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WW1 - War in the Trenches

Write a two paragraph (one-page double spaced, 12" Times New Roman)
"fictional" autobiographical account about one real Canadian forces battle from
WW1 (Ypres, Somme, Vimy, Passchendaele). Use class slides on WW1 Battles
and Trench primary source letters for source material.


1. Write a letter home detailing life in the trenches during WW1(first person)

2. Write from the perspective of a war correspondent, or newspaper article

detailing what it was like in the trenches during WW1 (in first or second
person). Or...

3. Record a radio (audio) report from the trenches. (podcast, mp3, wave file)

Either option must consist of two parts. *Being creative, you should attempt to
weave the two parts together as you would in an authentic letter or news report.

Part 1: Include the name of the battle and when it took place.

Part 2: The second part should be more specific, personal and visceral. Describe
your setting. What do you see, smell, hear? How do you feel? Why? What is going
through your mind?

Criteria Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4

Knowledge and Demonstrates a Demonstrates Demonstrates a Demonstrates a
Understanding limited some considerable thorough
Interpret and understanding understanding understanding understanding
communicate ideas of the elements of the elements of the elements of the elements
and feelings drawn the historical of the historical of the historical of the historical
from primary and details from the details from the details from the details from the
secondary sources research. research. research. research.

Thinking/Inquiry Analyzes and Analyzes and Analyzes and Analyzes and

Writing in role uses primary uses primary uses primary uses primary
-articulating source material source material source material source material
understanding of the with limited with some with with a high
complexity of the effectiveness. effectiveness. considerable degree of
event. effectiveness. effectiveness.

Communication Creates with Creates with Creates with Creates with a

Narrative is limited some considerable high degree of
organized in an effectiveness, a effectiveness, a effectiveness, a effectiveness, a
effective manner, narrative based narrative based narrative based narrative based
written with proper on the themes on the themes on the themes on the themes
spelling, syntax, and and issues and issues and issues and issues
grammar. explored explored explored explored

Application Presents Presents Presents Presents

fictional fictional fictional fictional
Synthesis of primary narrative with narrative with narrative with narrative with
source research and primary source primary source primary source primary source
fiction, presented in material with material with material with material with a
an authentic format. limited some considerable high degree of
effectiveness effectiveness effectiveness effectiveness
and insight. and insight. and insight. and insight.

Knowledge and Understanding

Thinking and Inquiry
Total Mark

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