Ppimager - Imports / Scan

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PPimager – Imports / Scan

Log into PPimager

Once logged in – go to Session – New

Once logged in, the POD option
is always selected by default.
If no scanner is available, you will use the
“IMPORT” option which will allow you to
upload images saved on your PC.

If you have a POD scanner attached to

your PC, you will use the “SCAN” option
to pull images through to PPimager.


Press the “IMPORT” button, this will prompt you to select a folder or a file in your PC
that you have saved the images. – Please have the images saved as JPEG’s and saved in
one folder.
Select the folder that you have saved your images – in this instance the folder is named
images. Once you select, a message will pop up alerting you of how many images are in
the folder. Click OK to acknowledge.

On acknowledging, the images will be uploaded on PPimager as below

If a waybill has a barcode, and is not

damaged, PPimager will read the barcode,
link the waybill in PP and attach the image. A
successful scan should always have a status of
“UPLOADED” i.e. the image has been
uploaded to the waybill
In the instances where the waybill has no barcode or the barcode is damaged, navigate as
per below:
Click on the tab that says “MANUAL”, then at the bottom on the “DOC NUMBER”
enter the waybill number you need to POD and click “INDEX.

Enter the waybill number

Click here to upload image

If you receive a pop warning as per below, it means that PPimager could not locate a
waybill number, hence not able to place the image.

To add additional documents for a POD, like an invoice or a GRV, select the
“ADDITIONAL DOCUMENT” option then on the “DOC No” put the waybill number
that you are adding an additional document for, and click “INDEX”

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