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 (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) SARS Cov-2 begins with a local case

of pneumonia in December 2019. Following laboratory tests, lab results

show a virus resembling severe respiratory syndrome that was later named
SARS cov-2. The case was found in the wuhan animal market, China. Some
researchers believe the virus is derived from bats consumed by local
communities. The covid-19 virus spreads airborne around the covid 19
sufferer as well as in direct contact with the covid 19. The covid 19 case
began to be identified in Indonesia in early March 2020
 The number of news circulating about Covid-19 had caused the silence in
society, news news that was not necessarily the truth and yet secured the
authenticity of the general opinion of the public in the direction. One of the
other news of drinking alcohol can reduce the infected with the Covid-19
virus. While the fact that Alcohol can only turn off the virus on objects.
There is no study stating that consuming alcohol can remove the Coved
Volume in 19 in the body.
 Interview person 1:
I search through the so-called covid-19 social media, such as the who, the
covid-19 task force, or the ministry and I will not receive information that is
still unclear.
Zero-zero-zero-two interview people
 Man interview 2:
I got information about a covid-19 usually from the broadcast social media
my friends or family and I never looked for whether the information was
true or not.
 Text Interview Teacher:
According to Mr. How to Choosing Information About Covid-19 At
Pandemic Like This For Diaks Hoaxs Huly? According to my selection of
COVID-19 news must come from relevant and forced sources such as
information that is spread by website like WHO,
 Save Information Covid-19 (SIC-19) is an educational program on the Hoax
news problem about COVID-19 which is circulating both in social media and
among people.
 information
Provides and disseminates information according to the facts generated by
a reputable website or website.
 In the information used some media:
 website
The website here is used as a hub for information, new covid issues and
mixed activities for all levels of society, in hopes of fending off information
and unsubstantiated issues.
 Social media
Information via social media is expected that people will be more
interested because the large number of people use social media as
everyday communication tools.
 podcast
The podcast here is either a live or online discussion with sources to answer
unsubstantiated information and circulate in the community.
 partnership
 In our partnership we could work together in a way:
 Building synergies with government agencies involving community
leaders and religious leaders in information systems and unplified
 Involving volunteers to share information that has been made
 Involving volunteers to share information that has been made
 Volunteer
to disseminate information we have made using social media.
 07. 12-07.50 design forms
A design form is used within the social media
 Article (literature)
It is used on websites created that are sourced by academics, practitioners,
religious figures, and people. This article is containing facts and the hoax.
 Infographic
information presented in the form of text combined with visual elements
such as images, illustrations, or typography for readers more interested and
easier to digest information
 Audio dan Video
Informasi disajikan dalam bentuk audio podcast dan video promotif yang
dapat diakses melalui social media.
 07. 52- 08.05 Social Media
Social Media We use is Instagram, YouTube, Spotify, JOOX, and website
 08. 24 - 08.45 Evaluation of the Program
After the program that has been lived for the last 4 years, we will embrace
the evaluation whether our program is and the way has been successful
and get a good feedback from the journey.

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