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Barril, Jhan Ray G.

November 27, 2021

“t h e l a s t p a s s e n g e r”

Year 2074, the year that was said to be the point of no return for all beings inhabiting earth as
the remaining environmental advocates, world leaders and experts have finally declared its defeat
against its unattended and uncontested enemy, the global warming. The seas have risen to fearful
heights, the temperature became worse and the factors that make living beings vulnerable to diseases
increased explosively. By this year, humanity’s technology has reached its unexpected pinnacle, where
people began to elevate living in its mothership called the Astoria. All the people who moved their way
of living in the dawn of technology did their best to save the smallest possible piece of nature however it
is not only the effects of climate change that they were battling but also humans swallowed by greed
when it comes to natural resources. Water is basically limited and produced expensively through
scientific means, natural fuel ran out, forests were ravaged, as the seas rose thus it is now impossible to
reverse the effects of industrialization, automation, and technology in general.

This short story is not the beginning of a person’s journey to find any means to save what’s left
of the environment, but this is the last part of his adventures.

Dillon, was a passenger of the mothership Astoria. He was one of the remaining
environmentalists in the ship and after the grand captain discovered a means to travel back in time

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