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No, Date: Crgptes 1 3 Rion k bee insucance is (ckive_ sokares, gin fess / no change C24. cocks) [Ruse sigh > aavcomes 8 /no care Ceisk of being disaioled> eneds cf wuctbe te 2 a Significant in Arancigl ees _ 2_ocauc _by charve |3)_ be dente > cmiGh be die to Mecrine oder of O59 Cie monghacy Whe’) AD ee caleulde + able to colette gsibility ke etenk by tow of longer numbers 1S) nok eR _catedkworhic to Aap inguses C09, (06d ren sor gaiyenote avd jor oventee 2D Avslionn\ > why Ye olidy © intending to ingUse _C individual /eompanas ____|5> Polio, otros => Pirgon tho oun’ /eays Cor 46@ policy, JAD Leo trqysed > applicant mio © wrested vy a lite igycon® poli _____|8) Tid pork, icy > Eq Fither US for son imgucanee golicy Topas — ____|9_paysical Ya ovecupight craradkecishice teod 40 hentth problem I eee ee Ea ea, paliey @raic No. Date: ss! _| Raat er ko Yerome erga value) Deductide / Exess —p portion & he pricy Hata not consed by the inaner. penne D Tes Yogurance —o Ded bercttt provided for avecitiod period 2) Weole % Wrenn Trrougouk apdiowMs Wks =? _Proides a sayings alommonk Cecemivyms accum uate 8 eng ue ig ne ak ch cong, eign qumer te © ne _discontinyes ne ooigy- | Demtoacomt_\ \nanonte => Pliqy cures to gay uke appar dies oc a | os wes yrkil_deokeh dete < —POnly gconrded foro pectic period of xime Y_Peovides 4 savings. clement _Anuity-» sesieg of periodic income payments in exdrang for a premium oF _ premiums A [> Peeeriims buy, ibe ins cael ad ‘\nvestment ita in __ peokessionally, mranagy) investment linked sup Qua royeekemmer- Linked L:fo (rouse Gaiies om ___~ Provide protection ke provide foveseran Risk _gonting, ES sent sik ok firontiol less of a large number pass |neenees of people , but only a arma gextenkage will sutter a + — Uk J Wooccierg Fide 8 7 Disclose all sew facts 2 PO to mave any mis -Stukement of matemal backs - Mokexio\ fod, > fache ok cause an undestostter to deal. with a ae d&eentiy “Ungar weiter > _vorton Who _eutluases orogosed wigke. Dravic No. Date: T - Lowskion of ty of Dier\neuse 3. Cooling ounbsy E - s: 2 \ecephion : _D_ Oo renewal es — : 3) On Atkeration Cle changing terms of pakioyd a ee ee “rae \ngurdole wher mm tne sik inouced —P Aogpiced foc UEC \agusdereg foe hi SON Ce“ : ser ite Pood ae ea _d_ Svouse = St Benehicis aaa = [3 Chih ov West ___6) -Crebikovs_k_dotctocs — [ey sin emacnie copceapenskive ck Bank /fimancidl eet Connie combmy) ___-e Ropregertckue of A Weemsed k exdens Krarcial cduiqor: Seen _ =e rbrouerr dk LR WguTON® —Kvitor gevieks = canrge gue eAviee - [ete tang = cme stents min ssl —— __ Aoreneial meatier of cad worteinas of Ceartial Wwekitulsions, Masok wgunarne ocd proencke , k adnerre corrmon here st Kh Hobs members. a, we segtaerts Ciandal_advi cove No. Date: 2 ] L |Fracce\ industay, Diseules Ressiution cenkee Cemdec) aac | veaieeen_aliecrabive dispute cecolution srlname Mak sa indepord@rt ped impackiel_Cormyes trun png to coe) |Aluriskiction of eaipec ____| 9 Bensetn applicant ond gurance 6 company -p up 40 @\00) 000 2) Sehuren sank = SD capital emacher dispute: =F up to £50) 000 A) bil eteor dispures Ze FRivec Dispute Oycciurion Prooas % Y ee 2_Megdiaxion =» mange yy ose SETAE og ee __@ Adyidiontion > managed by Fave Balieteags Panaltcé eee —|_=* consumes pay edjudiention cose €2 No. Date: D_ Morality | Morvidiy