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Manuscript Template

Manuscript must be written in English with Times New Roman font style and format

as the following template. To use this template, please copy and paste your

manuscript below. Please also refer to the Author Guidelines for additional

information on the rules of the manuscript writing.

Manusript title (16pt, bold)

First author’s name,1* Second author’s,2 Third author’s,1……. (12pt, bold)

Department of Public Health and Preventive Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Udayana

University, Bali, Indonesia (12pt)

Department of Internal Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University/Sanglah

General Hospital, Bali, Indonesia (12pt)

*Correspondence to: Correspondence author’s name, Department of Public Health and

Preventive Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University, Bali, Indonesia

(E-mail:………………) (12 pt)


Background and purpose: Include here the brief introduction to the problem and

research gap. Also state the objectives of the study.

Methods: Describe concisely and clearly the study design, settings (place, time),

samples, sampling method, variables, instruments and data analysis.

Results: Describe the main findings of the study. Do not include any tables or graphs in
the abstract.

Conclusion: Conclusions should answer the study objectives. Also provide brief

recommendations based on the main study findings.

Keywords: Provide 3-5 keywords separated by coma (,). Keywords are important terms

to indicate the content of a document and used in an information retrieval system.

INTRODUCTION (12pt, Times New Roman bold, UPPER CASE)

In Introduction, authors should provide a relevant background and an adequate literature

review in order to show the study problems and research gap. In the literature review,

authors should recognize and summarize the current available data and limitations of the

previous studies in order to show the novelties of the submitted paper. At the end of the

introduction section, authors should state the objectives of the study.

METHODS (12pt, Times New Roman bold, UPPER CASE)

In the Methods Section, authors should describe concisely and clearly the study design,

settings (place, time), population, samples, sampling method, variables, instruments,

data collection techniques and data analysis. Authors must provide sufficient detail to

enable the study to be duplicated. Standardized instruments or modified methods

adopted from previous studies must include a reference. Data analysis must contain the

detail of data categorization (if available) as well as the analysis techniques/tests and

software. At the end of this section, authors must provide the date of the ethical

approval and the name of the ethics committee.

RESULTS (12pt, Times New Roman bold, UPPER CASE)

Results present findings of the study without opinion of the authors. Findings should be
concise and can be presented using tables, graphs and narratives. Table must be single

space and must be numbered based on its occurrence in the text. The maximum of four

tables and/or graphs are allowed which must contain a short self-explanatory title. The

title of table is placed above the table with left alignment, single space. The title of

graph is placed under the graph with centre alignment, single space. Only show the

horizontal lines within the tables and do not show the vertical lines. Please refer to the

following examples of table and graph formats.

Table 1. Title of the table

Variables f (%)
Variable A
Category A 4 (25.0)
Category B 12 (75.0)
Variable B
Category A ……..
Category B ……..
Variable C
Category A ……..
Category B ……..
Variable D
Category A …….
Category B …….
Total …….

Table 2. Title of the table

Name of variable
Variables p
Category A Category B
Variable A
Category A 54 (42.86) 72 (57.14) ……
Category B 7 (3.11) 218 (96.89)
Variable B
Category A …… …… ……
Category B …… ……
Variable C
Category A …… …… ……
Category B …… ……
Total …… ……

Figure 1. Title of the graph

DISCUSSION (12pt, Times New Roman bold, UPPER CASE)

Discussion explains precisely findings of the study supported by sound theoretical and

evidence from previous studies. Specific to qualitative studies, findings can be

presented along with the discussion. In the Discussion Section, authors should describe

the implications of the study results, refer to the applied theoretical framework and

compare the results of the current study with the other studies’ findings. This section

also includes all possible biases occurred during the study and other limitations of the

CONCLUSION (12pt, Times New Roman bold, UPPER CASE)

Conclusion section should clearly answer the objectives of the study. In this section,

authors should also provide their recommendations based on the study findings.

ACKNOWLEDGMENT (12pt, Times New Roman bold, UPPER CASE)

Authors should recognize all stakeholders who have facilitated the implementation of

the study, study participants, funding agency and others who have helped them during

the study and report writing.

REFERENCES (12pt, Times New Roman bold, UPPER CASE)

All citations and references must be provided using the Vancouver Referencing Style. A

reference manager application such as Mendeley, EndNote, etc will be helpful in

organizing and presenting the references. Please also refer to the Author Guidelines for

the examples of references writing styles based on the type of the reference sources.

References are numbered based on the order of their appearance in the text. For

references in Bahasa Indonesia, please provide in bracket the English translation of the

title, after the original one. All references’ title should be written in a sentence case, not

underlined, not in italic nor bold letters. Only the name of peer reviewed journals that

should be written in italic. All cited articles in the texts must be available in the

references and vice versa.

1. Goniewicz ML, Zielinska-Danch W. Electronic cigarette use among teenagers and

young adults in Poland. Pediatrics 2012; 130: 879–885.

2. Ministry of Health of Indonesia. Riset Kesehatan Dasar (Riskesdas) [Indonesia

Basic Health Research]. Jakarta: Ministry of Health of Indonesia; 2013.

3. Sari IP, Nofita E. Hubungan kepadatan larva Aedes spp. dengan kejadian demam

berdarah dengue di Kelurahan Lubuk Buaya Kecamatan Koto Tangah Kota Padang

[The association between larvae density of Aedes spp. with the incidence of dengue

hemorrhagic fever in Lubuk Buaya Village, Koto Tangah Sub-district, Padang City].

Jurnal Kesehatan Andalas. 2017; 6(1) :41–8.

4. Bell K, Twigss J, Olin BR. Hypertension: The Silent Killer: Updated JNC-8

Guideline Recommendations. Alabama Pharmacy Association; 2015. [cited 2017

January 3]. Available from:


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