Soluções - Resistência Dos Materiais - Beer & Johnston - 3a Ed

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; CHAPTER | cosieel Io = ca = i 1 1 esol ae ceeed et coe teal a ace m PROBLEM Lt 1.4. Two solid cylindrical rods AB and BC are welded together at B and loaded as shown. Kaowing that d= 30 mm and d; = 50 mm, find the average normal stress in the mid section of (a) rod AB, (6) rod BC (a) vod AB Force! P+ 60x/0" N_ tension SOLUTION Areal A= Zal = EB (30x10) = 706.36 10% mt * 0x10 Bt etcrios 7 8488010 Pa Gig? 84.9 MPa “a Norma? stress? Opa = (bY tod BC Foree! P = Goxlo* -(z)(iasxio") = -190x/07 N Areas As Ed* = B(sonio*)* = 1.9¢a5x107* m* 5 Norma? stress: Oye = - : ee = = 96.77x10% Pa Gee 7 - 96.8 MPa Tee " TUsoxosy = $07 S*lo mM A, = 22.56 */0* m A, = 22.6 mm ~tt = Goxjo® - (2Xias xi) = = doxlo" N Sec= - 150%10" Pa Arent A= Fai* 2. jf A nds ot WY Ce 190 10° a oa Wee 7 TF Giso *1 0%) 16128 %10° om 40.16 x10 om d,? 4O.2mm fy = te 2 4P Lz) _ oat 4, "TG Tasd ~ ee d= 1.059 in = 17.32 */0° N (6) 6 = 9° (0,450 cos 30°\(20%10") ~ (0.300 cus 80°) Fh = 0 Fan = - 30 10° N Areas (1 densi fondling A= (2,080~ 0.010)(0.012) = 240 10° om (b) compression Az (0,090)(0.01a) = 360 x/o"* m Stresses 17.3ax/0% | ‘ a @ Fs * HoWer 72.2%10 72.2 MPa > > =Z0r10° gs.axio’ = 83.8 MPa ace Béo lo SE eee eee Ez a 18 Each of the fe PROBLEM 18 four vertical links has an 8 x 36- mum uniform rectangular cross section and each ofthe four pins has a 16- mm diameter. Determine the maximum value ofthe average normal stress inthe Links connecting (a) points B an: ims ea Ng ressin the links connecting (a) points B and D, (6) point SOLUTION Use bar ABC aca Free body, RoW EM, 20 — o,010) Fin — (0.025 +0,010 (20x10) = © Fao = 22.510" N Link BD js in tensvon EM,= 0 - (0.040) Fig = (0,045 (20 K/0) = 0 Fog = TIRE IGN Link CB is in Compression Net avea of one Sink Por tension = (0,008)(0.036 - 0,016) = 1COx10 oP, For tuo parable fines Ane? 320 */0° me Tensile stress in fink BD 3 ie @ 607 Fe 2 ZESHOr = lolserio” 4 10L6HPa et 2 Area fon one Pink in compression = (0,008 )(0.036) = 288% 10% m* For tus para Kel Bake A = S76x15~ m* = 3 i Gye = Re = FRESE = aro id® or ~ 2.7 MPa oe fee 1.9 Two horizontal S-kip forces are applied to pin B of the assembly shown, Knowing that a pin of 0.8-in. diameter is used at each connection, determine the ‘maximum valve of the average normal stress (2) in link A, (6) in fink BC PROBLEM 1.9 SOLUTION Use joint B as Tee body 10 Keps Force teiangle Law of Sines Fas Fg lo siniS Sin Sin UH? Fig = 7.3205 ips Fac = 8.9658 kips Link AB is a tension member Minimum seetion at pia Ane = C8 - 0.80.5) = OSin* Gin = (@) Stress in AB Rt ESfO = 4. GH ksi « Link BC is a ‘tompression member cross Sectimal area is Ax (1.8)(0-5) = 0.9 in® (b) Stress in BC Gee = fe 2 B68 2-996 ksi (eel eee a esate femal m a am c PROBLEM 1.10 1.10 The frame shown consists of four wooden members, ABC, DEF, BE. and CF. Knowing that each member has a2> 4-in rectangular cross section and that each pin has a in, diameter, determine the maxiquim value ofthe average normal sress (a) in member BE, (6) in member CF. SOLUTION Add support reactions te figure wh a8 shown. Ty entive Frame as Free body =M = 4O Dy ~ 5+ 30480) = o x Dy= 900 Ab Perea Use member DEF as Free body IF =0 Yr BRy- FDO >) Fes «2 Dy 2 EDs = 120 Jb. Dp D = BM. =o EUS Fee) ~ Goth) D, 20 Fee = - 2250 46. LMeso0 (B04 Fee) - (IS) Dy =O Fut 790 4250 4 Mf A minimue section Stress in compression member BE ies Nai ee Bint @) Gog * Rts -2882 = —28ip, Stress in tension member CF Minimum section area occurs at pin, Ania = (2V40-0.5) = 7.0 in*® Fee om = Se = RE = BS = 1071 psr cutting members BD, BE, and CE Fee DEMg ze 2 Rip - (QMaey= OO Few = 70 Kips . Fa Gig * Wo Hips 80 Kips = A,= te 2 22: 4aqint = See 0 aca eee (cede ome c [eed eee: eal (ee 1.13 A couple M of magnitude 1500 N: mis applied o the crank of an engine For the positon shown, determine (a) the force P required to hold the engine system in equilibrium. (6) the average normal stress inthe connecting rod BC. which has a 450- sm uniform cross section, SOLUTION P Use