Exercises of Prepositions No.1, Sent

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Prepositions for 10 English

I. Complete each sentence with one pair of words or phrases plus at, in or on where necessary.
Christmas Day / the past her birthday / next Saturday six / the morning
four o’clock / Friday afternoon midnight / New Year’s Eve sixty-five / 2005
the fourth of July / 1776 night / winter September / every year

1. We all held hands and sang together ___________________________________.

at midnight on New Year’s Eve
2. I hated the early shift at the factory because I had to start work ___________________________.
at six in the morning
3. We’re going to have a big party for Rachel ________________________________.
on her birthday next Saturday
4. They harvest the grapes ______________________________________.
on September every year
5. Because it was so cold in the bedroom, I often didn’t sleep very well _____________________________.
at night in the winter
6. It wasn’t as common for people to get a holiday from work ____________________________________.
on Christmas Day in the past
7. Although he didn’t think of himself as old, Frank Jones had to retire ______________________________.
at sixty-five in 2005
8. I can’t leave work early because I have a meeting ____________________________________.
at four o’clock Friday afternoon
9. The American Declaration of Independence was signed _______________________________________.
on the fourth of July in 1776

II. Complete the definitions with the nouns and prepositions.

curfew deadline expiry date after at by during in (x2) until

expiry date the end of a period of time (2)________________
during which something can be used.
deadline a point (4)________________
in time (5)________________
by which something must be
done or completed.
curfew a law prohibiting people from going outside (7)________________
after a particular time
at night (9)________________
until a particular time (10)________________
in the morning.

III. Correct the mistakes in the sentences.

1. I’ve been waiting since an hour to have a minute with the boss till his next meeting.
2. My sister works as a teacher in Athens since after 2003.
3. Your application form must be received in this office until 9 a.m. in the first of March.
4. I have appointments in every morning this week, but I can see you on next Monday morning.

IV. Add at, in or on where necessary to these sentences.

in on
1. Craft shops many small villages rely tour buses to bring them customers.
on in in
2. The meeting focused economic problems developing countries South-East Asia.
on at in in
3. You can either stand the bar or sit a table most pubs Britain.
on at
4. We were depending my brother to meet us the exit door after the concert.
at in
5. The children were laughing something they had seen a cartoon.

V. Using a dictionary if necessary, complete these sentences using an adjective or a noun plus one of the
overalls overflow overlap above below over

by Hoai Huong, High School for Gifted Students, HNUE Page 1

Prepositions for 10 English

overcoat overhead overpopulation among between under

1. I’m wearing a woolen pullover and a jacket _________________

under this _________________
overcoat but I still
feel cold.
2. High birth rates combined with better health care for children are starting to create serious problems
with _________________some
overpopulation among of the world’s poorest nations.
3. There does seem to be quite an _________________
overlap between the subject areas of maths and physics.
4. The work is really dirty so you’d better wear _________________
overalls over your clean clothes.
5. The number of young children starting school this year is well _________________
above normal and we
don’t have enough room for them all, so we’re having to use temporary buildings for the

6. A number of people who live near or _________________

below those massive _________________
overhead power
lines say that they have suffered health problems because of them.

VI. Add one pair of prepositions to each sentence.

along/ towards out of/ from through/ to

1. When you do via a particular place, you go _________________

through that place on your way
to another place.
2. When you’re going up and down a road, you’re going _________________
along it _________________

one end of it.

3. When you’re asked to wait outside a room, you have to be _________________
out of the room, but you
mustn’t move too far _________________
from it.

VII. Add these prepositions to the following paragraphs from the beginning of a novel.

along from into on over through towards (x2)

She stands up in the garden where she has been working and looks into the distance. She has sensed a shift in
the weather. There is another gust of wind, a buckle of noise in the air, and the tall cypresses sway. She turns
and moves uphill (1)_______________
towards the house, climbing (2)_______________
over a low wall, feeling the first
drops of rain (3)_______________
on her bare arms. She crosses the loggia and quickly enters the house.
In the kitchen she doesn’t pause but goes (4)_______________
through it and climbs the stairs which are in darkness
and then continues (5)_______________
along the long hall, at the end of which is a wedge of light
from an open door.
She turns (7)_______________
into the room which is another garden – this one made up of trees and bowers
painted over its walls and ceiling. The man lies on the bed, his body exposed to the breeze, and he turns his
head slowly (8)_______________
towards her as she enters.

