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Computer-Generated Imagery (CGI)

The new weapon of Vietnam’s film industry

Student’s name: Khang Tran

ID Number: 19DH480674

Class: KM1904

HCMC, December/2021
This research paper discusses effects industry like CGI (Computer-Generated Imagery)
with this new attention coming from visual effects and in particular possible not only
because of the high scalability and increasing popularity of breathtaking CGI in the
industry. Popular cinema, according to (Shweta. K. 2019) is also due to the emergence of
the New Media as an important research field in the arts and humanities that emerged in
the post-reform (Doi Moi) reform How has the Vietnamese film industry changed in the
past 20 years from the point of view of industrialization and modernization. (Charles. F,
Susan. Z. 2010) has pointed out that in the last few years, the creation of visual effects
has become a growing industry around the world as well as in Vietnam. (Kristen. W.
2014) contends that digital tools and proprietary software have altered production and
post-production procedures, allowing for the creation of the most realistic images
possible on a computer with levels of image modification not feasible in real life. Despite
these crucial linkages to the past, many critics and scholars believe that the spread of
computer-generated visuals in mainstream cinema is the clearest indicator that cinema
has reached the "post-cinema" phase. It will help to fill the knowledge gap on effects by
providing a more objective view of cinematic effects using theories and facts in a novel
study technique on the influence of CGI in Vietnamese cinema. wall film images and
official functions from the analog era to the digital era. This article uses data collection
methods from scientific books, previous research papers, and articles using Qualitative
and Ethical Methods, to learn the difference between reality and market impression. To
give comparisons of issues and categories in the CGI and film industry innovation in
Vietnam, in which cultural history has developed day by day, and to illustrate innovation
in outcomes, to provide comparisons of issues and categories in the CGI and film
industry innovation in Vietnam.

Keyword: CGI (Computer-Generated Imagery), Vietnamese film industry, visual effects


1. INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................5

1.1. Background ...........................................................................................................5

1.2. Objective ...............................................................................................................5

1.3. Scope .....................................................................................................................5

1.4. Research Structure ................................................................................................6

2. LITERATURE REVIEW ............................................................................................7

2.1. Theory ...................................................................................................................7

2.2. Previous studies .....................................................................................................7

2.2.1. Application of CGI and VFX in cinema .........................................................7

2.2.2. CGI effect in Vietnamese cinema ...................................................................9

2.2.3. Vietnamese cinema in the Doi Moi period ...................................................10

2.3. Suggestions .........................................................................................................11

3. METHODOLOGY ....................................................................................................13

3.1. Research Types ...................................................................................................13

3.1.1. Type ..............................................................................................................13

3.1.2. Research Methods .........................................................................................13

3.1.3. Research Process...........................................................................................13

3.2. Research Material................................................................................................14

3.2.1. Sources ..........................................................................................................14

3.2.2. Data collection ..............................................................................................14

3.2.3. Data analysis .................................................................................................15

3.3. Limitation ............................................................................................................15

3.3.1. Limitation data ..............................................................................................15

3.3.2. Limitation population ...................................................................................15

4. DISCUSSION ............................................................................................................16

4.1. Similarities ..........................................................................................................16

4.2. Differences ..........................................................................................................16

5. RECOMMENDATIONS ..........................................................................................18

5.1. Enhance and create more learning environment for those who are majoring in
cinematography ..........................................................................................................18

5.2. Both Western and Eastern movies are allowed to be imported ..........................19

5.3. Allow loosening of film approval policies ..........................................................19

6. CONCLUSION .........................................................................................................21

7. REFERENCES ..........................................................................................................22


1.1. Background

(Featherstone, M. 2000) There are not the first generation to be overwhelmed by the
speed, scope, intensity, and volume with which production, reproduction, and progress
are carried out as they enter the new millennium with the possibility of increased cultural
and technological complexity. Special effects have played an essential influence on how
they feel in movies for the past 20 years, and there is a reciprocal relationship between
audience psychology and the film's objective. It will change the history of special effects
art in the Vietnamese film industry because visual effects are so entwined with the picture
that the film carries special effects (Spencer. D, Judith. S. 2010).

