldemort. Lord Voldemort’s first Fabian and Gideon person with the power to on 31 October, 1981. feat. Seeking information conquered by Voldemort. Lord Voldemort’s first Fabian and Gideon person with the power to on 31 October, 1981. feat. Seeking information conquered by Voldemort. Lord Voldemort’s first Fabian and Gideon person with the power to on 31 October, 1981. feat. Seeking information

Your Your Your

“Time is short, and unless the few of us who know the truth stand united, “Time is short, and unless the few of us who know the truth stand united, “Time is short, and unless the few of us who know the truth stand united,
there is no hope for any of us.” there is no hope for any of us.” there is no hope for any of us.”

T he Order of the
Phoenix was a
secret society founded
The Order remained an
underground resistance,
trying to protect Mug-
rise to power in the
1970s. Dumbledore
formed the Order to
Prewett were murdered
by a group of six Death
Eaters led by Antonin
defeat the Dark Lord.
Then Death Eater
Severus Snape heard
He summarily murdered
James, but offered Lily
a chance to live, as
T he Order of the
Phoenix was a
secret society founded
The Order remained an
underground resistance,
trying to protect Mug-
rise to power in the
1970s. Dumbledore
formed the Order to
Prewett were murdered
by a group of six Death
Eaters led by Antonin
defeat the Dark Lord.
Then Death Eater
Severus Snape heard
He summarily murdered
James, but offered Lily
a chance to live, as
T he Order of the
Phoenix was a
secret society founded
The Order remained an
underground resistance,
trying to protect Mug-
rise to power in the
1970s. Dumbledore
formed the Order to
Prewett were murdered
by a group of six Death
Eaters led by Antonin
defeat the Dark Lord.
Then Death Eater
Severus Snape heard
He summarily murdered
James, but offered Lily
a chance to live, as
by Albus Dumbledore to gles and broadcast the combat Voldemort’s Dolohov. Caradoc Dear- part of the prophecy and requested by Severus by Albus Dumbledore to gles and broadcast the combat Voldemort’s Dolohov. Caradoc Dear- part of the prophecy and requested by Severus by Albus Dumbledore to gles and broadcast the combat Voldemort’s Dolohov. Caradoc Dear- part of the prophecy and requested by Severus
oppose Lord Voldemort truth during the worst increasing threat and born disappeared, the reported it to Volde- Snape. She rejected oppose Lord Voldemort truth during the worst increasing threat and born disappeared, the reported it to Volde- Snape. She rejected oppose Lord Voldemort truth during the worst increasing threat and born disappeared, the reported it to Volde- Snape. She rejected
and his Death Eaters. days of the Second power. Aurors from the Bones family was almost mort, who believed it re- the offer, begging for her and his Death Eaters. days of the Second power. Aurors from the Bones family was almost mort, who believed it re- the offer, begging for her and his Death Eaters. days of the Second power. Aurors from the Bones family was almost mort, who believed it re- the offer, begging for her
The original Order was Wizarding War. They Ministry completely destroyed, ferred to Harry Potter. son’s life, and Voldemort The original Order was Wizarding War. They Ministry completely destroyed, ferred to Harry Potter. son’s life, and Voldemort The original Order was Wizarding War. They Ministry completely destroyed, ferred to Harry Potter. son’s life, and Voldemort
created in the 1970s. answered the call t o o f Magic also Benjy Fenwick was He decided to hunt down used the Killing Curse created in the 1970s. answered the call t o o f Magic also Benjy Fenwick was He decided to hunt down used the Killing Curse created in the 1970s. answered the call t o o f Magic also Benjy Fenwick was He decided to hunt down used the Killing Curse
It was constructed after arms by Dumb- joined the Order brutally murdered, and t h e Potters, choos- against her and then on It was constructed after arms by Dumb- joined the Order brutally murdered, and t h e Potters, choos- against her and then on It was constructed after arms by Dumb- joined the Order brutally murdered, and t h e Potters, choos- against her and then on
Voldemort returned to ledore’s Army o n to participate in Marlene McKinnon ing the h a l f - b l o o d Harry. Because Lily Voldemort returned to ledore’s Army o n to participate in Marlene McKinnon ing the h a l f - b l o o d Harry. Because Lily Voldemort returned to ledore’s Army o n to participate in Marlene McKinnon ing the h a l f - b l o o d Harry. Because Lily
England from abroad 2 May, more secretive, sudden and her family were mur- H a r r y, l i k e had willingly sacrificed England from abroad 2 May, more secretive, sudden and her family were mur- H a r r y, l i k e had willingly sacrificed England from abroad 2 May, more secretive, sudden and her family were mur- H a r r y, l i k e had willingly sacrificed
and started his campaign 1998, fighting assaults aimed to crush dered by Death Eaters, Voldemort himself, herself out of love for and started his campaign 1998, fighting assaults aimed to crush dered by Death Eaters, Voldemort himself, herself out of love for and started his campaign 1998, fighting assaults aimed to crush dered by Death Eaters, Voldemort himself, herself out of love for
to take over the Minis- the Dark Rebellion. including Travers. Even as opposed her son, Harry was to take over the Minis- the Dark Rebellion. including Travers. Even as opposed her son, Harry was to take over the Minis- the Dark Rebellion. including Travers. Even as opposed her son, Harry was
try of Magic and per- Dumbledore created a as the Order suffered to the shielded from the spell, try of Magic and per- Dumbledore created a as the Order suffered to the shielded from the spell, try of Magic and per- Dumbledore created a as the Order suffered to the shielded from the spell,
secute Muggle-borns. Volde- method of communication great losses, they contin- pure-blood and the curse backfired. secute Muggle-borns. Volde- method of communication great losses, they contin- pure-blood and the curse backfired. secute Muggle-borns. Volde- method of communication great losses, they contin- pure-blood and the curse backfired.
The Order worked with m o r t among Order members ued to fight, and four of Neville. Because Voldemort had The Order worked with m o r t among Order members ued to fight, and four of Neville. Because Voldemort had The Order worked with m o r t among Order members ued to fight, and four of Neville. Because Voldemort had
the Ministry to oppose by inventing their members — James made Horcruxes, he the Ministry to oppose by inventing their members — James made Horcruxes, he the Ministry to oppose by inventing their members — James made Horcruxes, he
the Dark Lord and his a way to make Potter, Lily Potter, did not die, but he lost the Dark Lord and his a way to make Potter, Lily Potter, did not die, but he lost the Dark Lord and his a way to make Potter, Lily Potter, did not die, but he lost
followers, and played a Pa t r o n u s e s Frank Long- his own physical form. followers, and played a Pa t r o n u s e s Frank Long- his own physical form. followers, and played a Pa t r o n u s e s Frank Long- his own physical form.
crucial role in the First speak. bottom, He also inadvertently crucial role in the First speak. bottom, He also inadvertently crucial role in the First speak. bottom, He also inadvertently
Wizarding War. Vic- made Harry himself a Wizarding War. Vic- made Harry himself a Wizarding War. Vic- made Harry himself a
tory came in 1981, with Horcrux, as a piece of tory came in 1981, with Horcrux, as a piece of tory came in 1981, with Horcrux, as a piece of
Voldemort’s first defeat his soul embedded itself Voldemort’s first defeat his soul embedded itself Voldemort’s first defeat his soul embedded itself
at the hands of Harry into a scar on Harry’s at the hands of Harry into a scar on Harry’s at the hands of Harry into a scar on Harry’s
Potter. Victory came and forehead. Pettigrew fled Potter. Victory came and forehead. Pettigrew fled Potter. Victory came and forehead. Pettigrew fled
with the high cost of his The the scene and faked his with the high cost of his The the scene and faked his with the high cost of his The the scene and faked his
many of their members. Death Pot- own death by hiding in many of their members. Death Pot- own death by hiding in many of their members. Death Pot- own death by hiding in