VIII. Complete each sentence with one pair of words or phrases (not necessarily in this order) plus by,
of or with where necessary.
a cheque/ the yellow lampshade the door/ a screwdriver the match/ scoring
American history/ reading her/ taxi ours/ some friends

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Prepositions for 10 English

any problems/ the way

1. We weren’t aware of ___________________
any problems until we started getting complaints from people who
clearly weren’t satisfied ___________________
with the way their new computers were working.
2. He tried to remove the old broken handle ___________________.
3. I’m becoming more familiar ___________________ about the Civil War.
4. We went out to dinner ___________________.
5. Robertson celebrated his return to the Scottish team ___________________
by scoring the best goal
of the match against England yesterday.
6. They don’t allow dogs on the buses so Betty always goes ___________________
by taxi whenever she wants
to take her dog ___________________.
by her
7. I wanted to buy that lamp ___________________
with the yellow lampshade but I didn’t have enough cash and they wouldn’t let
me pay for it ___________________.
by a cheque

IX. Complete each sentence with a noun and a preposition.

bread fruit meal pizza besides except for with
fish ice cream omelettes rice except (x2) minus without (x2)
1. We don’t usually eat much ___________________
rice except when we had Indian food.
2. My grandmother liked to say that you can’t make ___________________
omelettes without breaking eggs.
3. I first learned how to cook salmon and now I cook a lot of other ___________________
fish besides that.
4. They usually drink wine with their evening ___________________
meal except during Lent.
5. My children don’t eat a lot of ___________________
fruit except for bananas at breakfast sometimes.
6. Would you like some ___________________
ice cream with your strawberries?
7. We won’t be able to make ___________________
bread without flour.
8. It was obvious that someone had already decided it was time to start eating because on the table was
our ___________________,
pizza ___________________
minus one very large slice.

X. Identify the one underlined expression that must be changed in order to correct the sentence.
1. According to a recent report, more students are choosing to work in part-time jobs instead using their
weekends to study during term-time.
2. For a whole week Loretta came to class on every day with her hair a different colour.
3. Between 1850 and 1900, coal production off the US rose from 14 million tons to 100 million.
4. The ball went between the legs of another player, past me towards the goal, and rolled through the goal
5. The children were laughing at a cartoon in which a cat on a wobbly ladder kept trying to get a small bird
out its cage.

XI. Choose one preposition from each pair for each space in the text.
at away during from off to in up for of out of towards

Does the new ‘global economy’ simply mean that well-paid jobs will be taken (1)______________
(2)______________ people in rich countries and changed (3)______________ low-paid jobs for people

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Prepositions for 10 English

(4)______________ poorer countries? Is this a bad thing? Perhaps. It may actually mean that some poor
people who have been (5)______________ work (6)______________ a long time can start to have a better
life and other people will have to work a bit harder to maintain their comfortable lifestyle.

XII. Complete each sentence in such a way that it is as similar as possible in meaning to the sentences
above it.
1. This building will be closed for renovation from the beginning to the end of August.
During _____________________________________________________
2. What else did you do in addition to shopping when you were in Rome?
Besides ______________________________________________________
3. Haven’t you eaten anything else today besides the apple I gave you earlier?
Apart ______________________________________________________
4. We won’t be able to do much unless we get more financial support.
Without ______________________________________________________

XIII. Complete this text using these prepositions.

across along at by into of past towards under with
Whenever I see a newspaper lying on the ground beside a door, I think of Fred. A few years ago, Fred had to
travel to a meeting and his flight was delayed for several hours because of bad weather.
(1)________________ the time he got to his hotel it was (2)________________ midnight. Once in his room,
he felt really tired so he just undressed and got into bed. (3)________________ some point during the night,
he had to get up and go to the bathroom. He wasn’t really awake and it was very dark, but he could see a light
(4)________________ the bathroom door, so he walked (5)________________ the light. He opened the
bathroom door and went in. The bright light blinded him for a moment. As the door closed behind him, he
vaguely wondered why there was a doormat on the bathroom floor. Facing him was another door
(6)________________ a number on it. It was number 325. That was strange. Then he realized he wasn’t in
the bathroom. He was in the corridor. He turned to go back (7)________________ his room, but the door was
locked. And he was naked. He heard voices coming from the far end of the corridor. What was he going to
do? Then he noticed a newspaper on the floor beside the door (8)________________ number 325. He quickly
grabbed the newspaper and held it in front of him as a man and a woman in dark uniforms came
(9)________________ the corridor towards him. The man said, ‘Good morning, sir. Having a bit trouble?’
They were security guards. Fred explained his embarrassing situation and they unlocked the door for him. He
thanked them as if they had just saved his life. After they left, he opened his door, made sure it wouldn’t close
again, stepped (10)________________ the corridor and put the newspaper back on the floor outside number
325. Someone else might need that newspaper.