1.2. Objective

Follow (Steve. W. 2011) will have a good idea of the different types of digital effects that
are used today. Check out how CGI (Computer-Generated Imagery) is combined with
live-action, assemblage extensions, and film in this video. They will next receive a peek
of digital imaging, important concepts, and terminology utilized in the synthesis, as well
as each of the primary applications of digital compositings, such as blue screen
compositing and motion tracking.

From 2010 forward, these shifting ideas drew a whole new audience. Viewers eventually
resort to users who may want to alter the movie's outcome in their favor, perhaps
changing the traditional notion of "special effects." These features are now taken for
granted after establishing a completely audio-visual sharing experience. For artists,
special effects might now become more about the unseen, chopped components. Visual
effects and special effects are still a work in progress, but human resources in
cinematography in Vietnam are lacking, and there is a significant brain drain in this field.

1.3. Scope

In terms of the breadth of my research, exclusively look at the Vietnamese film business
and not elsewhere. The main reason for this is that I want to support my country in
cinema innovation in the future as the whole world looks on. They will see Vietnam as a
place where the special effects of cinema become strong and people accept and respect
more about artists in this profession. But sadly this industry is still not popular in
Vietnam and the brain drain about the movie industry is lot, even though Vietnam has a
lot of talented people, typically when they look at movies In Hollywood, there are CGI or
VFX teams who are all Vietnamese. That is why they wrote this research paper to give
people a more holistic view of the influence of CGI as well as cinematography and the
value it brings. And that's the location, and the timing is about the last 20 years because
this was the decade of the technological boom that turned the future upside down. So now
is the right time to report.

1.4. Research Structure

The structure of this article consists of 5 main parts, the first part is Computer-Generated
Imagery (CGI). What is a computer-generated image (CGI)? Secondly, for the
applicability of special visual effects to the cinema. Thirdly, how does CGI affect
Vietnamese cinema? Fourthly, what is Vietnamese cinema in the Doi Moi period? Finally
is the solution to develop the industry in Vietnam and will cinema and cinematography
develop in Vietnam in the future?

2.1. Theory

(Rafael. A. 2021) pointed out that Computer-generated imagery (CGI), The term "CGI"
is most generally used to refer to 3D computer graphics used in film and television to
create characters, scenes, and special effects. In filmmaking, visual effects are the process
of creating and manipulating visuals out of the context of a shot of actual people. Visual
effects are the process of combining real-life video with computer-generated graphics to
produce realistic-looking events that would be unsafe, expensive, impractical, or
impossible to record on film. CGI is now used in a wide range of industries, including
advertising, architecture, engineering, virtual reality, and even art. It makes an important
contribution to the international film industry in general and Vietnam in particular.

By mixing spatial geometries on the XYZ plane and then shaping them, 3D graphics
software can generate everything from simple primitive designs to complicated shapes.
Even 3D software can produce sophisticated effects by simulating how light reflects off
surfaces. When filmmakers apply a process called compositing, or more often known as
the green screen technique, CGI really shines in current films. Scenes in movies are
frequently shot with a green screen behind them, and CGI-generated pictures and digital
effects are added in post-production. (Doo-Hyun. K. 2020)

2.2. Previous studies

2.2.1. Application of CGI and VFX in cinema

Stereographers who used to work with traditional cameras and projectors believe that, if
handled right, film-based 3D creation and exhibition might be perfect, according to
(Bernard. M. 2009). The single root cause of the 3D renaissance, they claim, is
stereoscopic digital postproduction, which includes CGI animation, 2D/3D conversion,
and in-depth compositing.

They may be correct, because digital stereoscopic postproduction, through post

preparation, is the Pandora's box that unlocks good 3D for most crews, not just the
exceptional geniuses who never make a single mistake during the whole movie
production cycle (Mitch. M. 2013).

According to (Mantasha. M. 2016) during live-action filming, Mechanical effects

(sometimes known as realistic or physical effects) are commonly employed in video
games. Automated props, scenery, scale models, animations, fireworks, and atmospheric
effects like replicating physical wind, rain, fog, snow, clouds, and so on are all part of
this. Making a car drive itself or blowing up a building are examples of mechanical
effects. For example, to improve a combat scene, a set with doors or walls can be built, or
artificial makeup can be applied to make an actor look like a non-human species.