T he Order disband-
ed, but was re-
convened in 1995 after
for the
final time in
t e r s ,
who were
his Animagus form
(a rat) and cutting off
his own finger, while
T he Order disband-
ed, but was re-
convened in 1995 after
for the
final time in
t e r s ,
who were
his Animagus form
(a rat) and cutting off
his own finger, while
T he Order disband-
ed, but was re-
convened in 1995 after
for the
final time in
t e r s ,
who were
his Animagus form
(a rat) and cutting off
his own finger, while
Harry Potter informed at Hog- under the murdering many innocent Harry Potter informed at Hog- under the murdering many innocent Harry Potter informed at Hog- under the murdering many innocent
Dumbledore of Lord warts School Fidelius Charm, muggles with one spell, Dumbledore of Lord warts School Fidelius Charm, muggles with one spell, Dumbledore of Lord warts School Fidelius Charm, muggles with one spell,
Voldemort’s return. of Witchcraft and caused Snape to thus Sirius Black Voldemort’s return. of Witchcraft and caused Snape to thus Sirius Black Voldemort’s return. of Witchcraft and caused Snape to thus Sirius Black
The Ministry refused Wizardry. The Battle change his side, since was blamed for his The Ministry refused Wizardry. The Battle change his side, since was blamed for his The Ministry refused Wizardry. The Battle change his side, since was blamed for his

to admit that the Dark of Hogwarts ended and Alice he had always been in crimes, and thrown into to admit that the Dark of Hogwarts ended and Alice he had always been in crimes, and thrown into to admit that the Dark of Hogwarts ended and Alice he had always been in crimes, and thrown into
Lord had returned, with Voldemort’s lthough Longbottom — love with Lily Potter. Azkaban without a trial. Lord had returned, with Voldemort’s lthough Longbottom — love with Lily Potter. Azkaban without a trial. Lord had returned, with Voldemort’s lthough Longbottom — love with Lily Potter. Azkaban without a trial.
thus the Order alone
worked to protect Harry
death at Harry
Potter’s hands and a
the Death Eaters had defied Voldemort
been attacking mostly himself three times.
t was
Inot enough to
T he First
W i z -
thus the Order alone
worked to protect Harry
death at Harry
Potter’s hands and a
the Death Eaters had defied Voldemort
been attacking mostly himself three times.
t was
Inot enough to
T he First
W i z -
thus the Order alone
worked to protect Harry
death at Harry
Potter’s hands and a
the Death Eaters had defied Voldemort
been attacking mostly himself three times.
t was
Inot enough to
T he First
W i z -

