Môn kiểm tra: ANH CHUYÊN Ngày kiểm tra: 27 tháng 12 năm 2021 Thời gian làm bài: 60 phút

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Môn kiểm tra: ANH CHUYÊN

ĐỀ CHÍNH THỨC Ngày kiểm tra: 27 tháng 12 năm 2021
(Đề thi gồm 08 trang) Thời gian làm bài: 60 phút

Mark the letter A, B,C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined
part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
1. A. consist B. disable C. suggest D. vision
2. A. stopped B. expected C. finished D. faced
Mark the letter A, B,C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the
other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions.
3. A. romantic B. solution C. protective D. elegant
4. A. competition B. fundamental C. interference D. stability
Mark the letter A, B,C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that
needs correction in each of the following questions.
5. Soon after (A) becoming a member, Vietnam (B) signed the Treaty on the Southeast Asian
Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone and (C) being one of the (D) founding members of the ASEAN
Regional Forum.
6. Albert Einstein, (A) the father of modern physics, could not read until he (B) was eight,
but that (C) hasn't stopped him (D) from becoming one of the greatest scientists our our time.
7. Vina Capital Foundation's Heartbeat Vietnam (A) has performed 5,000 free heart (B)
surgery for kids (C) across the country (D) for the last ten years.
Mark the letter A, B,C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of
the following questions.
8. It is no use ______ a girl that she doesn't need to lose any weight.
A. convince B. convincing C. to convince D. to convincing
9. One advantage of living in a/an ______ is to strengthen relationship between young
children and adults.
A. nuclear family B. nuclear house C. extended family D. extended house
10. This warning sign indicates that you ______ step on the grass.
A. shouldn't B. mustn't C. don't have to D. ought not to
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11. It was essential for him to be financially ______ of his parents, so he decided to find a
part-time job.
A. dependent B. independent C. dependable D. undependable
12. We appreciated ______ more opportunities ______ part in the story-telling contest.
A. giving / to take B. to give / taking C. given / to take D. being given / to take
13. After graduating from university, I want to ______ my father's footsteps.
A. follow in B. succeed in C. go after D. keep up
14. When playing or swimming in the pool, children ____ be accompanied by their parents.
A. should B. must C. don't have to D. have to
15. The lottery winner was willing to spend a considerable sum of money to ______ to
charity to help those in need.
A. give away B. give in C. give back D. give up
16. Luckily, my parents are always willing to listen to my new ideas. They're very ______.
A. narrow-minded B. open-minded C. elegant D. careful
17. Many people who took part in the fight ______ illiteracy considered it an honorable job
to help others.
A. against B. back C. for D. with
18. A group of young Vietnamese in the north-central province of Nghe An ______ a free
bread box dedicated to poor blue-collar workers.
A. have set up B. sets up C. had set up D. have been setting up
19. Parents are always willing to lend a sympathetic______to their children when they have
A. hand B. ear C. eye D. paw
Mark the letter A, B,C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in
meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
20. The Prince William made a brief working visit to Vietnam from 17th to 18th November
2016, attending the IWT Conference which was hosted in Hanoi.
A. lasting B. public C. short D. secret
21. At first, he was reluctant to help us. However, after persuading for a long time, he
agreed to play the guitar at our teashop.
A. hesitate B. willing C. eager D. keen