XIV. Choose the most suitable particle(s) to complete each of the sentences below.
1. If you are seen stealing that car the police will be __after__ you. 1. after, back, for, through
2. What are the children ___________? They are very quiet. 2. up, up to, up against, over
3. We are ___________ bad weather this week. 3. away, on at, in for, over
4. I hope nobody disturbs me; my favourite television programme will be 4. out, off, after, on

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Prepositions for 10 English

___________ in five minutes.

5. I have broken my leg skiing, so I will be ___________ work for two 5. over, at, back, off
6. If he is late for our date again, I will be ___________ with him. 6. over, through, out of, off
7. If you press the wrong buttons, the machine will break ___________. 7. down, in, off, through
8. School breaks ___________ for Easter on 2nd April. 8. out, up, down, off
9. The robbers used iron bars to break ___________ the bank. 9. in, into, through, away
10. When she was told her mum was in hospital she broke ___________. 10. down, off, through, in
11. The water managed to break ___________ the flood barrier. 11. off, down, through, over
12. Sheila broke ___________ her engagement last week. 12. in, up, out, off

XV. Choose the correct preposition.

1. The president was accompanied ___by____ his wife on his recent tour. 1. of, by, with
2. He could not account ____________ £5,000 missing from the company’s books. 2. of, for, in
3. You must be acquainted ____________ all the facts before stating your opinion. 3. in, with, at
4. The police will advise you ____________ how to discourage burglars. 4. of, on, to
5. Jane did not agree ____________ John’s interpretation of the situation. 5. to, of, with
6. She’ll never agree ____________ marry you. 6. to, with, in
7. He aimed ____________ the target and fired his gun. 7. to, in, at
8. The money that the children collected amounted ____________ £590. 8. in, on, to
9. The government appealed ____________ the public to stay calm during the crisis. 9. at, to, in
10. My parents do not approve ____________ my new boyfriend. 10. of, for, on
11. Henry is very ashamed ____________ his behavior at last night’s party. 11. for, of, with
12. She’s extremely attached ____________ her parents. 12. to, on, with
13. Thomas is always aware ____________ his mother’s over protective attitude. 13. on, at, of
14. There has been another military attack ____________ the bases in southern Spain. 14. in, for, on

XVI. Choose the most suitable particle(s) to complete each of the sentences below.
1. By stealing, Mark brought ___about____ his dismissal from work. 1. down, about, off, over
2. This music brings ____________ happy memories. 2. to, back, out, along
3. The author will bring ____________ his new novel soon. 3. in, about, to, out
4. We managed to bring him ____________ by splashing his face with water. 4. about, round, together, on
5. The meeting has been brought ____________ to tomorrow evening. 5. in, forward, out, to
6. She was eventually brought ____________ to my point of view. 6. round, off, on, back
7. They had to call ____________ the football match because of the weather. 7. back, in, off, out
8. My boss is calling ____________ us tonight at 8 o’clock. 8. on, to, back, up
9. All men over 18 will be called ____________ to fight in the war. 9. in, back, up, over
10. This situation calls ____________ immediate action. 10. over, for, out, in

XVII. Choose the correct preposition.

1. Dave was very bad ____at_____ maths and always failed the tests. 1. to, in, at
2. Sally was very bad ____________ her brother. 2. at, to, on
3. Dad can’t come to the phone. He’s busy ____________ the cooking. 3. in, with, on
4. This film is based ____________ a true story. 4. on, over, in
5. You can’t blame me ____________ the accident; I wasn’t even there. 5. with, of, for
6. She always puts the blame ____________ me for things that I haven’t done. 6. in, on, to
7. There will be an extra charge ____________ delivering the goods to your home. 7. for, with, of
8. The suspect has been arrested and charged ____________ robbery. 8. in, with, for
9. It’s very important nowadays to care ____________ our environment. 9. of, in, about
10. Sarah was fond of Peter and cared ____________ him very much. 10. of, for, with
11. You should take care ____________ your teeth. 11. about, with, of
12. Jane was clever ____________ history and always received the highest marks. 12. at, in, with
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Prepositions for 10 English

13. It was very clever ____________ you to find the answer. 13. at, of, for
14. The patient was complaining ____________ a pain in his chest. 14. with, to, of
15. The secretary was always complaining ____________ having too much work. 15. about, to, for
16. I would like to congratulate you ____________ passing your exams. 16. of, on, in

