Articulo Estadisticas Falla Calderas

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DOI 10.

Chemical and Petroleum Engineering, Vol. 52, Nos. 9–10, January, 2017 (Russian Original Nos. 9–10, Sept.–Oct., 2016)




M. G. Lagutkin,1 A. S. Abramov,2
S. V. Mikhailovskii,2 V. G. Sorokin,2
and S. R. Koryukin2

The article analyzes conditions, causes of breakdown, and the main types of corrosion of elements exposed
to the greatest wear, and also the classification of breakdowns using oil with different composition in the
boilers of the most common designs. Recommendations are made aimed at improving operational reliability
and data are provided optimizing planned and preventive boiler maintenance.
Keywords: boiler, fuel oil, corrosion, breakdown, wear.

Operating conditions for steam boiler elements are extremely varied. Low-alloy and even austenitic steels may be
subject to intense corrosion. The majority of boiler accidental stoppages occur for the reason of penetrative corrosion damage
of screens, economizers, steam-heater tubes, and boiler drums [1].
During boiler operation, there is high-temperature gas corrosion of steam boiler heating surfaces in a reducing at-
mosphere of boiler gases, and low-temperature corrosion of heater trailing surfaces. High-temperature gas corrosion may be
sub-divided into three main forms: oxidation in a gas phase, vanadium corrosion, and corrosion under the action of heating
surface deposits. The reason for gaseous high-temperature corrosion is the action on a metal surface of fuel oil incomplete
combustion products in the absence of oxygen. Within the combustion product atmosphere, there is formation of hydrogen
sulfide H2S that is the main corrosive agent and causes sulfide corrosion, damaging screen and convection superheater tubes,
the first rows of tube banks, metal of spacers between tubes, supports, and suspenders [1].
The use of high-sulfur fuel oil is conductive to metal corrosion connected with the presence of vanadium in fuel.
Previously vanadium corrosion in boiler units has rarely been encountered, although after putting a high- and ultrahigh pres-
sure boiler into operation, and an increase in superheated steam temperature, corrosion damage caused by vanadium com-
pounds has appeared more often in boiler installations. If metal temperature exceeds 600°C, then with combustion of fuel oil
containing vanadium the time for breakdown of both ferritic and austenitic steels is short. Therefore, vanadium corrosion is
primarily observed in uncooled suspenders and spacers of a steam heater and its coils, and also in the boiler body with excess
pressure in a firebox. In the presence of vanadium compounds, there is a reduction in refractory wall melting temperature that
causes its breakdown [2].
Research has shown [3] that the rate of vanadium corrosion at 700°C reaches unacceptable values in operation, i.e.,
of the order of 100 mg/(m2·h). The reason for rapid corrosion of any steels (including austenitic) is the action of vanadium
pentoxide V2O5. It has been established that an increase in nickel content in metal accelerates corrosion, but an increase in

Moscow Polytechnic University, Moscow, Russia; e-mail:
NIUIF-Engineering Company, Moscow, Russia.

Translated from Khimicheskoe i Neftegazovoe Mashinostroenie, No. 9, pp. 38–41, September, 2016.