Potter and the prophecy decisive victory for the arding War Potter and the prophecy decisive victory for the arding War Potter and the prophecy decisive victory for the arding War
concerning him and ended with a concerning him and ended with a concerning him and ended with a
Voldemort in the victory for the Voldemort in the victory for the Voldemort in the victory for the
Department of Mys- Order and the Department of Mys- Order and the Department of Mys- Order and the


teries. After an intense Ministry, but the teries. After an intense Ministry, but the teries. After an intense Ministry, but the
battle occurred there on Death Eaters were battle occurred there on Death Eaters were battle occurred there on Death Eaters were
18 June, 1996 between still a danger. Four 18 June, 1996 between still a danger. Four 18 June, 1996 between still a danger. Four
the Order, Dumbledore’s of them — the the Order, Dumbledore’s of them — the the Order, Dumbledore’s of them — the
Army, and the Death Lestrange brothers; Army, and the Death Lestrange brothers; Army, and the Death Lestrange brothers;
Eaters, the Ministry
finally admitted the truth. Order and their allies. and
Muggle-borns T his defiance made
the two couples and
save them, however; the
Potters’ Secret-Keeper
Rabastan and Rodol-
phus, Rodolphus’ wife
Eaters, the Ministry
finally admitted the truth. Order and their allies. and
Muggle-borns T his defiance made
the two couples and
save them, however; the
Potters’ Secret-Keeper
Rabastan and Rodol-
phus, Rodolphus’ wife
Eaters, the Ministry
finally admitted the truth. Order and their allies. and
Muggle-borns T his defiance made
the two couples and
save them, however; the
Potters’ Secret-Keeper
Rabastan and Rodol-
phus, Rodolphus’ wife

T he following year
would see the
Order losing their leader
T he Order of the
founded by Albus
to spread terror, they
soon turned to attacking
their infant sons Harry
Potter and Neville
Longbottom targets of
Peter Pettigrew
betrayed them, and
Voldemort came to their
Bellatrix, and Barty
Crouch Jr — attacked
the Longbottoms shortly
T he following year
would see the
Order losing their leader
T he Order of the
founded by Albus
to spread terror, they
soon turned to attacking
their infant sons Harry
Potter and Neville
Longbottom targets of
Peter Pettigrew
betrayed them, and
Voldemort came to their
Bellatrix, and Barty
Crouch Jr — attacked
the Longbottoms shortly
T he following year
would see the
Order losing their leader
T he Order of the
founded by Albus
to spread terror, they
soon turned to attacking
their infant sons Harry
Potter and Neville
Longbottom targets of
Peter Pettigrew
betrayed them, and
Voldemort came to their
Bellatrix, and Barty
Crouch Jr — attacked
the Longbottoms shortly
“blood traitors” such as “blood traitors” such as “blood traitors” such as
and the Ministry being Dumbledore during Order members as well. a prophecy concerning a home in Godric’s Hollow after their master’s de- and the Ministry being Dumbledore during Order members as well. a prophecy concerning a home in Godric’s Hollow after their master’s de- and the Ministry being Dumbledore during Order members as well. a prophecy concerning a home in Godric’s Hollow after their master’s de-
conquered by Voldemort. Lord Voldemort’s first Fabian and Gideon person with the power to on 31 October, 1981. feat. Seeking information conquered by Voldemort. Lord Voldemort’s first Fabian and Gideon person with the power to on 31 October, 1981. feat. Seeking information conquered by Voldemort. Lord Voldemort’s first Fabian and Gideon person with the power to on 31 October, 1981. feat. Seeking information

“Time is short, and unless the few of us who know the truth stand united,
+ N 1331 o.

T he Order of the
Phoenix was a
secret society founded
by Albus Dumbledore to
oppose Lord Voldemort
and his Death Eaters.
The original Order was
created in the 1970s.
It was constructed after
there is no hope for any of us.”
The Order remained an
underground resistance,
trying to protect Mug-
gles and broadcast the
truth during the worst
days of the Second
Wizarding War. They
answered the call t o
arms by Dumb-
rise to power in the
1970s. Dumbledore
formed the Order to
combat Voldemort’s
increasing threat and
power. Aurors from the
o f Magic also
joined the Order
Prewett were murdered
by a group of six Death
Eaters led by Antonin
Dolohov. Caradoc Dear-
born disappeared, the
Bones family was almost
completely destroyed,
Benjy Fenwick was
brutally murdered, and
defeat the Dark Lord.
Then Death Eater
Severus Snape heard
part of the prophecy and
reported it to Volde-
mort, who believed it re-
ferred to Harry Potter.
He decided to hunt down
t h e Potters, choos-
He summarily murdered
James, but offered Lily
a chance to live, as
requested by Severus
Snape. She rejected
the offer, begging for her
son’s life, and Voldemort
used the Killing Curse
against her and then on
may n ot
Voldemort returned to ledore’s Army o n to participate in Marlene McKinnon ing the h a l f - b l o o d Harry. Because Lily
England from abroad 2 May, more secretive, sudden and her family were mur- H a r r y, l i k e had willingly sacrificed
and started his campaign
to take over the Minis-
try of Magic and per-
1998, fighting assaults aimed to crush
the Dark Rebellion.
Dumbledore created a
dered by Death Eaters,
including Travers. Even
as the Order suffered
as opposed
to the
himself, herself out of love for
her son, Harry was
shielded from the spell,
secute Muggle-borns. Volde- method of communication great losses, they contin- pure-blood and the curse backfired.