piston, red, and crank together as free vaciy, heb! H wall reaction H and beaving reactions Ay and Ay. DZM=0 (0.280m)H - 1S00 Nem = © M He 5.3571 x10 N Ay 7 Use piston alone as free ad bodys Note that red is lifts arcetimat bert Kavcell tel die ectiea N of Foret Fac is known. Draw the force triangle ane sodve Pr P eine Fae by Fe/ IP proportions. Fe Gee QD [07+ 60” = 208.81 mn £ = see P= 17 86x10 N 4 @) = 17.38 kN = is = REE Fy = 18.043 now Rod BC is & compression member, THs area is YSOmmé* 450 4/0" me 18.693 x/0% 450 XIO-F os) See = - 414 MPa mt eye = = 41.4 x10% Pa PROBLEM 1.14 1.14 Two hydraulic eylinders are used to contral the postion ofthe robotic arm ABC. Knowing that the control rods attached at 4 and 1) each have a 20-mm diameter and ‘happen to be parallel in the position shown, determine the average normal stress in (a) member AE, (b) member DG. wn SOLUTION Use member ABC _ as Pree body. foo D IMg=0 (0.150) 4 Fhe - (0. 6001800) =O rez xi N nea. oP rod in member AE ig A= Fd*= Flions*) = 31.16 110° mt 7 - Fre. _4xs08 = Shreve in vod AE? Gyg? GEE = sites = 2-73 210° fe foo @ Sag = 12.73 Po = Use con bined members ABC and BED as free body, DIMp= 0 (0. 10X Far) — (0.200)( # Fee) & ~ (1eogo - 0,350)(82) = 9 Fee =~ 1500 N Avex vod DS ce Az Fdt= Flaono*)’ = giqe x10 wm" Stress in rod DG? Gog * fe 2 = 1820. BMG Oe () Gog = - 4.77 MPa = -4.77x10° Pa PROBLEM 1.15 LIS The wooden members 4 and B are tobe joined by plywood spice plates which willbe fully glued on the suriaces in contact. As par ofthe design ofthe joint and knowing thatthe clearance between the ends ofthe members isto be 8 mm, determine the smallest allowable length Lite average shearing stress in the glue isnot to exceed 800 kPa, SOLUTION There are Four separate areas ob glue. Each area must transmit half of the 2¢0N foud. Therefor F= 12 AN = 12% 10°N Shearing stress in que -t ¥ B00 v/0* Pa 3 Let = feng oF qe oven and wx width = lO me = Ol m “3 Ape dwt eae 4 = ie = 180 110%m © 1SOmm Le Be gap = (AXISOV+ B = ZOB mm — 1.16 Determine the diameter ofthe largest circular hole which ean be punched into a sheet of polystyrene 6-mm thick, knowing that the force exerted by the punch is 45, kN and that a 5S-MPa average shearing stress is required to cause the material to fil PROBLEM 1.16 SOLUTION A= dt for cybindeieat Padre gurhacs cheng shes #2 Boe ASE Equsking As adt 2 String Por ded = abe = (Se? 43.4 xj0°'m d= 43.4 mm om c ma feet Do! a PROBLEM 1.17 1.17 Two wooden planks, each "in. thick and 6 in wide, are joined by the glued mortise joint shown. Knowing thatthe joint will fail when the average shearing stcess in the glue ceaches 120 psi, determine the smallest allowable length d ofthe cuts ifthe jin isto withstand an axial load of magnitude P = 1200 Ib. re SOLUTION Seven surfaces cayty the tha? r Joust P= i200 fe. Area A= (YG) d= Bd peso eee te creel fea mm mo 4) 1200 ai 347-6 d= 1.633 in ~ PROBLEM 1.18 1.18. oad Pis applied ta sea rod supported as shown by an ahiminum pate ino ie teen + basa con | fl a For stee? A, = Trdt = To.) oan For afuminum A, = wet = w(1.6)(0.25) = 1.2566 int 42k Lineting valve of P is the smadlervalye + P= i257 Kips GY rises Suletaee tin: do = 1197 in = 1.22 Link AB, of wadth 8 =2 in, and thickness = “4 in is used to suppor the end ofahorizontal beam, Knowing thatthe average normal stress the ink is ~ 20 ksi and thatthe average shearing stess in each of the two pins is 12 ksi, decermine (2) the diameter dof the pins, (6) the average beating stress in the link SOLUTION Rod AB is in compression. A= bt where bz Rin and b= hin P= -GA =-C20X2M#)= 10 kips Pint T= fond Ap= Fo% Af A ER = oe 10 fe . w es He egtieay = 39.8 es =< 1 18 Each ofthe four vertical links has an 8 36+ en uniform rectangular cross PROBLEM 1.25 ‘section and each of the four pins has a 16- mm diameter. 1123 Forth assenbly and loading of Prob 18, ermine) the average shearing ae sata inte pn at () the average tring ses at 8 in ink BD, (c) the average ost beaingstteshat Bin member ABC, krowng that ths member bas a 10 x $0-mm fe fo rectangular eroe ection SOLUTION Use bar ABC as a tree body EM, =O (0.040) Fy, (9. 