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Vorozhtsova 1

Daria Vorozhtsova

Dr. Ben

GEB 1101


Assignment 4

1. Branding

1. I have branded myself before since I am an ESL tutor. I try to brand myself

through different websites. I’ve done this to gain more students or for others to

spread the word that they have found a good ESL tutor, and it has been working.

Many of my students share my profiles, and this causes me to gain even more

students easier. But it wasn’t like this in the beginning, and it took some time to

gain the right expertise that fit many people at once.

2. I do think branding is important. By branding yourself or your business it helps

you gain more people that are willing to pay you for your services or products. If

you don’t use branding, you’ll have a low chance of people recognizing you or

your business.

3. Well, when I first started to brand myself and my service, I tried my best to

explain what I was offering after students were able to see what they could

receive from me. I would have a conversation with them and see what their goals

are. This helped me to create different plans for every student. Since many of my

students choose to have their lessons outside of their homes, for example, we

would have our lessons at a coffee shop, this also helped me to brand myself since

many people would see us having a lesson and get interested in me and what I
Vorozhtsova 2

could do for them. On top of this, I branded myself to many linguistic centers,

even though I never worked for any certain center they offered me to have a

couple of presentations each month for their students and this also helped me gain

more students.

4. If I was a product, I think what would appeal to buyers would be my individuality

and simplicity. My best characteristic is my knowledge because I try to educate

myself as much as possible. I try different things, and I am always interested to

try something new. I think that if you don’t try something new, you’ll never know

if you are good at it.

2. Strong $

1. American citizens benefit from strong dollar because imports are cheaper. For

example, U.S. citizens would have to pay for electronics or cars if an American dollar

is strong. But looking at the other side of this, U.S. exports would suffer since their

goods would be higher in price and this would cause certain companies to not be able

to sell as many goods as they produce.

2. In my opinion, the current level of inflation is bad for low-income families, since

these families probably have a fixed income, it will be hard for them to purchase

items when there is a rise in goods.

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