Figure1: On the right is the image made by the 3D model. On the left is that image after
the material is completely drawn and rendered (google images)

Optical effects (also known as photographic effects) are image-based techniques for
creating an image or film frame, either "in-camera" via multiple exposures, blurring, or in
post-production. with the aid of an optical printer To position performers or sets against a
different background, an optical effect can be applied.

Figure 2: Cut to behind the scenes “the lord of the rings” of Ralph Bakshi

Since the early 2000s, computer-generated imagery (CGI) has been at the forefront of
special effects technology. It gives filmmakers greater flexibility and allows for more
realistic and safe effects to be created, all while keeping prices down as technology
advances. As a result, CGI has mostly replaced mechanical and optical effects.

2.2.2. CGI effect in Vietnamese cinema

The term "globalization" was coined to describe the breadth of globalization as it relates
to communication and culture (Featherstone, M. 2000). However, people now live
mostly reliant on technology, which has supplanted the old social and cultural local
structure. "The Electronic Revolution" and secessionist communist countries are the
origins of globalization. Communication, transportation, production, and the edict have
all become more effective and faster as a result of this revolution. Globalization's impact
is also felt strongly in the media and its products. Globalization has an impact on not only
industry, market, and technology, but also media content. However, the purpose of this
research was to go deeper into how CGI has been employed for film development
innovation (Cindenia. P, Wan. A. W. Mahmud. 2012). This research was also carried

out to learn about the development of CGI in developing countries, notably in Vietnam,
and to explore the different problems that must be addressed in order to assist the
absorption of new technologies as part of the film's renewal process. CGI has been recast
as something 'fresh' in the local film market (Cindenia. P, Wan. A. W. Mahmud. 2012).
The goal of this study is to describe how computer-generated imagery (CGI) was used in
the film business.

Figure 3: CGI in the battle scenes on the train in the movie "Hai Phuong" of Le Van Kiet
by Bad Clay Studio

2.2.3. Vietnamese cinema in the Doi Moi period

Since Doi Moi, another development in Vietnam's movie industry is its hybrid nature
(Annette. H. 2009). When the country began accepting overseas Vietnamese filmmakers
in Saigon in 1975, hybridization began in the late 1990s. Cyclo (1995) by French-
Vietnamese Tran Anh Hung and Three Seasons (1999) by Vietnamese-American Tony
Bui were among the first "Vietnamese" films made by Doi Moi directors during the Doi
Moi era.

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For a variety of reasons, including changes in Vietnamese legislation that allow overseas
Vietnamese to have dual citizenship and own property in Vietnam, cooperation between
Vietnamese and overseas Vietnamese filmmakers, performers, and producers has become
stronger and stronger during the 2000s (Duong. L. 2020). Vietnamese filmmakers and
crews are suddenly seeing an opportunity in a friendly and lucrative film market that has
never been seen before in Vietnam. Since the 2000s, for example, Vietnamese-American
filmmaker Charlie Nguyen has released a number of films for Vietnamese viewers,
including the commercially successful Dong Mau Anh Hung / Rebellion (2007), De Mai
Mai Tinh / Fool For Love (2010), and Em Chua 18 / Jailbait (2017). Victor Vu, a
Vietnamese-American director, is also a successful filmmaker, having directed the
romantic comedy Qua Tim Mau / Heart of Vengeance (2014) and the romantic picture
Mat Biec / Dreamy Eyes most recently (2019). Although the majority of Vietnamese
directors make commercial films for amusement and box office, several of them also
make art films that reflect the Vietnamese people's worries and hardships.

In conclusion, Vietnamese cinema in the era of economic reforms in Vietnam since 1986
to the present time, known as Doi Moi era (Nguyen T. L. H. 2021). Due to social,
economic and political transformations brought about by Đoi Moi, Vietnamese cinema
has become increasingly preoccupied with economic advances and expressions of
individuals rather than a commemoration of past wars. Moral decadence as a result of
encroaching capitalism is also explored in several contemporary films.

2.3. Suggestions

However, if state subsidies for film production had not been withdrawn, the impact
would have been substantially lesser (Nguyen T. L. H. 2021). As a result of the
privatization of many film production businesses, they no longer get government funding.
Profit is primarily concerned with making a profit, and one way for film production to
thrive is to seek funding from private companies. As a result, films must be both
affordable to produce and appealing to a wide audience. This condition, as well as the

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filmmakers' ambition to be financially independent, was one of the key reasons why
Vietnamese films were such a success during the initial era. One of the key reasons for
the popularity of Vietnamese films was that they were commercial products aimed for
public amusement rather than education or aesthetics.