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Mark the letter A, B,C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in
meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
22. The beautiful sights in Sa Pa, Mui Ne and Ha Noi all contribute to the country's magic
A. beauty B. fame C. image D. value
23. I feel extremely depressed as conflict occurs frequently amongst generations in my
A. comes on B. comes up C. comes in D. comes into
Supply the correct form of the word given
Childhood self-esteem can overwhelm academic disadvantage or social deprivation in
determining future earnings power, according to major new research. There is now clear
evidence that the earnings of people who had higher self-esteem at age ten (24. STRIP)
______________ those of their peers whose academic performance was better at the same
age. Bright children often have higher self-esteem, as do some from more affluent (25.
GROUND) _______________. But the study compared children from similar families and
still found that those who were psychologically well-balanced at ten were now
outperforming their peers. The research also found, surprisingly, that it is not unusual for
children to have high academic (26. ACHIEVE) ______________ and low self-esteem,
leading to significant later underperformance in the jobs market. A spokesman for the British
Association for Counselling said: „(27. COURAGE) ______________ for children doesn‟t
come only from crude parental hostility at home; it can just be resentment or the constant
feeling that they‟re making you tired. Children pick that up. Nor is it only underprivileged
children who suffer. All too often you can ask affluent parents who the important people in
their child‟s life are – teachers, friends and so on – and they haven‟t a clue.‟ Bearing out the
findings of this research, many outstandingly successful entrepreneurs, such as Richard
Branson, were (28. SHINE) _______________ academically when they were at school but
had the advantage of supportive families.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to
indicate the correct answer to each of the questions
Cross-cultural re-entry - what happens when you come home from living abroad - has
interested researchers for more than 50 years. Early writers saw re-entry largely as a set of

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problems or challenges that returnees suffered. One, Asuncion-Lande, even compiled a list
of 50 types of re-entry difficulties, ranging from linguistic barriers to the inability to find a
job where you can use your new skills. In the last 30 years, though, it has become more
common to think of re-entry as a positive challenge or a chance for growth and self-
discovery rather than as a set of problems.
When you're the one going through the adjustment, however, it's normal to experience the
transition as both positive and negative. you may even feel like you are on a roller coaster -
one minute excited to be home and proud to share all you've learned, and the next bored or
frustrated and feeling out of sync with those people who have always been closest to you.
Having ups and downs is common, and whether you see your glass as half-full or half-empty
may depend on whether you are having a good day or a bad day. Being able to think
optimistically about what you've learned abroad not only helps you feel better as you process
your feelings about coming home, but it can also help you articulate how you are different -
to family, friends, teachers, mentors, and current and potential employers.
29.According to the text, more recent researchers
A see cross-cultural re-entry as a learning opportunity
B are increasingly interested in the topic of cross-cultural re-entry
C focus on solving the problems faced on cross-cultural re-entry
D are attempting to classify issues faced on cross-cultural re-entry
30.What does the writer recommend to people experiencing cross-cultural re-entry?
A staying positive when people around them lack understanding
B focusing on the beneficial aspects of their time abroad
C being prepared for good and bad experiences
D talking optimistically about their change of location
Read the following passage and choose the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the
numbered blanks from 31 to 35.
Fathers in today families are spending more time with their children than at any point
in the past 100 years. (31) _____ the number of hours the average woman spends at home
with her children has declined since the early 1900s, as more and more women enter the
workforce, there has been a decrease in the number of children per family and an increase in
individual attention to each child. As a result, mothers today in the United States, including

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those who work part-time or full-time, spend almost twice as much time with each child as
mothers did in the 1920s. People (32) _____ raised children in the 1940s and 1950s typically
report that their own adult children and grandchildren communicate far better with their kids
and spend more time helping with homework than they did.
America‟s children are also safer today than they‟ve (33) _____ been. An infant was
four times more likely to die in the 1950s than today. A parent then was 27 per cent more
likely to lose an older teen to death. If we look back over the last millennium, we can see that
families have always been diverse. In each period, families have solved one set of problems
only to face new (34) ______ . What works for a family in one economic and cultural setting
doesn‟t work for a family in another. What‟s helpful at one stage of a family‟s life may be
destructive at the next stage. If there is one lesson to be drawn from the last millennium of
family history, it‟s that families always have to (35) _____ with a changing world.
31. A. Although B. However C. Unless D. Besides
32. A. whom B. which C. who D. when
33. A. never B. already C. ever D. just
34. A. challanger B. challenges C. challenging D. challenged
35. A. put up B. live up C. go up D. catch up
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to
indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 36 to 42.
Teenage years are filled with all kinds of problems - lack of self-confidence, nagging
parents, peer pressure, doing well in the exams and getting into university. Some of their
problems result from the emotional and physical changes teenagers are going through.
Teenagers are extremely concerned about their appearance. So, it‟s no wonder they
spend so much time in front of the mirror! They notice every single thing about themselves –
their body changing shape, hair appearing in unlikely places, annoying sports breaking out.
Teenagers are rarely happy about these changes which can affect how they feel about
Sometimes, parents hurt their teenage children‟s feelings by making jokes about their
appearance. They also tend to pay little attention to teenage worries and think of them as
being silly. Your daughter may be convinced that her nose looks awful and that plastic