XVIII. Choose the most suitable particle(s) to complete each of the sentences below.
1. I didn’t mean to buy so much but I got carried ____away____. 1. off, on, away, out
2. The police are carrying _________ an investigation into the cause of 2. over, out, off, through
Andrew’s death.
3. I don’t feel well but I’ll carry _________ working anyway. 3. on, off, away, over
4. Despite the difficulties, we managed to carry _________ the project. 4. over, away, off, on
5. I came _________ my old photo album while tidying up. 5. at, by, down, across
6. Good jobs are hard to come _________ these days. 6. by, into, off, on
7. I feel terrible! I must be coming _________ the flu. 7. up, down with, out, through
8. When Sally’s uncle died, she came _________ a small fortune. 8. by, up with, to, into
9. The details of the corruption scandal eventually came _________. 9. in, off, out, round
10. He eventually managed to come _________ a solution. 10. up to, through, in, up with

XIX. Choose the correct preposition.

1. His failure ____in____ the exam meant he couldn’t apply for the job in London. 1. at, to, in
2. She looks familiar ____________ me. Maybe she’s an actress. 2. with, to, for
3. As he was familiar ____________ Japanese culture, he wrote an article on it. 3. with, to, for
4. I’m so fond ____________ skiing that I go for a week every winter. 4. at, of, for
5. London is famous ____________ its black taxis and red buses. 5. of, from, for
6. He was very fortunate ____________ finding a publisher for his book. 6. about, in, at
7. Tony was furious ____________ Jane for spending their savings on clothes. 7. to, with, by
8. Kevin’s not very good ____________ football. He’d rather play squash. 8. in, to, at
9. My grandfather was always good ____________ my grandmother. 9. to, at, of
10. Paul is a genius ____________ mathematics. 10. at, with, on
11. I haven’t heard ____________ Sarah yet. I hope she will write soon. 11. of, from, by
12. Everybody has heard ____________ tea. You can buy it everywhere. 12. from, for, of
13. The police say that there is no hope ____________ finding the stolen painting. 13. in, of, for
14. We’re having a picnic on Sunday so we’re all hoping ____________ fine weather. 14. for, to, at

XX. Choose the correct preposition.

1. My grandmother takes great delight ____in_____ telling stories. 1. on, in, with
2. David was delighted ____________ the tape he bought. 2. of, with, by
3. My grandfather died ____________ cancer. 3. by, at, of
4. Gary was driving too fast and died ____________ a car accident. 4. of, in, from
5. This holiday was different ____________ all the others. 5. of, from, between
6. There is a big difference ____________ English and Greek food. 6. between, of, from
7. Last night I dreamt ____________ my favourite pop star. 7. at, in, about
8. I can only dream ____________ owning a larger car. 8. in, for, of
9. He is an expert ____________ repairing cars and knows everything about them. 9. for, about, at
10. Mr. Pars is an expert ____________ physics and has written many books. 10. with, of, in
11. The teacher put emphasis ____________ completing the whole test. 11. to, on, in
12. Peter took exception ____________ having to smoke outside. 12. to, in, from
13. The children exclaimed ____________ the beauty of the scenery. 13. about, at, of
14. The school secretary was experienced ____________ first aid. 14. in, on, with

XXI. Choose the correct particle.

1. If you don’t pay your water bill, your water supply will be cut ___off___. 1. across, off, back, in

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Prepositions for 10 English

2. I’m not cut ___________ working in an office. 2. out, out for, up, to
3. You must cut ___________ the amount of sugar you consume. 3. into, in, off, down on
4. I wanted to overtake the lorry but a car from behind cut ___________ 4. to, through, up, in
between us.
5. He cut ___________ the conversation to ask to go out. 5. across, into, up, down
6. The village was cut ___________ for days because of the snow. 6. off, out, up, to
7. The Prime Minister’s decided to cut ___________ government spending. 7. off, through, back on, up
8. Most countries have done ___________ the death penalty. 8. out, away with, with, up
9. You shouldn’t do your parents ___________. They care about you. 9. out, with, down, up
10. I’m really thirsty. I could do ___________ a drink. 10. up, with, out, in

XXII. Choose the correct particle(s).

1. When does school break ___________ for Easter? 5. People believe this law should be done ________.
2. She tried to cut ___________ smoking by only 6. Mum doesn’t want to let me go to the party but I’ll
buying a packet of cigarettes a week. bring her ___________.
3. They’re carrying ___________ an experiment in 7. While she was tidying, she came ___________ an
the lab. old photo of herself.
4. The situation called _________ immediate action. 8. When she was told about Tim’s accident, she
broke ___________ in tears.

XXIII. Choose the correct preposition.

1. Anyone acquainted ___________ the music of 5. He is very attached ___________ his pet rabbit.
Bach will appreciate that he was a genius.
2. That name sounds familiar ___________ me. 6. He died ___________ kidney failure.
3. You can’t put the blame ___________ me. 7. He was charged ___________ speeding.
4. She’s experienced ___________ handling money. 8. She was furious ___________ Sally for spending
all her money.