Furthermore, since the launch of Doi Moi, Vietnamese culture has begun to be exposed to
the outside world, and local buyers, particularly the younger generation, have expressed
an increased interest in cultural products. Other countries generate Hollywood
blockbusters, Hong Kong martial arts epics, and Korean soap operas, among other things.
The domestic cinema will suffer strong competition as a result of this. For younger
people, Vietnamese films have become overly formulaic, with clichéd plots and common
themes like rural life, extraterrestrial invasion, and socialist re-building. postwar period
Not just the general population, but also the writers, share this sentiment.

Currently, the filmmakers want to remove the restrictions on movie content and replace
them with their own set of standards. A decree governing the law's application is also
included, eliminating unclear concepts that could lead to subjective interpretation. It is
hoped that the sincere ideas made by Vietnamese filmmakers at the event would be
welcomed and listened to by the legal profession in order for Vietnamese cinema to
thrive in the future.

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When it comes to research techniques, This research adopts a theoretical discourse that
contrasts the relationships between visual effects and modernity/postmodernity discourse,
depending on close textual analysis to uncover the symptomatic meanings of key texts
(Jae.H.R. 2007).

3.1. Research Types

3.1.1. Types

The transition from postmodernism to modernism is reflected in the techniques and

meanings used to create visual effects. Visual effects have evolved in response to
structural changes in production systems and technological advancements. As a result,
the major goal of this study is to understand the distinctions between reality and the
visual impression in which cultural history has evolved day by day.

3.1.2. Research Methods

The qualitative method is used in this study. The problem is viewed via the lens of data in
the form of words. Primary vs. secondary data collection: acquire original data yourself
or use data that has previously been collected.. And assist our in rapidly locating
important information.

The following are some more research methods:

- Discuss the subject with a variety of sources.

- Discuss the topic with people who work in the industry.

- Research through the internet.

- Use the book as a guide.

3.1.3. Research process

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Table 1: Research process

3.2. Research meterial

3.2.1. Sources

Internet, Newspapers, periodicals, social networking sites, and websites are used to
gather information for the research report. Some websites, such as tandfonline, google
book, academia, google images, studiobinder, quantrimang, maac and others... are
frequently utilized to refer in research

3.2.2. Data Collection

Some of the most popular search engines were employed in this study, including Google
scholar, Youtube, Tedtalk, and Safari

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3.2.3. Data analysis

MS word, MS excel, 360office, google drive, google analysis were used to evaluate the
data in this research (has included pictures and charts attached)

3.3. Limitation:

3.3.1. Limitation data:

Despite the fact that data may be collected from a variety of sources, this study has a
number of disadvantages, including a lack of data

3.3.2. Limitation population:

The article does not reach people without majors related to filmmaking and is not
regularly updated on technology in movies.

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The scope and magnitude of digital compositing, a solid overview of the kinds of digital
effects routinely executed today. CGI is composited with live action, how set extensions
are done, and what a match-move shot. the key applications of digital compositing, which
include bluescreen compositing, bullet-time shots, motion tracking, and rotoscoping
(Steve. W. 2011). Here's the distinction between the other two methods of
cinematography is using CGI and VFX

4.1. Similarities

Firstly, both of these methods are cinematic techniques and make the unreal the most
real. Second, these are two very difficult methods to implement, as each method requires
experts and specialized teams to work together. third, these two methods both require
computer and software intervention and take a lot of time to perform (Jon. G. 2015). And
finally, one thing's for sure, it's not cheap. The reason is expensive because it requires a
lot of labor and takes a lot of time, for example, Alice in Wonderland has a total
investment of 200 million USD in which the cost of effects is about 78 million USD, or
The Amazing Spider-Man 2 had a production budget of $255 million and effects about
$60 million. (Source extracted from interviews, official website companies and official

4.2. Differences

Method CGI VFX

- Advantages - Need qualifications - Don’t need qualifications
- Need high-tech footage - Don't need high-tech
- The footage will be footage
calculated in post- - The synthesis of live
production footage
Real people simulate - Motion simulation by
movements software

