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E E E Transactions on Power Delivery, Vol. 8, NO.

1, January 1993 239



D. Pavlik, D. C. Jdvlson R. S. Girgis

Science & Technology Center A B 8 Power T&D Company
Westinghouse Electric Corporation Muncie Indiana
Pittsbvgh. PA. 15235

Abstract - This paper describes a method for the others have shown, a very good approximation can be
automated and accurate calculation of the winding eddy achieved by using a series of 2-d solutions each of
losses, as well as the stray losses in the tank walls, which represent the appropriate leakage region
core support frame, lockplates, and the core lamina- geometry in a series of projection planes and then
tions in Core Form transformers. Comparisons between combining these to form a quasi 3-d representation.
this method, test values, and other analytical results
are presented for a number of commercial transformers. Prior to the development of finite elements,
These comparisons prove the validity of the method and Billig[4], and Vogel and Adolphson[5] employed an
the superior accuracy it provides. approach wherein they solved for the 2-d magnetostatic
field of a collection of conductors in an infinite
The new calculations provide an accurate estimate permeability magnetic box. The magnetostatic field
for the relative contribution of the various loss com- was then used to obtain estimates of the eddy losses
ponents to the total load losses of the transformer. in the structural parts. This is similar in approach
Hence, it can be used to accurately evaluate methods to what has been done with the Finite Element (FE)
of effectively reducing these losses. This capability method, except that with this method: 1) Solutions of
i s demonstrated in this paper. much more complicated geometries can be obtained; 2)
Dynamic field (multi-path eddy current) solutions with
Keywords: Transformer, stray losses, eddy currents, noninfinite permeability materials are possible; and
finite elements, analysis. 3) An accounting of certain 3-d phenomena can be
closely approximated.
INTRODUCTION A 2-dimensional (2-d), multipath eddy current,
Finite Element Model (FEM) was selected for the
An important factor in the design of power trans- analysis of the magnetic field distribution and
formers is the high loss evaluation often imposed by induced loss calculations. This model was chosen
customers. Manufacturers make every effort to develop because of its proven ability to accurately and cost
improved methods of loss calculations and loss reduc- effectively predict eddy current losses and magnetic
tion. field distributions in problems made up of material
regions in which both the magnetic permeability and
The conventional formulas used to calculate stray electrical conductivity are finite and influence the
and eddy losses in transformers tend to be specific to answer. [2,3,6,7].
particular physical design configurations. Years of
experience and a large data base coupled with
regression analysis techniques allow the designer to This new FE Model extends what has been done in
accurately predict the total losses in the the past by providing a more accurate representation
transformer. However, if significant changes are made of the transformer physics and the induced losses. It
to the physical configuration of the transformer, solves for the induced losses in all major structural
these calculation procedures can produce answers which members with a single solution of one model instead of
differ significantly from test results. Present through a series of solutions for each different loss
calculation methods are also characterized by an component.
inaccurate prediction of the relative contribution of
the individual loss components compared to the total The new FEM uses a 2-d solution for a series of 3
losses. Hence, attempts for effective reduction of projection planes to approximate the 3-d field of the
the eddy and stray loss generally fail to achieve transformer. Fig. 1 is a top view of a typical trans-
their full intent. former arrangement illustrating the three projection
planes used for the analysis. There is one for the
end region view which accounts for the end of the
APPROPRIATE MATHEMATICAL MODEL transformer and one each for the high voltage side and
low voltage side of the transformer. We used the work
The losses induced by the leakage flux is a 3-d of Kerr and Palmer[8] with closed form solutions and
phenomenon and should correspondingly be modelled by a Nevins with shunt reactors[l] as well as our own
3-d mathematical analysis. However, as Nevins[l] investigations to reduce the number of projection
(with shunt reactors), Mc Whirter[2], Scott[3] and planes needed to accurately approximate the loss
variation in the depth of the model.
92 WM 247-7 PWRD A paper recommended and approved The selection of an appropriate 2-d FEM involved a
by the IEEE Transformers Committee of the IEEE Power series of investigations to determine the most appro-
Engineering Society for presentation at the IEEE/PES
1992 Winter Meeting, New York, New York, January 26-
priate modelling technique. These included things
30, 1992. Manuscript submitted September 13, 1991;
such as: Cartesian versus axisymmetric coordinate
system, material properties, the type and density of
made available for printing November 25, 1991. the elements in the mesh, and accurate modelling of
the magnetic pressure ring.
0885-8977/92/$3.0001993 IEEE

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n Tank
Wal 1s
I Lockplate

Icye 1 Box
End Frame



E ?