025+ 0.040)(20 x10) = 0 Feo = 32.5% 10° N | | (@) Shear pin at B t= Fe for double shear Io where Az Bdt= E(ovoieyt = 201.06 «/0"% mt ie t = gis = 80.8 «108 g0.8MPa, = IC (1 Bearing Dink BD A= dt = (0.016)(0.008)= 128 «10% m* nl 6: fe : Losi 32.5410) = 126.9S*10% 127.0 MPa n Kc) Bearing in ABC ot B A= dt = (0.016)(0,010) = 160 */0™° m* | 6, fe : Scale: = 203 «108 203 MPa =e co oa cnet eames tenon ie Ci 4 See i SOLUTION Use bar ABC as a Free body EMgeo -(0.040)Fg - (0,025) 20x/0") = © Fee? - 12.510" (a) Shear in pin at C A=¥d*= F(0.016)"= 201.06 210% wm Double shear Te PEs 125x108 = ahixjo™ RA * TE)(a01.0¢ 10") * 3h1 MPa = (b) Bearing in dink CE at C As dt = (0,016 )(0.008) = 128 10°* m™ > th (0.512. See AR = Os xi0 48.2%)0° 48aMPa — ©) Beawing in ABC at C A= dt = (0,016o.010) = 1é0x10"* mt _ Fe _ gm _ “ = S= 7 = aA = 78 110 78.1 MPa. = c fread ete) za (tees ee PROBLEM 1.28 1.9 Twohhorizotal Skip Forces are applied to pin B ofthe assembly shown. Knowing that pin of 0, diameters used at each connection, determine the maximum value ‘of the average normal scess (a) i link 4, (8) in lnk BC. 1.25 For the assembly and loading of Prob. | 9, determine (a) the average shearing stress inthe pin at 4, (6) the average bearing stress at 4 in member AB. sowvrion Use joint B as Free bealy. 10 hips 5, iy Fac YO Kips Law of Sines Force triangle a - Fe Faq ® 7.8208 kvps (a) Shearing stress in pin ot A ce oa wheve Ags Edt = F (0.8) = 0.5026 in* _ 78205 C= wees) = 7 7.28 ksi (bo) Bearing stress at A in member AB Ay: tds (0.5¥0.8) = 0.4 int 6, = Se. 28S = 18.30 18.30 ksi = Ay 0.4 f u a ci esol eeleeeed Soe coeiee) PROBLEM 1.26 1.9 Two horizontal S-kip forces ae applied to pin B ofthe assembly shown Knowing. that a pin of0.8-n, diameter i used at each connection, determine the maximums value ‘of the average normal stress (a in fink AB, (6) in link BC 1.26 For the assembly and loading of Prob. | 9, determine (a) the average shearing ess inthe pin at C, (6) the average bearing stress at Cin member BC, (c) the average bearing stress at B in member BC. SOLUTION Use joint B as Free body 10 ki . 7 Bee 60" 4g 10 Kips oece triangle haw of Sines ee 5, aa Eee es aie = spo 7 eae Fen = 8.9658 kips (2) Shearing stress in pin at C ut: Fe Ap = Bd* = B(o.8)' = 0.5026 in® Ve 8258 9.92 8.92 ksi « Te. S026) (e) Bearing stress ot Cin member BC o> Ee A= td = (0590.8) = 0.4 in® O= AS688 = 22.4 aR4 ksi we © Bearing stress at B in member BC Se ca Az2td =2(0.5)(0.8) = 0.8 in® 6 = S368 = ita Walks <@ pe Geer Cele Goer ee Co faa ese: 0 (] c 1.27, Knowing that = 40° and P = 9 KN, determine (a) the smallest allowable diameter of the pin at 8 if the average shearing sres inthe pin is not 10 exceed 120 MPa, (b) the corresponding average bearing stress in member AB at B, (c) the PROBLEM 1.27 , corresponding average bearg sires in each of he suppot brackets a SOLUTION Geomehyy: “Triangle ABC is A on isosedes triangle with angles shown here. Law of Sines applied P eo to Force triangle wife Po. Fae Fk ¢ a sin2o° Sin|10°” SinSO® i Force Fi, = PSin tor triangle a@ © sin 20° = Sin WO. 24.73 KN sin 20° (2) Alfowable pin dian eter - Fao , Fa. 2 Fie Seeneanas gece esi Ap aaeh ae eae where Fig = 24.73 2/08 ats BFae - QMAL73xIO8) 2 gig x107% om? Te TT (20 x10* d= 14S x10 8m Wed mn a te) Bearing stress in AB ot A. x Ag tole (0.016 )UL4S to) = 198,26 ¥/0"* mm 2 Fie, 2078 xp0% ‘ - = oy: es RUE IGe > 184-9010 134.9 MPa, (©) Bearing stress in suppoct brackets at B A= td = (0.012 CYS 10%) = 197.4 «10 n™ oe tFis _ (0.5)(24.738 x10") 99,0 xt0% 90.0 MPa, <# A 137.4 1s — = esa eer enol eed: eal oa PROBLEM 128 1.28 Daterine the lngest ond Pich nay be api aA when 9-60 cht thar her ess in te loser pn a Bus oc nce 120 i MPsand that verge bargin member 48 ant rk a B ms cscs 0 MPa SOLUTION Geometry? Triangle ABC is an isosetes triangde with angles shown heve c Use joint A as free 2 . haw of sines applied to Forte twangde ane = Fie - Fac | Fhe Bee aaa = “Sin 120° ~ Sin Bo® a tan in 30° S triangle FD pe Easind. 