636 0009-2355/17/0910-0636 ©2017 Springer Science+Business Media New York

chromium content in steel exceeding nickel content reduces the corrosion rate. Ferritic steels alloyed with chromium alone
are more resistant to vanadium corrosion. Considering research results, with combustion of fuel oil it is not recommended
to allow prolonged operation of heater tubes made of low-alloy ferritic steels at above 585°C; and those made of high-alloy
austenitic steels at above 610°C.
Sulfur present in fuel oil forms sulfates with ash components that being reduced at heater surfaces forming sulfides
give rise to steel corrosion. Steels with a high nickel content are prone to accelerated corrosive action.
Surfaces are prone to low-temperature corrosion with a metal wall temperature below the dew point of flue gases
formed with fuel oil combustion, i.e., the rear heating surfaces of steam boilers (air heaters and rarely economizers) [1], and
also the lower, colder, part of a regenerative air heater seal. Combustion products of fuel oil with a high sulfur content (more
than 1.0–1.1%) that contain sulfuric anhydride SO3 and water vapor H2O move through a boiler gas conduit and are cooled.
As a result of this at a certain temperature (flue gas dew point) there is condensation of sulfuric acid on heater surfaces that
causes rapid corrosion.
With a dew point of 120–140°C and metal wall temperature of 70–105°C, the corrosion rate does not exceed 0.15 mm
per year [3], which provides quite prolonged air heater operation. When the temperature of the air heater wall is close to the
dew point or below it, corrosive wear may reach 1.0 mm/yr, which is unacceptable.
Simultaneously with sulfuric acid vapor condensation there is formation of deposit on a heater surface due to the
deposition of ash particles from the gas stream and mechanical underfiring of fuel, as a result of which there is formation of a
sticky skin that is difficult to remove exhibiting high corrosive activity [1]. The hygroscopic nature and absorption activity of
these deposits also give rise to SO3 absorption. With equipment stoppage, acid ash deposits absorb water, they are hydrolyzed
and release acid directly at a metal surface leading to a rapid increase in corrosion rate.
Low-temperature corrosion of convective heating surfaces (air coolers, and sometimes water economizers) of metal
gas conduits, exhaust rotors, and metal exhaust tubes during burning of high-sulfur fuel oil is a widespread problem [2].
Stagnant areas in a gas conduit and nonequilibrium flow over heater surfaces by exhaust gases may also be a reason for corro-
sion of sections where the metal wall temperature is lower. There may be corrosion over a short length of a tubular air heater,
but it is necessary to replace it as a whole.
During equipment stoppages, there is acid condensation on heating surfaces when their temperature reaches a value
of the acid dew point (70–170°C depending on sulfuric anhydride and water vapor partial pressure in the system). The initial
(stagnant) period is most critical. Corrosion of furnace coils and tube banks of air heaters is observed as a rule beneath the
surface of ash deposits of corrosion product deposits. The pit growth rate in carbon and low-carbon steels under the action
of sulfuric acid may reach 8–10 mm/yr [4], and in a number of cases may exceed this value. Rapid growth of corrosion pits
rarely leads to metal penetration damage.
Thus, the main elements of boiler units are subject to the corrosive action of boiler fuels and their combustion prod-
ucts, and therefore comprehensive study and analysis of typical boiler equipment damage, areas of the their localization and
periodic development for timely adoption of prophylactic measures for corrosion protection is important.
On the basis of full-scale inspection of power generation equipment for a mining and dressing enterprise for the last
ten years (within the scope of examining industrial safety), specialists of NIUIF-Engineering have revealed typical damage
of boiler units and summarized and analyzed their most problematic areas and often encountered damage. Starting data were
typical damage and areas of its concentration in equipment, repair work, and its periodicity based on enterprise repair and
operation documents. The engineering condition of inspected objects was evaluated from the results of engineering diagnosis
by nondestructive methods.
Analysis of original information showed that the main operating problems for boiler unit elements (due to the fuel
burnt) may be classified as the following failures and measures required:
for steam boilers:
– failure and replacement of boiler screen tubes (side, front, rear) with periodicity from 2 months (1440 h of opera-
tion) to 8 months (5760 h);
– replacement of the convective part, collectors, boiler floor in periods of carrying out major overhaul;
– breakdown and replacement of convective area tubes with periodicity of 25.2 months (18360 h);