1 LV

Figure 1 - Top view of a core-form transformer showing Figure 2 - View of a transformer leakage flux region
. projection planes used to approximate 3-d illustrating the various modelling options.
fields. .

Five transformers for which test data was avail-
The FEM is generated by an automatic mesh generat- able were selected to serve as test cases for the new
ing program. A wide variety of different topological eddy and stray loss calculations. The comparison
arrangements can be generated by this program using an between the total stray and eddy losses as calculated
interrogative decision tree format. The designer can by the new FEM procedure compared favorably with the
easily construct a model using "design sheet'' informa- test data and conventional calculations as illustrated
tion by answering the appropriate questions. in Fig. 3. The transformers ranged in rating from
33 MVA to 180 MVA on the "OA" rating. In all cases
Fig. 2 shows a view of a transformer leakage flux only the high and low voltage windings were energized
region which illustrates the options which can be and all turns were active. All of the transformers
selected for modelling by the FEM. The model shown is used in the verification studies utilized both top and
of the upper half of the transformer. This model bottom pressure rings.
assumes that the lower half is symmetric about the
midplane line (x-axis). Although the total stray plus eddy losses compare
very favorably between formulas and FEM calculations,
A full height can be modelled, but this unnecess- Fig. 4 shows that the two methods predict a distinct-
arily increases the computational time if the trans- ly different distribution amongst the individual loss
former is symmetric about upper and lower halves. The components. The new FEM predicts generally 1 ower
most typical asymmetrical condition is when the winding eddy losses but higher tank, core edge, and
winding has different insulation clearance at the top lockplate losses than the classical formulas.
and bottom.
The major advantages of the new FEM are 1) It
The automatic mesh generator can handle a wide predicts the individual str'ay and eddy loss components
range of topological options. For instance, up to 10 accurately and 2) The impact of changes in one
different winding regions each having a different component (such as shielding the tank or end frame)
strandi!g arrangement can be considered. Box, flat can be evaluated on the system as a whole. This
plate, C , " and pLL" type end frames can be modelled enables the designer to determine the true impact of
either with or without an eddy current shield. The design changes and to make changes where they can do
tank walls can also have shields of either the the most good.
conducting plate (one or two piece) or shunt bundle
type. Pressure rings (or flux shunts) can be included
as we1 1 .

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24 1

The most effective of the above three at reducing

stray losses was the wound steel pressure ring. Table
1 shows that for the type of construction considered
the net stray loss was reduced by 50% with the
addition of the magnetic pressure ring.
Previous studies did not consider the impact of
the pressure ring on loss components other than the
stray loss components. This work has shown that the
pressure ring can also affect the winding eddy losses.
When a pressure ring is used, the total leakage flux
out of the coils is increased owing to the lower
reluctance magnetic circuit they create. However,
since this flux is diverted into the yoke away from
U'IT#l WIT#2 LNlT+3 WT#4 WT#5 the structural components, where it can induce eddy
currents, the net leakage flux influencing the

Figue 3
O F o R M l A


Comparison of losses as calculated by

TEST transformer structure is reduced. This results in a
significant reduction in the stray eddy loss.
This increased leakage flux is predominantly
the new FEM formula. and test. vertical in nature and the vertical component of the
eddy loss is increased. At the same time, the
horizontal component of flux is decreased and this
component of winding eddy loss is reduced signifi-
cantly. Whether or not the total winding eddy loss
is increased or decreased depends on the physical
dimensions of the strands and the coil arrangement.