XXIV. Choose the correct particle(s).

1. Please draw ___back___ from the edge of the cliff. 1. in, on, back, up
2. He went to the bank to draw ___________ some money. 2. on, out, up, in
3. Look! The train has just drawn ___________. 3. in, out, back, on
4. The lawyer drew ___________ the contract for the sale of the property. 4. out, on, in, up
5. I’m afraid you’ve fallen ___________ with your schoolwork. 5. for, in, behind, through
6. He fell ___________ his father’s point of view. 6. in with, into, off, out
7. When John lost all his money, he fell ___________ his father for support. 7. apart, in, back on, on
8. The starving men fell ___________ the food greedily. 8. out, upon, for, through
9. The roof is in danger of falling ___________. 9. in, off, behind, back
10. He fell ___________ her at first sight. 10. through, out, on, for
11. They got ___________ the stolen goods. 11. off, on, through, away with
12. Ann is getting ___________ her colleagues. 12. on, on with, by, round
13. I don’t understand what you are getting ___________. 13. in, at, through to, out
14. He always gets ___________ me by buying me presents. 14. off, round, up, on with
15. I tried to call you last night but I couldn’t get ___________ you. 15. on, over, across, through to
16. Get ___________ the train quickly, before it leaves. 16. round, up, with, on

XXV. Choose the correct preposition.

1. He is identical ___to____ his brother. 1. to, as, with
2. We were impressed ___________ her performance. 2. of, with, on
3. Claire made a bad impression ___________ Steve’s parents. 3. by, with, on
4. She is jealous ___________ her well-off sister-in-law. 4. of, with, for
5. Mr. Smith is keen ___________ photography. 5. with, on, to

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6. This diet is lacking ___________ vitamins. 6. of, to, in

7. There is a lack ___________ iron in her blood. 7. at, of, in
8. Don’t lean ___________ the window; it may break. 8. at, to, against
9. Sheila got married ___________ a pop singer. 9. to, with, at
10. There is no need ___________ more petrol. 10. to, in, for
11. The Browns are new ___________ this area. 11. at, with, to
12. It is obvious ___________ everyone that the painting is a forgery. 12. with, to, in
13. The accident victim has to be operated ___________ immediately. 13. about, for, on
14. He took no notice ___________ the warning and entered the building. 14. about, of, for

XXVI. Choose the correct particle(s).

1. Her secret was given ____away_____ by her friend by mistake. 1. out, away, up, off
2. He has tried to give ___________ smoking twice. 2. away, off, up, out
3. When milk turns sour, it gives ___________ a horrible smell. 3. in, up, off, to
4. The teacher’s patience finally gave ___________. 4. away, back, up, out
5. They were forced to give ___________ to the enemy. 5. in, back, off, out
6. Ricky went ___________ the flu. 6. down with, up, over, away
7. My aunt has gone ___________ that pop quiz. 7. along, back on, in for, by
8. The fireworks went ___________ at midnight. 8. into, off, on, out
9. There wasn’t enough cake to go ___________. 9. for, down, through, round
10. Before going to bed, we watched the fire slowly go ___________. 10. out, off, up, with
11. The detective carefully went ___________ the facts with the witness. 11. away, by, back on, over
12. The film was so sad she couldn’t hold ___________ her tears. 12. down, back, off, on
13. I was asked to hold _________ while Mr. Smith was fetched to the phone. 13. to, with, down, on
14. We were held ___________ on the motorway for three hours. 14. back, up, to, over
15. I held ___________ my anger until he’s left the room. 15. with, off, in, up

XXVII. Choose the correct preposition.

1. If you persist ____in____ talking during class, I will have to punish you. 1. on, in, at
2. Our tour guide was very pleasant ___________ us during our holiday. 2. for, to, about
3. John was very pleased ___________ the way his painting turned out. 3. to, in, with
4. He took pleasure ___________ watching his grandchildren play in the garden. 4. in, on, of
5. May I have the pleasure ___________ your company at the dance tomorrow? 5. at, of, with
6. She is very popular ___________ her classmates. 6. in, about, with
7. Thick fog prevented the plane ___________ taking off. 7. from, of, in
8. His father was proud ___________ the way Tim performed. 8. by, of, in
9. They had a quarrel ___________ the date of the party. 9. about, with, of
10. I had a quarrel ___________ Stephen last night. 10. to, with, against
11. It took him a long time to recover ___________ the injuries. 11. after, of, from
12. There was no reason ___________ his reckless actions. 12. of, for, at
13. I tried to reason ___________ her, but she didn’t pay attention. 13. for, on, with
14. There is a strong relationship ___________ smoking cigarettes and lung cancer. 14. in, between, of
15. Jim has a good relationship ___________his parents. 15. between, in, with