Rares D_\ovedrenork Wome nese BD Sa = erm cena cee AD Genter = ___ |B) sroking, shatus, Sa a ee seen ae eS ~__[edderk ef gum _Assuce —p _vserniuim is tosed_on sum asgured Cooerbend! = a 7 oars Keni mighevarkt vi aastcs oF many, unsweeeas| Sage cae =P one lwp sym poyerk - Usually, ower ag iraucer : COM GOS Wigher ioyeBkererke Bucng 2a rank Surge genie =P cite 4o_seqular premium Sut option to ——— —___________paiy_one_lump sum 40 fully omy up policy ee Soreindd® Premium —y YE gayeredc of gromiyen = ecemiven silece - AO _iwesenge - 5 etek Be eeniyen > Feemiyen i vad Gor a apested eich FH _Rrtrriurn_erere_ expensing oS it 6 oes ¢ deotres pestol @bdazic @pavic No. Date: Licnki CM 1) Prekicipaking Odicies + lie waumece punducks teat Skase in tee grotits oF — ___suedus of de Vike weucence fucds » Non Rocking, PACAP Me iromene pmb Metr do ret sare io Ake KS or ob le i seetipa! oe Keceh L€e Ingurorre pdigies 77 inhSsrite omlucks, uit a0 4 wesucane oreo ______ Qassitiotion By Reaftucs Tape 8 x RO\CES -> h wat - 1D woe Like Wworcoece Peides ROR \ke rents Lee ptonhn o& Whe ___ 3) Eadownmerk: rayeamee Policies —v prada ke oye fora Kxed Sere 7_POIde uM gun ak eed H toon, AD (evedeenek Line UR Weuravce Policies —P erovide moinchy tor inuesking in unk SSS _oc_temilor_ieuestrents willy Sonve ___tneucner® prckeptiony __SUrnewal_ We le ingurarnce =e Pomid®\fe_aURE tan Atay in Remap cri _____be weer) cover and tovestenOate me umes of Only viva, ieaskog matical ewpense Wraucore > otate, syingt il headin k_trnagitelisckion _ - 8) Visabilika, cpm. _nansanee 7 Protects agginsk TIM dk ae intone | Mo gcgon is Kabed DRyulor Premium Pplics ———— @raic No. Date: ___0 Single fe _gotigy Fekete > wivk ae Fisk ko-di@ bide Insurance Colic, Clrypuk ween \ die) sk sycvives Life InsumMce — Crayeuk when othe a8) > Pos u for sees Ae THR CORT _ Leper He sanmatieiwatten a. ln 2 Group Poles -7 avers lamp qroup ot vane - = \Cennactocexics, o& Gea be Ineuennce % aaa ______ ty) Moskes contac > es ee ee exil i US Ree Ae weg of He QROAp > iri Underinatig, Baqusernerks, o> Some canes » renee ork, sayased esi De nls ae reas ODS Shiver ete OIANT upoiraicelé: AgctwcaNignsceky pet D Expederre Garin, e_coak of indusonc® iS aSed on geek cloins experience AD cock efteckive 7 ton cost o& a result of savings. Som _aderinigaknn costs 9) Plon_carkiinugkion > usudly cereale gery _D_QveeoQ® ~» usualy provides _2A- hare twornide coverage » wit SPO exclusions, DErteted Berets —> & ove lee job due 40 redicn\ aon iraysorr® till We PARA ko cours Hien fer Qnotnee 2. mores Bits tes |D widers py con provide odditionn\ couenqge Cea entice iNnass sido) 1a) Sum Agued 7 | According Yo ein Ce. rere senior Pp biger payor) iste > _Mutkigle ck _lenSic Sees, C8 higher Slory -P branes pays) 15) Scemiums. Cusual ls, stoyS He sae for nok roxe tae Byers) —_—_— _____ 6) Commencement & Cues -* ony aroet on corvrancertrir of extant _ ea a Assgnmerk di pdicy bro agtiqnmark te atic pastA\. Sige ene ee ee eee TEV GIES Yes ie __“7_tran employee cetireS or tecmicnhe empleyerartr aes ___77 When _erapigyfe ig ob lerage om teal payroll ast St oi ti Leave (Bide _/ ingiced nth ork pany fom more than 6 motes =? _Wrren employer dog nok cay premium wifkne grace gested Pian emcauer Aeemindkes cooker Orzvic No. Date: _= | 4) Beincskemerts Voliay > usutlly, allowed, subject 40 dre tee anh aondidions & Awe _imsucec | in ame dt ae feo tamil sig eh ma atte nae = Copy, ct gous Cit sue assic@h is_sased on selacy) ae 7 Cdice ceperk o coroner's cepock it _urmatund deaitr _ | freien reports by emmplougr fo bt sidomitteh 40 Ganmisionte epereesses ed _____k_mosiate Seba ord age TPO Claim _-7 (170 form to be compleked by empoyer ond | TPO form 40 eee be compidral by geysicon J ~ ee 4o_qubenit_yoypip com Coe i alterts sun assured) _ @praic No. Date: No. Date: | Resmunes, OF Tesen Insuerpnce $_ 2 Copter 4% Teoditiong| Life newer Projucks ae Fe wctlion of cover 2 only fra speided goviod He wey, LyPeRS Commo) if prOmium 1s nok eayed saidkin agace pesod _|-y _wrol_Vermerranks Diedsilitty Crvp> bendtte is iwelyded. —P po acumudtion of cach ude ~p CO Pdicy lean Cechure 8 a => No Avtomabic premier Inna CV.e oo option 40 Use cago value bo BI PSecium) — (-% tanks _overum cost tee dSS ie pein paid in one Wed syn eee PD con be Cite aid asa lUeDsUM ox im inslalmerks + (Taos of rast baumnee 9 Leyey_tesen ingueance -» Oeorhn bend On previ cemains tea send _ __onecensing term incwence-» Demin venabt Aterennes gsokudly wil ook end of — OBicsy erm CE, Mortage dace tngusnee) - ep enien cpenos, Constr ced roms Saw years 4 ___bitore end ok gcling Herm Coe coammang batores Wil) ep eo ot mae uaiawin aie Premium ood Aerie bardEit ince@see titi me. ee pesca oon ees, tac Ao. cereal teen ingaeerce Capea oe so yore) |__ > _hitomabic process & pola, unde ag incwensed premium ~P_ bast _beretit and polly tesm7 i undenened P_oceum & bight os sural ie older es _ietytumitin i menos Eaccuslatia cree oh sca aps oer \ ro. os mie a ectdin dae Conveckible option -» Option +40 convert tes insucarce to a gecmerant policy _~P_vem_venresrant sing, is beset on orignal age: Condos, on Conversion & 2 apesh to conve ms be dork i uniting 0 fren ou graced by insures ____ © Payment & raw permemnant policy premium ___ 3) Sym ossure) gf rad _polioy musk bo agus! or 1S tinge nsmence, a A) New policy will include Ye some lieilakions ard exclusions eae ser ___insaeance _ policy, a Lito bese Nog prance, ls Puce r - ee, carck atl’ pommerant sconce I s\n s ae See eee aay Aaakn. Dusokion of cover iS whole tite. ap ie i ae cash WSue_buiéS Up aber a casienion period a; Ray D Riders ace usually alowel ho be adtednah bo Abia. RELIOX Premiums con be paid sncougoout poling oro Leith no. of gems. Caeaad eu) hs Deaton penetit gad in one lumpeum | TPD_can be paid in one \umpgum om in poiouts Ceapped o& aoe “P_Con be _gosticigating or com packioipsking polley. ee ~o- Eocteitwe Dobinne 2 ae D_Sucrendes gale for HSCRNOE cosh valve —______D Use ces _udue to _mlsclodge —_Eulty pnic\ up ingasance coeae is cetwel Dee _GSh_vaWe to pusekage extended erm inevrance = SE ge carinii “vassorndit —elestigh sien apie log, Merron emneeenl ol ceeds. > Acoumlglee © savings, Cue Pak con’ be usa. @Doaic No. Date: if \ngusonce 2 | Suction of corse & orks for a spend posied Cle Unk\ voturity die) [7O Upon death or ombucityy 1 Sue? qeeuredl i& god in One Wwnapgyr “Vv TPp & etter gid io one luemgyrn or in insiellmenks ___ Bikers axe _dlowwtth bo be cca fo His peng 7 Cc valve builds up quickly DON Farfestuc® opkion and Autorratic, premium lean cud\lable He pdiay were if premium iS ro ood HLA pace period orkess “eosin une bos, been couruldted Cle: APL _usil bg enforced) Fe Policy owner on bores cqairSr ce_Coligy's guewander case usu auuneers f+ Reewum _S_veunly, ighes fran besm arr _tuldle lite _insuwmonce_pcticies __ LO Con pe _isguah inn _encticipating ee _ ay somo anor 3 z a Steet mene Mo Sa foe | _ fo modusity dato _ - a - > Noting onyatle wate Qn __|.