Table 1 - Influence of the Pressure Ring on Stray

Losses (Verification Shop Order #3)
watts watts

TANK HV 3836 2582 0.673

LV 4544 3058 0.673
LNT- 1 . LMT- 2 . LNT- 3 . INIT- 4 . INIT- 5 END 4582 3084 0.673
Li;iiil~m - r u u m
B a
. 0 - END FRAME 17880 6705 0.375
Figure 4 - Bar chart showing breakdown of loss
LOCK PLATE 3275 1546 0.472
components from formula and FEU CORE EDGE 8824 4315 0.489
PRES. RING 0 275 N/A
A series of stray loss reduction studies were
completed using the new method. These studies
evaluated how changes in the structural components in Next, moving the end frame was investigated. The
the leakage region affected the stray and eddy losses. end frame was moved vertically 2 inches away from the
The studies comprised 3 elements:
1) TOPOLOGICAL CHANGES - Variations in the shape
. pressure ring. The normal vertical spacing is 0.5
inches. At the 2 inch spacing, the end frame loss was
reduced by 50% of what it would have been if it were
and position of existing parts to lower the in its normal position. On shielded end frames,
1 oss. vertical movement away from the pressure ring resulted
in a loss reduction of 34% compared to that for one
2) SHIELDING - The use of new parts to alter the with normal cl earance.
leakage flux path as the result of flux shunting
or eddy current shielding. The spacing between the end frame and core yoke
also impacted stray loss. When placed close to the
3) SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS - A determination of how yoke, the end frame acted like a shield preventing
sensitive the induced losses are to changes in flux from escaping the pressure ring and entering the
location and the material properties of the yoke laminations normal to their surface. This
structural components and shielding members. lowered the core edge loss but didn't appreciably
impact the end frame loss.
To~oloqical Chanqes
Shieldina and Shuntinq of Leakaqe Flux
Three topological changes were investigated: 1) The
addition of a wound steel pressure ring, 2) Moving the There were two types of shielding considered for
end frame axially away from the pressure ring, and 3) the tank walls and end frame: 1) magnetic shunts, and
Variations in the position of the end frame in relation 2) eddy current shields. The pressure ring is a
to the core yoke. magnetic shunt for the flux which would penetrate the

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end frame and core edge. Verification transformers 4
and 5 were used for the shielding studies. Table 2 - Effect of Tank and End Frame Shields
on Verification Unit t4.
The tank walls were investigated first as they

I i
represent the largest single component of stray loss. COMPONENT FINITE ELEMENT
Both magnetic shunting and eddy current shields were watts
investigated. The eddy current shields were made of S H I E L D S
0.5 inch thick aluminum and ran along the length of NONE ALMN

the tank walls. Flux plots for three different trans-
former end region leakage views are shown in Fig. 5. TANK 7452 4221
The first is for the case of no shielding, the second TANK SHIELD 738
for aluminum tank shields, and the third utilizes END FRAME 131; 792
magnetic shunts on the tank walls. FRAME SHIELID 0 361
Rather than regenerate the FEM for the no shield CORE EDGE 1255
case, the permeability of the shield was set to that PRES. RING 57 57
of free space. This is why the outline of a shield
appears in Fig. 5 for the unshielded case.
These studies show that adding a tank shield may
decrease the losses in one component and increase them
Observe how the flux enters the core leg lamina- in another. Specifically, the addition of an aluminum
tions and compare the distribution for the different tank shield raises the flux and loss in the pressure
shielding arrangements. Since this is an end region ring and lockplate. The magnetic tank wall shield
view, the core leg laminations are on edge and acts to lower the lockplate, core edge and end frame
represent a very low reluctance path for the flux. loss. However, it also acts to increase the winding
When the aluminum shield is added, the flux lines eddy loss.
appear to be driven away from the tank wall and into
the end leg. This has the effect of decreasing the
horizontal flux in the outer winding and increasing it Table 3 - Effects of Tank and End Frame Shielding on
in the inner winding. When the wall shield is made of Verification Unit #5
a magnetic shunting material the flux appears to be
pulled toward the shunt. This reduces the horizontal COMPONENT FINITE ELEMENT MODEL
flux density in the windings, but does increase the watts
overall 1 eakage flux somewhat. S H I E L D S
A side region view comparing both aluminum and
magnetic tank wall shields is shown in Fig. 6.
Observe how the flux appears to be pulled into the I CASE I ' 2 3 1
magnetic shield. TANK 21556 10013 6212
When aluminum shields were used the tank wall TANK SHIELD 0 1582 0
losses decreased by 43%. However, there were eddy END FRAME 7357 4333 3332
losses in the shield of roughly 13% of the no shield FRAME SHIELD 0 1526 1536
tank loss. When shield loss is included with the tank LOCK PLATE 7529 7892 7321
losses, the net loss reduction was only 30%. This CORE EDGE 5366 3468 2998
PRES. RING 295 366 227
represented a % reduction in total load loss (stray
plus eddy plus I R). EDDY LOSS 23883 23795 24713