XXVIII. Choose the correct particle(s).

1. Cindy kept ____back____ information from the police. 1. in, out, back, on
2. My boss told me to keep ___________ the good work. 2. out, up, after, at, on
3. If you don’t keep ________ all the homework, you might fail in the tests. 3. down, in, up with, away
4. ‘You have to keep ___________ a word limit of 200,’ the teacher said 4. from, off, to, at
5. He warned them to keep ___________ the freshly painted benches. 5. off, back, on, in
6. Darren was let ___________ by the judge as this was his first offence. 6. off, down, in, on
7. Vicky was often let ___________ by her forgetful sister. 7. into, in, up, down

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8. Could you please look ___________ this contract? If you agree, sign it. 8. out, over, in, up
9. Ann has a nanny to look ___________ her children while she’s at work. 9. out, over, into, after
10. Look ___________ all the unknown words in the dictionary. 10. round, to, up, up to
11. Look ___________ this magazine and find the problem page. 11. through, out, on, for
12. She looks ___________ everyone who hasn’t been to college. 12. into, onto, down on, in
13. We are all looking ___________ Christmas. 13. back, on, forward to, up to
14. Look ___________ poisonous mushrooms. 14. into, out for, onto, through
15. We must look ___________ this problem and find out its cause. 15. up to, on, out, into

XXIX. Choose the preposition.

1. The lifeguard saved the child ____from____ drowning. 1. of, from, off
2. She’s sensitive ___________ the needs of her daughter. 2. to, at, with
3. He was sorry ___________ the way he had behaved at the party. 3. at, about, with
4. Tom was sorry ___________ damaging his neighbour’s fence. 4. for, of, in
5. Clare spent all her pocket money ___________ sweets. 5. in, at, on
6. Rod sympathized ___________ Delia’s situation. 6. to, with, for
7. You weren’t sympathetic ___________ that man. 7. at, of, towards
8. Professor Reading specializes ___________ criminal law. 8. in, at, on
9. This bread tastes ___________ garlic. 9. in, of, from
10. She hasn’t got a lot of taste ___________ clothes. 10. in, on, from
11. It’s typical ___________ Jim to forget his keys. 11. from, for, of
12. Lisa was so angry that she threw a cup ___________ Mark. 12. to, at, for
13. The goalkeeper threw the ball ___________ his team-mate. 13. off, to, on
14. We made use ___________ Penny’s flat while she was in France. 14. for, of, at
15. My residence permit is valid ___________ one more year. 15. of, in, for
16. This qualification is valid ___________ the United States. 16. in, at, with
17. She has warned her son ___________ talking to strangers. 17. of, about, in

XXX. Choose the correct particle(s).

1. Without my glasses I can hardly make ___out___ the words on this page. 1. for, out, off, up
2. She must have made ___________ that story; it can’t be true. 2. up, up for, for, over
3. They are made ___________ each other; I’m sure they’ll get married. 3. off, up to, up, for
4. They didn’t make ___________ after their quarrel. 4. up, for, off, over
5. Can you make the cheque ___________ for £100? 5. up to, off, out, up for
6. He bought her some flowers to make ___________ his bad behavior. 6. up for, off, up, over
7. His grandmother passed ___________ in March last year. 7. away, by, off, over
8. At the party he passed himself ___________ a rich businessman. 8. out, through, off as, by
9. Help me to a seat; I think I’m going to pass ___________. 9. off, up, out, back
10. Don’t worry, I’m going to pay him __________ for what he did to you. 10. down, back, up, off
11. Ten employees were paid _________ as there wasn’t enough work for all. 11. down, off, up, back
12. At the last moment, Bill pulled ___________ the deal. 12. up, out of, back, through
13. Pull yourself ___________ and stop behaving like a child. 13. together, in, down, out
14. The train pulled ___________ at the station 20 minutes late. 14. back, down, out, in
15. We arrived just in time to see the train pull ___________ the station. 15. off, in, out of, from

XXXI. Fill in the correct particle(s).

1. A snob always looks ___________ people who 5. Please keep ___________ the grass.
have little money.
2. Although I didn’t fully agree, I fell ___________ 6. He was sorry to hear that Aunt Sheila had passed
his plans. ___________ last Monday.
3. Rotting rubbish gives ___________ a most 7. John gets ___________ well with his colleagues.