4 cr73¢ Fi ‘si9 120° Fa smite og TP shearing stress in pin at B is crvticed Ee Ae = Fat = Flooiolt = 7854 «10% m* Fag? 2AT = (aY(78.S4xI0 V(1ZOmJO%) = 18,850 ~ 10" N | TF bearing stress in member AG at bracket at A is ev trend Ag tel = (0,016 (0,010) = 160 *10°% m* Fra = AGG, = (icox10" X40 x108) = 14.40 x1" N IF bearing stress in the bracket af B is criticas Avs 2t4 = ()(0.0.(0.010) = 240%10% m™ Fae = A, 6, = (240¥/0%)(40 «10% = 216xlo* N Mow hte Fig is the smadlest, 2. M4oxK* N Then, trom Statics Pats? (0.57785 104. 40x 10°) = 8.3) 0/0" N 3.3)4N =e Mm. tc ( ao (eee: (ez (ese i eee: (rod a PROBLEM 1.29 1.29 The & KN load P is supported by two wooden members of 75 « 125- mm uniform rectangular cross section which are joined by the simple glued scarf splice shown, Determine the normal and shearing siresses in the glued splice SOLUTION Pr 6x? N © = 90° 70° = 20° Ay = (0.075 )€0.128) = 9.375 7/07 m* & = Feeste = GMs Ae = ses x0! Gs S6S kPa =< Pe e ([6x103) sin 40% 3 te Xe sin 80 © “GO erigsy = 206KI0' = ROGKPA PROBLEM 1,30 1.30 Two wooden members of 75 * 125- mm uniform rectangular cross section are joined by the simple glued scarf spice shown, Knowing thatthe maximum allowable tensile stress i the glued splice is 500 kPa, determine (a) the largest load P which can be safely supported, (5) the corresponding shearing stress in the spice. SOLUTION Ag = (0.075 Colas) = 4.375 x10” we @ = qo®-7o" = 20° © = S0ox10* Pa 6 =fes*e = AS, = (4.375 xJ0"$ S00 IF) _ pe AS. = = 6.3085% 1 ces* 20° od P= 5.31 KN = = Pisin2@ _ (5.3085ut0*) sin HO" 2 ts GR 7 ayaazrerosy > BRAT HO (e) C= 182.0 kPa me co oa feeee ee eacey PROBLEM 1.31 1.31 Two wooden members of3 «6 in. uniform rectangular cross section ae joined bythe simple lued scarf splice shown. Knowing tha the miaxmur allowable shearing, stress inthe glued splices 90 ps, determine (a) the largest load P which can be safely applied, () the corresponding tes stress inte splice SOLUTION @ ~ Fo - 40° = 50° A= G6) = 18 int = @B sg, T= WR sino = ZAZ. - (Cig) (90) _ Pe sa ze = sin ioe * 3270 P= 3290 fb = tee $240 ees" 8° _ 5.5 C2 7S.Sp =t PROBLEM 1,32 BER = sco « PROBLEM 138 1.38 Link ise th ands ade of asl ith 80- Mata sna in tension. What should be its width w ifthe structure shown is being designed 10 ‘support &20-KN Toad P with a factor ofsafery of 3? SOLUTION Use bar ACD os a free body and note that member BC is a two-Foree member. EM so 480 Fac - COOP =O e Foe? $0,P = (20) (20.1109) asmio” N For afactor of salety FS. = 3, the ustimate toad of member BC Fo =(FS.)(Fa) = (3)(a5%10°) = 75x 109 N Bt f= GA Az & 7 ee = 166.67 10S m* 0 6 Foro rectanguine section Aswt or wiQz 1hgpxlo” 0.006 Fee e o Wz 27-BKIO mo 278mm (atten mi oa 1.39 Member 4C, whichis supported by a pin and bracket at Cand a cable BD. was PROBLEM 1.39 designed to support the 4-bip load P as shown Knowing thatthe ultimate load for ‘cable BD is 25 kips, determine the factor of safety with respect 10 cable failure SOLUTION Use member ABC as a 4 Free body and note that member BD is a 4wo- force member md =M_.= 0 P eas 40°) (ZOin) ¥ (P sino? (15 in) = [Fen cos 20" )(IS in) ~(Fep sin BOIUIRIM) = 0 = 32.623 32.6234) _ “ Fan = 22828 p = GLO . 6.8715 hips Rector of safety fr cable 80 FS = fit sons ace 1.40 Knowing thatthe ultimate load for eable BD is 25 kips and that factor of safety (f3.2 with respect to cable failure is required, determine the magnitude ofthe largest force P which can be safely applied as shown to member ABC. PROBLEM 1.40 SOLUTION P Dse member ABC asa Free body ane note that member BD is a two-Foree member. Bo wie] EM.= 0 A CP cos 40")(30 in) +P sin YO" VIS in) - (Fan cos 30°IS in) = (Fay sin 30°)012 in) = 0 pe ES Fen = OnSB2IG Fao APlowable Poad For member BD is Fan = i 7. 7.8125 kips Aowable toad P= (0.582ic (78125) = 45S kips « mo 7 EEEEEEpr ecco Pree reer fires ee oe) eee ed (ezai: PROBLEM Lat LAI Members AB and AC ofthe truss shown consist of bars of square cross section made of the same alloy. Icis known that a 20- min square bar ofthe same alloy was tested to failure and that an ultimate load of 120 kN was recorded. Iftar AB has &(5- osm mmm square eros section, detemine (a) the fActor of say for bat AB, () the Ie dimensions ofthe cross section ofbar AC itis to have the same ator of ay as bar PR 4 odm soLurios Length of member AB na = {0.75% O4* = 0.85 m Use enbire truss as a free body As f Ay DEM.