When a magnetic shield was added, the tank loss CASE: 1) No Shields 2) Aluminum on End Frame and
was reduced by 90% unshielded loss value. This Tank 3) Almn. on End Frame and Iron on Tank Walls.
represented an 8% reduction in the load loss.
Tables 2 and 3 compare the stray losses with and
without shielding for verification units 4 and 5. In The "core edge" and lockplate losses also varied
the unit 4 only aluminum shields were considered. The with the addition of end frame and tank shields.
unit 5 studies considered both aluminum and magnetic "Core edge" is a misleading term, seeming to imply a
tank wall shields. The data in the tables reflects loss due to flux impinging in the edge of the
aluminum shielding on the end frames for both cases. lamininations. In reality it refers to the loss setup
by flux impinging normal to the plane of the
There are other stray losses which were not laminations. This flux penetration establishes
included with this work. These include the core current loops within the plane o f the laminations.
current, lead and cover, and circulating current Due to depth of penetration phenomena the current and
losses. These losses are a very small part of the loss are concentrated at the edges of the laminations
total stray loss in properly designed transformers. and hence the name "core edge" loss.
When the end frame was moved to a distance of 2 When end frame aluminum shields were added the
inches away from the pressure ring its eddy loss was "core edge" losses decreased by 29%. When magnetic
cut in half. When an aluminum shield was added the tank shields were added the core edge loss went down
combined loss in the shield and end frame was reduced by an additional 55%. The lockplate loss was
by an additional 15%. relatively unaffected by end frame shielding. When
tank wall magnetic shields were added the lockplate
When a magnetic tank shield was added the end loss went down by 20% of the no shield value.
frame loss was again cut in half. This illustrates
why the stray losses must be evaluated as a system.
Previously, when a shield was added the reduction in
stray loss was attributed to a reduction in the loss
in one component only.

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Figure 5 - Flux maps for different tank wall shielding arrangements in an end region view.

1) **1* ALUMINUM SHIELD I . , . . . .". . . . . .*I


Figure 6 - Flux maps for different tank wall shielding arrangements in a side region view.

SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS The end frame and end frame shield losses were
sensitive to position with respect to the pressure
A sensitivity analysis was used to determine how ring. Changing the position of the end-frame from 0.5
precisely the position and material properties must be inches above the pressure ring to 2 inches away cut
known in order to accurately predict the induced the loss in the end frame and its shield in half.
losses within a particular component. In these When the end frame was moved away from the yoke its
studies, the material properties and position of a loss didn't change much but the loss in the yoke was
particular component are varied over a range and the sensitive to the position of the end frame.
induced losses tracked.
The tank losses were sensitive to the permeability
The core edge and end frame losses were tracked as of the magnetic shielding. In going from no shields
functions of the end frame position and electrical to a shield with a permeability o f 300 the loss in the
resistivity. The loss in these components varied as tank wall dropped by a factor o f 3. When the
the square root of resistivity as required by theory. permeability was increased to 2000 the tank loss

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dropped by another factor of 3. The actual variation The stray loss reduction studies have shown that
in tank wall loss with shield permeability was proper use of shielding can significantly lower the
dependent on which wall was being evaluated [end or stray losses in the tank, end frame, and core edge.
side) and how close it was to the windings. The lockplate losses are affected to a much smaller
These studies show that the magnetic tank shields
must be designed so that they do not saturate if they
are to be effective. REFERENCES
Table 4 shows how the end frame, core edge, lock- Nevins, R. L., "Extra High Voltage Shunt
plate, and end frame eddy losses varied with changes ReactormLoss Calculation by the finite Element
in the tank wall shielding for verification unit 14. Method, Thesis for Doctor of Engineering
The end frame and "core edge" losses were very sensi- Degree, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute,
tive to the tank wall shielding method. The end frame August 1986.
shield loss was insensitive to the tank wall shielding
method. J. Mc Whirter :User's Manual for TEDDY
Computer Program, Westinghouse R&D Center
The lockplate loss was insensitive to the high voltage Report December 1979.
wall shield and fairly sensitive to the low voltage
wall shielding method. All values are expressed as a

