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Vorozhtsova 1

Daria Vorozhtsova

Professor Flores


6 January 2022

My Business Narrative

I have tried many different jobs, and none of them fit me. From the age of sixteen till

now I have had five different jobs and I dreaded going to work every day and it did not matter

how much I was earning or how great my staff was, I always dreaded going to work, but I could

not understand why I hate every job I have. Well, one day I was at my job and decided to dig

deep within me to see the true reason for my hatred of every job and that is when I realized it is

not the jobs I hate, it is the mere fact that I work for someone else. From that point on in my life,

I knew I would always be my own boss and take any opportunity that comes my way.

Throughout my different jobs, I had the opportunity to meet a lot of great people. But,

this one job pushed me to choose a business career path and this job was at a high-end restaurant

where many wealthy people came to indulge in our food. So naturally, my manager would

command me where to sit these people and where to put our future reservations. Every time I

would hear my manager say something like, “Dasha put them at table 7.” The only thing I

wanted to do was just let out an exasperated sigh, all I could think was why is this person telling

me what to do, it is not like I can’t do it. This was the first time that I thought, “If I was the

manager or the owner, I could do better than him.” All these thoughts piled up in my head, and I

knew I had to choose a career path that would allow me to have the freedom that I seek.

Eventually, after digging deep for a career that would interest me. I found out about

entrepreneurship and how many great things you could do on your own. This pushed me even
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further, to see what careers would be interesting to me. It was like a scavenger hunt, I would find

a career path that would catch my eye and learn more about it just to realize I was not interested

in it. By the time I was a senior, I was lost and upset with myself. Before bed, my thoughts

would spiral into a pit of darkness all I could think was, “Where will I end up in the next ten

years, I don’t think I can do this.” But I was wrong, during this year I made a friend. This friend

helped me realize how many careers there are out there, he worked as a target ad creator. He told

me all about it and I knew that I wanted to do something similar to him. That is when I learned

about marketing, and all I could feel was lightness. All my negative and self-deprecating

thoughts were gone, and I felt at peace with myself at once.

Finally, I found my dream career path that fit me in every aspect possible. Even though I

learned everything about marketing, I did not know that there was more to marketing. I did not

know what other paths you could take after majoring in marketing. With this in mind, I decided

to look for universities that would allow me to see what job opportunities students with my major

had. After applying to every university that caught my eye and were offering amazing marketing

majors. I knew that I was not prepared for everything that the world was offering me, I decided

to put away my dreams for right now and stay in Broward College. Which I think was the best

choice for me, it allowed me to explore a business degree.

Throughout this experience and all the ups and downs, it showed me that everything

happens for the best. If I never worked at all those jobs, I would have never found out that I want

to be my own boss. If I have never met that one friend, I wouldn't have known that there are

many phenomenal career opportunities that I could achieve. Now that I look back on all these

moments, I feel so proud of myself for overcoming all my challenges because, if I did not go
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through all of my highs and lows, I would not be where I am today and I would not be the person

I am today.

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