God Loves Mommy and Daddy Unit 2 Lesson 3

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Toddler & Preschool Curriculum

Lesson 3 (Unit 2)
God Loves Mommy and Daddy

To the Teacher: Begin your planning and preparation with prayer.

A letter has been provided for you to send home with the children to
share with their parents what is happening in Sunday school,
and for review. Arrive early to set things up, relax, breathe, take a
moment in prayer, and be present when parents arrive with their

Preparation - Read Genesis 2: 21-23; John 3:16 “And the LORD God
caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept: and he took
one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof; And the rib,
which the LORD God had taken from man, made he a woman, and
brought her unto the man. And Adam said, This is now bone of my
bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because
she was taken out of Man.” “For God so loved the world that he
gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not
perish but have eternal life.”
Materials needed: Family puppets will be needed for this Unit of

Schedule & Lesson
Free time (10 minutes) Greet parents with a smile and welcome
their child by greeting. Make parents feel assured to leave their
child in the Toddler/Preschool room. Make sure all toys are sanitized
weekly and ready to play with. You may want to set out some dolls
(both gender) if possible.
Prayer & Snack (10 minutes) Kids should wash their hands and sit
down at the table. They should drink from a small cup, and use a
napkin. Pray a simple short pray before eating. Establish this so
they learn good habits and manners.

Review Music (5 minutes) God Made Mommy

God Made Mommy

(Tune: My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean)
God gave me my mommy who loves me
God made her so kind and so wise,
She’s there to take care and to love me,
To read me God’s Word every day.
I will obey her and do what she tells me to do – oh yes (clap 2x on
last two words)
I will obey her and do what she tells me to do.
God Loves My Mom and Dad
Tune: God is So Good
(Choreography: Point thumb to chest on the word “I”. Cross hands
over heart for “love”, clap two times after the words, “mom and
dad” on the word “both” outstretch both hands, point high for “God”
clap two times with the words “so good”)
Verse 1
I love my Mom,
I love my Dad,
I love them both
They’re so good to me.

Verse 2
God loves my Mom,
God loves my Dad,
He loves them both,
He’s so good to them.

Lesson Time (5-10 minutes) Use good expression for the kids and
make it exciting. Change your voice to be "Female Puppet" and try
not to move your mouth as she talks.

Teacher: God so loved our moms and dads that He gave His Son,
Jesus, to die on the cross for our sins. Jesus is preparing a place in
heaven for those who trust in Him.
In the beginning, God created a man, whom He called Adam. When
Adam was sleeping, God took a rib from him and made a woman.
Her name was Eve. God loved them and gave them a lovely garden
to live in. They were so happy in their new home.

God loves us, too. He gives us homes to live in that make us happy.
God loves us and wants us to love our mom and dad. He wants us
to be kind to each other. God is sad if we are not kind to each other
and love each other. He wants us to be happy and have lots of fun!
God is good! He loves us!

Puppet Skit (Teacher plays the role as Mom. Puppet is the Dad)

Teacher: Hi honey!
Dad: Did you have a good day?
Teacher: Yes, it was so busy at work. There were a lot of people
who needed help.
Dad: I think I will mow the lawn after dinner. It may rain tomorrow.
Teacher: That sounds like a good idea.
Dad: What’s for dinner?
Teacher: I was thinking we could make some pica. If you fry the
hamburger, I will roll out the pizza dough.
Dad: Sounds great! I have been wanting some homemade pizza all
Teacher: Mmmm! I’m getting hungry just thinking about it.
Dad: How does this look?
Teacher: The meat looks good and smells delicious! Thanks so much
for helping me with dinner this evening.
Dad: I love you, and thank God for our home and family every day.
Teacher: Yikes! I hear the kids coming. It’s a good thing we started
earlier on the pizza.
Dad: I’m glad this is ready in time, too. Thank you God for our
family. See you later, kids! (Put puppet away out of sight)

Music: Let’s sing out songs again.

God Made Mommy

(Tune: My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean)
God gave me my mommy who loves me
God made her so kind and so wise,
She’s there to take care and to love me,
To read me God’s Word every day.
I will obey her and do what she tells me to do – oh yes (clap 2x on
last two words)
I will obey her and do what she tells me to do. (Clap 2x)

God Loves My Mom and Dad (refer to earlier song)


 Paper Doll Craft (10 minutes)

Provide each child a cut out paper doll from cardstock. Provide
material or cut out pants and shirts for clothes or they can just color
the figures. If they made this last week, make some additional
clothes for the paper dolls.

My Parent’s Coloring Page:


Scripture Poetry (John 13:34)

God loves my Dad, (Point to God, cross hand over heart)
God loves my Mom, (Point to God, cross hand over heart)
My Dad is strong, (flex muscles)
My Mom is kind, (hands on cheeks and big smile)
He made them both a lot of fun! ( Point to God, hands outstretch on
“both” clap on words, “lot of fun”)

Cleanup (5 minutes)
Chant the words: Clean up clean, now it's time to clean up.
Everybody clean up, now it's time to cleanup. (You do not need a
tune, just chant in a sing song voice).

Play Time (10 minutes)

 © kidzministry.net All rights reserved Toddler Curriculum May


Dear Parent(s),
We are so happy to have __________ in Sunday school today! We
had such fun today as we began our new theme on “The Family”.
Today we learned about how God loves Mom and Dad.
SNACK TODAY: __________________________
BIBLE LESSON TODAY: Today we learned how much God loves
us. He gives us homes to live in that make us happy. God loves us
and wants us to love our mom and dad. He wants us to be kind to
each other. 

God Loves Mom and Dad
(Tune: God is So Good)
Verse 1 Verse 2
I love my Mom, God loves my Mom,
I love my Dad, God loves my Dad,
I love them both He loves them both,
They’re so good to me. He’s so good to them.
Scripture Poetry (John 13:34)
God loves my Dad, (Point to God, cross hand over heart)
God loves my Mom, (Point to God, cross hand over heart)
My Dad is strong, (flex muscles)
My Mom is kind, (hands on cheeks and big smile)
He made them both a lot of fun! ( Point to God, hands outstretch on
“both” clap on words, “lot of fun”)
We hope to see you next week. God bless you this week, and spend
with your mommy or grandmother. Do something fun together - like
making some homemade pizza.

© kidzministry.net Rev. Jeanne McIntosh All rights reserved

Toddler Curriculum May 2011.

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