The Order worked with m o r t among Order members ued to fight, and four of Neville. Because Voldemort had
the Ministry to oppose by inventing their members — James made Horcruxes, he
the Dark Lord and his a way to make Potter, Lily Potter, did not die, but he lost
followers, and played a Pa t r o n u s e s Frank Long- his own physical form.
crucial role in the First speak. bottom, He also inadvertently
Wizarding War. Vic- made Harry himself a
tory came in 1981, with Horcrux, as a piece of
Voldemort’s first defeat his soul embedded itself
at the hands of Harry into a scar on Harry’s
Potter. Victory came and forehead. Pettigrew fled
with the high cost of his The the scene and faked his
many of their members. Death Pot- own death by hiding in

T he Order disband-
ed, but was re-
convened in 1995 after
for the
final time in
t e r s ,
who were
his Animagus form
(a rat) and cutting off
his own finger, while
Harry Potter informed at Hog- under the murdering many innocent
Dumbledore of Lord warts School Fidelius Charm, muggles with one spell,
Voldemort’s return. of Witchcraft and caused Snape to thus Sirius Black
The Ministry refused Wizardry. The Battle change his side, since was blamed for his

to admit that the Dark of Hogwarts ended and Alice he had always been in crimes, and thrown into
Lord had returned, with Voldemort’s lthough Longbottom — love with Lily Potter. Azkaban without a trial. ickn esse
s Th
thus the Order alone death at Harry the Death Eaters had defied Voldemort t was not enough to he First ister for
As Referred to
worked to protect Harry Potter’s hands and a been attacking mostly himself three times. W i z -

in Decree No. 169 of 1908.
Potter and the prophecy decisive victory for the arding War formerly known to be the Ministeral
concerning him and ended with a Management of Magical Mayhem Act No. 584/4
Voldemort in the victory for the A subject to Approval by The Very Important Members of Section M.I. Trx

Department of Mys- Order and the

teries. After an intense Ministry, but the
battle occurred there on Death Eaters were
18 June, 1996 between still a danger. Four
the Order, Dumbledore’s of them — the
Army, and the Death Lestrange brothers;
Eaters, the Ministry
finally admitted the truth. Order and their allies. and
Muggle-borns T his defiance made
the two couples and
save them, however; the
Potters’ Secret-Keeper
Rabastan and Rodol-
phus, Rodolphus’ wife

T he following year
would see the
Order losing their leader
T he Order of the
founded by Albus
to spread terror, they
soon turned to attacking
their infant sons Harry
Potter and Neville
Longbottom targets of
Peter Pettigrew
betrayed them, and
Voldemort came to their
Bellatrix, and Barty
Crouch Jr — attacked
the Longbottoms shortly
“blood traitors” such as
and the Ministry being Dumbledore during Order members as well. a prophecy concerning a home in Godric’s Hollow after their master’s de-
conquered by Voldemort. Lord Voldemort’s first Fabian and Gideon person with the power to on 31 October, 1981. feat. Seeking information

may be printed double-sided / duplex

Your Your Your

Your Your Your

eylouer ct

by order of the Your

Minister for Magic



may be printed double-sided / duplex

eylouer ct eylouer ct eylouer ct
eylouer ct eylouer ct eylouer ct
eylouer ct eylouer ct eylouer ct
+ N 311 o.
+ N 71 o.
+ N 113 o.
+ N 103 o.


shall receive
T A U GH T at f o r t h e KILLING CURSES

esse y esse esse

s Th
ickn Magic Kingsle t s Th
ickn Magic s Th
ickn Magic
ister for ister for ister for
As Referred to As Referred to As Referred to As Referred to
in Decree No. 169 of 1908. in Decree No. 232 of 1954. ister for
in Decree No. 169 of 1908. in Decree No. 169 of 1908.
formerly known to be the Ministeral formerly known to be the Ministeral formerly known to be the Ministeral formerly known to be the Ministeral
Management of Magical Mayhem Act No. 584/4 Management of Magical Mayhem Act No. 983/8 Management of Magical Mayhem Act No. 584/4 Management of Magical Mayhem Act No. 584/4
A subject to Approval by The Very Important Members of Section M.I. Trx A subject to Approval by The Very Important Members of Section M.I. Trx A subject to Approval by The Very Important Members of Section M.I. Trx A subject to Approval by The Very Important Members of Section M.I. Trx


+ N 117 o.
+ N 107 o.
+ N 313 o.
+ N 133 o.




ARE BANNED are henceforth
effective B E A S T
immediately ADDITIONAL HOGWARTS rather than

y y esse esse
Kingsle t Kingsle t s Th
ickn Magic s Th
ickn Magic
ckebMaolgic ckebMaolgic
ister for ister for
Sha Sha
As Referred to As Referred to As Referred to As Referred to
in Decree No. 432 of 1734. ister for
in Decree No. 212 of 1834. ister for
in Decree No. 343 of 1902. in Decree No. 984 of 1803.
formerly known to be the Ministeral formerly known to be the Ministeral formerly known to be the Ministeral formerly known to be the Ministeral
Management of Magical Mayhem Act No. 232/8 Management of Magical Mayhem Act No. 234/8 Management of Magical Mayhem Act No. 584/4 Management of Magical Mayhem Act No. 584/4
A subject to Approval by The Very Important Members of Section M.I. Trx A subject to Approval by The Very Important Members of Section M.I. Trx A subject to Approval by The Very Important Members of Section M.I. Trx A subject to Approval by The Very Important Members of Section M.I. Trx


+ N 117 o.
+ N 331 o.
+ N 1113 o.
+ N 1313 o.