– cleaning deposits from the convective area and convective tubes with periodicity of 72 months (51840 h);
for steam superheaters:
– breakdown and replacement of convective tube banks with periodicity from 4.5 month (3240 h) of operation to 18
months (12960 h);
– cleaning deposit from the convective area and convective tubes with periodicity 9.2 months (6624 h);
for economizers:
– breakdown and replacement of ribbed tubes and return bends with average periodicity of 6 months (3140 h of
– complete wear of economizers and replacement with periodicity from 25 months (17980 h) to 65 months (46820 h).
Statistical analysis of repair and operation documented data and results of engineering diagnosis showed that the
greatest wear concerns the surfaces of a boiler heater, steam superheater, and economizers (Fig. 1).
Most probable breakdown applies to economizers (up to two thirds of all repair carried out, mainly replacement
of ribbed tubes). This is probably connected with the corrosion action of both flue gases formed during fuel oil combustion
and acting on the outer sides of tubes and steam and water vapor causing corrosion of tube inner surfaces (corrosion under
the action steam and hot water is not considered in this articles). Action of flue gases on the rear heating surfaces, which are
economizers, is connected with condensation of sulfuric acid solution from a gas phase on reaching the dew point.
Corrosive action of flue gases in boilers and steam generators predominantly concerns tubes of heating surfaces and
collectors. The overall proportion of repair given to convective and flue chambers of boilers with replacement of brickwork
is about 40%.
Brickwork condition depends to a considerable extent on screening tube operating temperature regime, considerably
affecting the operating reliability. As a refractory torcrete mix breaks down, there is a change in temperature regime for screen
tubes. With presence of defects in brickwork or its breakdown, areas of uncovered screens experience increased thermal loads,
which leads to an increase in the intensity of deposit formation on heater surfaces and development of local overheating zones
[5]. With an increase in tube metal temperature, there is an increase in high-temperature gas corrosion. In performing inspec-
tion of heating and convective parts of some boiler units, breakaway of burner brickwork has been revealed. The lining of the
arch over injectors and collectors of screens has been subject to breakdown: gaps form between the lining of collectors and
screen tubes (up to 150 mm), and in drum brickwork there is breakage and slits with width ~100 mm. A typical area of lining
surface is shown in Fig. 2 whose breakdown led to the failure of individual tubes.
Thus, in spite the high proportion of repair going into brickwork restoration (~3%), periodic inspection and monitor-
ing of the state of brickwork are required.
The appearance of penetration cracks for heating surfaces caused by boiler installation operating conditions compris-
es the greatest proportion of all damage, i.e., 60% (Fig. 3). Insignificant corrosion damage not affecting the operating capacity
of a boiler unit as a whole is noted in 9% of the cases. Corrosion and mechanical wear of boiler elements with a requirement
for total replacement is observed in 28% of cases.
Inspection of boiler units has shown the presence of deposits on tube surfaces in the form of scale (Fig. 4) leading
to high-temperature corrosion of a heating surface under action of fuel oil ash, and also deposition of pyrosulfate (Fig. 5),
causing screen tube corrosion.
An unfavorable effect of fuel oil combustion product deposits on the surface of tubes banks and collectors includes
not only high-temperature corrosive activity of these deposits, but also the occurrence of metal local overheating areas. Areas
with a higher temperature are subject to accelerated corrosion breakdown, which is facilitated by development of local metal
corrosion under a deposited layer.
Inspection of boiler units GM-50/14-250, TP-35-U, and DKVR 10/13 showed the presence of pits 0.1–0.4 mm deep
in the surface of collectors and screen tubes, and the depth of corrosion pits does not exceed 3–10% of nominal tube wall
thickness. According to standard documentation for prolonging the safe operating life steam boilers [6] (Para. 5.5 of SO 153-
34.17.469–2003), corrosion pits and/or erosion damage up to 1.0 mm deep, but not more than 15% of the nominal thickness
of a tube wall, detected with visual measurement monitoring, are acceptable. Thus, the appearance of pits in this case is not
critical, although it is necessary to consider this during subsequent boiler unit operation.

Fig. 1. Typical locations of main boiler unit element damage.

Fig. 2. Section of damaged lining and Fig. 3. Main forms of boiler heating surface damage.
DKVR 10/13 boiler tube failure.