=O LH A, = r2s2ed= 0 A= IS KN SZR=0 Ay-28=0 Ay= 28 KN a Use joist A os Free body Zekw a, [hy *2 Fre SE Re-Ayso ee Fre Fig = GARGS) «7 AW Fre HZFy=0 Ay ~ Fre - 2 Fig = © 7 417) Fez 23-2 = Z0 bn For the test bar A= (0,020)" = Yoox/o™ m* 9, = 120 x10" N For He meteriol Gys Be = Wow? 300x108 Pa Hoo xio* For bar ss.z fe 2 GA. (Beon0t Y(o.01g)° (a) Fov AB Es. Fe co a = 3.97 = = . GA * Fe = = QA. Ga (e) For bar AC ORS = pt = Be ua at = ES) Eu 2 (8.97Gorle") 2 264.7 x10" Ss 300 K/0* Q= 16.27 x/07 om 16.2) mm ae q r eee es a es coed rood (ae i=l oa co (Gee 1.42 Members 4B and AC of the truss shown consist of bars of square cross section made ofthe same alloy. Icis known that a 20-mm-square bar of the same alloy was tested 10 fuilure and that an ultimate load of 120 kN was recorded. Ifa actor of safety ‘of 3.2 isto be achieve for both bars, determine the required dimensions of the cross section of (a) bar AB, (b) bar AC. PROBLEM 1.42 075m bas a SOLUTION ® Length oF member AB ashy Dog 2 POISON? = 085m Y Use entive truss as a Free body " DEM. =O LBA ~(0.95N(28)=0 Aye ISKN +fZFy = 0 Ay ~ 2820 Ay 228 kN : Use joint A as free body mew A, day SER =O BB Fm - Ay =o om Fie Fyn = CAQUD = IT uN Fre HERO Ay Fe-Sitaeo Fre = 28 - LQ4XI2). = 20 kN For the test bar A= (0.020)"= Yoox/o® m* PR, = 20x10" N For the material Gy = & = fens = 300x10% Pa (a) Foc member ABs = GA oy ate Ger fe = ZMU2 418) = 181.83 10% wot @ = 13.47 «10% m 13,47 mn = (i) For menber AC FS, = fe + GA. sb pr = SMe. Gavaord) - 243.43 210° mt ‘> = 14 6lxIo Ss m 4.61 mm et mi 1 om ma eee 1.43 The two wooden members shown, which support a 20-KN load, ae joined by plywood splices filly glued on the surfaces in contact. The ultimate shearing stress in the give is 2 8 MPa and the clearance between the members is 8 mmm. Determine the WN 190mm factor of safety, knowing that the length of each splice is Z = 200 mm. PROBLEM 1.43 SOLUTION There ave 4 separate aveas of ghoe. Each give area must tramsmit 10 KN of shear Doak. a P= loxiotN Length of spfice L= 22+ where P= fength ghee and c= Searance. 2 = 40L-c) = $£(0.200-0.008) = 0.096 m. Aven of glue Az Pw = (0.096)0./20) = 1.52 x10* m* Ustimte oad Py = WA's (2.3108 M152 410" )e 32.256 ¥/0°N Factor safely FS.= Be = 32,886 71 = 3.23 = 1.43 The two wooden members shown, which support a 20-KN load, are joined by plywood splices fully glued on the surfaces in contact. The ultimate shearing stress in the glue is 2.8 MPa and the clearance between the members is § mm. pcan 1.44 For the joint snd loading of Prob. 1.43, determine the required length J ofeach splice if factor of safety of 35 isto be achieved PROBLEM 1.44 SOLUTION Theve ore 4 separate areas of glue. Fach glee area must transmit 10 kN oP shear Doad. P= loxlo® N Required ultimate fod Py ® (FS.)(P) = (a. SMloxlo") = as mio" M Required dength 2 oF each gle area : ee Run Sas sto ee xo Pe tA aw ae = @anotVoue) * 104,17 x10) Length of splice L= 20+e = (2 Mio4.I7x/0")+ 0,008 = Z16.3x1o* m 216 mm 1 Calc 2 esos) ee eed eee seal se cereed eee: eal PROBLEM 1.45 1.48 Three + in.-diameter steel bolts are to be used to attach the steel plate shown, to wooden beam, Knowing that the plate will support a 24-kip load and that the tltimate shearing stress forthe ste! used is 52 ks, determine the factor of safety for this design. SOLUTION For each bolt AsHdt= E(2) = o.s4is in* Pu = At = (0.4418)(S2) = 22.97 Wes Per bo/t P= B = 8 kips 28g rs. = Bes 292 2 287 =< PROBLEM Ls As Tee els ete ache ts pat shots ode ‘Knowing tha the plate wil support a 24-kp load, thatthe ullimate shearing sress for the steel used is $2 ksi, and that a factor of safety of 3.37 is desired, determine the equited diameter of the bolts soLuTION Fer each boft P= 4t = 8 kips Require P, =(RS.)P = (3.87M8)> 26.96 Kips Y= & a Ae Be AE FE = 0.518% im® A= Hats d=f4k + [Megaw = 0.8125 in, = 1 c ca seal ee eeeee) 7 1LA7 