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Prepositions for 10 English

unpleasant smell. Everyone likes him.

4. Your writing is so small it’s difficult to make 8. Hold ___________ a moment while I fetch the
___________ the words. money to pay you.

XXXII. Fill in the correct preposition.

1. I’m studying three subjects now, but later I’ll 5. I know him ___________ sight.
specialize ___________ one.
2. This message must get through ___________ all 6. They always quarrel ___________ how to spend
costs. their money.
3. Coffee shops will always be popular 7. Dress smartly to make a good impression
___________ retired people. ___________ others.
4. He’d be a valuable employee if he wasn’t lacking 8. We sympathized ___________ Tim when he told
___________ common sense. us he had been fired.

XXXIII. Choose the correct particle(s).

1. We put ___aside____ £200 to buy Christmas presents. 1. down, aside, in, on
2. The teacher put ___________ his ideas well, helping us a lot. 2. back, down, across, through
3. I put his bad mood ___________ his losing that money last night. 3. up to, up with, down to, out
4. We’d better put ___________ our meeting until tomorrow; I’m busy 4. off, in, on, up
5. Our class is putting ___________ ‘Cinderella’ as the school play. 5. across, on, forward, off
6. The firemen tried hard to put the fire ___________. 6. back, in, down, out
7. Could you put me ___________ to the manager, please? 7. through, on, forward, by
8. I can’t put ___________ those children any longer. They’re very noisy. 8. down, up with, on, off
9. He ran ___________ his old friend, Tom, in Oxford Street last week. 9. up, in, across, through
10. If you run ___________ your friends unnecessarily, you risk losing 10. down, off, through, up
11. We’ve run ___________ sugar; could you go and buy some? 11. in, off, out of, on
12. He ran ___________ such big bills he couldn’t afford to pay them. 12. away, after, down, up

XXXIV. Choose the correct preposition(s).

1. Help! The house is ____on____ fire. 1. at, of, on
2. After running up the hill, I was ___________ breath. 2. in, out of, off
3. The miners have been ___________ strike for two months. 3. on, at, for
4. John Prior isn’t here; he’s ___________ duty. 4. in, off, at
5. The police have got the riot ___________ control. 5. under, in, off
6. She is away ___________ business in America. 6. at, on, for
7. The lift has been ___________ order for two days. 7. off, at, out of
8. The new rules are still ___________ discussion. 8. at, under, for
9. What you’re saying is ___________ the point; it’s not relevant at all. 9. out of, at, off
10. The thief was ___________ arrest for stealing a woman’s handbag. 10. under, in, with

XXXV. Choose the correct particle.

1. If you’d like to take a seat, I’ll see ____about____ changing your ticket. 1. off, about, for, into
2. I took my parents to the airport and saw them ___________. 2. out, over, off, to
3. He tried to convince us he was an actor but we saw ___________ him. 3. to, about, for, through
4. You clear the table and I’ll see ___________ the washing-up. 4. for, to, with, at
5. Make sure you see ___________ the property before you agree to buy it. 5. to, over, out, about

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Prepositions for 10 English

6. The cold weather has finally set ___________. 6. about, down, in, up
7. They set __________ at 5.00 in the morning and returned at 9.00 in the evening. 7. out, to, back, by
8. John insisted he was innocent and that somebody had set him ___________. 8. down, off, on, up
9. He decided to set ___________ his own business. 9. up, back, off, to
10. He was set ___________ finishing the project before Monday. 10. aside, down, on, out

XXXVI. Choose the correct preposition(s).

1. Everybody has to do overtime because we are __behind__ schedule. 1. back, off, behind
2. ___________ our astonishment, he managed to win the race. 2. At, To, In
3. Break the chocolate ___________ pieces so that everyone can have some. 3. in, at, into
4. It’s ___________ the law to drive a car without wearing a seatbelt. 4. against, on, off
5. They built a road round the city ___________ a view to decreasing pollution. 5. of, in, with
6. The injured man had to be taken to hospital ___________ delay. 6. against, without, in
7. He enjoys walking ___________ the hills. 7. at, on, in
8. We stayed on the platform until the train was ___________ sight. 8. at, out of, on
9. You can’t go that way because the road is ___________ repair. 9. under, in, behind
10. Actors and actresses have to learn their parts ___________ heart. 10. from, of, by
11. She can tell you the names of all the world’s capital cities _________ memory. 11. by, of, from
12. Some species are ___________ danger of extinction. 12. at, by, in