__ - ___PAEY, kecen - compre) te pus ontoanmeds _Wnsuseince ____ wt veyed dite dusing oping Herm, to a _ | Reet fit gyn sured ort coy berrjeas ey erdoseerat Insurance i dt cadres elution SNH ox swt _ARTDOSO @oaic No. Date: =~ @oaic No. Date: Chapter 2 Riders, Coc Supplentntary, Benefits) a Riders -p one supplerrantacy Venetike dot ace not found ir kee boaic prbiay contrac Tapes, of Riders 3 ae ___) wolwer of gremium cider —> Wsiver upon vobst Pecmecnank Visca Cre) | > Exelwdes salt infiched injumes Csare ov inane) > weMdes _pmckiene_iniysy_in toe sili Siti itn An\ iki agence nb Woiver pon exitienl ilness 1d) Soro yr disability CTPDD id ___ > Cxivin\ illness cider? Acmlerokion _BeneGit cxittcal _illeess cider iE ens gs oS aie Slee ctr cone Ol wvan Ai Mision Benet heal eu a = Wwoure) receives additiom\ venctit when diagnosed = Upon deer 5 fol sum opsused ig pid ——oremran Gies ob catia Noss es 1) temp urn _payouk _ _________|2)_ Ore _exitical ilhness, loin omit 3> Spewikic warring, peciod A> Gp on sum assured _ 5) Lael _gremiuen Coorckarts Ahrouphaais poly, tect) a __|6) mexilbiiity C sum assinel can be obtednal to TEP No oS) vows ____|8)_Autormbiantly, terminated i¢ basic policy ig teerivated [9 OA = owe world-wide covergge, _Exclusic iKoal i ti LD pre- exiskirg, _illne: aD See Micka imjucy CSane oF insane’ 3)_miltul_miguse or Auge se /or_alcaten) A> _conopeital_ ox mbesteh Aisotler 5) AWS » WIV) AIDS = Renred Complex CARCS QOraic No. Date: Coixcig For Benet cynitk of Gitina\ ines sider i {) Critical iMrwcs must be the one Hat is cored = 2) Meets deBiniion os speritied by ingusee ___ 3) Meeks matting, trial Coop peode trom buyigy cider tecauce they cuspct cite less) A) Metts survival peciod cusually go days Som diggnasis) |e estrone 2 sterceonas surr_osaured Sor a epectic paried Sree Borettt Ader—> ceovide monthly Mpideelysarnn\ income to (ova eal QO Hop avert OF br&adainnes'S prermure death ~P_imepera pearided until end o€ teem ondy i |D Decressing, Term eee decreases yess => _Tomily_wame vent’ vider ia deccessng em i om _Noups Sere cde 7 e.g. rent wh prys for Gni\A incunane dim of @ TD, perme is panied unt doitd. cadres at or 3S pains Guaranteed (sural li A idee > onal armyrts of insurance ot spacition intesuals of Wher a je gartnina Guents :pacireiniies got 7 ____kciden’a\_ Seaton Benet cider 7 Penni on stim acauved & x i86 ident tecidonic\ dah ord disnerbberan\ / Oeablsrerk Rder —e odd protection ogaingk __|___Bawsvinoe: 2h inline Sipsel 3) isin pepeitalulog tb yomeividor oT __Styeonce or tinnkional german toss ‘ Deagital Osh Cords Banckic > eyed oily, vere per day + amass @oaric No. Date: a | Qhaptes 6 9 Farkicipsting Like Wau PNicies _ | cormon hyo ct eaticigating ooieg | prticipatira, wbole Wee insure pai D Rashicinaring Endoinrenk Ingucerre goo, bok Sadadomens \weuraree i 2 ae os ops ealigg eas nte gee nin duteshereienas = Se” cack ib ans Elo sm ___|D @eysionmy, Bonus -» Hilton 40 sum eneuned on te ariversavey dake > _ MBE omoyrk is a gercerkage of cum aseuved PD |S sen “> Girne _ReNsionayy Cont {© bah on exgeall sum ossumed = Coppin’ Ressomnsy, Bows 5. bxcel on radreak sa