are ALL O W E D to

y esse esse esse

Kingsle t s Th
ickn Magic s Th
ickn Magic s Th
ister for ister for ister for
As Referred to As Referred to As Referred to As Referred to
in Clause No. 3 of 1983. ister for
in Decree No. 345 of 1920. in Decree No. 123 of 1983. in Decree No. 231 of 1734.
formerly known to be the formerly known to be the Ministeral formerly known to be the Ministeral formerly known to be the Ministeral
Code of Wand Usage Act No. 234/8 Management of Magical Mayhem Act No. 584/4 Management of Magical Mayhem Act No. 584/4 Management of Magical Mayhem Act No. 584/4
A subject to Approval by The Very Important Members of Section M.I. Trx A subject to Approval by The Very Important Members of Section M.I. Trx A subject to Approval by The Very Important Members of Section M.I. Trx A subject to Approval by The Very Important Members of Section M.I. Trx

may be printed double-sided / duplex

+ + + +


by order of the by order of the by order of the by order of the

Minister for Magic Minister for Magic Minister for Magic Minister for Magic


+ + + +


by order of the by order of the by order of the by order of the

Minister for Magic Minister for Magic Minister for Magic Minister for Magic


+ + + +


by order of the by order of the by order of the by order of the

Minister for Magic Minister for Magic Minister for Magic Minister for Magic


of the
Election Legislative Session
• Lord Voldemort can only seize power if three Death Eater • Receive 2 policies, Discard 1 face-down, enact 1 face-up.
decrees are already out at the moment he’s elected Chief • Don’t speak while in session; only once you’ve enacted a
Warlock. policy face-up can you discuss (or lie about!) what policies
you were passed.
Ignoratia y Juris y Non y Excusata
as elected by the Wizarding community of Great Britain and Ireland in the general election for British Minister for Magic under the decree 284/4 from 1707.
The appointed
Election Legislative Session Executive Action
• Nominate a Warlock; members of • Draw 3, Discard 1, Pass 2. • Ministry powers do not carry over be-
the last elected government are not • Don’t speak while in session. tween rounds.
eligible. • The sitting Minister for Magic has
• After a decree is enacted, you may
• Get at least 50% of the table to vote discuss (or lie about!) what decrees the final say and MUST exercise any
“Yes” you drew, discarded and passed. power granted to him.
• Lord Voldemort can only seize pow- • You are free to discuss (or lie about!)
er if three Death Eater decrees are al- the results of an Investigation.
ready out at the moment he’s elected
Chief Warlock.
print seperately

Hello fellow gamers!

This file gives you a full print and play version of “Secret Voldemort”.
Print double-sided on heavy paper for best results. This file is made for
letter. Some adjustments had to be make, so pay attention to the notes.

Identity and voting cards fit standard sleeves, decrees fit mini euro

I am not happy with some of the portraits. If you are an artist who’d
like to give a little to this project, feel free to contact me at me@adas- or on BGG (username: raevynn)

This part is tricky to print... I recommend printing it twice and then cutting it in half and glueing it together in a
way that will allow you to make a foldable board that’ll fit in the box.
You’ll find the same on the next two pages in a different position, so you may print without missing parts of the
Alternatively, there’s another file available on the filepage with these boards on A3.

5 or 6

7 or 8
investigates a


9 or 10
investigates a investigates a



print seperately

The Death Eaters

examines the
s e n d s a PLAYER



nominates the s e n d s a PLAYER

veto the decrees
rather than enact one.


nominates the


Order of the Phoenix



The Death Eaters
5 or 6


examines the

L +
7 or 8

investigates a nominates the s e n d s a PLAYER

9 or 10

investigates a investigates a nominates the


The Order of the Phoe


print seperately

s e n d s a PLAYER

veto the decrees
rather than enact one.




may be printed double-sided / duplex

Secret Voldemort
Welcome to the Second Wizarding War... You are a Min-
istry of Magic employee, secretly working for The Or-
der of the Phoenix, or the Death Eaters. By enacting
Ministry Decrees, you are trying to advance your own
agenda. However, as there are Death Eaters among you,
the wizarding world is in danger of falling into chaos.
And one of you might even be a Lord Voldemort him-
self, attempting to seize total control of the Ministry...
Every player is secretly part of The Order of the Phoe-
nix or of The Death Eaters. Select the following role
cards according to number of players:
Players 5 6 7 8 9 10
Order 3 4 4 5 5 6
Death Eaters 1+V 1+V 2+V 2+V 3+V 3+V
Players secretly investigate their identity, then one
player gives the following directions:
• For 5-6 players: “Close your eyes.” – “Death Eaters
and Voldemort, open your eyes and acknowledge
each other. ” – “Close your eyes again.” – “Everyone
can open your eyes.”
• For 7-10 players: “Close your eyes and extend your
hand into a fist in front of you.” – “Voldemort - keep
your eyes closed but put your thumb out into a
thumbs-up gesture.” – “All Death Eaters who are
NOT Voldemort should open their eyes and ac-
knowledge each other.” – “Death Eaters, take note
of who has extended his or her thumb - that player
is Lord Voldemort.” – “Close your eyes and put your
hands down.” – “Everyone can open your eyes.”