A load P is supported as show bya steel pin which has been inserted ina short wooden member hanging from the ceiling The ultimate strength ofthe wood used is {60 MP in tension and 7'§ MPa in shear, while the ulimate stvength of the ste! is 150, MPa in shear. Knowing that the diameter of the pin is d = 16 mm and that the magnitude oftheloadis P= —20KN, determine (a) the factor of safety for the pin, (6) the required values of b and ifthe factor of safety forthe wooden member isto be the same as that found in part a for the pin PROBLEM 1.47 SOLUTION P= 20kKN = Zo¥l0>N | “ed @) Pt Azdt= F (0.016) = 201.06 10m Double shear %2 ee Py = RAT = QV RONbxIs* MISO xI08) = 60.319*10° N = Po. 60.819xlo* _ FS. B= [oyi08 = 3.02 = (e) Tension in wood = Py = 60.319 W/O" N for same FS. ig e eaee Oo = KR = Wlbrd) : Py 0.319mJO* sy 2 be d + bes 0.016 + 5 Oy 411 Jo m be Wb mm =< where We 4Omm = 0.040m Shear in wood Py = 60,319 #105 N for same FS. Double shear; each area is A= we Py be = OR awe 3 Pe - 60.ano* ___ C* Tw * @Xoovey2s%0%) ~ C= 100.5 mm = 100.5 x10° m ao ooo, ey 1.47 Aout Ps sported shown by ste pin hich hasbeen seed ina sbor PROBLEM Las wooden menor argng fom the cl The ute engl he mood ed Ovi nsensonsne 3 Masher wile heute seh ofa see Se Means 148 Fore sippon of Prob 17, knowing hat b= 40 me= 5 me and d= 12 rm deters taba nd Pitan volar of ay of) Pde SOLUTION Based on clouble sheav in pin Py = 2AM = 2¥d*z, = F@)(o.01}(isox10*) = 33.93 «108 N Based on tension in wood Pz AS = wlb-d)e, = (0,040)(0, 040 - 0.012)(60x Io*) = 67.2 xlo°N Based on double shear in the wood Pur 2AM, = Awe, = (2 0.040)(0.058)(7.5x108) = 33.0 «10° N Use smallest Py = 33.0x107 N Abowahte Pe a = Shen! F 10.3)d0" N 10.3) kN « mo eset ree Cored a bro feseee te recede ood eee eee a: n LU ea eee) fee eee] eae) PROBLEM 1.49 1.49 In the structure shown, an 8- mm- diameter pin is used at 4, and 12- mm- diameter pn are ved at Band. Keowig ta he ate shearing tes 10 ‘mal conerdonssod ta he tint nctmal sess 30 MPuinatch ofthe tac jing tnd D, determine te alow load if novel flr of eyo ae is dened jpn mm 0 SOLUTION L ay sence 7 a Statics : Use ABC os Free body. 7 ¢ e omm de ZMe=0 0.20 Fy- 0.18 P=0 per ae A ‘sew ZMag= 0 0.20 Fp ~0.38P = O I Based on double shear in pin A Pe ig Feo Az Fa? = F(0.008)* = 50.266 «10% m* F, = SBA, Wl 90 «108 80.266 1108") = 3.851 410% N Ps BR = 3.72 «108 N Based on double shean in pins af B and D oot A= Hd* = F(o.oay = 118.10 x0" Feo = aA = Algo x1 )(NZ.10x10") = a 54 yigt N 3-0 P= fF = 3.97 x09 N Based on compression in Jinks BD For one Rink A= (0.020 (0,008) = 160 /07* m* Fap = SA - (aNlaso xiot icons) © 26.7 mj0* w FS. 3.0 P= Rep = 1.04108 N ADowable value of Pis smadlest + Pr 3.72x10°N 3.72 KN = a (ee aaa PROBLEM 1.50 1.49 In the structure shown, an 8+ mm- diameter pin is used at 4, and 12- mm- diameter pins are used at B and D. Knowing that the ultimate shearing stress is 100 ‘MPa tall connections and that theultimate normal tress is 250 MPa in each ofthe two links joining B and D, determine the allowable load P if an overall factor of safety of 3.0 desired 1.80 In an altemative design forthe structure of Prob 1.49, apin of 10-mm-diameter istobeused at A. Assuming that all other specifications remain uncharged, determine Tepvow the allowable load Pian overall foro safety of 0s dss ie ecient SOLUTION oS 7 aa Statics? Use ABC as Free body A & A 2 c £ Pilecsesteqeenarcap 2 18 ono —E-oi6 = tron te eer Feo pie} : ZMe=O 0.20 Fy - 0.18 P= 0 { le Sent seem E Pah ZMaz 0 0.20 Fep-0.88P ZO nels Based on double shear in pin A Pe ig Feo A=¥d* = F(o.010)* = Ws4 210 mm = EBA, (L100 w1o°\ 18654 IO) 2 5,236 xJ02 N P= BAR = 5.82 x10" N Based on double shear in pins ad B and D A= Edt = Foo} = 113.10 so" * m* Feo = AGA = (RYO X108 3.10910") = a ca wig? i 3.90 P= dF = 3.97 x09 N Based on compression in tinks BD For one Pink A= (0.020 (0,008) = 160x/0™ m* Fay = 282A _ (2(aso not Kigonis’) - 26.7 x08 W Fs. 3.0 Pe Fe = M.o4 loo N MPowable value of P is smaflest Pr 3.97xi0°N 3.97 KN = PROBLEM 151 1.51 Each ofthe ste inks AB and CDs connected toa support and to member