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surgery is the only solution even though everybody else fails to notice the problem. By trying
to explain that other people do not normally pay as much attention to our physical features as
we do ourselves, we can help teenagers feel better about themselves and become more
Teenagers also tend to avoid doing things they don‟t like, especially helping around
the house. They are likely to try to get out of doing household chores - and certainly don‟t
respond well to orders. The more you discuss the type of household chore your teenage son
or a daughter might not mind doing, the better. He or she, for example, may be happy to go
to the supermarket, but hate the idea of washing dishes.
It also works better if your children can, at least to some degree, do things in their own
way and time. This might seem annoying, but if all you do is order them around, you can be
sure that next time they will not do a thing. Always thank your children for their effort. And
if they do something that‟s more than just a simple chore-decorating, perhaps you might
want to pay them.
36. Which is NOT a kind of problems that teenagers have to deal with?
A. lack of self-confidence B. doing well in the exams
C. getting a job D. lack of self-confidence
37. Teenagers spend a lot of time looking in the mirror because they _____.
A. like admiring their bodies.
B. are worried about the changes happening to their bodies.
C. are thinking how they can improve their appearance.
D. have nothing better to do.
38. When teenagers express their concern about their appearance, their parents _____.
A. get upset with them. B. show no interest in their worries.
C. don‟t take their concerns very seriously. D. don‟t believe them.
39. The writer advises the parents to _____.
A. support their children if they decide to have plastic surgery.
B. give them tips on how to improve their appearance.
C. ignore their concerns.
D. tell them that they actually look better than they think they do.
40. When it comes to housework, most teenagers _____.

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A. help a lot with housework.
B. usually prefer going to the supermarket.
C. expect something in return for helping around the house.
D. find ways not to take part in it.
41. Parents can make their teenage children help around the house by _____.
A. giving them specific instructions about their duties.
B. making them feel responsible for their actions.
C. telling them that they have to become involved.
D. discussing with them what type of chores they prefer doing.
42. Which of the following is NOT good advice to parents?
A. They should thank their children for their effort.
B. They should give their children some money for any chore they do.
C. They should let their children do things the way they want to.
D. They should be willing to take their children‟s preferences into account.
Read the following extract and use your own words to summarise it. Your summary should
be no more than 80 words.
Psychology and personality assessment
Our daily lives are largely made up of contacts with other people, during which we are
constantly making judgments of their personalities and accommodating our behaviour to
them in accordance with these judgments. A casual meeting of neighbours on the street, an
employer giving instructions to an employee, a mother telling her children how to behave, a
journey in a train where strangers eye one another without exchanging a word - all these
involve mutual interpretations of personal qualities.
Success in many vocations largely depends on skill in sizing up people. It is important not
only to such professionals as the clinical psychologist, the psychiatrist or the social worker,
but also to the doctor or lawyer in dealing with their clients, the businessman trying to outwit
his rivals, the salesman with potential customers, the teacher with his pupils, not to speak of
the pupils judging their teacher. Social life, indeed, would be impossible if we did not, to
some extent, understand, and react to the motives and qualities of those we meet; and clearly
we are sufficiently accurate for most practical purposes, although we also recognize that
misinterpretations easily arise particularly on the part of others who judge us!

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Errors can often be corrected as we go along. But whenever we are pinned down to a definite
decision about a person, which cannot easily be revised through his “feed-back”, the
inadequacies of our judgments become apparent. The hostess who wrongly thinks that the
Smiths and the Joneses will get on well together can do little to retrieve the success of her
party. A school or a business may be saddled for years with an undesirable member of staff,
because the selection committee which interviewed him for a quarter of an hour misjudged
his personality.
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