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- Real scene - Green screen
- Sequence of consecutively - Set of processes by which
arranged images, where images are created and
each image differs slightly transformed from real footage
in terms of the time domain on set.
and the illusion of motion - Sequence of special features
(Jon. G. 2015). added during image creation,
- This technique is also used it should be noted that these
to create extremely delicate features cannot be created
and realistic scenes manually (Jon. G. 2015).
- Images may be computer- - Used for visual staging in
generated digital models post-production
- Timing: No need for - Timing: Early in the
special supervision, no need process, visual effects are
to mind the time factor designed and drawn, and then
finished in post-production.
The visual effects director
will oversee the entire

- Disadvantages - Need a team - Individual

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Vietnam's film industry needs to be more developed, updated with technology and
innovated, bringing the most interesting experience to viewers.

5.1. Enhance and create more learning environment for those who are majoring in

In Vietnam, it can be said that visual effects in cinema are both a general art and an
industry. Cinematic techniques are an inevitable development trend in many countries
and are an important part of the cultural industry. Through data collection and analysis,
these key points can be confirmed. Firstly, implementation direction must keep up with
actual needs: in the present period, as well as in the future, developing visual effects in
Vietnamese cinema is developing Vietnamese cinematographic techniques. There are
some opinions, money is very important in developing visual effects in Vietnamese
cinema, but money alone cannot make cinema develop. To develop visual effects in
Vietnamese cinema, it is necessary to have the study and exchange of those who are
majoring in cinematic effects and the investments and support of sponsors. Secondly,
commend efforts to provide a safe, healthy, welcome, diverse, and rich educational
environment: providing a safe, healthy, welcoming, diverse, and rich educational
environment is extremely vital and distinctive important. Set up information channels for
learners, such as suggestion boxes, hotlines, and other forms, to accept and process
information, while maintaining the confidentiality of information givers. Thirdly, (Tra.
G. 2021) there is a serious shortage of human resources in cinematography in Vietnam: if
it wants to develop on a par with other countries in the region, the film industry needs to
have basic training strategies and enough human resources to meet development
requirements in the new era. According to CJ CGV Vietnam Company figures, total
market income in 2009 was around 302 billion VND (13 million USD), and in 2019, it
was 4,064 billion VND (more than 176 million USD), a 13.5-fold rise after ten years. The
film industry's aim is around 150 million USD by 2020, according to the Prime Minister's

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"Strategy to Develop Vietnam's Cultural Industries," which was adopted in 2016, but
with a revenue of 176 million USD in 2019. This goal has been met by the industry.

5.2. Both Western and Eastern movies are allowed to be imported

The practice of distinct Vietnamese filmmakers has led to new production methods and
expertise, nonetheless working through more traditional film concerns and methods. The
first important thing is to properly assess the current state of cinema, specifically the
situation at the stages: composing, producing movies; propaganda and promotion of
cinematographic works; release and dissemination of films; invest in cinematic technical
facilities; international integration in the field of cinema; human factor in the film making
team. The goal of this field is to create and produce many high-quality cinematographic
works, to meet the audience's demand for cultural and spiritual enjoyment, and to
preserve and promote the national cultural identity. In the current context of Vietnam's
active and extensive international integration, the trend of integration that determines the
survival of the highest international art industry is cinema. The most important factor to
strengthen, build and develop cinema is people: talented people in composing; people
with technical expertise and skills; people with qualifications and experience in
management… Therefore, the most important issue to pay attention to is training and
employing people.

5.3. Allow loosening of film approval policies

The situation of the Ministry of Culture approving movies is quite strict in Vietnam,
which should be relaxed, (Vinh. P. 2021) for example, the film "Vi" by director Vinh
Phuc. Although the film won the award for Best Cinematography by the Asia Pacific
Screen Academy in Australia, it was still not recognized in Vietnam with prejudices and
aversions due to the fact that in the film there was too long a scene of full nudity. The
film "Vi" is about the desire to create a world filled with compassion for the poor as well
as those who are abandoned on the curbs of society. The director's poor fate shows them
that although they are poor, they all have dignity, they treat each other very delicately,

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they take care of each other, they respect each other even though they have to live
together. The nudity scene in the film is not too vulgar, provocative and humiliating to
anyone, but it shows the sincerity of the director's gaze. Currently, the filmmakers also
want to remove the bans related to movie content, turning it into the industry's own set of
criteria. Accompanying that is a decree guiding the implementation of the law, avoiding
ambiguous concepts, causing subjective inference. It is hoped that the earnest proposals
of Vietnamese filmmakers at the event will be accepted and listened to by the legal
profession for a future development of Vietnamese cinema.

