Detailed Lesson Plan On Harmony and Key Signature Demo 3

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Name: Monaliza A.

Rondato Date: July 3, 2021

Music 4 (Harmony & Key Signature)

I. Objectives
A. Consent Standards
Demonstrates understanding of harmonic intervals.
B. Performance Standards
Performs examples of harmonic interval with others.
C. Learning Competency
- identifies harmonic interval (2 pitches) in a musical example
- recognizes aurally and visually, examples of harmonic intervals
II. Content
HARMONY and The Key Board
III. Learning Resources
A. References
Curriculum Guide in Music 4 Draft 5.2016 MU4HA-IVf-1, MU4HA-IVg-2
B. Learner’s Materials
Flashcards, Pictures, video, and Song Sheet
IV. Procedures
A. Reviewing previous lesson and presenting new lesson.

Teacher’s Activity Learner’s Activity

Good Morning Class! Good Morning Teacher!

How are you today? We are fine thank you! How are you too?

I’m fine too!

Let us start the prayer. Auduh Billah Himinash Shaitannir Rajeem…

Everybody sit down. Arrange your desk and

chair properly. Always remember to clean your
surroundings as we formally start the class.
Checking of attendance

Before we proceed to our Lesson for today, who Teacher, our lesson yesterday is all about G-
remember the lesson we had discussed clef.
yesterday? Dan?

Very good!

So, who can define what is a G-clef? What about

Jasim? Teacher, a G-clef or treble clef is written at the
beginning of the staff usually used by high
pitched female voice or in an instruments
usually the piano, violin and flute used this clef
to indicate high pitch notes.
Very good.

Now, who can remember the 4 Notes in the

space of a staff? Najirah? Teacher, the 4 notes in the space of the staff is
F, A, C, E.
Very good.

Then, who can give me the pneumonic of the

notes in the line of the staff? And what are those Teacher! Me!
The notes in he lines of the staff are letters
Ok, Adam, go on. E,G,B,D,F its pneumonic is Eddie’s Green
Books Don’t Fit.

Excellent job. Let’s clap our hands.

B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson

Class, listening to music is something all of us
enjoy. Learning the ways of Music is an
important part of the activities of humankind
since the beginning of recorded history.

What music do you enjoy nowadays? Teacher, k-pop.

Yes, k-pop popularization is quite amazing. Do

you know where it came from? Yes teacher. It is from Korea.

Very good. What about in Hollywood? Do you

know any song from America? Yes, teacher. See you again by Charlie Puth and
Wiz Khalifa.
Very good.

Today music plays a vital and important role in

the lives of human beings. It is found
everywhere in our world.

Very good!

Now, music has many elements which one of

them is Harmony.

C. Presenting examples for the new lesson

Harmony is an important part of the Elements of

Music. The use of harmony in a piece of music,
and understanding it, will help your music
appreciation journey in becoming a better

There are several musical terms that can help

you to appreciate and describe the harmony in a
piece of music. These come under the broader
headings of chords, harmonic rate of change,
harmonic role, cadence, key signature, overall
sound, and modulation.

D. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #1

So, what is a Key Signature?

A key signature is a visual symbol, printed on a

musical staff that indicates what key a section of
music is written in. Key signatures are represented
by using accidentals—better known as sharps and

What does a Key Signature tells us?

Anyone? Go on Millie. Me, Teacher!

Very good! Teacher, a Key Signature tell us the key

piece is written in and how many sharps
Indeed, a Key Signature tell us the key piece is and flats are we should play.
written in and how many sharps and flats are we
should play.

Then what are sharps in music? Ria?

Teacher, a sharp sign means “the note that
Very good! is one half step higher than the natural one”.

What about the flats, Farhan?

A flat sign means “the note that is one half
Very good. step lower than the natural note”.

Now, we are going to proceed to the Key Board.

The Piano Key Board. A Piano Key Board is
composed of White and Black keys.

A whole piano key board is compose a pattern of 2

and 3 black keys with a total of 5 black keys which
also have a 7 white keys.
In music, we use letters to indicate a notes. We use
the first 7 letters in the English Alphabet.
The A, B, C, D, E, F, G and if it ends then you are
just going to repeat and start with A up to G and do
it again.

The White Keys are composed of Notes. Where C

is located before set of two black keys.

And F is located before the set of three black keys.

If you write all the notes it will looked like this.

Now, let’s proceed to the Black keys.

Black keys are composed of Sharp notes and flat
notes. This is the sign of the sharp # it looks like a
hashtag and the flat looks like this b.

To locate a sharp. The first black key is the C# why?

Because it rises on the right side of the C note
located on the white key.
Same with D# and the rest of the Sharp notes.

Now, to indicate a Flat Note. This time, the same

white key notes you can identify the flat notes by
looking at the left side of notes on the white keys.
For example. The first black key with C note under
it is the D flat or Db. Same the second black key, it
is E flat because it rises on the left side of note E
and soon.

Yes, the location of Sharp notes and flat notes are

just the same. The first black key is C sharp at the
same time it is D flat.

Now this is what it looks like,

In writing a note, the letters come first before the
sign for example. F# or Db.

But in writing it to the staff. The sign comes first

before the note and it must be the same level with
the note.

Ok, so we’re done.

F. Making generalizations and abstractions about the lesson

So to sum it up a Harmony is an important part
of the Elements of Music. The use of harmony
in a piece of music, and understanding it, will
help your music appreciation journey in
becoming a better musician.

And a key signature is a visual symbol, printed

on a musical staff that indicates what key a
section of music is written in. Key signatures
are represented by using accidentals—better
known as sharps and flats.

A Sharp sign means “the note that is one half

step higher than the natural one”.

A flat sign means “the note that is one half

step lower than the natural note”.

A Piano Key Board is composed of White and

Black keys.

A whole piano key board is compose a pattern

of 2 and 3 black keys with a total of 5 black
keys which also have a 7 white keys.

In music, we use letters to indicate a notes. We

use the first 7 letters in the English Alphabet.
The A, B, C, D, E, F, G and if it ends then you
are just going to repeat and start with A up to G
and do it again.

The White Keys are composed of Notes. Where

C is located before set of two black keys.
And F is located before the set of three black

Now, let’s proceed to the Black keys.

Black keys are composed of Sharp notes and
flat notes. This is the sign of the sharp # it looks
like a hashtag and the flat looks like this b.

To locate a sharp. The first black key is the C#

why? Because it rises on the right side of the C
note located on the white key.
Same with D# and the rest of the Sharp notes.
Now, to indicate a Flat Note. This time, the
same white key notes you can identify the flat
notes by looking at the left side of notes on the
white keys.
For example. The first black key with C note
under it is the D flat or Db. Same the second
black key, it is E flat because it rises on the left
side of note E and soon.
Yes, the location of Sharp notes and flat notes
are just the same. The first black key is C sharp
at the same time it is D flat.

In writing a note, the letters come first before

the sign for example. F# or Db.

But in writing it to the staff. The sign comes

first before the note and it must be the same
level with the note.

Class, did you understand the lesson?

Really? Yes, Teacher!
Is there’s any question?
None? None, Teacher.

G. Evaluating Learning

If you really listened and understand the

discussion, I want you to get a short bond paper.
Copy this key board below and try to fill in the
notes on the Key Board.
Write the notes of the white keys and the notes on
the black keys (both sharp and flat notes).
You have ten minutes to answer this test.
Class, any more question? No Teacher!
Goodbye class, see you tomorrow. Goodbye Ma’am.

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