BCE by $n diameter tapas cing ising shear. Knowing tha theultimate beating stress is24 kl othe steal used the pis end ths the line normal Suess 6 si forthe steel used inthe links, detersine the allowable load P ian oveal factor of safe of32in dated. (Note tha the ink re not renorced aroun tepals) SOLUTION Use BCE as Fwe body a eo IMg=0 GR,-2P 20 zt ps SF a ZMe=O BF ag - RP ZO P= SFe Both Pinks have the same area and same pin diameter 5 hence, being A the same material, they wit have the same ultimate load. Based on pin in single shear Az Fats Ed) = 0.19635 in® Fo = ToA = (24)(0.19635) = 47124 kips Based on tension in Fink A= (b-d)t = (1-8) 4H) = 0.125 int Fo = SA = (60)(0.125) = 7.50 Kips UPtimate foad for Sink is smabfest: = ALTIRY ips. Alowhle toad far Dink Fs Bt x BIR 2 1u726 hips Alouette Load for structwe P= .@F = 0.587 Kips F = 527 dh -_ PROBLEM 1.82 1.51 Bach of the ste! links AB and CD is connected toa support and to member BCE co by J =n ameter sel pins acting single ser Knowing that he utimateserng i tn sexs is 24s forth stetused inthe insand thatthe linate noma stress 0k cl fp fori tel used inthe inks, dnterive the lovable ood Pifan overall for of safety of 32s desired. (Note hat he inks ae not reinforced around the pin hoes 1.52 Analtematve desig being considered to suppor member BCE of Prob, 1 inch ik CD willbe eplaced by two links, each of $i, cross section, causing gi F) the pins at Cand D to beindouble shear. Assuming that al other specifications remain unchanged, determine the allowable load if an overall factor of safety of 3.2 is desired 8a. 1240, SOLUTION A \ py] Use member BCE as free body fe + 3 ZM,20 Bhy-20P 20 Ps SFie Fa ZMe=O BF 1QP=0 Ps GF {] Based on pin A in single shear A = Ed* © Fk 0.19685 in® Fo = WA © (24)(0.19635) = 4.7124 Kips Based on tension in Sink AB A= (b-d)t = G8) = 0.188 in® Fo= GA = Govo.ias) = 7.S50kips {] Ultimete Road For Pink, AB iis, smallest, ie, I =47124 kips | Corvesponcting uPtimate toad for stroche: Be FA = 3.1416 Kips [] | Based on pins at Cand D in double shear A= Fd™ = Elk) = 0.19635 in* Foz 20A = (@Xa¥\(0.19685) = 7.4248 Kips Based on tension in Jinks BC A= (b-a)E = U-E)4) = 0.0625 n* Cone fink) Fo = 260A = (2X(60) (0.0625) = 7.50 kips Cots, both Jinks ) Ultimate Poa for Sinks BC is smablest, ie. Fy = 7.50 Kips Corresponding vitimate toad Br structure Pye #R= 3,00 Kips, Actuad odimete Hoar is smatfest, ue. P, = 3.00 kips Allowable toad for strocture P»&t = B22. o.nge rip P= 938 Db. ~ PROBLEM 153 1.53_Eachofthe wo veri inks CF comsecig the two hoiontal menbers AD and EC has 10> 40. m unormrectanglar eos section and ismade oa ste vith Ss tn late engi in esion of 400 MPs while each of te pins at Cand Fas 2 20- oe mm diameter and is made of a steel with an ultimate strength in shear of 150 MPa. pou Determine te over for of ane fo telinks CF and is conecting temo the honzontl meres. SOLUTION Use member EFG as free body, Fee LK 0.40 —e—0.25- DIM, 20 0.40 Fip ~(0.65)(a4v10*) = © Fy = 39x10" N 24k Based on tension in Pinks CF A= (b-d)t = (0,040 - 0.02)(0.010) = 200 10° m* (one fink) Fy =26, A= (2(H00x10°)(200 x10") = 160.0 xJo8 N Based on dovleJe shear in pins A = Fd* = 2,020) = 314.16 «10S m* Fo = 27 A = QV 150 x/0*\(314.16 10) = 74.248 %)0° N Acton) Fy is smabler value, ie Fy = 94.248 Kio" N . Factor oP sadely ES, = gE = Tead sso" = 2.42 as cr ™ oo fe a) speed eee eC) fe Meee) (ee) eevee fee fe) eee ome 19a of te wove tts comeing 0 tose arr AD Sieoe teen toc con emecancn enact aoe set edwin inne meegh's tear of 0 ve No Be i ty a CF ud ps oeting on bes, ‘the horizontal members. 