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Toddler & Preschool Curriculum

Lesson 2 (Unit 2)
God Made Mommy

To the Teacher: Begin your planning and preparation with prayer.

A letter has been provided for you to send home with the children to
share with their parents what is happening in Sunday school,
and for review. Arrive early to set things up, relax, breathe, take a
moment in prayer, and be present when parents arrive with their

Preparation - Read Genesis 2: 21-23 “And the LORD God caused a

deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept: and he took one of his
ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof; And the rib, which the
LORD God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her
unto the man. And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and
flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was
taken out of Man.”

Materials needed: Cut out White Paper doll (female) from

Cardstock, scissors, crayons or markers. Scraps of material and
construction paper for clothes to design. Family puppets will be
needed for this Unit of lessons.
Schedule & Lesson
Free time (10 minutes) Greet parents with a smile and welcome
their child by greeting. Make parents feel assured to leave their
child in the Toddler/Preschool room. Make sure all toys are sanitized
weekly and ready to play with. You may want to set out some dolls
(both gender) if possible.
Prayer & Snack (10 minutes) Kids should wash their hands and sit
down at the table. They should drink from a small cup, and use a
napkin. Pray a simple short pray before eating. Establish this so
they learn good habits and manners.

Music (5 minutes) God Made Mommy

God Made Mommy

(Tune: My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean)
God gave me my mommy who loves me
God made her so kind and so wise,
She’s there to take care and to love me,
To read me God’s Word every day.
I will obey her and do what she tells me to do – oh yes (clap 2x on
last two words)
I will obey her and do what she tells me to do.

Lesson Time (5-10 minutes) Use good expression for the kids and
make it exciting. Change your voice to be "Female Puppet" and try
not to move your mouth as she talks.
Teacher: A long time ago, God made a beautiful garden. He placed
the animals, trees, plants, flowers and a beautiful sky in this
garden. He needed some people there though. God was lonely and
wanted someone to fellowship with him. So he made a man. This
man’s name was Adam. Adam was lonely, so God made him a

Eve: Hi Kids! That’s right! God made me.

Teacher: Can you tell the kids how God made you?
Eve: One day, God decided to make a wife for Adam.
Teacher: And?
Eve: He made Adam really sleepy. Soon, Adam was fast asleep.
Teacher: Like a long nap?
Eve: Yes. Then, while Adam was sleeping, God did a special surgery
on him. He took his rib out.
Teacher: Did that hurt?
Eve: No, because he was in a deep sleep. He could not feel anything
at all – no pain at all.
Teacher: Then what happened?
Eve: God took the rib and made a woman “ME”!
Teacher: Cool! How does it feel to be the first woman?
Eve: I love it! I was Adam’s friend and we walked every day in the
garden. It was nice until we failed to obey God, then He made us
leave the garden.
Teacher: Did that make you feel sad?
Eve: Yes, it did, but since we did not obey God, He did the right
thing. We had to find us another home.
Teacher: Thank you so much for sharing your story with the kids
Eve: See you later, kids! (Put puppet away out of sight)

Music: Let’s sing out song again.

God Made Mommy

(Tune: My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean)
God gave me my mommy who loves me
God made her so kind and so wise,
She’s there to take care and to love me,
To read me God’s Word every day.
I will obey her and do what she tells me to do – oh yes (clap 2x on
last two words)
I will obey her and do what she tells me to do. (clap 2x)

 Paper Doll Craft (10 minutes)

Provide each child a cut out paper doll from cardstock. Provide
material or cut out pants and shirts for clothes or they can just color
the figures.

Preschool Letter M for Mommy:

Scripture Poetry (Based on Genesis 2: 21-23)

God put Adam to sleep, (point to God)
And made my mommy so sweet, (rub fingers together on
Took a bone from out of his side (pat rib)
And it didn’t feel a tiny hurt!. (Spread arms wide)

Cleanup (5 minutes)
Chant the words: Clean up clean, now it's time to clean up.
Everybody clean up, now it's time to cleanup. (You do not need a
tune, just chant in a sing song voice).

Play Time (10 minutes)

 © All rights reserved Toddler Curriculum August
29, 2010.


Dear Parent(s),
We are so happy to have __________ in Sunday school today! We
had such fun today as we began our new theme on “The Family”.
Today we learned about God creating mommies (woman).
SNACK TODAY: __________________________
BIBLE LESSON TODAY: Today we reviewed how God created such
a beautiful world, and the first man – Adam. Eve shared her story
with the kids about God creating her using a bone from Adam’s

God Made Mommy
(Tune: My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean)
God gave me my mommy who loves me
God made her so kind and so wise,
She’s there to take care and to love me,
To read me God’s Word every day.
I will obey her and do what she tells me to do – oh yes (clap 2x on
last two words)
I will obey her and do what she tells me to do. (clap 2x)
Scripture Poetry/Fingerplay (Based on Genesis 2: 22-23)
God put Adam to sleep, (point to God)
And made my mommy so sweet, (rub fingers together on
Took a bone from out of his side (pat rib)
And it didn’t feel a tiny hurt!. (Spread arms wide)
We hope to see you next week. God bless you this week, and spend
with your mommy or grandmother. Do something fun together - like
baking cookies.

© All rights reserved Toddler Curriculum August

30, 2010.

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