+N 7 o.
+ N 17 o.
+ N 13 o.
+ N 31 o.


of the AURORS of the B ANK
such as murder, torture
or conspirary

y y esse esse
Kingsle t Kingsle t s Th
ickn Magic s Th
ickn Magic
ckebMaolgic ckebMaolgic
ister for ister for
Sha Sha
As Referred to As Referred to As Referred to As Referred to
in Decree No. 157 of 1924. ister for
in Decree No. 435 of 1914. ister for
in Decree No. 169 of 1908. in Decree No. 169 of 1908.
formerly known to be the Ministeral formerly known to be the Ministeral formerly known to be the Ministeral formerly known to be the Ministeral
Management of Magical Mayhem Act No. 792/8 Management of Magical Mayhem Act No. 321/8 Management of Magical Mayhem Act No. 584/4 Management of Magical Mayhem Act No. 584/4
A subject to Approval by The Very Important Members of Section M.I. Trx A subject to Approval by The Very Important Members of Section M.I. Trx A subject to Approval by The Very Important Members of Section M.I. Trx A subject to Approval by The Very Important Members of Section M.I. Trx
• A player becomes Minister for Magic (usually in
clockwise order).
• The Minister elects a Chief Warlock of the Wizen-
gamot. The Warlock cannot have been part of the
previous team.
• All players vote for (approve) or against (deny) the
current leadership.
• If the majority approves, the Minister draws 3 decree
cards and passes two to the Warlock.
• The Warlock selects one card that is played on the
decree track and discards the other card.
• Players may then discuss the results of the legisla-
tive session before the next session starts.
The game ends in a Order of the Phoenix Victory if either:
• Five Kingsley Shackebolt decrees are successful.
• Lord Voldemort is assassinated.
The game ends in a Death Eater Victory if either:
• Six Pius Thicknesse decrees are successful.
• Lord Voldemort wins an election as Chief Warlock
of the Wizengamot any time after the third No. 13
decree was successful.
5 or 6 players: Lord Voldemort knows who the Death Eaters
7 to 10 players: Lord Voldemort DOESN‘T know who the
Death Eaters are. Death Eaters always know who Lord
Voldemort is and who the other Death Eaters are.
Variant: Snape knows who the Death Eaters are (but
not who Voldemort is). He plays for the Order.

+ + + +


by order of the by order of the by order of the by order of the

Minister for Magic Minister for Magic Minister for Magic Minister for Magic


Bottom Box

see notes on next

in the Cruciatus Curse torture of Alice
arresting his own son for participating
first fall of Lord Voldemort, including
his purges of Death Eaters after the
Enforcement had gained popularity from
of the Department of Magical Law
Bartemius Crouch Snr, who as Head

with power.
of his previous negative experiences
times,[7] but turned it down, because
ister.[3] He was offered the job four
Albus Dumbledore to become Min-
many of the wizarding population wanted

among us!? S peaking to

He Who Must Not Be Named


defeat at the hands of Harry Potter.
came in 1981, with Voldemort’s first
the First Wizarding War. Victory
followers, and played a crucial role in
to oppose the Dark Lord and his
Order worked with the Ministry
and persecute Muggle-borns. The
take over the Ministry of Magic
abroad and started his campaign to
Voldemort returned to England from
the 1970s. It was constructed after
The original Order was created in
Voldemort and his Death Eaters.
Albus Dumbledore to oppose Lord


Minister from that point on was
he most likely person to become

Bagnold’s retirement in 1990,

hortly before Minister Millicent


a secret society founded by

he Order of the Phoenix was
in his private
office, Cornelius from Azkaban
gained entry to the Ministry of

lowers once more for a fresh

Magic itself on Thursday eve-
ning. Albus Dumbledore, newly
reinstated headmaster of Hog-
warts School of Witchcraft and
Wizardry, reinstated member of

was unavailable for comment last

the International Confederation
of Wizards and reinstated Chief
Warlock of the Wizengamot,

night. He has insisted for a

year that You-Know-Who was
not dead, as was widely hoped
and believed, but recruiting fol-

Fudge, Minister suggests outside help, and we

for Magic, confirmed that ten must remember that Black, as
attempt to seize power.

high-security prisoners escaped the first person ever to break

in the early hours of yesterday out of Azkaban, would be ide-
evening, and that he has already ally placed to help others follow
informed the Muggle Prime in his footsteps. We think it
Minister of the dangerous likely that these individuals, who
ministration he requested frequent help
sacked in 1996. Early on in his ad-
and stayed on as Minister until being
Minister for Magic in 1990[9]
second rise to power. He became
events surrounding
for Magic during the

terial pursuits.
enough time at home due to his minis-
neglecting his son and by not spending
in Azkaban were the result of Crouch
pected that his son’s actions and death
he fell out of favour when people sus-
and Frank Longbottom.[8] However,

nature of these individuals. include Black’s cousin, Bellatrix

Lord had returned, thus the Order
refused to admit that the Dark
return. The Ministry
Lord Voldemort’s
Dumbledore of
after Har-
in 1995
but was

their members.
cost of many of
Victory came with the high
“We find ourselves, most un-
ornelius Fudge

Lestrange, have rallied around

which as recently as last
Wednesday was receiving
Ministry assurances
that there was “no truth
whatsoever in these
persistent rumours that
You-Know-Who is
operating amongst us
once more.” Details of
the events that led to the
Ministry turnaround are

believed that He-Who-

still hazy, though it is

and a select band of follow-
dismay and alarm from the ers (known as Death Eaters)

he Or-
fortunately, in the same position Black as their leader. We


we were two and a half years are, however, doing all we can

ago when the murderer Sirius to round up the criminals and

Black escaped,” said Fudge beg the magical community to
last night. “Nor do we think remain alert and cautious. On
the two breakouts are unrelated. no account should any of these

der dis-
An escape of this magnitude individuals be approached.”

ter and the prophecy concerning
alone worked to protect Harry Pot-
Spells and Protective Objects.
Confiscation of Counterfeit Defensive
such as Office for the Detection and
the creation of several new bureaucracy,

trying to usurp Fudge’s position.