XXXVII. Choose the correct particle(s).

1. Don’t worry. I will stand ___by___ you if you get into trouble. 1. out, by, for, up
2. What does that red star you are wearing stand ___________. 2. by, on, up for, for
3. I had to stand ___________ Steven when he was off sick. 3. about, in for, out, up
4. You’ll really stand ___________ in a crowd if you wear this yellow suit. 4. up to, for, up, out
5. Timmy is too scared to stand ___________ to his boss. 5. up to, up, for, in for
6. Sheila has taken ___________ her mother in looks. They’re very alike. 6. away, for, after, off
7. I was taken ___________ completely by all his lies. 7. on, in, down, out
8. When he retired, he took ___________ collecting postcards. 8. out, to, back, up
9. She took my mother ___________ the headmistress. 9. off, for, aback, in
10. Please take ___________ your shoes before you come into the house. 10. on, up, out, off
11. He took ___________ the company when his father died. 11. out, over, up, back
12. We were all taken ___________ by his rude behavior. 12. aback, to, away, down

XXXVIII. Choose the correct particle.

1. Can you turn ___down___ the radio; it’s too loud. 1. on, off, in, down
2. This factory’s been turning ___________ TV sets for 25 years now. 2. up, into, out, over
3. In a crisis, I always turn ___________ my father for help. 3. away, on, in, to
4. We were surprised when John turned ___________ at Ann’s wedding. 4. up, in, off, down
5. They turned the attic ___________ a playroom. 5. on, to, into, out
6. Turn ___________ the page and start reading silently. 6. over, up, out, on
7. I’m rather tired, I think I’ll turn ___________. 7. on, in, down, off
8. The face of the statue had been worn ___________ by wind and rain. 8. up, in, away, over
9. All excitement about the trip wore ___________ when we realized how much 9. off, down, away, out
money was needed.
10. Your shoes are worn ___________. You’d better buy a new pair. 10. in, out, on, off
11. It took me a long time to work ___________ the solution to my problems. 11. on, out, up, down
12. My father started as an office boy and worked his way ___________ to 12. up, down, on, out
become a manager.

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Prepositions for 10 English

XXXIX. Choose the correct prepositions of place or XXXX. Fill in the correct particle(s).
movement. 1. I’ve run ________ sugar. Please get me
2. Jo always stands ________ me when I
need her.
3. Let’s put ________ our wedding until
the summer.
4. She takes ________ her mother; she’s
got her eyes.
5. When I left college, I set ________ my
own business.
6. Dave saw Mike ________ at the coach
7. Who can work ________ the answer to
this question?
8. I turned ________ late for the concert.

XXXXI. Fill in the correct

1. Plans for the trip are still ________
2. We’re ________ schedule so hurry up!
3. We can’t use the bridge because it’s
________ repair.
4. After his jog, he was ________ breath.
5. ________ my astonishment, I won
6. Actors have to learn their lines
________ heart.
7. Man is ________ danger of ruining the
8. Is Nurse Smith ________ duty tonight?

XXXXII. Fill in the correct preposition.

Why not take a break (1)__from__ Wales this year! A relaxing holiday (2)__________ another place would
be a nice change. Treat yourself to a long weekend (3)__________ one of Cornwall’s top hotels or,
alternatively, try a week (4)__________ one of the area’s many campsites. The best way to discover Cornwall
is either (5)__________ foot or (6)__________ boat or, for the really energetic, why not explore the
countryside (7)__________ a bicycle? When you are ready for a bite to eat, treat yourself to lunch
(8)__________ one of Cornwall’s many charming pubs. And for an exciting and educational day out, drop in
(9)__________ the British Marine Life Museum. Whatever you decide to do, there’s something for everyone
in Cornwall.

XXXXIII. Fill in the correct preposition of time.

(1)__In___ 1993 I spent Christmas with my family at the Royal Hotel in Chester. We arrived (2)__________
10 a.m. (3)__________ Christmas Eve and decided to spend the morning shopping. However, (4)__________
less than an hour, we were so exhausted that we decided to go back to the hotel. (5)__________ lunchtime,
we ordered some sandwiches from the bar and then had a quick rest before beginning our tour of the city
(6)__________ the afternoon. (7)__________ midnight, we went to a Christmas service at the Cathedral and
then returned to the hotel for a well-earned night’s sleep. (8)__________ Christmas morning, I woke up to
hear my sisters knocking on the door. (9)__________ that time they still believed in Father Christmas and
wanted to see if he had left any presents. Once all the excitement was over, we spent a relaxing morning in the
hotel lounge and then, (10)__________ noon, we all filled into the restaurant for the spectacular Christmas
buffet. Everyone ate so much that we spent the afternoon recovering in front of the television.

by Hoai Huong, High School for Gifted Students, HNUE Page 12

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