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This research demonstrates that digital effects will become a crucial component of
cinema in the long run, as they allow for both cost-effective production and the growth of
human creativity. The use of digital effects can help save money on the building of large
sets. Digital effects allow the filmmaker to use the blue screen to take location shots
within the studio and to reduce risky aspects by using CGI instead of dangerous blast
shots. Most importantly, computer effects may create scenes that are indistinguishable
from reality.

All of these investigations analyzed secondary data and referred to the literature via
websites, scientific publications, and books. Visual effects combine live-action video
with computer-generated graphics to create situations that appear realistic but are risky,
expensive, impractical, or impossible to record on film. With the emergence of
economical and easy-to-use animation and compositing software, independent
filmmakers may now create visual effects using computer-generated images.

The guts of this movement toward new worldwide dynamics are changed by visual
impacts. Reality and impact are getting closer as technology advances. Under no
circumstances is the impact real. On the other hand, the effect is a reality in that it gives a
metric for determining the extent to which current technology is altering reality.

Finally, due to the fact that these numbers are from prior years, it is impossible to
generalize about this specific circumstance during the research process. The knowledge
obtained through the internet does not always represent what it wishes to express, and
Vietnam's film industry is still in its infancy. Making the report completely online is
additionally a giant challenge.

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Research Proposal

1. Title:

Computer-Generated Imagery (CGI) The new weapon of Vietnam’s film industry

2. Background:

The research shows Vietnamese Cinema in the Era of Renovated Economy. From
that, I want people understand about Computer-Generated Imagery (CGI), the
application of CGI and VFX in the economic renovation period of Vietnamese

3. Research question:
- What is Computer-Generated Imagery (CGI)?
- How is the application of CGI and VFX in cinema?
- How does CGI affect Vietnamese cinema?
- What is Vietnamese cinema in the Doi Moi period?
- Will cinema and special effects in cinematic develop in Vietnam in the future?
4. Objective:
- Understanding about Computer-Generated Imagery (CGI).
- Understanding about the way Computer-Generated Imagery (CGI) approached
Vietnam’s film industry.
- Comments on Vietnamese Cinema in the Doi Moi period.
5. Scope:

In Vietnam and the timing is about the last 20 years

6. Methodology:
7. Literature review:

Computer-generated imagery (CGI), the term "CGI" is most commonly used to refer
to 3D computer graphics used to create characters, scenes, and special effects in film

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and television. It makes an important contribution to the international film industry in
general and Vietnam in particular

In the local movie market, CGI has been reinvented as something 'fresh.' The purpose
of this research is to show how CGI innovations were utilized in the film industry and
to provide theoretical explanations for the CGI dissemination pattern.

In conclusion, Vietnamese cinema in the era of economic reforms in Vietnam since

1986 to the present time, known as Đổi Mới era. Due to social, economic and political
transformations brought about by Đổi Mới, Vietnamese cinema has become
increasingly preoccupied with economic advances and expressions of individuals
rather than commemoration of past wars. Moral decadence as a result of encroaching
capitalism is also explored in several contemporary films.

8. Timeline:

Dates Tasks

 Read references
September 9 - September 30  Read and record existing literature, identify
relevant primary sources

October 1 - October 10  Find more information about te research

October 11 - October 15  Create a research proposal

October 16 - October 20  Create methodology list

 Find more information about te research

October 21 - October 25
 Create table of contents
 Work on confirmation document and chapter
October 28 - November 3

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 Make analysis draft

Novenber 4 - November 15  Create a cover draft

November 18 - November 24  Create conclusion draft

November 25 - December 1  Make abstract and introduction draft

December 2 - December 8  Finalise chapter structure

December 9 - December 15  Revise and final draft

December 16, 2021  Submit final report

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