Dumbledore and believed that he was
dore, but he later became suspicious of
from wizards such as Albus Dumble-

ment was met with
will be delivered free to all
to continuing in the Min-

and personal defence that

wizarding homes within the

he Minister’s state-
country was facing, Rufus Scrim-
n response to the war situation the

the Ministry, then undergo determined to root out such

istry’s employ. We believe

is currently publishing
guides to elementary home
that the dementors are


the Order losing their leader

he following year would see
currently taking direction

vigilant. The Ministry

and witches to register with or force. The Ministry is

from Lord - Thingy.
We urge the magical
population to remain

the truth.
force all Muggle-born wizards obtained magical power by theft

goal of the Commission was to Muggle-born is likely to have

istry finally admitted

and was responsible for
the summer of 1996,
Fudge’s successor in
Office, was appointed
Head of the Auror
geour, the previous

August, 1997. The public exists, therefore, the so-called

Eaters, the Min-

coming month.”

Voldemort in the
and the Death
Voldemort’s takeover on 1 no proven Wizarding ancestry

ledore’s Army,
Order, Dumb-

of Mysteries.
between the
June, 1996
there on 18
intense battle
of Magic following Lord Wizards reproduce. Where

the Ministry person when
was set up by from person to
n a brief statement Friday
night, Minister for Magic
Cornelius Fudge confirmed
that He-Who-Must-Not-Be
Named has returned to this

“It is with great regret that I

know who I mean - is alive and

country and is active once more.

must confirm that the wizard

styling himself Lord - well, you

among us again,” said Fudge,

looking tired and flustered as
he addressed reporters. “It is
with almost equal regret that we
report the mass revolt of the
Dementors of Azkaban, who
have shown themselves averse
Commission be passed
Registration magic can only

victory for the Order and their allies.

Harry Potter’s hands and a decisive
ended with Voldemort’s death at
Wizardry. The Battle of Hogwarts
Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and
Death Eaters for the final time at
1998, fighting Voldemort and his
Dumbledore’s Army on 2 May,
They answered the call to arms by
of the Second Wizarding War.
the truth during the worst days
to protect Muggles and broadcast
an underground resistance, trying
by Voldemort. The Order remained
and the Ministry being conquered
gle-Born reveals that

ter’s co-operation with the Ministry

the Ministry.
lead to his downfall and the downfall of
safety, something that would ultimately
concerned with the appearance of false
was not getting done. He was too
Scrimgeour’s regime actual progress
ly imprisoning Stan Shunpike. Under
ing to the contrary, such as by wrongful-
making progress, despite the reality be-
make the Ministry look like it was
opinion, Scrimgeour tried desperately to
than Fudge. Again reacting to public

he Mug- of Mysteries

Lid of box
Registration Commission. dertaken by the Department
geour did not fare much better
espite this, unfortunately, Scrim-
Scrimgeour, in which Harry Pot-
arry had two meetings with

newly appointed Muggle-born secrets. Recent research un-

themselves for interview by the they came to possess magical
called Muggle-born to present the better to understand how
an invitation to every so- of so-called “Muggle-borns,”
and to this end has issued is undertaking a survey
usurpers of magical power, he Ministry of Magic
T he Order of the Phoenix was
a secret society founded by
came with the high cost of many of
their members. T he following year would see
the Order losing their leader
Voldemort’s death at Harry Pot-
ter’s hands and a decisive victory
their master’s downfall, the Death
Eaters drove Alice and Frank in-
prior to Voldemort’s fall, suspect-
ed that Voldemort would return,
Albus Dumbledore to oppose Lord
Voldemort and his Death Eaters.
The original Order was created in
T he Order disbanded, but was
reconvened in 1995 after
Harry Potter informed Dumbledore

and the Ministry being conquered

by Voldemort. The Order remained
an underground resistance, trying

for the Order and their allies.

T he First Wizarding War
ended with a victory for the

sane with the Cruciatus Curse. The

Death Eaters and many of their
comrades were caught and sentenced

and they determined that Harry

Potter had to be protected, having
Order members such as Minerva
the 1970s. It was constructed of Lord Voldemort’s return. The to protect Muggles and broadcast Order and the Ministry, but to Azkaban, some of them turned McGonagall, Arabella Figg, and
after Voldemort returned to En- Ministry refused to admit that the the truth during the worst the Death in by Igor Karkaroff, who was Dedalus Diggle keep an discreet
gland from abroad and started his Dark Lord had returned, thus days of the Second Eaters released in exchange for information. eye on him throughout his child-
campaign to take over the Ministry the Order alone worked to protect Wizarding were still Others, such as Lucius Malfoy, hood. However, the war was over,
of Magic and persecute Mug- Harry Potter and the prophecy con- Wa r. a danger. managed to avoid prison by claim- and the Order was disbanded. The
gle-borns. The Order worked with cerning him and Voldemort in the T h e y answered the Four of them ing to have only served Voldemort members were, for the most part,
the Ministry to oppose the Dark Department of Mysteries. After call to arms by Dumbledore’s Army — the Lestrange brothers; under the Imperius Curse, though powerful witches and wizards with
Lord and his followers, and played an intense battle occurred there on on 2 May, 1998, fighting Volde- Rabastan and Rodolphus, Rodol- Order members were sceptical of many other demands on their time
a crucial role in the First Wizard- 18 June, 1996 between the Order, mort and his Death Eaters for the phus’ wife Bellatrix, and Barty such claims. and if the second incarnation of the
ing War. Victory came in 1981, Dumbledore’s Army, and the Death final time at Hogwarts School of Crouch Jr — attacked the Long-
A lbus Dumbledore and Severus Order is indicative, there may well
print seperately

