Marks Pizza Recipe

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Mark’s Pizza recipe

1. Get one of those Kroger ready-made pizza doughs, (not frozen kind, the sticky,
doughy kind in a bag)
2. Preheat oven to 440 degrees
3. Separate the dough into 2 halves
4. Spread out parchment paper on a large cutting board, approx. 15” x 15” ( I
sometimes tape mine )
5. Using your hands and flour, form the dough (½ of the bag) into a disk shape about 6”
in diameter
6. Using a roller and flour sprinkled on the paper, dough and rubbed on the roller, roll
out the dough
into a thin 15” circle
Randomize your rolling direction so as to promote a circular shape
7. Spray some non-stick oil onto a perforated 16” pizza pan and place the pan upside-
down over the pizza crust
8. Invert the entire cutting board/crust/pan onto counter. Remove cutting board
9. Carefully peel the parchment paper away from the crust
10. Dock the crust using a fork, piercing every 2” or so all over the crust
11. Pre-bake the crust for approx 5-6 mins. Longer if you want a more brittle, browner
12. Remove crust from oven and apply sauce and toppings of your choice.
Apply toppings in this order:
- sauce
- cheese
- minced onions, olives, etc
- pepperoni’s or other larger, like mushrooms
- dried toppings like basil, oregano, etc. if used
13. Bake for approx 12 - 15 mins depending on how thick your toppings are
I sometimes will broil an otherwise done pizza for a few minutes at the end to get
center of the pizza’s cheese to brown up

My standard pizza topping:

1. about ½ small can of tomato paste mixed with a few tablespoons olive oil (helps thin
it for spreading), a little dried basil, salt to taste
2. shredded Mozzarella cheese
3. minced or sliced black olives
4. minced onions
5. pepperoni’s - quartered
6. Dried basil sprinkled on last before going into the oven

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