1 Rules Structure Feb 2019

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Regulation on Air Operations – Structure

Regulation (EU) No 965/2012 on Air Operations contains eight Annexes. The diagrams below illustrate the contents of each
Annex. The contents of the Annexes are available via the Regulations page.

Regulation (EU) 2018/1139 on common rules in the field of civil aviation and establishing a European
Aviation Safety Agency

Air Operations Regulation

(EU) No 965/2012

Annex I Annex II Annex III Annex IV Annex V Annex VI Annex VII Annex VIII
Part-ARO Part-ORO Part-CAT Part SPA Part NCC Part NCO Part-SPO
Definition of Authority Organisation Commercial Operations Non-commercial Non-commercial Specialised
terms used in Requirements for Requirements for Air Transport requiring Specific operations with operations with operations
Annexes II - Air Operations Air Operations Operations Approvals complex motor- other-than-
VIII powered aircraft complex motor-
powered aircraft

Articles 1 to 10 – ‘Cover Regulation’

Air Operations Reg. (EU) No 965/2012

Cover Regulation (Articles 1-10)

for terms used in Annexes II to VIII

GM to Cover Regulation
to Annex I

Annex I – Definitions for terms used in Annexes II to VII

Air Operations Reg. (EU) No 965/2012

Annex I – Definitions
for terms used in Annexes II to VIII

GM to Annex I
to Annex I
Annex I – Part-ARO – Authority requirements for air operations

Air Operations Reg.

(EU) No 965/2012

Annex II – Part-ARO
Authority Requirements for Air Operations

Subpart GEN – General requirements

Subpart OPS – Air operations

Subpart RAMP – Ramp inspections

to Part-ARO
Annex III – Part-ORO – Organisation requirements for air operations

Air Operations Reg.

(EU) No 965/2012

Annex III – Part-ORO

Organisation Requirements for Air Operations

Subpart GEN – General requirements

Subpart AOC – Air operator certification

Subpart DEC – Declaration

Subpart SPO – Commercial specialised operations

Subpart MLR – Manuals, logs and records

Subpart SEC – Security

Subpart FC – Flight crew

Subpart CC – Cabin crew

Subpart TC – Technical crew

Subpart FTL – Flight and duty time limitations

CS FTL.1 to Subpart FTL

AMC & GM to Part-ORO

Annex IV – Part-CAT – Commercial air transport operations

Air Operations Reg.

(EU) No 965/2012

Annex IV – Part-CAT
Commercial Air Transport Operations

Subpart A – General requirements (GEN)

Subpart B – Operating procedures (OP)

Subpart C – Aircraft performance and operating

limitations (POL)

Subpart D – Instruments, data and equipment


to Part-CAT
Annex V – Part-SPA – Operations requiring specific approvals

Air Operations Reg.

(EU) No 965/2012

Annex V – Part-SPA
Operations requiring Specific Approvals

Subpart A – General requirements (GEN)

Subpart B – PBN

Subpart C – MNPS

Subpart D – RVSM

Subpart E – LVO

Subpart F – ETOPS

Subpart G – DG

Subpart H – NVIS

Subpart I – HHO

Subpart J – HEMS

Subpart K – HOFO

Subpart L – SET-IMC

Subpart M – EFB

to Part-SPA
Annex VI – Part-NCC – Non-Commercial operations with complex motor-
powered aircraft*

Air Operations Reg.

(EU) No 965/2012

Annex VI – Part-NCC
Non-commercial operations with
complex motor-powered aircraft

Subpart A – General requirements (GEN)

Subpart B – Operating procedures (OP)

Subpart C – Aircraft performance and operating

limitations (POL)

Subpart D – Instruments, data and equipment


to Part-NCC

* Complex motor-powered aircraft is defined in Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 216/2008:

“(i) an aeroplane:
 with a maximum certificated take-off mass exceeding 5 700 kg, or
 certificated for a maximum passenger seating configuration of more than nineteen, or
 certificated for operation with a minimum crew of at least two pilots, or
 equipped with (a) turbojet engine(s) or more than one turboprop engine, or
(ii) a helicopter certificated:
 for a maximum take-off mass exceeding 3 175 kg, or
 for a maximum passenger seating configuration of more than nine, or
 for operation with a minimum crew of at least two pilots, or
(iii) a tilt rotor aircraft.”
Annex VII – Part-NCO – Non-Commercial operations with other-than complex
motor-powered aircraft

Air Operations Reg.

(EU) No 965/2012

Annex VII – Part-NCO

Non-commercial operations with
other-than complex motor-powered aircraft

Subpart A – General requirements (GEN)

Subpart B – Operating procedures (OP)

Subpart C – Aircraft performance and operating

limitations (POL)

Subpart D – Instruments, data and equipment


Subpart E – Specific requirements (SPEC)

to Part-NCO
Annex VIII – Part-SPO – Specialised operations

Air Operations Reg.

(EU) No 965/2012

Annex VIII – Part-SPO

Specialised operations

Subpart A – General requirements (GEN)

Subpart B – Operational procedures (OP)

Subpart C – Aircraft performance and operating

limitations (POL)

Subpart D – Instruments, data and equipment


Subpart E – Specific requirements (SPEC)

to Part-SPO

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