1 1 11
fraction of the no shield value. The basis for the D.J. Scott, et al, "Calculation of Winding
lockplate loss i s the no shield low voltage side loss. Losses in Shell -Form Transformers for Improved
Accuracy and Reliability - Part 11", IEEE PES
Table 4 - Effect of Tank Wall Shielding on Other Stray 1986 Summer Meeting in Mexico City, Mexico,
Loss Components July, 1986.
;;;E E. Billig, "The Calculation of Magnetic Fields
of Rectangular Conductors in Closed Slots an!
Its Application to Transformer Windings,
NO SHIELD 1.000 1.00 1.000 0.967 1.000 Electrical Research Association (ERA) Report
ALUMINUM 0.600 1.15 1.063 0.995 0.737 Q/T106, London England, 1945.
MAGNETIC 0.193 0.90 0.709 0.869 0.306
F.J. Vogel, & E.J. Adolphson, "A Stray Loss
Problem in Transformer Tanks," AIEE Trans. on
Power Apparatus & Systems, p760, Part 3A, Vol
Results of this work show that: (1) Although the O.W. Anderson, "Transformer Leakage Flu;
total stray loss predicted by design formulas [4,8,9] Program Based OR the Finite Element Method,
is reasonably accurate the distribution of the losses IEEE Trans. on Power Apparatus & Systems,
amongst the various structural components can be (paper T72 411-7), 1972.
greatly improved; (2) Significant reductions in the
stray and winding eddy losses can be achieved through J. Brauer, "Finite Element Analysis of
the use of shielding and topological changes in the Electro- magnetic Induction in Transformers,
transformer geometry; and (3) The stray and eddy IEEE PES Winter Meeting, A77 122-5, 1977.
losses in transformers must be analyzed as a complete
system and not on an individual component basis. H.W. Kerr, & S. Palmer, " DevelopmenLs in the
Design of Large Power Transformers, Proc. of
The new calculation method more accurately the IEE Vol 111, No. 4, April 1964.
represents the physics of the leakage flux problem. It
accounts for the effects of eddy currents in the R.W. Bean, et. al., Transformers for the
conducting regions of the transformer and it utilizes Electric Power IndustrK, McGraw Hill, New
more appropriate permeabilities for the iron York, 1959.
components. In older FE models and closed form
solutions the transformer core and tank were
represented either as infinite permeability or
extremely high permeability boundaries. This resulted
in an excessive and an improperly distributed leakage
flux pattern. Empirical corrections to the loss
formulations were able t o correct for this inadequacy
in terms of the total loss. However, the individual
loss components were not quite right.

The FEM developed for this program shows good

agreement with test data. It also accurately predicts
the percentage loss reduction for changes in the
transformer configuration.
The studies clearly show that the structural
components are closely related and changes in one area
affect the losses in other components. Magnetic tank
shields have a significant impact on lockplate, end
frame, and core edge losses. They can also impact the
winding eddy losses. This clearly illustrates the
advantages of the systems approach to analyzing the
stray and eddy losses.