Fig. 4. Scale on tube surface of GM-50/14 Fig. 5. Deposition of DKVR 10/13 boiler
boiler front screen. fuel oil combustion products.

Fig. 6. Histogram of relative mean annual thinning of main boiler element walls.

In carrying out technical diagnosis by specialists of NIUIF-Engineering, the amount of relative thinning of the walls
of the main boiler unit elements was evaluated on the basis of the results of ultrasonic thickness measurement.
Since the operating duration of the boiler units inspected from the time of their start-up to the time of performing
technical inspection is over wide limits (from 24 to 53 years), and the initial effective wall thickness of the main elements of
different boiler units is different, as an evaluation criterion for the engineering condition of equipment the amount of mean
annual and maximum relative wall thinning (%/yr) was used, which was compared with an acceptable value of mean annual
thinning, adjusted to a twenty year standard time for boiler unit operation (Fig. 6).
Limiting permissible thinning of boiler body components is established in scientific and technical documentation [6]
(Para. 5.21 of SO 153-34.17.469–2003) and comprises 15% of their nominal thickness, i.e., with a standard 20-year period of
operation the mean annual permissible thinning should not exceed 0.75%/yr.
Thinning of the walls of straight parts of heating surface tubes revealed by an ultrasonic (or other) monitoring method
permits not more than 30% of their nominal thickness. A reduction in tube wall thickness should not be more than 1.0 mm [6]
(Para. 5.23 of SO 153-34.17.469–2003). Thus, with a twenty year operating period tube wall thinning should not exceed 1.5%/yr.
Thinning of the walls of body components (brickwork and drum bottom), collectors, and screen tubes, established
by experiment are within the limits of 0.19–0.28%/yr (average values), and 0.38–0.69%/yr (maximum values), which exceed
the established standard limits. The results obtained for thickness measurement point to some reserve in operating reliability
of the main elements of the inspected boiler units, which is achieved due to timely performance of periodic inspection and
enterprise planned preventative repair.
Conclusions. On the basis of data for repair and operating documentation and results of full-scale inspection of
equipment, typical problem areas have been revealed and encountered most often for damage of the main boiler unit elements
under action of boiler fuel and flue gases formed during combustion. In order to improve the operating reliability of boiler in-
stallations, it is necessary primarily to monitor fuel quality, optimize combustion processes, and observe equipment operating
regimes taking account of structural features.
In order to avoid the formation of corrosion-active ash, it is recommended to use low-sulfur fuel oil. Where it is
impossible to use fuel with a low content of sulfur, vanadium, and sodium, it is possible to recommend introduction of fuel
additives preventing the formation of eutectic mixtures with a low melting temperature.
Boilers having sections with drainage should be given chemical cleaning periodically in order to avoid deposit
Data given in this article may be used as a basis in developing a planned enterprise timetable for boiler unit preven-
tative repair.


1. A. M. Sukhotin, A. V. Shraier, and Yu. I. Archakova (eds.) Chemical Equipment Corrosion and Protection, Vol. 9,
Oil Processing and Petrochemical Industry, Khimiya, Leningrad (1990).
2. Z. I. Geller, Oil as a Fuel, Nedra, Moscow (1965).
3. M. E. Zaidman and D. K. Mironov, “Experience of operating steam superheaters made of boiler austenitic steels at
180 atm with a steam temperature of 565–580°C,” Energomashinostronienie, No. 4 (1964).
4. Werkstoffeinsatz und Korrosionsschutz in der Chemischen Industrie, DVG, Leipzig (1973).
5. V. Sh. Magadeev, Boiler Unit Gas Conduit Corrosion, Energoatomizdat, Moscow (1986).
6. SO 153-34.17.469–2003, Instructions for Prolonging the Safe Operating Life of Steam Boilers with a Working
Pressure up to 4.0 MPa Inclusively and Water Heating Boilers with a Water Temperature above 115°C.

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