184 Solve Prob. 1.53, assuming that the pins at C and F have been replaced by pins “00 am, with a 30- mm diameter SOLUTION Use member EFG as free body. For Fee ka. 0 —L-o.25- DIM, =0 24 kW O40 Fer ~ (0.6524 xIG ) = 6 Fep = 3710" N sak Based on tension in Jinks CF A= b-d)t = (0,040 0,080)(0,010) = 100 #1 m" (one Link) Fut 26,A = (2)(doowlo®)(100 *10"*) = 80,0%10° N Based on dovbfe shear in pins Az Eat = E(o,080)* = 706.86 x10° m* F = 2A = @isomiot (706.86 ¥lo) = 212.06« 10" N Actual Fy is smaller vadve, ic. Fy = 80.0107 N Fastor of safety FS.2 EL = £20410 - 205 = a oo) faa (ere eee gee ree ge Gore eee eae PROBLEM 1.55 185 A.’ lee {in thick is embedded in horizontal enerete sab and is ued toanchorahigh-sttenat vertical cable as shown The diameter ofthe hole inthe pate e is} in, the ukimate strength of the ste sed i 36 ks, and the ultimate bonding suessberween plat and concrete is 300 psi. Knowing that a factor of safety of 3.60 is desied when P= 25 kip, detemine (a) the required witha ofthe plate, (8) the ricimum depth bto wich a plate of that width should be embedded inthe concrete Sib. (Neglet the normal sieses between the concrete and the lower end ofthe pit) SOLUTION 2.5 Kips Based on tension in plate A =(a-d)t Po = GA rs.7 Be. Gade Solving for b _ (Bs) P_ 3, Geodl2-5) an ds eet F* Gerd) a= 1.550 in -_ Basedon shear between plate and concrete sfah A= penmeteny depth = 2(a+t)b oases R= TA = 2% lart)b rs.s & in =4RS)P_ _ _G.6)(2.5) ei ? 2lattV% ~ (2K 1.550+E)O. 300) b= 8.05 in —< (Bee esa ceo eon eed ee 1.85 sol plate 2 in. thick is embedded ina horizontal conrete slab and is sed to anchor high-strength vercal abla shown. The diameter of the bole the plate in} in, the ultimate strength ofthe sel used is 36 Ks andthe ultimate bonding stress between late and conerete is 300 pi 1.36, Detrmane the fcr of salty forthe cable anchor of Pro, 1.55 when P=3 kip, knowing that a= in and B= 7.5, PROBLEM 1.56 SOLUTION 3 kips Bosed on tension in plate A=la-d)t = (2-4)(E) = 0.8906 in’ PGA = (36 (0.3906) = \4.06 ips RSs Bes lies = neg Based on shear between plate and concrete slab A= perimeter » depth = 2(aré)b = 2(a+)(75) A= 34.69 in® TW = 0.300 ksi Poe TA = (0,800)(34.67) = 10.41 kips rs. 7 Bee tls 3.47 Actual Pactor of satety is the smaller value RS.= 3.47 = PROBLEM 1.57 "1.57 A.40-kg platform is attached to the end B of a $0-kg wooden beam AB, which is supported as shown by apinat A and by a slender ste! rod BC witha 12-KN ultimate load, (a) Using the Load and Resistance Factor Design method witha resistance factor c ‘0,90 and load factors yp" 1.25 and 7; 1.6, determine the largest load which ean be safely placed on the platform. (8) What isthe corresponding conventional factor of | safety for rod BC? SOLUTION : 4 & Dm DEM, = 0 (24)8P — 24 WwW -12W, = Pr EW + EU, For dead Joading W,= (HO)(9.81) = 392.4 N Wr: ON98I) = 490.5 N Pe = (EX 392.4) +E )490.5) © 1.0628 * los N For Pive Joading Woemg Wet 0 Pos Smg From which om -28 Design eritenion YR + hh = OP p= 2 -%R . (0.90)(iawiot) = (1.25°)(/, 0628 x10) YL 1G = 5.720«10* N Allowable Joud = me $ Stu = B62 ky «< Conventionad factor satety Pe Ra Ps 1.0628 "0° + 5.920x10° = 6.483 x/0* N 2 BH , _aviot oe oe Zaagnos = 8 a eee fees ese cme Jag es Yaz ae Cc (ese eee eel oO 41,58 The Load and Resistance Factor Design method isto be used to select the two cables whieh will reise and lower a platform supporting 1wo window washers. The platform weighs 160 1b and each ofthe window washers is assumed to weigh 195 ‘ith his equipment, Since these workers ae fee to move onthe platform, 75% of heir total weight and ofthe weight oftheir equipment willbe used as the design live load of tach eable.. (@) Assuming a resistance factor = 0.85 and load factors Yo ~ 1.2 and 7.715, determine the required minimum ultimste load of one cable. (8) What isthe conventional factor of safety for the selected cables? PROBLEM 1.58 SOLUTION P+ UR = PP p = eh+Kh ? 0.85 629 fb. - 4 Conventional facto of safety P= Re P= dx80+ OW xAxtas = 372.5 th > Be. Ge RS. > 2 = SH = 689 = 189 For the truss and loading PROBLEM 1.99 mere DF knowing that theca sean were ta ee ose Z J SOLUTION: ion BT" Using method f joints 4o find member forces > 1S0kN s Joint Bt AB and BD ave zero force members, Joint A+ My = {B2IS® = 3.15 m | le 180 [ese eee aaapan 130 kn By similar triangles 7 Fo Fae Joint D foe = 135 BN (comp) ae Fe By similar triangdes << Rg Fog 28° Ee 228 ~ 3,75 For = 135*10° N Areat Ay = 2500 mm™ = 2500%105 m* : 135 <1" 2 eeeecee Stress? Opp = “Zs0owroe 7 7 S#¥IOW Pa = S40 MPa met

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