with Voldemort’s first defeat at the Eaters, the Ministry finally admit- Witchcraft and Wizardry. The bottoms shortly after their master’s Snape, who had turned spy have been internal pressures and
hands of Harry Potter. Victory ted the truth. Battle of Hogwarts ended with defeat. Seeking information about for the Order “at great personal risk” uncertainties which, in the absence of
print seperately

he Ministry of

During the heights of the Dark Lord,

Prime Minister of Great Britain is
ister for Magic. The current Minister
government to the wizarding world. The
The Ministry connects the British
tention of preservation of magical law.

the Minister for Magic worked with

visited by the Minister for Magic.
in Britain is Hermione Granger. Each
underground. It is headed by the Min-
Whitehall, in central London, deep
headquarters of the Ministry are in
and Wales) and Ireland with the in-
Great Britain (i.e. England, Scotland
ing body of the magical community of
(M.o.M.) is the main govern-

in Ireland.

Maybe leave some space around and try it out

Parts of the lid and box (had to seperate these for
the 1600s. It was
being sometime during
Council and came into
to the earlier Wizards’
formed as a successor
of Magic was

letter size) - not sure how the glueing wil work out.
tection for the Muggle World.

enforcing said Statute in the United

still today takes the responsibility of
eration of Wizards’ decision to create
involved in the International Confed-
to govern the wizarding population
the Muggle Minister to ensure pro-

the Statute of Secrecy in 1692 and

he same Ministry also appears


Council. It

command a life sentence in Azkaban.

use by non-wizard folk are also enforced

use. By the 1990s, their use would

rius, Cruciatus, and Avada Kedavra
classified the Impe-
1717, the Ministry
founded in 1707. In
the earlier Wizards’
Magic succeeded
he Ministry of

the strictest of penalties attached to their

curses the Unforgivable Curses, with
by the Ministry, in part to maintain
by underage wizards and against wand
Kingdom. The laws against magic-use

he Death Eaters was the of the Death Eaters had Dark ccording to former Hogwarts group, much less the model student wizard community, but the Death a conversation between Dumble-
T name given to followers of Marks burned into their left fore- A headmaster Albus Dumb- Riddle himself. Eaters remained opposed by the dore and Sybill Trelawney, which
Lord Voldemort. The group arms. When Voldemort touched ledore, they were a mixture of the eath Eater activity during Order of the Phoenix, founded by predicted that either Harry Potter
primarily consisted of wizards and one of them, each of the Death weak seeking protection, the ambi- D the First Wizarding War Albus Dumbledore. The Minis- (son of Order members James and
witches who were radical pure blood Eaters felt it, signalling for them tious seeking glory, and the thuggish consisted of attacks on wizards, try, in retaliation and spearheaded Lily Potter) or Neville Longbottom
supremacists, who practised the to Apparate to their leader’s side. seeking a leader who could show witches, and large numbers of by the head of the Department of (son of Order members Alice and

they had decided to do. The Minister

President of the Magical Congress of
of Magic had to decide whether they

many of the wizarding population wanted

Bagnold’s retirement in 1990,
hortly before Minister Millicent
this one out”. Elizabeth replied with an
word letter stating that they were “sitting
Crowdy who replied with a simple four
for Magic at the time was Maximilian
beth McGilliguddy enquired as to what
the United States of America, Eliza-
gle neighbours. In 1777, the then
were to intervene and help their Mug-

even shorter letter stating “mind you do”.

began in 1775, the Ministry
hen the Revolutionary War
Dark Arts with reckless abandon efore the Death Eaters them- them more refined cruelty, and were Muggles. These were initiated by Magical Law Enforcement Barty Frank Longbottom) would be the
and without regard to or fear of B selves came to be, Tom considered to be the Death Eaters, often, Crouch Snr, legalised the usage of one to destroy Voldemort. Volde-
wizarding law. Riddle, as Voldemort the Unforgivable Curses mort chose to attack the Potters,
ord Voldemort used this select was known in his childhood and forerunners of against suspects, and seeing Harry as a greater danger
L group of wizards and witches early adulthood, gathered a gang of the Death Eaters since most (if not but not always, on the orders of ordered kill rather than capture, to him. Despite being under the
during both the First and Second Slytherin students who considered all) indeed became the first Death Voldemort. When the Ministry attack first and question later, and protection of the Fidelius Charm,
Wizarding Wars, employing them themselves his friends, though in Eaters. He manipulated them to did not suffer an ostensible collapse imprison without trials. Voldemort was able to gain entry
as his elite force. They often wore truth, he felt no real attachments to do his bidding, and though this led in the eleven years of Voldemort’s t the height of the war, Sever- into their home because James
black hoods and masks with snake- any of them due to his lack of desire to several nasty incidents over the reign, the Death Eaters began to A us Snape reported to Lord had entrusted his old friend Peter
like eye slits to cover their faces. for a true friend. years, with Riddle’s strategic dis- attack prominent wizarding families. Voldemort the part of a prophecy Pettigrew to be Secret-Keeper, and
Only the members of the inner circle cretion, none was linked back to the As a result, fear gripped the wider he had heard, while listening in on Pettigrew subsequently betrayed the

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