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Discussion “new” Finite Element MODELS (FEMs) and calculation
procedures. The authors feel that the use of “new” is
entirely appropriate given the wide scope of design
L. W. Pierce (General Electric Company, Rome, Ga.) I commend the technologies available to them.
authors for sharing this very interesting work with the industry. Calcu- The WEMAP finite element based computer code is a
lation of stray and eddy losses in power transformers is a very highly versatile general purpose magnetic field analy-
complicated problem. The results shown in Tables 1 thru 4, Figures 5 sis code. It can be used in the stand alone inter-
and 6, and the discussion of the results concisely demonstrates the active mode or it can be linked directly to a user
necessity to perform an analysis of the complete system and not just defined model generator (preprocessor) and data
individual components. The results will be studied closely by other analyzer (postprocessor) as was done for the work
manufacturers and compared with their investigations. I have the described in this paper.
following comments and questions for the authors to consider in their The transformer ratings ranged from 33 MVA to 180
closure: MVA on the OA basis as prevously given in the paper.
The authors describe their finite element method as “new” however Figures 3 and 4 represent a clear and accurate
it is not clear what is “new”. The method appears to be a refinement presentation of the losses in the verification units.
of the authors’ internal design procedures and not a new finite The important feature of figure 4 (which can easily be
element method. Turowski et. al. [lo] for example has performed a read to within 2% on an 1I.R basis) is that the new
complete 3-D analysis of this problem using a PC and claims only 14 procedure gives a significantly different and more
seconds of running time. The projection planes shown in Figure 1 accurate indication of the stray losses than conven-
appear to be obvious. What direction relative to Figures 1 and 2 is the tional formulations. The assessment of accuracy is
“depth” direction referred to by the authors? It was disappointing that admittedly based on inference and can not be verified
about one additional page was not used to describe the method in by direct measurement owing to the fact that the indi-
more detail. A number of commercial finite element programs claim vidual stray loss components can not be isolated by
the ability to solve this type problem. How does the authors’ finite measurement. The authors claim of accuracy is based
element method compare with commercial programs such as WEMAP on several factors: 1) The calculated losses match
sold by the primaxy authors’ company? with the total measured loss in the verification units
Why wasn’t the tank cover included in the analysis shown in Figures and subsequent production designs; 2) The losses are
5 and 6 As shown by Turowski et. al. there is a possible overheating calculated directly without a resort to regression
hazard of flanged joints due to the leakage field. analysis; 3) The loss calculations presented in this
Figures 3 and 4 are an almost useless display of the results. Figure 3 work have accurately predicted the stray losses over
includes the sum of 12R and eddy and stray losses. 12R loss comprises the wide range of differing design technologies now
the major component of load loss and is easily calculated. The authors available to AB6 for evaluation.
should subtract the tested 12R from the tested load loss to obtain The point of this paper is that the various loss
tested stray and eddy loss to compare with the calculation. The display components are directly coupled, therefore, changes in
as shown gives an erroneous indication of the accuracy of the authors’ one area of the transformer affect the electrical
calculation method. The bar chart shown in Figure 4 is impossible to losses in the other areas. Unless these losses are
read for specific values. The authors claim an accurate calculation of analyzed as a system, a regression analysis may give
the individual stray and eddy loss components, however, no test values the correct total loss while giving erroneous conclu-
were obtained for the individual loss components. Would the authors sions about the distribution of the individual compon-
present tables of values to replace figures 3 and 4 in the closure? ents. The discussor seems to indicate that he has a
Would the authors give the ratings of all the verification units used in method for the measurement of individual loss compon-
the paper along with tested 12R and stray and eddy losses? ents. Such a method would be of great interest to the
Some of the authors’ references were not identified in sufficient authors as well as the rest of the community. Would
detail. Page numbers for transactions were not given. For example, the discussor be willing to share this new method of
reference [3] omitted the IEEE paper number or an IEEE transaction isolating loss components by test?
reference. These omissions add difficulty for those who desire to
review background material and must order papers from libraries. The
The intent of Figs. 5 and 6 was to show how dif-
following details are supplied to assist other researchers: [3] IEEE ferent tank wall shielding techniques affect the flux
Trans. on Power Delivery, Vol. PWRD-2, No. 2, April 1987, pp. distribution in the winding, pressure ring, core, and
404-410. Note Part I is pp. 398-403. [4] Proc. IEE., Vol. 98 Part IV.
end frame. To more clearly illustrate the leakage
1951 starts p. 55. [5] pp., 760-764. [6] Published in IEEE Trans. on
flux in those regions a blowup of the full model was
Power Apparatus & Systems, Vol. 92, 1973, pp. 682-689. 181 pp.
used in these figures. In answer to the reviewer‘s
823-832. [9] This book is out of print. What pages are relevant to the
question, a full model including the tank covers was
authors’ paper?
used in the analysis but not shown in the figures.
In conclusion, I commend the authors for their work and if the The authors thank the discussor for his clarif ica-
above comments could be addressed in the closure it would add to the
tions to the list of references. The lack of page
value of the paper.
numbers is entirely due to an oversight of the primary
author. We agree that reference [ 9 ] is out of print
but fail to see the significance. Chapter 6, pages
121 thru 133, which covers load losses is the relevant
[101 J. Turowski, M. Turowski, and M. Kopec, “Method of Three The paper by J. Turowski, et. al. which the
Dimensional Network Solution of Leakage Field of Three-phase discussor has been so kind to include as reference
Transformers”, IEEE Trans. on Magnetics, Vol 26, No. 5 , Sept.
1990, pp. 2911-2919.
[lo] is very interesting and the authors believe it to
be useful for its intended purpose. However, its
Manuscript received February 21, 1992 relevance to stray loss calculations is questioned.
The computer program presented in that paper deals
with a method of calculating the leakage field to
determine if shields should be used in different
D. PAVLIK, D.C. JOHNSON (Westinghouse Electric, locations and if certain overheating hazards may be
Pittsburgh, PA.), and R.S. GIRGIS (AB6 Corporation, present. The Turowski paper never claims it to be a
Muncie IN.) The authors wish to thank the discussor method for calculating losses. Although it may be a
for his comments and identification of several points a o p d indicator for potential overheating hazards it is
which he feels should be made more clear. hardly relevant to this work.
At no point in the paper was “new” used in
Ceference to the finite element METHOD. The word
new” was clearly defined as applying to specific Manuscript received A p r i l 8 , 1992.

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