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Ariq Riju



My dad keeps bees. Today I went to his house and he took me into the garden to see his bee
hives. He took the lid off a huge bucket full of honey. On top of the
honey there were three little bees. They were covered in honey and
they could not fly away. I asked my dad if we could help them. Sadly,
my dad said he was sure they would not survive. I asked him if we could
at least get them out and kill them quickly. After all, my dad always
taught me to put a suffering animal (or bug) out of its misery. He taught
me to always be kind. He finally agreed and he took the bees out of
the bucket. We decided to give the bees a chance of life, so we put them on a saucer and put
it outside. There were lots of bees flying around. We left the saucer with the three little bees
on a bench and went back inside. Fifteen minutes later, we went to check on them. The three
little bees were surrounded by all of their sisters (all of the bees are females). They were
cleaning them, helping them to get the
sticky honey off their bodies. When we checked a second time, there was
only one little bee left on the saucer. Her sisters were still cleaning
her. When it was time for me to leave, we checked one last time. We saw the last little
bee. Finally, she was clean and she flew away. We felt so happy. Those three little bees lived
because they were surrounded by family and friends who did not give up on them; family and
friends who refused to let them die and stayed to help until the last little bee was set free. By
Say if the sentences are TRUE or FALSE. Correct the false ones:
1. Lewis visited his mum. False, because lewis meet his father.
2. His father showed him his money. False, because show only beehive and bees.
3. Three bees were covered in honey and therefore could not fly. True
4. His dad was sure they would survive. True
5. They put the three little bees beside a nice warm fire. False, because they
Put on the plate.
6. They first checked on the bees after fifteen minutes. False, because they
Twice not feften menutes.
7. The other bees began to clean the three little bees. True
8. All three bees were saved and flew away. True
Answer the following questions in full sentences:
a. Who did Lewis visit? Lewis visit his father.
b. What was there in the bucket? Honey.
c. Where were the three little bees? On honey the can’t fly.
d. Did Lewis’s dad think the bees would be OK? Yes
e. What did Lewis’s dad teach him? He taught me to always be kind.
f. Where did they put the three little bees? On the plate.
g. Who helped the bees by cleaning the honey off them? Their sister (all bee are female they’re cleaning it up).
h. How many of the three little bees survived? Everything
i. What do we learn about bee behaviour? Help each other, always be kind.
Bees are very important to humans! We need them to pollinate crops. You don’t have
to have a hive to help bees; you can help them by having bee-friendly plants.

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