esuced, a > Terrring| Bons -» BomS on top c& coriLtor when insusanee edicy redes onhisiky Be coin Biber, P Easin pyyrrert inlet te _rovcionany tonut a A) Wnhesn Bons. -y ROMS 18 Qwen sd9E7 POlIO bis ombyrdhy elon | . Sraligaxion of bonus allemkion + _ | 90 £10 cule -p ineyser a8 Orly clairn up to [0% of wots gon asticigaking | ur. 40% mud be cllocched. in_bonags +o polioy oaher _ —_Beserving cart of ckisiveding Qik & a — D Guranteed Gorebikg __|> Fulure_non-quoreotesd bons. Coq tnlesion bors) a ___15) tension Gc obese daidhion CBueEr in eae tusclmente odes a less) 10 Penides 6 the plan — = fee. ard doames _________mntore ord abiective o& pian @ adiuakranie in premium oe _® Beratias urdes gan 16) iy of Orcly susverder AD \nvoskments of kscekS AD updste on perGoremme 5) type ok vise ofteehing $e leva of wars) corkNiek of unheresh 6) Shosivg_of sishe 1D sected ely tunseckions FY _Srrootig of boruses. UY ree lek pesiad- Qraic No. Date: qj __| Section 1 = twheduckion Section a- Bonus, potecmieation ___|geckion 3 - Investments of packicgnhivay ind assets eee ___|Secton & - Dsclosure requistmenrs - s Geckion 4 - Risk Management Gerkion S- Cromes ard Expenses, ___|Satkien 6 = Cisorretgeces uber _w wi (ness, | Section + = Sravalrelder's _erokile end responsibilities @oaic No. Date: Chapker £8 \mrckmerk- Lived Life \ngusane® Policies CILe> _ ____Tuges_of we. ee a 0.64 reyenes of syria ‘Singe_premiam Core ump sun Brive) TE Retybs _qremiym | ey Poxtuck Feokuces _— Imesh ee [sees eet ee =v. ment — Wveurarce oles 8) Seon » ehbay, > Wace sie OArg vids 40 cay bene cnasge . {oss 2 se ste on tyr, a es es c i 2 aa = _ traurance protection weeds, ___|_ Bish profile > boa mundo invetmorr vk © Fe uailling to bewe Person nese doiective AS Sie Wrong oh Dueteverces \elugen “Tot waitin Nfe insucamre Pre a _______1) Bonuses» Taditions gackidyaticg, policies raven insurer Regular additiors 4p cu assured Creisioned/ gewirel torut) 1 Ropers euruce tonnes, nok qoxurtend Le oe TP, aig lye S linked to He grovniling unit “yaa = mae | Yeok Alycdeyahes.- PTE ms vo cin cetum aS rik yale Guckynes ‘D: Pore sek C Toth own _peeorin AD overkeapk eranhe -P TLP carpsS yr _cenege _twvathersytr - Vata gubo- ford Qoaic Date: Rec, A TP nite % ____|1D Offer and bad prints => oftex price _Cprice_per unit” antag) pacers ered pees a, Ne_ prs AP Pric®_pOE units then bug, a C rice pes _unik_ulen gelling) “2_Bid- offec spent” Coteinintedtion ct e& sobbing up policy’) ba gre x sAling is te sao: Admivichestion Cok. 3 si 1 Feo Bind taste “P Fick Glo ype, aerge of peri aur amin ack XT _YeOSS, premuen liccsion te puiage UMS & 100% _ peas en premium allomkion ye gurdease units ab nei eee ee es WSs to eucverdex iS pon x nie : Sh gy os =3% cern ni yovestierants, o_suto_ fund za - |i ating age rs aunty a Snare auido at figs fee Cea, S95) | Reeeniyon_ fold, done > sicerbex gk ct poy We 6 gay green i - si — lroetite of towckg pe : [9 Looting oF Diversifiadign us 2) Fleavitity, ean 2) Wilar_ak mieagira, > ‘agus Scotian, ccd ies Oris aaplae SMiebuthes AD Peckessinnl eoanagement > Modal, (6) Eoce ok _Nminstration AY Guosarkeed \esicdbitity, : Bins of Noyeking in TL? : Dinesreesrs c@lyers axe nok guosonteed a) PreeriuRnS SB OGAO Sor teorsancd ANY Budhyehe Dunks ray co be Crore bo py MSWAME HOE Cone'sy, poxterning Su>-tal@bavic

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